Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1975, p. 4

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Acton Prwi Wed JO Editorial Page Take a bow Acton Accepting awards is unpleasant and it locum its thrill Thats the Press was judged one of best again this it was just pleasant as it has wvr the years But in an we never fnili to it is the work or man hands that ha- placed The Tress the groupings This war s ins far all round paper ami best front indicates that it takes mam elements to make a newspaper and best alt round award is the most Free a have s been considered us as a kind of award since it takes a town like Acton to make a newspaper possible the place It takes a lot of cooperation worn the area correspondents and individuals who alert us to events we might otherwise have missed ami it lakes he support of ad who find the Free Press a good to get word around about then products and it takes the work of the reporter photographers and people who produce issues and it lakes the effort of tamers the postal people and the men hauls ho sell papers to maintain an efficient distribution in fact it takes a whole of people to support an effective newspaper and one of the most important is the rtader It is all of who share awards the Free Press receives This is no different so take a bow Acton Littering on the streets Trash on the streets has become an later lanth wrappers and bags and cigarette cartels he in junk heaps people gather in the the Mill and Main corner and the Whew does the tor up the mess lie Some people thmk the town men should be up the That would a to each locahtv though an economic How about the shopkeepers premises hack on the places where small crowds gather to chat and chew Most of them do get out ami front of then stores How about the polite the loitering or littering law set ins harsh in most cases the responsibility should be with the people who do the ab sent minded tossing- know don t It makes one wonder what homes look like There are garbage cans all along the A big new one has been set out at the Mill and Mini Surely the sight of the big can is a good reminder These people should police themselves before someone in a blue uniform has to do it for them Wrong way to happiness Increases everywhere and one that w ill be proud of is the fact that Canadians continue to drink more and more alcohol e single vear Sale of all alcoholic drinks increased per cent in one single year drinking is a luxury any family at all can easily cut back on Canadian and Ontario govern do very well by alcohol though The collected I billion dollars in revenue half the coun cost That should make the govern But there are plenty of ways other than drinking too much to make the average person happy OUR READERS WRITE Acton couple speak out Making a life here just not sleeping 17 King ham Ac tan Aug 11 in your Issue of Aug 1975 My wife I are newcomers to a sub division in Acton And I admit that we came from Toronto and I also agree that the lower prices of the houses was at traction My wife still works in Downs view will be re turning to work there as soon as I recover from recent illness It is not be cause we particularly want to but because the particular occupations we follow are not available in Acton However the price of the was by no means the main reason for our move The driving to and from Toronto is not a very pleasant experience Our main son for mo ing was to out of a big city Into a small town have found that there arc and disadvantages in bunt hen We have had difficulty in finding a ear to do repairs It to hove our washer drytr connected which incidentally we bought hen in Ac Ion We have not yet found a window clean and of we were used to hai shops and drugstores open till The advantages include a very pleasant quiet situation and the shopkeepers are very kind and helpful We do all our grocery chopping here and have used numerous other shops as well In none we found any rudeness or tt i have joined the Acton Library we have the Acton Press delivered we intend to join the Acton Curling Club in the winter if we arc accepted We hove every intention of really living in Acton Not just to sleep here ours sincerely Charles and Christine King I would tike to add that there are man who were bom here but do not work In Acton but in Brampton and even Toronto Someone who cares objects to snake killing Poplar Ave Acton Ont August 15 Dear Editor I must comment on List front page picture of Mr Jim James and sons displaying the skin of a rattlesnake I quote from the article they heard the distinctive rattle of the reptile and turned to find It sunning on a path about six feet away Once Jim It and realized what It was be quickly grabbed a branch pinned it to the ground and hammered it to death with a canoe paddle Surely if he had time to grab a branch be had time to walk away If the article is correct the rattler was not close enough to strike nor would It chase them down the trail Why kill if That rattlesnake was a significant part of the area ecosystem They were trespas sing on his territory he was not on theirs Killing is a poor way to teach children to appreciate the wilderness and Its From someone who ca res Charles Bennett was a scorcher with temperatures Oneway to heat the he it dives into the lakewilhi mdv branch as diving board The crowds are enjoying hi breeze Sugar and Spice by bill smiley mid Minimi for some peculiar reason wilt I into torn in it ion l ilk some length whin wi should eo fur a holiday Ins juilly should what people ihur cations in lodge rent a a lent and imping hire a for trip where Any thine it for off and on keep rife mm to little trip should jus jump in the car around we say It sounds jond earth and fun Willi iiuw just around the firm do the culture hit i it Stratford Like in all dibble our fed in Avon look with the old tin lire goers the stimnid pint tourists Or hook mot posh lodge for a no for tin old lady to took dress lo the hilt for dinntr mingle with the Or this i for once well rent a for twu weeks dim heexpense Set from tin telephone slouch around in Inn feel and shorts and listen to the loons on the lake at night Or thmgt majbewell i heck into fanc hotel with liunce round in amir conditioned room out to dinner ind a good show There one trouble with these plans require iction and we never seem to anund either decision Take posh lodge for example they are all clip joints Secondly they are booked for the whole summer Thirdly we don t have Ihe wardrobe to dress to the hilt or anywhere else they are full of bores And the food is no streaming hell Then the culture bit It awfully dif to gear yourself up for a week of Shakespeare and Shaw and dressing up and standing in lineups for dinner when you re lying in the backyard listening to the birds with a good book and barely enough energy to reach for your glass and you know there am t going to be no lineup for the fried chicken the young new potatoes and the juicespurting corn and the cold tomatoes in own house Gypsying around in the car Is fine except that you have to get out on the road with all those maniacs and drive and drive in the heat and pay a ransom for motel rooms and cat fried food until begin to feel like a fry and watch a TV set offering reruns of last winter re runs The biggest adventure here is wondering whether the toilet will back up A couple of weeks at a cottage is ap posing But what the heck we slouch around at home in bare feet and shorts and as far as listening to the loons at night pocs you can always ask a few of your friends to drop in A few days in the city has an equal appeal I always catch a cold in the air conditioned rooms neither of us likes swimming in a pool with a lot of common middleclass people you have to sign a second mortgage on jour house to pay the bill and you can hardly wait to get home where the room service is free and a deal faster So thin week with our little trip looming up like vampin both eoverid inslantjneTfljsly jnd with ftrejl re lid ihil wed just stay home for the time being Shi I was reilly just agreeing cause I thought wanted grt He mean sa don want go off in the heat and be soaked every time you turn around eat all those rotten fries and besides Ihe tires on Ihe car so hot I was only going because bought you like a change get away from the She I cant stand other people cooking and I hate motel rooms and you know how hard it is to find a place to swim He Yeah wt we have room for anything else and if didn I we d rent them for an arm and i leg Ironically we live smack in centre of one of the great resort areas in Canada People who move here from the city can t understand why anybody wines to go away even for a day Anyway great mutual sighs of relief But here was still that guilty feeling that sense that we wiren pulling our weight in the great holiday farce So we com promised He Tellyouwhatwelldo down Ihe manna and look at the Then we check the prices at two of the local motels Then II drive out to the beach and look at the cottages She eagerly Yes And then well come home and turn on the sprinkler and I llgetjouadmnerthatwouldcost you 14 in a restaurant and tomorrow morning well play golf at the most beautiful course within miles and tomorrow afternoon we sun and swim at the most beautiful beach within miles He Yes Yes And there a terrific movie on T tonight four stars and we ve only seen it twice Who needs a little trip anyway The most frustrating of ail life s ups and downs is keeping appear ances up and expenses down Ministry garbage not roses live To the of the in media last week a three quarter page ad on garbage Garbage is coming up Hoses wis Jus load of garbage As one who has devoted much energy and time and some into the studj of solid waste 1 would point out that much publicized world first plans for handling Ontario s solid waste are at least a decade behind the plans of the city of St Louis and Hempstead Long Island Ontario solid waste plants will have a to handle from to 1 two tons of municipal garb ige per day That garbage that cannot be reclaimed will be landfil led There is also a vague promise of some Incineration the distant future As 1 pointed out at Hope Township Mil ton Heights Georgetown Kilbride Brampton at Region etc etc etc if garbage is shredded baled or dipped in 11 different herbs and spices it is still garbage and when landfil led it still pollutes St waste The garbage from a mile area tons per day will be recycled The reclaim a will be incinerated smokeless and will produce power This facility will be operating by 1977 Initial plans were announced in early 1974 Hempstead Long Islands plant will process 100 percent of that city pal waste tons per day After re clamation the remainder will be ismokelessly and will provide 000 kilowatt hrs per day of new power to city This method of solid waste disposal i incineration for power after reclamation is the accepted method in many countries around the world is no longer accepted and no amount of public money spent on ads telling us otherwise will make it acceptable William A Johnson The latest edition of Hydro News shows pictures of happy apartment dwellers working in home garden plots along the right of way under the hydro towers and lines Hydro says these ways are good places for golf courses vehicle routes and parking too UFO experts say frequent sightings near electrical lines and transformer stations may indicate flying saucers are drawing power from electrical installations So a new power line might bring on the Martians You never know Free Press I Back Issues 20 years ago l I fir in if 1 lilM fun ItanW Mill AM III KM or a hi i UK lulu an mwf it In Ian A High I May i lit Oil Mi Hun Mi Ml ill Ir in oil ihitm irt I it I ri Ml 11 tin III ii it I lis I Jt ny A I 1 i II I lute St- u n iiwniirigh If en it lb nn trim pre Inn el enough A vt A VM jI frf II in it Ml Mi My 1 ll f i u If- Is r fj 1 V I IfiM If- I J It A i tic tUon 50 years ago A Wf fi an n It I Ft hi Mar I U t Mr in the 1 I 1 t llk Mr Jwph Itj 1 if t of tin in Mr Tin V ly hn of seen in in Id in on IjM did honour of numlxr of twenty Thorn ji Vi pre tented a I v Two Acton motor rnce on or now womiering wlierr in tth The inadi in Kail way work men have during the the rewdu it ihe Mill St erossinR This i a for lid of Atton itlnns Hand on Saturday in the lawn v ry eon bind his now a very comprehensive pe rlolr Week after week i eompi If nt ii iv n 75 years ago Monday proclaimed by His Worship thr as Ivk Holiday for this municipality ds ry pleasant day and our citizens generally enjoyed the opportunity afforded for holiday enjoyment Mr ihe of secured the very of single fdrt to all slutioeu Canada from Kingston west Tickets wen on 1811 and and returning until the A large took advantage of civic low rates visited friends at various points The Rolf links tennis courts and lacrosse field were patronized during Ihe day while driving and holiday visitations were indulged in This is ihe first holiday held on Monda but has been demon strated a popular fLiy The children annual flower service will be held in St Alban Church on Sunday morning next inst Ihe 10 vie The children will march into the singing the hymn Gleams our Banner and their recently mdde for THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office mm mail MH Mnrl Una an h mm M

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