Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1975, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wed August 1975 90 per cent not heard from Complaints complaints A national past time Why dont they do something A common question Yet when M Frank sent out a asking for his constituents opinions only percent bothered to reply about 3000 households In his booklet mailed to all homes last week Philbrook said he thought 10 percent is a good level of response for any survey Maybe media people say that s a good level but it seems a poor level indeed for such a direct mailing and such important questions How is our Member of Parliament to vote unless he knows what we are thinking Telling him our thinking was made as simple as possible But per cent of the people with questionnaires apparently threw them out in the garbage He asked about gun control capital punishment favored tax position for Time and Readers Digest service strikes and left room for more opinions We that 90 per cent had no When people get together to talk there are always plenty of lively and thoughtful opinions Sure it took two minutes of your time But Dr is giving his time plenty of it to help decide the way to run the country He deserves our help Summer marches on August is here and there are just two more weeks of playground program planned As always it s difficult to believe summer is pacing along so swiftly The pla ground program has been outstandingly good this year with good attendance and much enthusiasm for the trips and special programs The season will end with a parade but due to Rams recent victories game dates in the arena will have to be considered before the night is set The board is making plans for fall programs these days and the fall and winter catalogues are out The stores have sales on to make room for fall merchandise Summer marches on Family Only camping Both the Credit alley Authont and the Grand River have introduced the of camping in their parks Both Authorities find general public support for the new stem Mam Aclon people camping and continue to camp but there are some surprising stories of ad night 24 hour days and madness Those to blame aren all the single campers of course But the Credit Authority is finding attendance increasing Families are returning since the new policy was implemented Terra Cotta Belfountam Meadow vale and all have increased the number of campers The Grand River officials say there may well be a better way to curb rowdyism but they havent been able to come up with it A campground is in an un usually vulnerable situation where a few people can spoil things for many Keep our dump open thing Acton is to lose is its dump The extra miles involved in hauling to Georgetown will add up to starting the end of Aug ust Hills has objected but else can be done Could the Chamber of Commerce try to make a plea for our own dump to remain here Suddenly with a closing sign at its entrance our dump looks pretty good Of this and that A fullpage ad in a Toronto advertises Rock wood Village which turns out to be a community of 2800 homes not that pretty village in township Perhaps like the village of Durham the village of will be complaining about the use of THEIR name by another group Something new to worry about somebody tells us its a good idea to warn parents not to let children cut open golf balls The centres could contain sulphide or sulphuric acid Why She didn know Well live and learn Our readers write On headquarters location I disagree with Councillor Morrow Hills reasons for locating the new regional headquarters in the southern part of Region With the present disparity of represents at Region the South outnumbering the North we of the North seem only to qualify as recipients for the South gar bag and for paying exorbitant taxes to sustain Regionalism Which to date has proven of little benefit to us Councillor Morrows reference to Oak population by the ear is exactly the reason why the clonal headquarters should not add to congestion Furthermore the location the headquarters In the Milton area mean staff would locate In the area could be encouraged to do so We Canadians often cry about culture The Milton has been the county seal for 100 years should be of consideration Councillor Morrow strengthens the for the location of the II Q hen he states In days gone by Toronto had no in fluence in Hal ton Today Toronto obviously has much In fluence in Hal ton and what belter access is there to Halton from Toronto than by High way to Milton 1 am disturbed at the fact that whenever a North South issue comes before Region we of the North have lost before the count is taken and It distresses me to find one of our elected representatives from the North supporting the parochial attitudes of the South It distresses me further to find that three Councillors were absent when this very Important issue was discussed Council lore always seem to be present when they vote themselves an increase in pay William A Johnson fi J at SUNSET AFTER A BLISTER Peter staff photog ASA cross screen on a HOT DAY shot by Nikkor lens on a 35mm Nikon The shot was taken 60 of a second on around 30 Sunday evening from the tennis courts a red filter and a behind the Community Centre medium Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Silting hen writing column Grin id pin of short mil nothing I would line Inn it it to hi mil I in not Hack is burning to i crisp m sis in for lick of iter m with my luck Ins for good ind sunn is the hmiM ind Moll color I Out thin where people in hurt liny hot in tin In it tin pi rons kills in tin ilk si it wislnnj tin inn this stupid trip I US dolls tin rid in in ting mil trunk to mipii i pursuing tin ever buck with m mi inlcii of in tnokuit up in v limits f rtln or up new of imt in ivhi mil in in Some when ihs in killing us ind killu turn mud torn in I hnsti is winning swoon tin r Or Willi i fool mil Minn 1st is I will i four in inusth t nil i useless will lit pnctinllv nothing ml urn an in old frit nils ho v isitors two one ill m mm rid dog mid mm mm he irti in t mnrenacnuplidiVs nought about a motel room hut km w hi hurt w didiionstiv thvmi Id fritud rolling I My son ism Paraguay South swimming a piranha infested river or through thi jungle kicking hOnousMiakisout of tin or Mug in a native hut nracKed irm only daughter is trapped in a hot on the ninth floor of an in the heat with an 18 month rail on wheels sawn off jnns and a sisiur in rtjdj to join him just about on and oh liar isn it iwful Imagine having two two ears in these times Sound teeth of all of these things ill the burly and the burly all the muss and the fuss ill the higgle and all of the ever listing human struggle to prove that God in His heaven and all wrong with the world or the opposite I don care don give i diddley dam Why not it this time and In this I irrtfutahk proof that He is in His and there nobody who inuld improvi on the world just as it is right now It a cool hot Canadian day llol sun Whatever your mometir its about bin I rust head the typewriter mid Inn toward mi iblg matronly m bustles in the breeze like i ladv night in a body rub parlor On thi tup rail of Ihi fmcc 10 retarded robins are singing and nuking nurtures A denuded lilac bush is Inspiring Yes but wait til next Along the hick fend the hollyhocks stand not row on row bul In little groups ring tossing their in tin limn and looking down their long i at the upstart blue nuns which bear a gleam of turn m I heir lust beyond them is a field of uncut luti hay bowing and tossing and rip pling like blonde teenager who has just the but one more degree and there framed in green foliage is the of the twomile wide bay with thi high rolling shoreline on the other side and the cottages so tinv than can see the squilling grunting mans in ind iround them but it s lovely And peaceful loneh Not lonesome but the good kind of when vnu don I want mother in being even ioved one to spoil the tint it Loved One is down road ical talts about their children with an old school friend an incorrigible yearold is out belting around his 40mile mail route This morning I saw a hawk When I was little the chickens who were all up would scuttle the kids would all scream with delight A hawk A hawk the farmer would run in for his shot even noticed this guy Hi look id like i skinny ancient kite peering n for dead body of a Roman legion mire perhaps No chickens No legion nairis li paid my dues It was kind of Down in the ly then is a big rainbow trout Just aitiug to show me some tricks I saw two partridge flush just outside Grandad s window Tom I II see standing up by the fence looking curious Tomorrow I can about the world am and all the bid things and good things hippcning in it Hut right now at this time in this place I don tare God be out to lunch as I suspect But who ever is filling in for Him at this moment is doing one i job if you pardon the expression The blessed plumber a plumber git lots of leaky chores Hut all with honest sweat Insult my shirt and drawers I in I m a tradesman Sunt inflation hit this spot Winn my pipes all drip I let em rip it in the pot Winn our running over I taxis down the dram I drill a hole near the toilet bowl I the watir out again My wife just wears a helmet When the upstairs leaks get bad When she is knelt in my plumbing belt gets so hopping mad After we have paid our income tax And deductions by the score Our security paid we re bottom grade And broke We must take another mortgage To fix mv wet With tix and fees and my wet knees I fear she lose her mind Hut when I mount the Golden Stairs And atone for all my sin With plumbing trade 1 11 have it made When they call the plumbers in won I need that extra money Just to buy a pair shoes My prayer to the union there Hill pay my heavenly dues The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago from Im 1955 linking from far and near to thi reunion of No thu weekend Over r Invitations hove been suit out Mr and Mrs J lakes celebrated goldm anniversary since being August In Quebec I hi residents of Acton since ItrWwhtii thiy from their ramosa farm plan In he Junior Olympiad In Iph was topped by the Alton track Hob llruct Andrews frank Marine Wilson mmerson Hill Owl Ken Jitkf till Denny and Hob Mrs larke has returned ami will continue writing of the fist Honor at n Milk for llu to park were Duncan Mm Hour ill William Norman wire presented with strolls floodlights win turned on in tin in irk during the evening mil Nearly filled G Mi Ki received a as one Mr MtKenie Mr Mrs Smith mad tin trip 50 years ago Taken from Ihr 1925 Mr John Taylor of Acton Chamber of Commerce more amused than pained to tear that of the Town consider that has bee in his bonnet over the illumination of th Parish clock His retort members of the are liable to get bees in their hats in which connection it ma- be rememtjered that but for him they would not be their cocked hats Acton England An of Acton of Commrc Mr Taylor has the of thirds be a Canadian loo a native of Peterborough Rev V Kannam A preached able sermons Knox in the absence of Mr who ing Mr welcome in the church spent his friends here greeted him on Sunday A card from Rev J J- Arrived el in xraviri a nice trip excepting for one da going through us relief are their state Have motored ihrough Clara tecrjii of the kuiir Jx a jer is beautiful desenptwo regards to all Miss Laura he da- tea on jfiemow 75 years ago Taken from iheUsnrof the Frew Last Saturdav while hauling peas fee his neighbor Mr Robert Mr Thompson who is the leeee of Mrs Vt Brown farm had the misfortune to fad from the load and in the fall stained fracture of his collar bone The fracture was promptlv reduced and Mr Thompson is getting along verv well The accident happening in the midst of run est en ing but the neighbors are giving assistance housing his crop The people of this section haven had much cause to complain on account of excessively hot weather this summer but Sunday and Tuesday they got it to the sweltering stage These days were the hottest of the thermometers whose eraci been questioned telling that it was in the shade before noon each div and four or five degrees w at the hottest part of the afternoon Three special trains with Toronto Civic Holiday excursionists went west through Acton Monday morning For a beautiful bouquet of sweet peas left it the office Tuesday evening Mrs Henry has the thanks of the free Press The leading players of the Aetna Lacrosse Club came up from Georgetown on Monday evening to have a practice with the local players Some of the boys who bathe in Hen dcrson s pond during daylight will to get bathing trunks or suits or they may get into THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office llneMMf ma I Mum Mr dv Minrn rcaaB mm

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