July Bei On the Beach On 1 the beach presenting a night Constable he detachment of the will be showing film on various aspects of Members of he Ambulance will i ivptt Atttm Ihe lMk Mutt will prtHi li iNUHpMr IV Wv wit will viewers through life I tin evening of ftm ami alum Blocked roadway must be cleared Trustee warnings to a Ml resident hive met with resistance and a deei was reached the board their meeting to send a register ed letter to Lou llittsoll St road allowance must be a deadline dote of Jul Earlier complaints from residents said that can were obstructing the rosdwav and in ease of emergencies vehicles would never be able to get through The trustees Mr Hilts in letter thil cars should be moved he meeting four re still nit the road as well as a pile of gravel ami other debris trustees reviewed tin matter sometime this week road superintendent will be straighten Ing and grading the Bridge rondwav The trustees said Mr Hills had vlolnt their earlier request ami had Rom two days past the original date specified for road clearance In the letter Mr Hilts has been told to remove the piles if roofing shingles and fill plus all vehicles on the If the request is not adhered to legal action will be No Rockwood tennis expected this year A proposal to build court on Hit grounds of Hot k wood wan sane tinned at a remit inn inn of the Hoard Mutation lit eordingloSnnd who inlliilcd tin flu possibility till in lug built Is- not anyway still a Ion It off Hudson liniaehiil Ufa inurl fmllily it it sprint nutting of lln I inn I tint Itii a at tin Mild hi for lilt IlithU anil lion fur well on unit Mi luring Mr inn din rim InliM I In IIh for anil younger Hum dim Mr Hudson ali III mini link would Hint I hi Ihm will by fur wirts iini lor ire Ik Ml Hudson re enlisting any of InK lor rmiitNlini lo hi i our mi hi prune fly I It f- it motion tin Ir meeting iimiroval lb inurl for 111 Kihool 1xatlon It was fundlii for lb Im lh ol Hi I run In in jilt mi net Hub lyn hum ration be IihiiI aiitfinrlllM and flu 111 If iwiird also riiiientrd Midi linV bnik din log for Hip otirl and one ill im as to iv i linkagi Hi linn vim lontini about limbing Hie If llnkB big for Aiilbirfiurnl wan ml movable rd 1 1 NO lit tin SALE ore the creations of three tive madepurchases from Mary Ellen Johnston girls who held a sidewalk sale on 13 Shawn and Rem Sue Smith six He Seven last Wednesday afternoon just was most impressed with their and outside the home of Pot and Smith Matt took a pot holder to his wife Hodge of London district post office represents ill Im lor Members set for new committee and I b Lorraine Root ihewalrus and Eden Mills said lo talk of many things to well above the hamlet of The time has come for this Parts of writer lo put aside her trusty near Guelph have also pro- little tvpmg machine and vided fnendlv stomping he- for other Ihings As of grounds for me as well as this week new reporters areas around and about writings will till these Hock Acton wood pages with their inter Press and accounts of provided a very worthwhile village and township news service to our community I I would be amiss not to take happ township resl a quick look at what the last fi responded well to few years have meant to me much needed facility In 1 met marvellous people to j sales work with rubbed shoulders quadrupled during the with members of a is my and District Duties of new foreman outlined Itockwood trustees TheUirk was instructed lo months was also mil welcomed a member to in vile township road super duty discussed iniinit ituni he vilhge staff at their Hob to a trustees told Mr Thursday Julv meeling at special on August they will talk thetownhall when will discuss with tendering and what t6 look for Ihc board wen present in him mailers regarding vil special inciting with eluding chinman Allan roads Road neon road supirintendcnt A borne trustees Pat Smith on Jackson St was resolution wis passed Bert Smith village clerk and one of the items concerning tending Mr s of the board The trustees felt working on village roadways Also present was the newly the roadway had been Augusl until hired village foreman Wayne widened and the of lenders hive who took up duties a who will paj was part of the and decisions readied is to week ago The trustees give concern The trustees in who will have tin for him a rundown of they were not happy the next term official jobs he will be res with heir lock of control on The Old Quarry ltd landfill village streets and felt the site was a mailer for matter should be talked over Trustee pat Smith wilh Mr Hamilton said the seemed to Ik street improvement through one introduced rtgul irly out village will also be no decisions hid ever been considered made as to what do Bill was present at whether it should be closed I of Ik impost All on in if Hi it Ml running inrilhl lib I and In- to tin ruidiiy Hie unlit ipit hit if the with Ik unit It will out in wild print ipil rani no will not with tin si program Mr says mm slop I or I run idon lei in decision 1 lb will in tin It mil mslilla lion W Idmis nil mdwinthts mstdllation of hm1s Juki SI lot of Mi ft by V The will ispbnlt hud on tin I rounds Mr npointfdoulthil is to get irli on tin tour for some jik lb Hi it once it is built i club will be formed which promote gum for resl dints Mi stesthi is b for next summer news staff learned great deal about writing and above all had the wonderful opportunity of sharing relationships and learning how to convey altitudes and concerns of others fairly and squarely through the media of the newspaper It would be Impossible to thank individually the great hope they will continue to Closing briefly would like to reiterate my sincere thanks to those who supplied cooperotionnndsupport Ills through the constant visiting with people making new friends and sharing small parts of their lives that people for in pas it on Several matters were discussed as well as A board had been idled off the seat of the at the Cenotaph foreman was requested make necessary repairs the The Bill was present at whether it should be closed in was sted hc According lo the trustees changes if any would be residents in the vicimly of the made on polices dealing with site hive complained tint and grading other thin brush wus reef now a nSw by man has been hired He is residents Thills In told by chairman Osborne with a village reauln that Mr would be lion thai only biodegradable supervisor of all such jobs in materials may lie dumped the village Mr Osborne said the boird propose Im velt sit on x to run Iljuiiit Seven lo uelph Mi ml he w is il Iv write It tie In the met III it i sludv 1 ii Nit be tiki of he ol the 1 iiipioiehdliouiiLil lelmg fi urn lh ilut ing tin ii Mi ml i In llu mi limit letter from idv who 11J 1111 tin two plots in the e nun ill tie in inni 1 is is id s ml hush mil id In w is inn iiuritd in molliei llll lit llll rv and ishe d nil Mi llonni i I sell her two plots ick lo Hit viIIim It was elte idid ll iiiulir Hi first j ml of he two plots Till is until the ir meeliiit Hut first grt rings who is hall id tries 1 new TODDLERS to TEEMS seasonal Jobs which fall rcgu certain limes of the year They referred to problems of dust on roadways and suggested that a sweeper be procured from county number of people have come me can look around and to know who have fed me with say This is really a great exciting and provocative world live in and thank news Items They stretch in goodness I m here to enjoy great numbers from he tip of il Village support for town hall with permission of the village and by the forem in said he was in favor of closing the Enthusiasm is growing and villagers anxious lo sec least one of vintage buildings kept Intact are finding wovs of raising funds to pay for town hall renovations Despite the fact that the Lions Club project Is high on the priority list or many residents as a required recreation facility just as many support the need for the smaller nail and arc willing to sacrifice lime and effort lo the street Everton Mill discussed The future or the Everton Mill was brought to the tlon of the township council by John Hew ill during Monday evening meeting Mr Hewitt pointed out thai the building is sitting prey for vandals and would be needed to male the building sate from this To restore bock to its original status would cost two The Grand Valley Conser vation authority under whose Jurisdiction Ihc mill comes has no money to spend on the lace according to Mr He made the suggestion that the structure could be restaurant or even an antique shop but the Authority has the water richta Council David Masson ted a local Initiatives Program grant UP could obtained for the winter month and an Opportunity for Youth grant be obtained for the summer months In way local people could fix the mill up through ovemment grants Council Is going to discuss matter at a later date and ve into the possible Dances held Two dances have been held in the village during the past few weeks A group called the Rocking Horse drew many residents and raised a sum in the neighborhood of The Plainsmen also held a dance Proceeds of both affairs were placed in a special town hall renova fund In the Royal Bank recently opened by people interested in preserving the hall Hope is that anyone wishing to add money to the fund will contact either Julie Brace of Guelph St Hoc at the Hydro office or just make a deposit right at the bank under the fund name We hope thai people will give nol Jusl money but also ideas towards raising mon says the enthusiastic or gamier Julie Brace Julie feels that it groups who have used the hall for years such as the Firefighters with their regular monthly dances the Sunshine Club the nursery school mothers and the Boy Scout Association members would contribute the fund could grow quickly enough to keep ahead of expenses In turfed as renovations begin Mrs Brace urges that vil lagers get behind the worth- while proiect Regarding donations she says No mat ter how small or how big it will all go tow ards retaining a hall which has over many years provided fun and sociability in this village Already the mounting fund has reached the mark Backers of the project feel that residents will take a fresh interest once are started Stereo A theft of a stereo was reported July 18 from the residence of Bruce Richard son of The stereo was valued at Entry was gamed by for cing the rear door while the owner was away roads board and have village streets dusted every spring Si Horses on sidewalks were jobs Mr Wingite has always discussed Resident com done in And with brush burning but only if plaints about the animals all the little extras you throw provisions were sup walking on village in he said He explained plying the same service had prompted the trustees to thai this other people that provided by the Quarry talk to In Rock had requested an opportunity site After discussion it wood Pat Smith said that to bid for jobs of grading and was decided to check out the riders feel it is very danger snowplowmg and that in possibility of burning to ride a horse up Ihe light of the requests tenders brush along with that of the Highway Seven roadwav just would have to be called conservation y for village parks debris The trustees on necessarily be the said hey would make lowest bidder who will get the decision on the at job said trustee Pal Smith their August muling but the man we think who Other matters discussed med lo Ihc recent open held of before the first hill beyond Harris St He said a heavy truck coming or going over the hill is a tremendous hazard to horses and asked fellow trustees to consider the do Ihe for the village matter lec cutting during Trustees view plans of town hall renovations Plans for a remodelled town hall were submitted and accepted in principle at Thursdav village trustee meeting Engineer chairman of the board Allan Osborne had made the draw and presented them for consideration Vievcrs were impressed al their practical and adaptability to the standards laid down by the L B 0 to accommodate people In the drawing displayed mam entrance to the hall will be directly from Ihe Main St Dennis Street Village residents will soon sec a new sign on the former Station St above the railway tracks in At a re cent meeting of Ihe township council a by law was passed be ratified by Rockwood ill age trustees officially changing the name from Station St to Dennis St A road recently opened south of the tracks extend ing on the east side of Main Station St E A sign will also be placed in that vicinity of the village as discussed by the trustees at their July 24 meeting Speedsters A letter from a citizen concerned about speedsters on Harris St prompted the village trustees to requesting they patrol tbo street sidewalk The present en I ranee and foyer located at the side of the building will Incorporated along with the corridor and former dro office into larger wash rooms Inside entry into the kitchen from hall area will be made near cupboards on right of clock a rear en trance will be placed at back of building through the kit Overall dimensions of the kitchen will be the portable stage could be placed anywhere In Ihe hall The chairman pointed out hat additional cupboard space will be installed on either side of the mainen trance doors Area completed In a letter received from he Wellington Dufferln Health Unit in March several items were referred toasnecessarj if hall was to continue use Most these have been completed others are in process A recent inspection of the Health Unit revealed that the and Useable The Unit mended that parking in the irea of the tile bed should be discontinued The locition will soon be fenced off A third sink has been installed in kitchen as requested the plans show that wash room requirements will ilso be carried out As it stands speculation is to cost of renovations have not been made Mr Osborne is in charge of project and it is Ihc hope of the trustees that most of the work will be done by volunteer labor It is expected that iht first stages will begin soon Every Saturday DANCING m pm to 1 am- at Acton Legions Aug 2 Disc Jockey Auk 23 Disc Jockey Aug 9 Dec Jockey Aug 30 Country Ds Aug 16 Reflections Benefit Dance ADMISSION 4 PER COUPLE This is what Ontario is doing to stabilize the income of beef calf producers Your provincial government has recently established Ontario Beef Call Income Stabilization Program a voluntary program designed to stabilize the income of recognized beef calf producers in Ontario encourage a continuing steady supply of produced beef calves It will establish Moor on the amount ol money a producer may expect to receive in years of poor calf prices Every producer of beet calves in the province including cream shippers to participate this program which forms the first part of an overall Farm In come Stabilization policy You can parlci pate by contraclmg to join the program for a five year period and by paying an annual fee for every eligible beef cow you enroll in the program Your Ontario government will also contribute the program For 1975 your fee will be per cow however for this year fees are deferred until payments to producers are made provincial government contracts lo mak a grant per cow to participating producers il the average market price for Ontario produced calves falls below the stabilized price of per pound in Payments will be made in December or as soon as possible The enrollment period for eligible produc ers in ends August Complele information on the program as well as enrollment form and are available at your local office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of Agriculture and Food William Stewart Minister Government of Ontario William Davis Premier