Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1975, p. 1

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Keeping faith KEEPING FAITH with his forebears John Root former for Wellington flies the red ensign outside his home at R 1 Orton Former MPP John Root looks back For the first time in years John Root will not be in his seat when parUament opens its sion next week Whats this veteran politician doing The Free Press interviewed him at his home at Orton to ask that question new constituency of Welling ton Peel in any forthcoming provincial Hon Not tic his anything against the residents of Peel County his mother was born and raised there was tint after recurring bouts of bronchial asthma he felt ho could best his When the first session the Kith pirliament of Ontario opens next week the resi dents of Wellington m iv he wondering what in store or them For or the firsl time since In wis elected he fall of Inhii who has reprtacn ted them continuously since will not be liking his customary seat at Queen lirk Last spring when some of the electoral districts wen rcorfitni7ed Mr Hoot that he would not Ik seeking reelection in tht pirty and people down while we still hat strcnglh lo assist hit work which has en grossed him for the past sinned from helping his people John Hoot has not When he was interviewed at his farm at It 1 last week he was about to set off for Queen Park to see Pre finished business a of prime concern all in his township of which Isslill rankling him namely proposed Hydro corridor Hydro corridor In March 1974 John Hoot isked the govt rnment fur an Independent hearing on the Hydro enrndor His feeling was that tht Hydro should choose what they deemed to be the best route and hold bowl on that route There ltvdro could explain the reasons for their choice and the peopli would lit af forded the opportunity of voicing iheir protests This the govtrnmtnt did not choose to do and this he believes cost the Progressive Party the strong support it had come to expect from he four southern polls In his former The government must lis ten to the people not lust to the high priced civil vanl he says on the recent election Mr Hoot feels It was a good one The people got what they wanted says this firm champion of working democracy Now no one can Rot the confidence of people is cant too he feels that J7 per cent of the population wouldn jive approval to any of the three parties Whichever party does the best Job ol transposing the wishes of the people into legislation will be the partv that will be In power the next election tic believes New rid In What does he feel about the new riding of Wellington ferln Peel is more com pact he says Population is only one factor in the of a riding ind the concept of one man one vote is not necessarily in the lies interests of all he Representation Is what he feels and in his former constituency It w is often for him drive Igo miles lo discuss i problem with a constituent whereas his mtlropolit in counterpart might have all his within a radius of a few miles Of pioneer Ontario slot John Hoot personiNts the solid citizen who takes a pride In his country his heritage and fruits of his His ire from the simple of life working the land rais ing a family participating in the life of his church ind above all helping othtrs I ike Oiefen trj to put into practiu the things s t ilk ilwiul on Sun In It insult of omentum it Henry miLnttd mm St In- Hon when iptii the tin ling in IKii oat if tin Sim I Ik pre cut John Until ii family the till One hundred and First No 1 7 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 975 press Twenty Einht Pages Fifteen Cor be WC t iv The town of Acton will hi deprived of Santa laus piradt this il no steps in and volunteers tmii to help organic it Press that ht and his wife mm i Iisl vear with the help of no but the Scout is Just loo much for one to do said I hi downtown mirchmt slid that i of Inst s or seven is needed loconlict and to intir its in tin parndi Mr Kuul fmmmil help is is out of town binds it to In uild is will I Waiting At tin no plans dm to I it k support Mr Kind is hoping slip forw ird In fort too hi his and himself I tin hill vtur hid lots votuutitrs whin linn to do tin work iround Id tnnluiuiil It Mr siid hit if no paridi is hi will Santa m Ins stun in on mil I rid just hi Ion I hi High school JOHN Scout leader welcomes three new scouts into the First Acton pack The boys were invested during the Thursday evening meeting graduation Contribution debated Go Ask ii Uil bin would r A Una Is hi ski imutmL il i su minimi net mi re ist for graduating high school will lie held this inning it school than men and are the 1 1 w some of ihem sharing worth of awards This in elude vvithatuviragi or more in ilton Hills ilimuitr i S till tin Si I hour In up luiL ism urn fii Threi students rectitinlied it the sim for receiving a ship from Ine Inivt i Burning garbage call Back forget turn back your clocks this weekend it of list Tuesday attention from hi r bin fighters at 1 passing motorist limes in t of tht called fin hit f Holmes at his boon mi mediittlv to the scent and upon setmu it tailed viIiiiittHrs trucks out of is unknown ind no of lamige was is wis taught in Acton lh controvirsi hoik Urn is tuuht in hi high according to Ikan I- ink Mr Mid of in lh hut not on of Tht is in the form of who gets hooked on dnis runs from sexuil and eommits sumdi Need for parking told to council Malum Hills ilttt of tin Alton t ol mil Hilton Hills Parking to with tin m to disiuss pi ins fur parking in downtown oust rue I ion of Mill mil Mam ol inerei linn Hills Parking give ripirts to torn from eatb group the of finding spots In downtown on be hall or tin r rte hi sud tin town his tsl spots it lime whin his growth rite of hi i Mr Hi Nil 1st I pi tut told Hit tint this building of Mill Strut km mfnrmid tin iniltu Hi it ihc tint tin walks will be widened spots lost diseussfd mil In h until on mint i in I to lost p irking spot Mr Nielsen to it- ill plittd is i tt piss imitt tin irt i si trucks won I In dow sin Is is in doing Hi the would to su Hilton mon off is soon is possible and hi committee to revoke tin ptrklng ban on Mill Street between John Streil and I Aunue in Sim iking on hi half of Hilton Hills irking authority Mr Nielsen said rapid growth in Acton means parking will become a greater and greater problem in the downtown area Hi siiLLestid thai parking in mind wink the town plans tht Mum Mill Street mii proji iK Ik thought still wulow for lommi lopuu lh Milton Hills pirkmg iiitboritvwouldhkt town include lu lurking people living mil working in downtown in a in plinmnj Mill el protects before they ore finalized Committee chairman Joe Hurst suggested the lona file the two rcporis with other material in lonnection with neon siruction projects ind completion of ill Stntt would work is finished Mr Hurst limine tin with of irs parking problems must be kept in mind Mr reminded the hit tin downtown in i in I p irk I lh it off spot must In p irking fitilitus not just i problem for works department to I must lit pi lavor lorn Hill thought inform from pork inc iiilhontv ind imfier of should be passed on to the which is working on rtdi vi piutril pi ins for rlownlo I r llv pointed out i Mnn Mill Struts line page Swimathon Nov 1 linlhs or widths Sponsondbv the 111 tvtnt will I It I I i i smirdn soviii Seek 38 units for Sr Citizens his lnn rtipicsiiil Hilton Hills council to til out in units lor itiins in I his is i survtv tonipliltsl Hilton Hills No siti bis hein Lis lnhv tiprcsses dis of lon is should hi living in them now i this wi It sleinvt irssinct kntw of tin I he strv of Housing will sum ind i pen ml of loss d in opt r units I- Kb will lor nil It ugh width nuts lut will Ii I ii huh is toll rilur r 1h Hit sh I Ii tin Ihi shut hi will s in piojiti dies mil will I to ill minis it i 1 lb sW rptM It will dulv dt linns nd iht Council says Go tell Board about Go Ask Alice Passages from the book Go Ask Alice seemed to shock Hills council as much as the parents who last week raised a storm of protest at Board of Educa tion unanimously voted against the use of the book in Haltons schools when a form asking their endonment was sent from Renaissance Committee Trie only comment was from Councillor Rick Morrow who said he supported it per cent He said if the school board is not doing its job somebody has to Despite the unanimous vote of approval only five councillors had signed and turned in the form by Tuesday morning according to Mayor Tom Hill Police report will St business mi theft win among occurrences town this v is m a break in ire off HASTILY LETTERED sign tells why there s nobody in the post office and the doors are all locked The strike hit Acton at 10 am Tuesday Acton post office is closed since five time and two part local of the Union of Postal Workers kit their jobs about Postmaster remains alone inside Imldiok i Js I lurlhtr inslruttions Irom Isinlh 1 rii is ok I it frizill pit kt up in from local drop boxes loislv ibm win mill in truck Tuesday moi t up Mi Km in sivs lip in kinds k1s Mr i limps tin sub si I 1 lsi I s imbnlv s v inmni hi i ill it I moons out irikiiis ilfm Nut inlid stnki I in s nut I II on ml nil I in io 1 tin In sink i Mud Thin in i iv nil he r will I dm ii lv r to per cent i l oriBinallv 11 and have be reduced to worhirs win h ipp pircent Strike plans have been made have Free delivered as usual rural offices and on rural during the present strike IntoSC carrier service remains unchanged Any subscriber with other loan Acton addresses nay ok

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