Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1975, p. 6

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The Acton Free Press Wed October Limehouse Apple day accident news By Mr A Benton Twenty Brownies registered this fall Sixers approved were B rend a Diane Crew Beth and Linda Thomson Seconders were Lee Bustiers Catheryn Cuttler Susan Brown and Jennifer Thomson They have enjoyed hikes crafts in eluding Halloween masks They meet at the Hut on Thursday evenings The Local Association met at Shirley Thompson where commissioner Barbara New man visited with them The Group committee also Joined with them to discuss their mulll sale planned for Nov a After the meeting they surprised Shirley Thompson a baby shower Accident We are sorry to hear of another accident among our local youths Garry Moore and Alan riding in a small truck struck a bridge side on the fourth line last week Alan was badly In Apple day Contributed by Mrs Han nan Apple day in was Oct 18 Iftccn cubs and one scout were out selling bushels of apples The net which will aid Scouting in Limehouse was 50 Thank you to the six parents who drove the boys around the large area and to the people who bo generously donated to these boys After selling the apples the Cubs went on a short hike Two new Cubs have been Invested Greg and Stephen Sharpies Their mothers were at the meeting for the ceremony and stayed for coffee and the remainder of the meeting Badges Several badges have been earned by the Cubs artist Ian Brown woodman Ion Brown collector and red star Ian Brown gardener Tom swimmer Brian Waiter and Carber Goodlct Al last week Scout meeting three reprcsenta from District paid a visit Murray Harrison Brian McCourt and Steve Sc outer Jim was invested as Scout leader Scout Doug Hannah has been presented with his silver swimmers badge Group Com mittce held their Oct meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs Hugo with 14 parents present Sunshine members plan for Christmas Limehouse making good use of Sheridan crafts trailer Response from residents to various pro grams the Sheridan College crafts trailer has been excellent according to line of the teachers Janet Bock The local leacher says bolh students al school adults In the hamlet ore making good use of Ihe trailer and various programs offered Mrs Back said many of the teachers are from because Sheridan College wants to involve the com In the programs as much as possible During the days pupils at both Limehouse and schools take classes and then few nights each week adults take courses Among the programs of this year the trailer are quilting ceramics cake decorating photography and small engine repairs Children lake various training Including puppet making Town to seJ Saxton Edward UCW speaker store in report Road allowances for Saxton and Edward Streets in Limehouse will be officially closed and offered for sal to abutting land owners Halton Hills works committee decided Monday Neither of the streets have ever been officially opened and earlier this year one of the residents in the area Marion Clarke asked if the town would sell it to her WIT I STF viewed the area during its fall works tour and decided Monday the town doesn have any need for the puppet two unused roads making teacher Janet Beck by Mrs The October meeting of Ihe HOW was at the home of Mrs Gloria Johnson ninth line The president Mrs McEncry opened with a suitable thought Minutes were read by Ihe secretary Holt call was answered by a Thanksgiving thought Mrs Norm Sinclair had the devotion Business arising from Ihc minute spoke of several coming commitments ing the Christmas meeting which is to be a treat In the form of a dinner at a local restaurant for members and husbands Thoughts about the church supper Nov came up too Two weddings next year were spoken for The call for men good used clothing for Scott Mis was noticed bell Nursery for retarded preschoolers near Milton Her presentation of the free will work done there made us realize just how dedicated a person she Is It also made us wonder if we all do the worth while things enough Are we more about busy of things that really are rather mediocre Lunch was served by and Miry Black Mrs Archie Mir spent afternoon and dinner with sis lerlnlaw Rita on Tuesday Much pleasant dls on family history and old time incidents mad us both happy More Morlty is busy addition built to his and his It will make room or horst and also hardware which crowds present store W win pleased to set Mr Blake to Bonn Talking to him In tola me It was Hit beat kind of he had found since his very tragic Mr and Mrs visited Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson at Mills on Sunday Vie were sorry to hear Mrs Beth Pearson of Tan had been hospitalized tor surgery Mr and Mrs moved into the Barnes home on Saturday We hope they will fid Our concern and thoughts go to my close neighbour in his loneliness in losing his wife last Sunday night Mrs Donna Metcalfe cross team again Sue District Page we nope win living here in 1507706 a Scout troop started 300 beef tickets sold visiting with his mother Mrs J Vnndcr Vlugt and the rest of the family John is studying forestry it Sir San ford Fleming in I intl say Mrs Vernon Stewart Ins at the Kelso meet a week ago Next or the team will compete al Colling a Scout Troop has been wood at the All Ontario started in Ospringe This is competition which will con being operated in conjunction elude the event They will go Alfboysli b bus and be billeted over to 14 years of age arc wel night H S have excelled come Meetings arc being themselves so far held Monday nights from to been enjoying a month hull The service on Sunday had 30pm in the school audi days in British from 1 Sam 1 Anyone interested II and Mark 1427 Theser pkase come to the meetings was entitled My faith Glen Jackson Hawks looks up to Thee Suffering north to is one of Gods means of The numbers of Knox son In la enlarging the souls Presbyterian Church were lark and fin very sorry they couldn feed The ocean has her ebb- who came to the ingsso has grief Saturday even It lakes the eyes and ears m over tickets wire heart of the soul opened sold and there just wasn I v the spirit of God to under enough beef for any more stand the wonders of the Those who got their supper her Mr mid Mrs mllyntWIIlii and world of God Many interesting panels hive been on TV lately The Norm Show on Satur day night had thoughts expressed which made one think Rev was on the pan I and voiced his thoughts in no uncertain terms Mr and Mrs Thomas Given wire pleasantly prised Saturday evening loud In their praise of delicious meal John Vander spent a weekend his here Ontario Musi Remember Ihlliwe in parly in school audit rium frizes will glvin for costumes fin is as Thi school Night III Royal most instructive lour wnsiven ill reported a enjoyable meeting lYinsportnlion w is by Denny lines Mrs I SI Mrs I Stevens Junior from Welling ton junior jnls it tin school this past wick In craIc six sludints wi re on in outdoor excursion In den Milts with their scum tcicliir Mrs Mary Some of the milhcrs went to assist Tin pupils r ill hi ms Ml Poor response for preschoolers The Pre School when their five daughters and sons In law iminged a lovely evening for Ihem there was a din party al Pong restaur in Georgetown complete lchcr securing teacher and the slow response of mothers tiling to help Joanne primary been corsages and a ruby Registrations were taken vase of sweetheart roses ycslcrday In Milton for the Ihc centre of the eight week program running tabic dinner they alt mornings and afternoons ended Ihe dance at until Dec IB hall and then on returning The fee is 20 for the eight director says In program will not continue without Hi support of parents This is the second year for the pre school which Is held ommiinlly Hull Acton Pharmacy home there was a parly and beautifully decorated cake The family presented Iheir parents with a gift of eight stemmed wine glasses week period Hours are to 30 and I to five days a week Milton Parks and Recreation Department Awards The annual School awards were presented at Si church on Sunday the United Nations Children fundis making special efforts to help child welfare in the worlds poorest countries those with a yearly income per person of WO or less GAS SAVER 1870 DELUXE Lie Warranty No Bank Financing MOTORS ITD ONLY SPECIALTY LIGHTING STORE CHATELAINE LIGHTING York Road Multi Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES Swag Lamps Vanity Cabinets Electric Heat and Portable Central Vacuum Cleaning Wiring Devices Future Parts etc Vent lotion Hoods Fans etc FREE PARKING Thur Frl Sal Bm Main St ACTON YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR TOP QUALITY PH0T0FINISHING IN ACTON LEAVE YOUR FILMS HERE BENJAMIN FILM LABS LTD CHILDREN AT School gather around their teacher Janet Back to show on their hand made puppets The pupils are left to right Gerry Clarke Gordon Duck Winnie Beck Elizabeth Michael Morrison and Hat Martin Mm Vera Block welcomed members and friend to the meeting of lock wood It won a lovely day and there was a good turn out After the Hinging of Canada everybody Joined In jnd learned a new song Get Acquainted composed by Victor Smith A disc nan Ion fallowed and it wan decided Christmas supper will tic at the Colonial Motel in Itockwood on December II The club will pay a bend Inwards costs tfit numbers remain der A euchre party is to be held at the home of Bert Davidson on Nov People are asked to bring their own lunch and to invite a friend More de tails will be available at the next meeting Mrs Margaret McNahb gave a rcadlna 1 love being middle aged which was appreciated by all Get well wishes go lo Mrs lorencc Trousdale and everyone hopes lo Bee her out about soon After euchre a very nice lunch of biscuits mode by Mrs Anne Smith Mrs Alex McPhedran was served with lam and once again an enjoyable afternoon came lo an end Churchill Family moves to Stratford Put in curbs gutters but no six lane road Church service In Churchill community church on Sunday morning Oct wis very well attended Our pastor Rev A W sermon subject was Crisis In the Ministry Why The choir sung God My Head Mr and Mrs Ward ton were dinner guests with Mr and Mrs Gordon ton at Toronto prior to attend Collegiate re union on Mrs Brown and family have moved lo when her son Mr anil Mrs Wayne Brown family moved and estab lished their home some time Neighbors and friends wish them the very best m their home ind surroundings Parly The annual party held in the church hall last Fndi evening was a roaring success The hall had been decorated in en fashion members of Ihe junior choir A couple of features had been added The boys had trans formed their Sunday school classroom Inton spook ridden house or horrors for small fee guided souls through it Also small gypsies had erected a tent for the telling of fortunes and charged for each into their crystal hall Both wire popular at with ill proceeds towirds he usu il costume contests wen conducted with judges Mrs Aha V inter Mr Mrs Anderson and t Thompson miking Die difficult decisions I Cooper and I flannel led the and relays Marj Milne of the organ red the re freshmen Is which brought the revelry to Mr Mrs Norman Turner ittended last evening performincc of The Dame of at the Produced in don starring Dime this pin the German time of tm Sire one the Channel The plav brought hick memories to who with his fimih survived similir experiences on neigh island of Jersey The plij had i successful two week run in An error in the October edition of the I rec was pointed out yesterday day by Ed pro ject manager of the Regional Planning and Design depart of the Ministry of Transportation and Com mumcalion The story Dis cuss construction road to be six lanes was inaccurate Mr Stevenson said He told this paper that Seven through would not be widened as the story Bug Rests The existing four lanes will remain and we are going to extend the curb and gutter from the intersection of Hwy Seven lo County Road westerly to Fall St he said Mr Stevenson continued to say that curbs and gutters would also be put in from the River bridge south to approximately the south II mils of the village There will be a sidewalk on Ihc west side he said This newspaper apologizes for any Inconveniences or embarrassment the people in Mr Stevenson and theMinhtry of Transpor might have Incurred due to he error The information came up at October 6 meeting of the Eramosa Township council SO million children are severely threatened with starvation and disease In over CO countries around the world is trying to help countries establish a package of basic health nutrition and education scrviies or such Rockwood bowling Country mm Norton II 20 IB Kay IS Men over SO Dune Kingibury John GO Doug 1 1 US HIT 1M XI Pin IM 1C 481 12S 41 115 02 III Ctrney 1JJ lit 1U 134 Eugene 1 12 131 ill r 173 IM Fog Women over SOD BSD Ivy Ritchie Nellie Boxh Ruth buses in Fnn unship were in iur morning e nisi of the Doug 167607 SZ1 Four Corner I Tony 17B 607 Nellie SW Kivi Feed 7Etmer Ruth Kings bury 10 in I Peirt 171 187311 Cuelphltei Frallch Hi Hi 1W 4 Rail Cordon 173 Country Hen Peter 133 IM Eva 138 III Ivy Ritchie Gray 128 Peter 1U 143 172 DIM instable Kldd showed a vi inform film on Bus Sail lo pupils the staff eri ilu was followed a illsuisslon mi rules Kid who works with Hit bus operations lux til ill bur salts si pupils wuiihI up 1 salt small was grain six wilh 1U1 lurs sold Hip was Willing who sold with ill four was sit mid lop lh bars We mi win as iiiirUous win tup- silling friend RADIO FOR TODAY

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