Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1975, p. 4

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A Tho Acton Free Press Wed School for the community Its good to see that the new high school will be considered communityoriented The gymnasium and the cafeteria auditorium are located so they can be readily used by people in the school on evenings and weekends Gone are the days when schools were open only in the daytime the gleaming floors protected from the rigors of dusty adult shoe soles Gradually the policy has been changed It has become more and more simple to arrange for use of schools for sports and night school classes Now community use has been a consideration right from the beginning of planning this beautiful new high school The design also allows for the addition of a community facility such as a day care centre long a need in this town of many working mothers When the high school is ready in September of there will be four schools in town all available for extra hours activities There will be five gyms counting the MCA for adult fun games of badminton basketball and volleyball as well as the organized sports classes there Another aspect of the high schools interest in the community is its upcoming organization of councils to discuss matters of general concern A newsletter which went out to parents of high school students last week helps pull together the ties of community and school which perhaps have become loose The Home and School Association no longer functions and the gap must be bridged other ways The schools are doing a good job of it with regular communication with the homes through letters special programs and their contributions to the Youth Page of the paper It takes dimes not pennies Halloween is coming and for years in Acton its become a habit to save pennies beforehand to dole out to the costumed callers at the door who carry boxes This year though the people arc pointing out that costs are up a great deal and it takes far more pennies than it used to providing aid for children overseas en collections from warm hearted children provided 26 per cent of the total Canada budget in of a total of 290 Projects officially supported by UNICEF Canada using Halowe en donations include a rural water supply project in Nigeria pre school children s services in the Caribbean rural piped water program in Malawi health services rural water supply and nan formal education Is Botswana clean water supply program in Pakistan emergency well drilling in India rural school library programs in West Malaysia dried vaccine project and text book production in Lanka This year it takes more donations of nickels and dimes and quarters as well as those ever present pennies Beavers Cubs Scouts and Venturers programs need money to operate and this commg Friday and Saturday are the two days of the year these boys ask directly for financial support from the community They 11 be going door and standing on street corners with their baskets of gleaming rosy apples and their tags They re not selling apples They re waiting for your donation to support the groups in Acton and that juicy apple is just your Thanks You gesture from the grateful boys OUR READERS WRITE Re Go Ask Alice Controversy Ours is society in which sex has been ml is over emphasized adults children alike are exposed to false values through all media tanks television movies etc Is il mil better to introduce topics s arc ele ill Willi In Go Ask Alice through such aunties as our educational system th it children can be guided to question the of its content with profession dors and with Iheir parents in open frank discussions Is it to in preferred that suih books in secret and lake superficial relativcK msignific parLs of il to rind make own unguided pinions of it If ban book the will neverthe less read it if see beyond the few ob ject passages to the tragic sinrv within will not consider them selves even more alienated from parents who don I understand Ihctn If course language is offensive but I doubt that our are with the used The art exposed to manv it is up to ils to put things in iheir proper prospective to accentuate the IKfriliv chut also to recognize that negative and minimize them I ligh school students arc not children loo soon thev icb eighteen which time Ihev cars vote irned It is the rcsponsiblit through system to prepare our tonne people to cope with all facets if mod rnsocitl to function reasonablv well in a hat it tunes seems an unreasonable Mrs B Jones 12 Norman Ave and limi again in every it large and small certain vocal mdivi duals have been responsible for banning hooks for describing the sexual net in animalistic socially unacceptable terms If von have taught your children the true meaning of love and marriage that ill Itself Is merely one small part of lasting warm relationship between two in who should also be friends com liclpmules as well as lovers do you worry you have shown them by own ex ample that is a willing and lov partnership made openly binding by the gal commitment of marriage each other thev should be fully aware that sex in Itself of Itself Is a meaningless again I art so cannot children from the seamier side of life banning this book or book you make Its sales soar It a forbidden hint vou lunik increase lis thrill valw and em the least Important aspect of The Illustrates the of children s pressure the disastrous tragit results that occur when drugs become a wa of life Communicate with your children teach Ihimbv your own words deeds the between right and wrong give them credit for Iht ir intelligence The v recojnue with your gentle the difference between a warm loving par of adults and the rather sordid altcmpt or a troubled immature mind to comfort and solace through se alone Haton OSSTF disagree The Editor Dear Sir I write in response lo an article In jour paper dated October is Ombudsman won enter in parents board My particular concern is with the comments attributed to Mrs Fisher two in particular She Is quoted as saying that teachers are to speak out This may be true of some individual teachers but ft is not true of teachers as a federation We in Hatton District Ontario Secondary School Tea chers Federation have decided that little is to be gained by waging war of words In the press We speak forcibly we speak clearly but we speak directly to the trua tees and administration of the Board of Education This In no way cates a fear but rather a dear desire not to fight private battle in a public arena Vie have many avenues or discussion and negotiation with our Board and the mutual trust and respect we strive for is not advanced by publicly airing our Responsible people In responsible ways The second on which Mrs Fisher and I disagree is her statement that the teachers are supporting us in this battle If the teachers means the teachers I have talked to then I agree perhaps that this statement is true However if the teachers is interpreted to mean OSSTF District or the Secondary Teachers of Hal ton then I must disagree Districts OSSTF the elected representatives of the 1 Secon dary teachers In Ha Hon definitely do not have a policy which supports Mrs Fishers group Further the Council to my know The last rose of summer and a sleepy fly Sugar and Spice by bill smiley of ni recur dreams is all im teeth are crumbling and iking off tike toast It a lernbli ntcjitm ire null always up sweating jam finders into mv mouth id groan with relief when find tin are still here and with pain because I hue bitten fingers Todav I feel that Im having a diymirt rather than a nightmare last night it dinner one of front in the midst of a glorious dish of curried chicken I love curried chicken and this time wife had excelled herself white that me ins but lam not keen on curried chicken with teeth in it when are own However this incident lis not ml unduly or otherwise It was mv peg tooth couple of months it comes unscrewed or whilcvor I can full comb it of the soup or spaghetti trot down In hi dentist with it clutched in hind he We the Teachers of Hilton try not to involve others in our private ba tiles and we would others not dnsis it off pops it in mi ntn it in phut and I m hick in business stuffing my guts Hill morning munching my matins in Ibis a ripe yellow pear tasted as so much fruit does nowadays like wet cardboard I crunched on something Now I know that do not have either bones or stones They hove pips And I knew that this particular pear did not even have pip because my loving wife knowing I was one tooth short from the night before hod disembowelled it Right another front tooth broken off just beside the missing peg in cither case Just a of horror and self disgust as I have in the nightmare s bad enough to pull a filling when eating toffee or to snap off a bit of molar when you crunch down on an unsuspected bone or even to have an idling yanked But to have one break off when citing an over ripe pear in theirs especially without r support Yours truly Peter President Reverse censorship in schools Dear Sir With regard to the literature the schools I would there is censor ship censorship in reverse For the books written in the kind of language con to the learning of good w ing reid ing and speech habits are gradually being neglected and those of questionable taste are taking over the language classes just as the pornographic movies are taking over the movie is not being taught has taken its place and this is ihe rca son why our people arc not as literate as they should be The are also being de nied a good background in Ihe basics of literature which turn prohibits them from calling themselves educated in any sense of the work We are drowning in trash outside the school Some homes have only magazines some homes arc completely de void of books some homes have not the Ian skills to pass on to their children the language of their adopted country and some homes have no culture other than that of the kind now prevalent in the schools Don the children from these homes de- sen to be introduced to the literature that lights up the language so that in years lo come they will look upon their language as a thing of beaut not a thing of ugliness The English language is unlimited in its versatilitv Contrary to popular opinion the parents of the past were no belter and no worse than those today and they were just as varied Hut the school was constant the school was Hit bastion for all the kids the bastion of their security The school was safe and the school was right when the schools do their job the country prospers and 1 think thev used to do iheir job Our trustees say there arc more kids stay at school This is true But stud ing books such as Go Ask Alice educate them so that if the arc unable to read de cent books written in decent English may as well out at work and relieving their parents of the financial burden they art forced to for IB years The trouble is the kids don t have the reading level to read good books because they haven been studying English proper order to get to this state English alike Math inasmuch that books in one grade should lead to a higher level in another But some classes have trashy liter mixed up with books lhat are only fit to be studied at university and I am sure the grade nine students don I understand them They have everything but good English literature suitable for teaching them in pood solid steps how to get their reading to improve This will have to change or the English language is doomed in Canada I can only pray that the other English speaking countries are playing their part in keeping the language in all its beauty and versa tility The kids of course don know what the are missing How could they Betty A Hansford Paper and bottle drive Dear Editor I would just like to comment on the paper and bottle drive the High has undertaken in the past couple of years think they did a great job and provided a worthwhile service for our town But now it s time for the town to do their share The collection of bottles and papers should be undertaken by the town It would certainly be easier for them to do it rather than just a small group Pollution is a very serious problem and we re not doing everything we can to help solve it I for one w t mind pay a fee each month lo have my glass and newspapers collected Yours truly A Concerned Cilizen with boxes full of bottles and papers Thank you for listening The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago I- irnt I Mi in r nslruetlnn a fiw milt i of Alton this of Si nil I mill in i 1 In f llii Id mill building is Ih Inc in ltd by llns ill Inn limine ami town in lib on lour and a hair of hind Mil rum Ik highway I by a si ml In I fnim hi Ir Mir if Iln boys i Snip III hi is li Ihi I ill in Hi iiddllion linn in i in I In group mil in Iti furl Mill IhiirHiIiv I I i arnniHUiKiil i linn I sill d Into tin di go for years with no hair on their heads and plant In magazines are more vlrll go all lives with in bruins lo ok of I I could get through Ihe day without two lei III And I did Hut by noon tip of my tongue was raw and ddi d from thrusting II into that Jagged Hut I was coping And I knew if I hustled down my fntndl dinllst hi would squeeze me In somehow and patch me up somehow I should have known from my air force days I know tint dlsastirs tome In threes in the middle of a brilliant lesson the use of four letter works in literature is legs somebody somehow rammtd a red hoi needle into i tooth in my lower Jaw bone four and two spaces from the missing ones I almost screamed aloud I screamed silently The needle was removed Two minutes later lhat red hot needle plunged into the tooth directly above have two teeth on that side upper and lower and they are fairly friendly with each other because there is nobody else around This time I help it I emitted Huh as though someone were driving i stake tl rough my heart I sagged into my chair white and shaken You can always depend on students They rally around when things are tough despite their outward cynicism They re all heart inside that tough exterior I think the old sod datak we do Jeez hope he godoor tests marked yet I think I ailed mine Maybe he just bad hangover Slap him the face a coup a times and he might come around I came out of it of course and pretended I was enacting grief When looked as though they didn t believe me 1 curled back my bottom lip and snarled at them with my new gaptoothed look They shut up When everything cooled down I realized that my back were merely expressing sympathy for my lost front teeth It made them lonicr than ever But they t have to shriek their sympathy at such volume My whole jaw has been aching for the remainder of this dark day but the red hot needle has cooled to a blunt instrument As soon as I finish telling you this fas episode of a continued story called One Man 1 angs I m going straight to the dentist and have him rip every tattered remnant of bone out of my head Then I am going up to the hospital and have the calcium chipped off my right foot bone my gall bladder removed Just In case it ever acts up a heart pacer put in and three or four pints of blood In Ihe event of anemia I might even have my cars pierced just for the hell of it I don trust the old carcass any more If my teeth start crumbling when I juat a broth of a boy who knows what bits ana pieces may rail off when I as I fully intend to be About I I ih In II 1 i id Moil lav In llisyiiir will In from Up in mil Mi inlay linn limi I llll Mil I hi 50 years ago Itnupuf k mi it Kn lusl Sunday is mi i limi ioiiKritlliiii llii alb wis favor till mi liolh ft Norm in Mi fMihtr I oar in hi ill mid his win rkli in ml in iiisii mil of by tin leaders A tilnwir v in John ton In by lur in I in iglilmrn in luisilay i iln irmly resident i Inn Mirny Im iiiIKiiI nut mis win I Mr and Mrs Hi Ml in r of I rin I mil I at tin limn 1 Mis Itol li on Sunday Mr Mrs I ill Mr nil Mrs Sop r during lh WIk apt humus I win sin In r in wsl it of Ins r Mr Hinder sun during wuk An fir mini Sell Servieis IimIiiI in for it tin daily Id mpluyi d as Auto I in 1 A largely ling of Ok hum wus held in Mi Hon Wed v President Norm worth of hair llu uniting diseunsid In is or not it would Ik to icindulili in the It w is finally not In so 75 years ago I hi if Knox thurtli Acton ex lend il invitation the citizens of on evening of Thanksgiving After supper in Hit basement It v Thus Wilson of I on i will deliver his lei tun on South Africa views of Soulh its bottle fields will be worth seeing long drought wjs broken copious rains on Saturday night Sunday The past months Ins ex dry Many wells springs have given The serious in this res peel is drying up of big spring on the third line which feeds creek running through Acton This spring w is never dry list Salurdii levin drove from ion to ive friendly e rkkc match Thi Acton team has had no and has done no playing fur or 10 years with the exception of the game at lh Old Boys reunion had ad vantage of considerable practice They lake loo seriously for in order make a team brought over two or ihret of the of Stewarllown eleven if course was Storing for Acton T T Moore John lark Hay ward A b Speight Williams Henderson llvnds Good and Cross THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office 1975

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