Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1975, p. 18

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Free Press Wed July Environmental Brooks said people at the Ministry of Natural Resources had told him thai the material Hydro was just a conglomeration of junk He said he had done a study of his own only two and Much of the meetings also taken up with compensation for farmers and other property owners whose land would be lraersed by hydro lines Hydro pointed out there of half weeks ago and been com cither rprlscd at the faults found in Hydros reference maps He said they omitted streams where there were trout and described one area he was acquainted with as riRhl sale of the corridor them when off and chad w April spring wet his feet township Brooks noted contained the headwaters of the ramosa Credit and Speed Rivers a vast number of underlying springs which should be the last place to tike a power line through A noted authority at University of iterloo safrl the township the cold water stream in Southern easement The first attempt to raise the issue brought a large cry from Catharine of who laid it was crude and ill concerned to talk it price when they should be liking about homes livelihood and environment 1 on I applause greeted her Another resident who stepped to the microphone id the real problem in compensation wis for those who did not get hydro towers on their property and still must look at them without any impcnsalion replied wild he the point raised was the the not Identify the Association and Ihev had decided against it Schneider says Northern route save millions headwaters of the ramos River in a recent session utilizing the maps they had for mole rial Brooks said Hydro planned to take A and routes through white and ted pine growth some of the fastest rowing trees in the area and he could not believe they could keep them trim medaslhey claimed so as not to Interfere with power or ecology of the area Brooks said because of practical problems of who should be compensated and who should not admitted the lines intrusion but hi claimed People do get si they stop looking at A voice from the audience asked yourself 5 Commission favois Limehouse crossing John Schneider of Acton told the Environ men tat Hearing Board that exist ing hydro corridors running almost empty could easily supply all the capacity Hydro would produce at the new Bruce power station without providing a new corridor from Bradley Junction to Georgetown Mr Schneider said the pre sent to corn dor is only operating at about 10t percent capacity and would be Ideal for transport ing power norlh rather than bringing it from the east west to Pickering grid which would be supplied by a Bruce to imehouse corridor It would be less expensive 1 brine power to from Bruce he suggested and it would save 100 miles of trans mission line to boot His statements were made In during two weeks of meetings to assess the im corridor J said the way suggested by Mr Schneider was beyond the terms of reference for the board which he said was re stricted to about miles of proposed corridor between points and 33 slightly north of to another point west of Shelburne What the reason it is not feasible asked Board chairman I Mr Souehey said It wastin intricate question of systems planning which he did not think should be introduced at a meeting which had restrict ed guidelines Besides he said the suggestion had al ready been considered and rejected by Hydro the Cabinet and Solon in his oft quoted report if the Commission said It would mean calling in Hydro terns planners ana enlarge the scope of the hearing I m he said we et into it or we don t said he had no authority to enlarge the scope of the but reminded he had not restricted discussion In keep ing with his Initial statement June Hut the Hydro law yer slid had reidy sufficient sons fir rejecting the Sehnei dor suggestion a statement challenged by the lawyer fr the Interested Lilians It Smith Schne test fled that ground rules have since was gave his report He reminded room for another line In the has corridor but said Hydro requested Hydro to start wants to key up for Ing money and asked what of power from more better way to do then northern p of Northern eliminating almost 100 miles Ontario to Toronto of new corridor As a But Mr Schneider pooh I question soli poohed allegations agreed with Solandt Mr was operating under a misunderstanding stated Interested Citizens lawyer Smith was miles longer would entail greater cost We re suggesting a shorter route Mr Timbrell does not understand the situation presented a wril ten report from the Niagara Escarpment Commission in dicating the commission the favored the of the over any other alternatives existed that electro- by Ontario Hydro But magnetic fields from high she also told the Environ voltage lints can produce menial Hearing Board last serious behavioral changes Tuesday the only other alter in animals including donnge native was one line running to perception cortex along the top of the escarp- memory learning sleep ment The board Is holdinc He said animals wtrks by an electro chemical process and prolonged periods of ex may nave some effect on them He claimed studies should lie done otherwise there could be serious con sequent area Dr Brooks also said never investigated of infra red available from the Air I ibrnrv The speaker also said a with Ontario Ilvdro salt there s no i whether the crew would do what he isked hem Walker of Hydro said the reason whv of Hydro maps did the proper Inform it ion was because it had been trans fern d from tht I source material to the maps and eross hitched but had still Identified and used as if the studv He nisi claimed tin are within w uldni affected I improper in formitiaii In that event said van of the SOU ember r 1 a itiin if Ontario thit did nit exclude mistakes other anas of the study He also noted dro had used in dependent studies of area and rated them this required values which he and his e could floret with because It did not take iericulture into sufficient account Mr van slid the choice of priorities lias an effect em where Hydro said the line should In Ins opinion the priorities were not acceptable to the agricultural because it w is low Walker there was a w ith priorities but said it to ike a decision Bui Mr van said lakinc six maps on difft rent sc lies throwing them in one pot it impossible to achieve the proper talanci of values can mix the make them acceptable he said of meetings at to study the Bradley Georgetown hydro and its alternatives Asked if the commission would consider an alternative route if it was found lo be bet ils of he icr than the existing route Ms said she was in no position at this time and the commission would have to study the proposal She said they would like to be consulted on further National ves The best route would have as little impact as pos on the escarpment John Schneider of the Inter Citizens Group said part of the problem in finding a better route was the re stricted study area He re peated the theme of the ICG that there would be less en impact if the corridor followed existing corridors already owned by Ontario Hydro Schneider said it was the consensus of opinion among ha group comprised of to people most of them in and South Welling ton that existing corridors were the answer but at meet injs attended by in excess of TO people they were con the incomplete study Hydro has done That view cut no ice with Michael of Hydro s right or way plan department He admit ted to the board that Hydro would have put the three pro posed lines in three different rights of way if we could get away with it Asked if Hydro had not con side red other areas because Systems Planning had ready dreaded to go else where said this was correct He also said using was i and during the study at Mr Schneiders request but it was unfavorable because the line was not secure He ad milled Systems Planning of Hydro made the decision Is it more desirable to put lines through areas of least population 1 don agree said Kenncy He said he ne ver heard of a rase where animals or people were killed because of standing under lines However he said the proposed Bradley to corridor would be the first of its kind In Ontario YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SOLID STATE FIRST LINE TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Mill St Acton 107 Aggregates lost if corridor and no studies have been done on effects to animals or people Kenncy view was disput the Grey County Hydro corridor Com mittee who said this cattle would not cross under lines to get to pasture on days of high corona foggy days According to a book Power Over People from Oxford University Press written by Physicist I Young the discharge of high voltages into the air can produce ozone a form of gen with three rather than two atoms in its molecular makeup and oxides of nitro gen Ozone can oxidize or burn healthy tissue and nitrogen oxides form nitrous acids and one of the major components of smog All of thcscmighlwellaffeclpeople t n raiiu and plants that live high gravel out of the operation voltage lines the author Duff said the aggregates states eould bo permanently last nt the meetings People who live near such lines In Ihe say that high voltage allernadng current J Duff who operates a gravel pit appearetl before Ihe En Board Wednesday evening to ask If there wis possibility he could gel all the sand and of tbc pits before the hydro corridor goes through He told the board it wis a well known fact is short of sand gravel and the I crossing of the I which Hydro recommend goes through his opera ion The operation is tied number one in a study in mineral resource of Hill Duff also admitted he mile picked for the corridor the best in the area not then no many other things But he said It plays hell with our future He said between the Niagnri Commission and magnetic field that voltages and currents In any electrical conductor gen ally metilhc objects within about feet of the lines In a recent survey 18 lies living near the Ohio Power Co line re- ported being shocked by touching farm machinery wasn the only wire fences or even dimp operator to complain about clotheslines Two women plans opus complained of shocks a corridor while on the toilet Others the centre of Hilton Hills complained of bad TV recep- David of I Con Lion and the sizzling sounds of Hilton raises mixed the electrical discharge vegetables on his acre Hydro however admitting firm with the use of an mild shocks can occur insists yition system He told the scientific studies show lines board he was concerned with do not produce ozone or any the lack of precise harmful effects Grounding lion regarding the effect the buildings and fences near the hydro lines would hive on line can solve most of the system other problems the utility in ings of the However those who attend Hearing Board were con last week four day meet Missed Your Free Press Please Let Us Know Our carriers do their best to give fast courteous service but mistakes do happen so if you do not receive your paper or have any complaints regarding delivery please call our office 8532010 LOOK NO FURTHER We can of your ALL requirements CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING POOL HEATERS FURNACEmSTALLATONS HUMIDIFIERS J Call us today MOWBRAY LTD 8782381 Main St MILTON Moffat noted pipes used lo water were aha ex for conducting and he was not satisfied explanations so far from Hydro about my dangers in his system chairman advised Mr to put his head together with Art of Ontario hydro and try to work out solution and then tome back to the board f he was not satisfied said his land was loc it die junction if Bruce hues and it would produce i torn dor 1 mm fed wide dity of building win house when one is imply Schneider said said tint the proposaLs had been turned down in general lenns in Ihe Hep irt and In a letter from Minster bam inn Hit Citizens He Hydro had lo the of i transmission lint if a fault occurs some where else the system to emergen lie jointed Sol an It bad sdd the corridor might hive traverse some if the most retrei lion land in Southern If Mr Schneiders ide is were Ihe chairman rail thai Mr Suilhcy arguments were out of date tint Or Sol indl rtferr to in Schneider ipos il lie new est one id solved over Mr was t cm vlnccd Ik sail the Schneider pi in had bet put on many occasions and Mia he is it going ex kind the of reference that field of If I open up have 1 1 hear the full const he and I prefer leave It Ihe Mr Southey forget aboul sys tern planners and asked if Mr Schni s figures on which his case was were cor reti Soul lit y reluctantly agreed tile funics were correct temporarily but real need for Hit I ssa to Klein burg corridor was for mission of powur f a more important stain n bid iintn He 1 It mile pilts for ipatity f com Solandt hid viewed Hit situation on a long plan which wis not proved It is important he said that Hydro bring i long term plan how they were going to use the ihty I ecu ordered to cut back He said all long plans of Hydro were subject to the approval of the appointed I or mmission Sclinefdcr said he had been Hided In 1 find a socially aeccpUihle as an alternative to recti to Hi mile v r lor corridors and with Ihe unveiling of fu lure Hydro expansion plans had been able to do so by just connecting I lesherlon to which was more had less people It would sive firmlind and not through the popu scenic are is reft rred in his reuuest Mr said this may all be true when I Family Cleaners HOLIDAY HOURS August to August 16 inclusive Monday Thursthy noon i to m i to 12 noon to m to 12 noon THERE WILL BE ML TRUCK PICK UP and DELIVERY DURING THIS TIME PERIOD Storp open oil for Cash and Cirry REGULAR PICKUP AND DELIVERY AND STORE HOURS BEGIN MONDAY AUGUST FAMILY CLEANERS DOWNTOWN ACTON HOMESTEAD FURNITURE GEORGETOWN CENTRE The Largest Selection of QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS in IMMEDIATE SHOPPING AREA TRUE VALUE SAVINGS V w SPW Fresh Grade A to Lb CHICKENS MILK EVAPORATED CHICKEN LEGS CHICKEN BREASTS SOFT DRINK CHUCK STEAK CROSS RIB ROAST GROUND CHUCK SHORT RIB ROAST I I f ill W r WIENERS POLISH COIL t t WNDII 98 I POTATOES CORN FLAKES 389 POWDER 79c DETERGENT 159 BOLOGNA LIQUID DETERGENT 79 FREEZER ORDERS FRONT FRUIT COCKTAIL LIGHTER FLUID 89 RICE KRISPIES POTATOES SARAN WRAP 14 ORANGE CRYSTALS FANCY PEAS CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 59 109 ORANGE JUICE ONTARIO

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