Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1975, p. 13

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Consider EMO plan for unseen problems If 100 head of arc run ning through a group of people will know exactly what to ito for a spill from one of the railroad oil tanker council la looking Into the of Measures Organization plan Introduced to the townithlp Thin service would coal no thing lo the taxpayers tia It In already coming oft taxes through other things and Ihoy are not deriving benefits Roy Margettn EMC visited the council during their bimonthly mooting Monday evening to tell them about the project He said that tie will utility area draw up a rough draft or the plan and could whether or not to pais a bylaw to the plan Mr told thu group a book would he made up listing all the people to telephone In the case of and wtiat to do A thumbnail sketch of the area would bo Included ho someone from outsldo the area could look lit and know Intel what would be He cited one advantage of having this plan would be If there wan a broken gas main It would tint contact gun man turn It off Committer Tho repreneiitntive sold lhat a committee would have to be net up whose mom bom could confer In nine of an emergency He suggeHted the Deputy Iteeve clerk treasuror arlo Provincial Police of fleers Canada cm Union cm ployed etc would In- for such committee Mr pointed out that was to lie careful when planning thlh committee to make sine people wlio are be where the action Is arc no on the committee He cited the fire i oh ho example The chief would want to he fight log the fire rather than did what will be done He told the council that the welfare of Ihe people was he prime were worrying Deputy lleltv Clark She wondered If the boundaries went by Hull Canada Hydro or boundaries Mr reasHured her they used geographical on He the of Die pluii to prevent mlnulCH mill gel the work done When linked John Hewilt what tin group In case of cattle train derailing find the Mi Mai jells Hie back mine Htm Allan iiell He said It would he theli own plan ami the would have tu untie I la Mr Maigettshald Hint two wars In hud the rum mi lowuslup conn til and them If they wanted this plan Unit hi- received no answer and diopped Die it ten null Mm Clark she Ihitik of It win Itiincd down two nun now and iiitepled hut Ml Muiclts toll the i mm ell lhai bail bail a plan luring flooding two years ago damage would not have been He area hod offered Midi a plan arid It bad awn up but won not passed l Itm plan hail In hik drawer while the watt happening Mi said linn mine Intel at an liKpilrv con the mallei He said that on April ill the pi ml let itl oil no longei the so federal goern iiietil mud they would mil lor Individual inn llowevei he t tmtlnued Will lltil lilt the IIKintV tin til Hie lowim tltierminid and the towns will not themselves ihc out how much money an net Mi said that If the municipality hud to pay II would only tost US capita per annum and the fed em I Hovel milt plinth for cent of Ihls Mr Margells tti go ahead draw up a rough plan wllh the Mantling that look over tupy and make am 1liev would then apprinc mill a bylaw It tunings ineellni that the Hill Hetty lmi Clink Itimtls Hub Hamilton I lowl lllnil ley and I lie Chief Men lows would comprise he sm- Pet of the week mil I hey up with Rockwood bowling flliadtni Countrymen Norton UiprtdlcUblu Four Junior I IT MuituiKi 3 Kay IT Mm Hilton Polar Bosch US Tad Don McKanle S over lyy 111 Mars Jjjcktrslt i Ntney mi Ann SIT KUvor 01i SIS Nancy lor- nan 111 us Garry Hlllon Nettle 114 Dan IS3 1104 tot Jr Qkn any ISO tot men 1B1 m lllrki lUi 3J run If J IS 3 Ivy IDS log nil ll Mary i itutK Ktnxiin 103 uui Ann lurm 3 1ST Hill Miry ISl 14T 131 cumc BO IU Htiicin IBS a Hon 1ST iu3 13SII m Ifltt in 187 Mil MO 117 Jnrk open in a few weeks The Nnvemtw ordlnn rtovemwr to Medical Centre will be readv Kmnuwii township 1111 j or occupancy on or before HRCA He told Ihe township council this their be monthh Monday owning IS THE and a half year old of Kan A is part terrier but more poodle according to proud owner Nubs likes everything except coffee and beets and especially likes roast beef dinners because he knows he will get the bone Tug of war is his favorite Nubs always shakes his paw before receiving food Milton School of Driving DOT OSL A I CALL GEO BAIRD 10 IK wants NEC changes The Land Use Advisory Board of Conservation Authority has made recommendations for revision of boundaries under the Jurisdiction of tho Niagara Escarpment Commission The report defines the areas on tho face of the Escarpment In need of control the brow and talus slopes They recommended the area above currently within the Belt be controlled NEC ft was felt this area a source of several watercourses and one of the moat acatheln the Escarpment could be In danger of future develop The Parkway Belt has been designated as a corridor as well a Nelson Crushed Stone and Its surrounding property was excluded in HRCAs recommendation as it is a quarry area and controlled by the Pits and Quarries Act Urban hamlets such as Kilbride and Campbcllvllle have also been excluded because contain no physical features of the Escarpment and are very difficult to control VW RABBIT Low Mileage Demonstrator Bank Financing Lie 344 Switch to Our Prices MOTORS LTD The Acton Wed November 3 Restore cabin to original condition lltU visitor Joanne and Gail Me Arthur didnt scare anybody Friday to the will tie allowed to build a on acre farm anil In lehtoro an lo cabin for iiiiiMises only loumll came to litis detblon Monday evenings meeting after Many Sterne vlhlled I hem Mr explained thai he bought a farm Con Ilieie in nreseiit a dlNlievuleil losj cabin i with barn and a on Iho site I In been i for and would now like to build a borne for Ins and himself lie dial lie wjin nut fin a ration but merely a building Mi on the value of Hie cabin and council Moultl be a to have down Deputy Hetty I mi lark thought it land Mrs link pointed out Mi Sterne Unit township wan zoned cultural anil we want lo It sold loljiii Mr would like In blurt as soon a IHiittlili on tin- of Die unci that tut I nit loi could In Iwn Mr He will mid Mi haul lio sym Willi Mi Memo I would like leslore bill I eon done Ikiiihi- mini that Ihe Id and I llie mailer later in lie Wolf bounties raise differences She ekiiiw Ma In lias In in lb Idea others art too per onanist il haul be bad the Minn rem lions people lie had in lit- Mi woiitliTttl il should a farm mailer mid their the lunlor Far of I dont we need solves lose t Ivlllid lion lieu 111 said Deputy loo lark empliiisied thai she ditl not want a hotsi Imause of wolves It dtiided tit Hie would to larmerh making a lovely Ion iHiinltd nut tint a log was unusual Ihe area sold alter Hie is iiiiiipltletl be would like use itihlii us a form of jjllthl house At pi eselll time his nephew who is tile llnlvfihlty of is living III Hie IV inlendt farm land and would mil be a hired hand he said helps mil Hie farm work in payment t Il was Hiiilfd Mr Illinium heeding and i Die laud and If anv other work la licidtd to be dune a mini would be than a hired hand Iountll jiiiBbod a million lit 1 tU hi Hut building building the of a liiiinii bouse on the lot and Hie Mi Mubhini said to lou Inn he permit Mr build and iiHioieit ah an on Ihe hlslorluil bile only ami would be lo go mil be tthed as a dwelling lly a by taw lliey was with the in htatmu pihshiH Ills motion tin- mole one limine t would be foi would mil on Ihe poses only Ihe nephew properly except In by law would have In Isewber luld Mr Mawson she Hie man lit lured bund who on Hie propel I aid nil tin liyli lie Mi Mashon he would need a was Hie only fall Hung In do oi bad tinned down in lite olhcj with nam nth one onlj a lew s ago In Hot Km tetl letk Lloyd pointed lhat lure wai tune of a wolf killing last said Hit lion id Hie would be d oh Hie hunter the animal one plate be got ilettslon up I originally everai weekn oner several killings hud In en reiKirli farintTh lliey Mild II wtilvis Hie killing Mr llie would have lo ami make mire the hheep were killed by wolves rather tlojis inona at to a lanuaryby law Mi Sterne admitted his bouse would be KM feel less than thai but was prcnarcd alter bis plans ad here the luwn Count John Hewitt told memberh llml there wan tot him build a lie turn round mid get a he vera nee for the I Irs I Mr told illor thai he Hint GUELPHS ONLY SPECIALTY LIGHTING CHATELAINE LIGHTING York Road Guelph Multi Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION 1 IXTUMfS Door Lamp Vrtnil I lettrm Kent mil yslerni Wiring FREE PARKING fl I Sol pro Town Country Town Country Snow Champ Snow Champ Town Country RADIAL AllPosition SUPRBELT BELT BIAS MINISPORT NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW upfionl value too You need good front tiro traction winter days Here bias buy that can give you plenty of safe smooth riding mile And look at those prices You can t afford to pass up such grot bargains on Fireslone quality tires We make it easy at stores NEW DELUXE CHAMPION 13 ii ACTON PHARMACY LTD M00RE PARK PLAZA 8775119 GEORGETOWN 8775119 let us mount your SNOW TIRES WHEEL ALIGNMENT

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