Obituary Last of generation R McEnery dies Robert Milriery lifelotiK resident find remaining family member of his In township passed at Hospital September Son of the Dm id Fife Mel Kath lie was born in and attended Hint Mountain As man lived in win re he married Morgan Ktnlner They returned to the farm n Hit line moved lo a property fin the lint and No which ihev farmed for years When old their farm in Mr and Mrs MiFnerv moved to At on where he resided until the time of his death as he was known to hit friends was a lifelong member of church where he was a elder and choir member In of his Mr Mrs Mrnerv their tiding in a he where result for the Mr Steam era here again survived Margaret his grandson three gr Rick ttnvne David A daughter in law Mrs Kd in He was predeceased hv his son Arnold his five brothers and A steam tram sounded its luv haunting officiated tin funeral whistle as it parsed through sirvue held on Oil 1 from Acton Saturday A tram load tin of steam buffs was oul for At Ion a Jaunt behind old wen esse engine Mil rer The train went from Gordon Foster Bert Akilt Toronto and back lio limn son red pain Police profile Queens escort during last visit The Acton Free Press Wed October BARRY HOLLAND is a constable for the Regional Police Force Acton Division He commutes from Mississauga each day For some people escorting Queen Elizabeth to public functions would be the high light of their life but for one Acton policeman it was Just on assignment Constable Barry Holland of the Halton Regional Police Force was formerly with the Metro Toronto While he was there the Queen of England and Prime Minister visited the city and he was assigned to Her Majesty wherever she wen As Const Holland looks back on his police career he would as one of the more Interesting assignments though not highlight Ten ago the year old Conslabie moved from Vancouver to Ontario Three ycirs ago he joined the Tor onto police force where he spent two A six month hiatus countries abroad provided an eventful holiday Const Holland joined the Regional Police last August On September 1 he began his duties in when the police ex pnnded into the town Difference He states the major differ once working for Hilton and Metro is that In Toronto Investigations hap pen more frequently which would be ex pec led Besides being a policeman Cons Holland Is a swimming instructor and examiner Scuba diving practised by the aqualie minded bache lor including water skiing are on his list of hob well as photography If not in the water Const studenl pilot licence and is continuing his lessons Commuting from each day the policeman prefers the four to or the eight a shifts I ike a few of his colleagues he like wake up loo early in the day Cons Holland likes the work he does hut if he ever decided lo lit has a number of options Planted llu li In 1 llu stMH his Now in pi with pop ml I i is iss rv lincl Lets talk about horses by Jennifer Barr n At horse show notitid a buy mid his with ponies who looked alike On lie mi if pome other hi plied Oh in tin si mi held Kids ml ponies a inlet unnv lines tint little I know was Ik to from tin depths of stall whin w is In r I Illl Ijiiij iriHinct ihsk Dm In il i suburb the well Hot on the Most itms Athlete of the In tin five years on trick the rider broken her lutk with a biped but protruding from on the list anil daughter soon riding her third of Dm Most think in nuts slit says lhen dialing smile quips Itul I in just another working mother llHlwel I I was ir In win tin eiip tins 1 mm II like ek round I he Kipper was going a I hen line o first fi one liltli goody milling makes feel lie lie off thin firsl ride on To mark UN day it J4 is being In tin Italia i torn of Hilton Hills Mrs will peak this irs ihtim for Unlit itions I iv the equality woiihii at the home of Mr and Mrs miner I wing SI urge low mi Mrs Is Persia- wnm in who moved mud rum Middle 1 few ago She pointed nut thai i Mali the Prophet I Bill i i nth w is first station of to ilin he WHO DOES IT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT HOLMES 519853 evenings J Aluminum Co Installation Siding Facia and Shutters J JIM J Guelph Res Bus W BRACE Aluminum Products Guelph Street 856 Aluminum Windows Doors Awnings and Rollings service Sales representative tor Branco In ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE GRAPHIC ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Plans Supervision RYDER ACT Acton Calia53 or 1645 Ada tions Rooms Roy I BUILDING YOUR NEW HOME Framing Cup board rooms Super vision shell erecting and building Pre Manufactured homes years experience Call GERRY WARD R NO ACTON 853 COOPER BUSINESS SERVICE Bookkeeping Income Tax Payroll Systems Coat Systems Small Business Specialists 853 3370 Exptrt AUTOBODY Repairs Halton Hills Collision Crewson Corners Dan John I MM See us when you need a car or truck tor Business Trips Holidays Moving Low Daily Rates and good mileage Main St N Acton Richard leltord E corner of Elgin Monday through Friday All Day For Appointment Family Cleaners Mill St Acton FREE pick Delivery ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE SUPPLIES Other Product Sewer Pumping Service Cathea Concrete Mil FERGUS FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Dead Stock Removal LIMITED and Horses Phone 416692 Lie No LEONARD Dental Surgeon Acton DR R STEEN A Acton Professional Building Mill St Acton For Appointments 853 1900 nan HILLS Electrical Contracting Industrial Commercial Residential ACTON Jennings Excavating R 1 3197 Farm Ponds Loading Trenching Septic Beds Fill Gravel Top Soil Estimates Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE FLOOR REFINISHING you equipment Ob J B phone fli3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bruce Prop Thompson Dependable service SlUiCifJBafi 8532174 ACTmONT Distributors of Petroleum Products For Farm and Home Heating Sales Service floral arrangements a Special Occasions OPEN DAILY HALTON HILLS LINE TO FOR YOU HOME HEAT SERVICE for WARMTH you can Iv Fuel Oil Automal Degrci Day Delivery System Parts Protection Pi Gallons Furnace Oil FREE It You Run Out Once You Cut Furnace I Customer CtMCITOWN dave Mcmullen CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Floors Walks Patios Concrete Drives Repairs Chimney Repairs Textured Spray Celling Stucco Work FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL datl GENERAL CONTRACTORS TAPING JOINT FILLING JOE SEELEN MILTON 3337 RON SAUNDERS EXCAVATING HAULAGE Loader and Backhoe service Sand Gravel and 1429 ACTON DRY WALL 853 damtf PAGE GLASS MIRROR SALESSERVICE Aluminum windows and doors Free Estimates 853 3865 Denny Insurance Agency I ACTON GENERAL and LIFE INSURANCE Hours WRIGHT Phone and Insurance Serving Acton and lor Over Years CLASSIFIED ADS THISTLE CUSTODIAL SERVICE Betty and Charlie Clioyno Acton Onl Phone IMPERIAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Complete Janitorial including Rug Cleaning trt KENNELS REG JOHN ROSS OPTICIANS MAIN ST S ACTON ONT Open days a week Complete Optica Service Contact Lenses For Appointment Call Arthur A Johnson 0 MILTON- Mam St By Dr A Laughren Milton Mon to Appointments Avail PRINTING DECORATING GIL PAINTING Contractor EXTERIOR Estimates 878 I ON TIME PAINTING PAINTING and DAVID COHEN Peel St Acton Phone 2815 Interior Decorating Exterior Painting Estimates Free WINDOWS AND J Jennings PHOTOGRAPHY For all your Photographic needs PHONE Mill St ACTON ONTARIO CARNEYS PLUMBING HEATING Plumbing Repairs and Alterations Myers Pumps and Water Softeners Duo matlc Furnaces Roc wood SERVING THE AREA FOR YEARS B0YES PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRS ALTERATIONS NEW WORK PUMP INSTALLATIONS AND SERVICE Phone Sid Spear Sons Plumbing Heating Georgetown 7250 BROCHURES PUBLICATIONS OFFICE STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS PERSONALIZED CARDS RUBBER STAMPS A complete Design and Production Service Dills Printing Mi Co Ltd Specializing in Roofing and siding fascia Steel Barns FREE ESTIMATES Call anytime or collect Erin Mitchs Roofing and Eavestroughtng Specializing In rerooflng and general repairs Steel work on barns Free Estimates 878 Septic Tank Cleaning Phono C LUCKY SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE Rock wood formerly Pumping 856 FAMILY POOL SALES Phone 853 IS Mill St Eist SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION and LOWEST MONTHLY Rental Rate COMPLETE LINE of Water Treatment Equipment lor Homes Farms and Business SELF SERVICE Salt Pickup or DMivorv 877 TOWING Hour Service Anywhere Anytime PHONE 2940 RICHS SERVICE CENTRE FIRST LINE TV AND SERVICE SI Aclon Phone 853 1057 John Salmon COUNTRY TV CENTRE SALES SERVICE Rockwood Line Specialising In TV Service Authorized RCA TV and Appliance Dealer PHONE 856 MODERN TV Sales and Service OF RADIO AND TV SETS Also Tower and Anlenna repairs HENRY S MAYTAG TV APPLIANCES 877 3376 Sine I GEORGETOWN UPHOLSTERY Recovering and Restyling at your antique and modem furniture Free estimate pick up and delivery u years experience Satisfaction guaranteed 824 0533 USE EASY TERMS AVAILABLE SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Servide Free Estimates Com m ere la I I la I W KAMMINGA ACTON WELDING Farm machine repair alum stainless and cast Iron equipment antique polishing S RtNDER ACTON Mf