The Acton Free Press Wed September 197 Plenty of information Tomorrow is our day of decision election day There has been no lack of to become well informed on the issues and on the Candida ten This newspaper the dailies radio and TV have all given their share of news stories pictures interviews profiles and advertisements Law prevents The Free Press from publishing election Using today the day just before the election Controversial Letters to the Editor have been rejected News coverage continues of course because the candidates kept on making news during the past week The three candidates lll Hint Heed always their Mwl lit UlH the of Acton and itlslilit iitMlnn the floor wiih on Alton in mil on that Hut tin mm mint gencial In AtltmliHHii pretty goiKl to what llicM- worn t who Voting a privilege here The weather the date the place the lack of information nothing should provide a good excuse to keep people from voting hero tomorrow One good thing about going out to vote It seems to give a certified right to complain In the polling booth is the place to get yourself the OK to carry on with that favorite old grouching about the government In Australia all British subjects are required to vote lav That includes Canadians who arc visiting too No one has suggested legislation lately but voting the will prove if such a law should mnetsaiv Then perhaps that old issue of multiple votes might be laistd again too People who achieve success one leason or another would be given additional votes With the li discussions have been around town legislation to require voting seem probable vet We can have anything Something else to remember todav is that voters can have any thing An thing at all From am part An thing for that is As another paper put it this week How deep is the public trough Government can do any thing enough people wish it to do all the special projects welfare benefit housing itici eased salaries for public servants name it vou cm have it And pav for it through vour taxes This is a simple fact that sometimes gets forgotten Signs come down soon Election committees will likely have those posters and signs down soon all across Burlington Organizers who so hopefully put up all those signs will have it in their schedules to get them down again It will be one of their last duties whether the re exuberant or disappointed After all there will be two losers Taking down publicity signs is often left off the lists of publicity people around town who leave their posters to grow old and yellow in store windows long after the events or their long outdated messages in the Chamber of Commerce sign board No phone service here There will be no phone answering election service at the Free Press Thursday night This service which weve had before is primarily good for local elections We expect people will be able to hear election results almost as soon on ision or radio as w would have them here in Acton Local committee rooms will be busy totalling up all the information they can get too Both the Liberals and Conservatives have committee rooms in town easy to get to and likely there will be plenty of people mere to share the word from the latest phone call Special arrange are being made to use the Legion as a focal gathering place too Our readers write The majority of people are aware of the existing problem regarding the shor tage of Nursing Home beds in North The awareness of the problem comes only to light when individuals find themselves in the situation where active hospitals can no longer help and pressure is put on the family lo find a nursing honif for their loved ones For instance our local residents who are admitted hospitals in the County of Wellington wish to return lo their own environment which is ISorth Where can they go The same applies to the Georgetown Hospital nursing home beds in Count Mr Kerr MPP cannot find these beds Manor does have these mystical vacancies and I certainly do not have them Our local politicians evade the problem by just ignoring it hoping maybe it will vanish but Just let the problem hit close to home and I bet the tune would be different The Ministry of Health has been ap proached since with building plans for an establishment of beds at the Kelly Nursing Home in Acton The answer that we received is that beds are not needed in this area An article In the Toronto Star and a Television debate between Mr Davis and Mr Nixon mentioned a increase for old age pensioners Good Now may t mention the last increase for old age pensioners In nursing homes Please note In March of 1975 the old age pension amounted to also a guaranteed supplement of and a grand total of In a nursing home the government in Match paid 111 and the resident paid daily leaving the patient with 00 on a day basis The increase in April 1975 old e jumped to also guannleed increased to amount being Now nursing home rates arc by the government and nursing receive a raise The portion paved by the government jumped from ill to GO while the portion paid the pensioners jumped from lo The increase paid b pensioner amounts to a month so really increased received amounted to 1 per month or a That I gum even Now what portion of this new increase the government going lo tell Nursing Homes to lake when lhej receive a raise which is inevitable the old age pensioners pur chase two sticks of gum The Davis government seems also to be concerned Health Care costs tt it not be logical for the local Public Health In inspect nursing homes in regards to nil inspections other than finance and a tribunal board The three candidates were Informed of this situation Ma I state Mr Johnson pledges to preserve and build what is good for the community and contact Mr Mr Heed is aware of this situation but can do nothing unless elected Mr Dawkinswasnot great need for nursing homes In the area hut assures me he will fight alone If necessary for the betterment of all concerned Mr Kerr our former has a file of In formation on this issue which will lie available for Mr Daw kins to acl upon when is elected for this term May provincial government In the future realize that North is good enough rich enough and progressive enough to warrant a new building for their nursing home patients on Ihe premises of the well established Kelly Nursing Home Kelly Just wondering where the summer went I Sugar and Spice by i wlut hi pom in lu inH fishing sliirfiii of lunknl up it it lilin sk mil lit hid just fmlsliid shun limit pre in I In inn id in tin world to do hut a litllt it si inl link mil He somi molt No squib i tiitphnm iiiiging tins In lull mis No illusions Inn ilk In inukt to ml rail II inn mil hi piridisi hut Northern in makis i fur Kiwi In il if like fishmj mil til in ltik of must pollution Hit weekly ntwspiptr ptnplt elected to no mi i fishing trip in souu of best fishing in tin world is lik iskniL i booor mi lasting trip through I rinu wire cue sis ill Hit itihow in or Iturisin Itentwiblt Itisourus i And fun hosts win suppliid transport i tion ition ho its All is our food Don I ivtr till mi Hut telle in ins endless mills of prune Mori thin Inlf lln up of hi most striking wildirniss Hums mils of sijuin miks of anil tort si nihil i lo lid u mi Hi It i on turn iHih lowium iiitmihtKN I in I lik I nil Mill i I Willi i in rv w With i Indus mm v mm l r 1 1 wi win I w is off ilti ii ill its lt jHd mil I hit j k it of Hi it mi I il Imstiss Mrs It inMirtin iik lo i fun rn ouliilld intliiduij in room or I hid ill 1i is ilkmi mil tin juiili mil In mi to in ii Hit in mm thi I I I f p jiliKHi i Mr- i i r inp rr ill jut iIIihIii I r I Jiiti I inr Win jt if- ir 1 in a ml il a is fir filial liKhi ill I I lids Il In tin I hi I ir a is thin It il motor inked ixcpiin Ijki- no Out whole trip fishing ion wis Wmgtr or j of iii irs It is just thrown I j is so as spending two iv in i with someone Itirrv I j timi our Inn md mi flit tit fish than this tuik on lilt Haton once represented in Legislature by Premier tt It It ind vou II sit two driven in boil with fish on tin km of tin fish hogs from win i iv fishing It tins 11111k out In i troll In mi vim imighl thit would lit r throw it link him up luomtilK in ri ilutt Ii four pound lo iit this from nit To i Ind Thi his fish let it swim In the mil II mi nulls jou thrown bit four lln simt sin fishing partner ties i out with i lot of ml i it hum i In I i il out mm pounds Win II keep it out Ik s not id mi with If hit hot spot vnu e in till up that is e for Ihe in in hour ire tit rou mil then no Hi in of fish in nice So much for tin lislnng It s so good thit four old or an grandmother could know me mm pounds l seven whin we netted him hut he s- grow ins Aside from the fishing there is the nngnificcnt feeling of being aw from it all Miles and miles and miles of thousands of acres of bush and little old right in middle of it Most of the northern lakes have only a In tin of turn ilietiim e impugn few people rt ilie it premier if imtirio tin ruling of Hilton Hut Mirkv Mills of Ielrt lllvd renumbers whin llrurv it row Hill firmer w is puked to id the United I if in Intl ft won it in the lit lion but lit w is to form i Lnv tniim Sir s I whit ept conduit us so to tiki tin In order ft him it was tor mbt to rtsin ind give his to Mr The silling Hilton Member us i Mr hard firmer who either ikcided or wis i into Mr the ridmtofH dlon Mr Mills knr iunst Ottawa poticv and heeiusi farmers felt then were loo manv lawyers and businessmen running the had Hit baking on ii I Ft mm of total of ill member but he ae in his term off Mr Mills him credit reforms into Ontario politics His government pivmg liiglmivs rifortsntion of w isle find meaningful workmen compensation snch social legishlion as mother allow inecs Ait and Hie Act legislation plight etnldri of ried representing this riding ilthoULii Dure In en eibinet ministers tin two 1roLrissivi mcumlHiits the Hon Inn Snow mil the Hon The Imtid Mi of mothers ind incouraged the growth of Ontario gold mining The government was mar red i which the treasurer to ind Drurv himself failed to eounttr charge of on his purchase of a pair of brass eoalscuttli believe it or not i coal grate was bought which anal sum compared to the sums bandied ibout It wis enough uaseal the Government in conjunction with the promise of Howard terguson to repeal tion and permit the govern sale of liquor The farmers wire buned under a landslide Ferguson wanted the to seek a broader more general membership but the rink and file of the parts and this also helped defeat the govern ment There is a paradoi farm politics in where farmers been with conservatism both with and without the capital I However there have also been strong amongst the farm population which favored cooperative marketing and socnl i fieire opponent of inadvocait of fewer government controls ind legislation was a con troversial figure in his time and few people know he represinted as the of Ontario Mr We should be taught more about our own he S Falling leaves The mam people in producing a great fall fair are starting to up for their annual eck of frenzy Its rush rush rush from mm on for the people who do so much work to make it all a huge success Friends were shocked to hear of the sudden death together of a fine Acton couple Mr and Mrs Ooost Their church Beth El Reformed was filled for the funeral last Thursday The sorrow of the community was evident The Free Press Back Issues years ago from hour he I- Pre 19S Mm mulled through the live fair whin the tin tun Hull I Ihe itiMi dull iiilurdny were lln- tin vir ffimdrclsorihllI In lb pirnd lln I the In A mum luh in tin lull iHiilrinin IN I II Ih- firit tiff thai If it nil hit in in lb yfwl at limn iitttitiiiiil A ivi 0 V it j a Mi S v H ll i ii I 11 if If In mist 1 U lit A ft Mil i jierl I in it J I It Ii r iu if i ji It- jk ft 50 years ago Ail ih or it m it mis for the f schools irelud s lint jiI feorge PI It Then of in lire Mrs Mr mil Mrs I- rink Mr llishnp Mr Tht Mrs d r pie a sain iv w Mrs Th tford in Mr ind Mrs lit nnrtt at M Mrs rhilford ilso visited nils it Willnms ford 75 years ago Takrn from the issue wpt Iron tariff up from ieorae t ha j match of faithful j he ft on a I r I e I t t lllr arris f Of If vartis I links wun skilful In rom the teeing treni ird plajer ihoi champ r it jIvj he rues eek have k tr ucce- er hem The here The course vas txaed re a i quesinZ era he I iVtober Hal i vim This ear ion the Mr am s store to Mr r w ho at Mr inpps en fc voeirinenarl doubt j ml There s a new weekly newspaper in the neighborhood called Guelph It is published every Wednesday with feature stones pictures and news articles about Guelph people One happy kid loaded with stickers and shopping bag announced happily albeit absolutely wrongly Im a Liberal News missing from last weeks paper can be blamed on slow mail delivery THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office