The Acton Press Wed September Eden Mills Trips visits wins reported Mrs John Turner is home after enjoying a trip lo land and Norway lusting three weeks Mrs Stokell of Leeds has been visiting Mr and Mrs John Turner or the past Ihrcc weeks Weekend guests of Mrs Wright were her neice Mrs Neil Rucbcns and Mrs ma New Mr and Mrs Attn worth nnd Mrs worth visited with Mr and Mrs Mil win Mr MniPhcrson placed In all clauses with birds at Fergus Show winning finis two seconds and lu thirds Auction sale in area news Jhct District Page Eden Mills More poultry awards for Hugh MacPherson ruled hut Mrs had people come in lo serve Its of auction and bake sate at changing colour its Hall starting at position When placed on a it timed red Mrs Moore many on green cloth green friends will be to know the poor little is a pattern in wa placed on a of General Hospital and a speed recover is extended to until feel we are going to Geo inthe bust pawing of his father SI to crimp with the pro ceeds of car wash are tubs Birr and Michael Shlotz helped by friend Heidi and Max The cubs attribute Saturday downpour to the forts of the carwash Mill Is In tin family In f wrlr til fit mid raid rtliinHdlidrnwill play with Hi rnwllHyilHhKkiyliam of jut bit Mnjir A Mr dm Miter an I Inn He ill finthh thru visit with r mil family Mr Mrs William Milium Si if Mr I Mr till Mud lir win ny Urn Finn inc poor little iiuirn Program organized busy beavers work Birthday Diamond Horace and Mhos Our Father topic was Our Father Jesus disciples noticed His shining face after He had been in solium communion with God wanted learn to like that tt e haw taken prater of contemplation and rattle off without thinking people wait for the dav their will be revealed What am The scientist a bundle of des res Kenneth tells of the brought back a little In its natural nab at could not be shed from the leaves When left home the buUer Ballinafad It is essential to settle on ope thing If we decide to put all our energies into nth we will find still haen found ourselves If vou real are Gods child there for know are God child Mrs Sheldon Once again Gloria Watson has organized i it program for local gals it you will recall last year program was i super success and sure will be this yearns well The class will be held on evenings When Jesus taught Our the school from fl IS lo Father He meant we should to Sept sec others as brothers and There is no fee involved and sisters With ladies break for all our faiths the Father is coffee mid way through present in us S Kenned evening See vou was with his Seems we had two busy child The child said Daddv beavers over the weekend doit again When we watch a sunset there may took their heavy and expertise over to But the sun must go down It school grounds is eternal it will rise again proceeded to build a fabulous Even Gordon Sinclair sandbox a sewer tile tunnel There is something in each and a climbing apparatus one of us that draws us made from spools and tires together Norm Howell wis most impressed with the clean it job thty did as there were no piles of dirt gouges or mess or any kind when they finished Mac Duff of Duff Quarries kindly donated sand lor the sand box Thanks fillas for a job well done m sure the kids will your work or in group we have a handful of mothers In Speysidc who are most interested in forming an I to mi and School A Home School group can be most beneficial an area and I hope they reeeivt a good responsi If you interested please contact Mrs Linda at 1980 pm weckdiys I wis speaking to Hon principal of ime- fered In pottery leather work weaving carving to name few Although day lime courses will be attended by the school children there will also be about the input at evening courses for adults evenings for the benefit of all who are interested students parents And forms t as time and again much to their yet but watch your local disappointment the same in papers and your mailbox for to 15 faces appear When you some further information consider we have a student 1 for Physically and Mentally I Handicapped children has it the past drawn a great years Norm Howell and his number of volunteers from staff have worked very hard the area They are to put tosclherinornalive now in desperate need of to work Communication Of late we all heard a great deal about our system its advantages disadvantages discipline core curriculum options and the like of the most fre quently used comments of our educators is that the confusion en the part of the public is a result of lack of communication between school and pirent We must house public school the other all remember that Knows old ploughs By Mr ShorttU ft- to the reception J was with the following the wedding of picture in last paper of K3th French and Allen chad one on the Spelling Congratulations arc farm here Actually the extended to the regular share was removed Mr and Mrs from the plough and this and son Joyces par share with the prongs was ents Mr and Mrs Frank to dig potatoes It was Smith last Sunday They arc called a potato digger then from St Catharines far removed from Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mar modern methods of harvest shall attended the ceremony the spuds where Judge James fuller Mr and Mrs Cebe sworn in as Juvenile moved on Saturday lo their Court Judge new home near Fergus The neighbour ladies met one A corn roast and dance look afternoon last week to spend al the Community a few hours with Donna Centre on Saturday night before her departure The Several from here were at home is sold to a Ihe Ute sale on Saturday of young couple he late George Currie The catered on The new home of Mr and Phone troubles in Churchill Mrs Lloyd Marshall is fast taking shape Candidate posters dot the side Will we follow old tradition and vote is our forefathers did or will vc reverse our decision and do a turn about It a tough problem for most day and he was lolling me the Sheridan Craft Tniler is due be set up on their school grounds trailer is a mobile studio for iris crafts offered to the community by the Sheridan College of Arts and Tech It will be at from Sept to December and courses beginning Oct l will be of Nothing rival nilure in fascinating methods of autumn colour changes Mr and Mrs Ted of Parry Sound visited with Mr and Mrs Dick Shortill on ication is a twoway street must not expect our to do ill ihe com merely to fall on deaf ears If we ore apathetic about what going on in the schools then we have very little right to complain about Ihe system just because it s thing to do The point is while not presuming to pass judgement on the quality of our tional system because Its not field I urn concerned body of children it makes one wonder where all the interested parents are The parent teacher evenings are designed for the sole purpose of having a meaningful of ideas about anything that might affect or be of benefit to your child This is where you can questions receive answers about your own child or discuss disci pline the3Rs or simply just keep yourself informed about what is going on in general at Within the next few weeks the first parent teacher evening of this year will be held the school The Principal and staff will be there and ore most anxious meet with you and discuss a mutual interest your child and his school Let try to set our priorities straight and for the sake of our children and their education be there and communicate Tinkerbcll Nursery School There is no Churchill news this week due to troubles on the phone lines In thai area The rree Press Tuesday called Bell Canada who mediately looked the After numerous calls on the part of Bell Willis Murray Kitchener no definite answer to the problems up The phones were out of order from Sunday until Mr explained to this paper that his office thought Mrs Fred our correspondent might be right hen she told them a receiver on the parly line had been left off the hook Mr Murray explained that the troubles had not been reported to them unlil the Free Press call and the time Bell looked into the matter everything was back to normal DANCING Every Saturday 9 pm to 1 am at the Acton Legion Sept 20 Fair Dance THE RAYMONDS A SIhI Bind Sept Wheels Admission per couple ACTON and AREA INFORMATION CENTRE FOR GARY DAWKINS RIDING PC CANDIDATE li at Mill St Watt Formtr Ctntra PLEASE DROP IN Or Call 8533600 THE WELLINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Kindergarten Classes and January birthdays There are a few spaces available in some Kindergarten classes for children be fiveyearsof age in January 1976 Interested parents are invited to apply to prin of the school in the area on or before September giving first choice of school and second if they so desire so that enrolment may be completed on or before September 26 If the child attends other than his local school it will be the parent s responsibility to transport him from school Pupils will be selected in order of chronological age starting with January 1st Spaces are available as follows he Number of Spaces Brighton Brisbane Central John Met rae Itnckuoodentcnnial i Mr J Chairman School Tjtlcr Drive trench Immersion Mr A Director School for the Deaf in Milton The hours would 15 lo 11 a m you will trained on the job The job entails working with children from the ages- of one to five under a supervisor and to work with the children on a to one basis If you are interested in this very rewarding experience please call at 25B8 Choose it TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS for Into mo le3130D GEORGETOWN HOLY ROSARY RECTORY Ave Garage TUESDAY 730 pm NEW CLASS MILTON Starts Tuesday September 23 730 pm Holy Rosary Parish Hall Mart St Milton NEW CLASS ACTON New Robert Little School library School Lane and 25 Starts Monday Sept at 30 OPEN HOUSE- obi gat or WEIGHT HOMESTEAD FURNITURE THE AREAS LARGEST SPECIALISTS IN HOME FURNISHINGS WE FEATURE BRAND NAMES SUCH AS SKLAR MERIDIAN of HOUSE OF BRAEM0RE LANA9K REST0NIC SLEEP PRODUCTS ETC AND OF COURSE The areas exclusive dealer for Roxton Solid Maple Furniture free DCiivmr FREE SETUP FREE ALL OF THIS AT PRICES YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS AT FURNITURE INTERIORS GEORGETOWN MARKET CElTRE mow 8778777