AWARDS PRESENTATIONS followed dinner at Acton Meadows Saturday night The social evening ends the golf season for another semester Trophy winners are left to right Joan golfer of the year Fred Darby club champions Stu McDonald B flight champion Lome Norton men s best ball Bill Wilson ringer board Mary Ranney A flight champion Keith FIRST GOAL for London is scored in the London vs Hamilton Atom hockey game Saturday morning at the arena The Acton Free Press Wed November 12 1975 New bank inspector fraud Police that If thtrt it have issued a urging something wring the residents to beware of the will contact police and the bank inspector rand intended victim and iommmlir lici can work together to Superintendent Floii Sch fitch persons trying to com this risk mil the fraud should beware of anyone calling asking for their help In a ink investigation We want people to be inn of this type of frau and don wan to see any victims here he suggest if anyone receives i ill should indicate the caller willingness to go along with iny then contact their It ink for soon as possible ladies bestballJudy Shannon ladies handicap At and Cy Collins top husband and wife team ladies bestballJudy Shannon nanoicap junior champ Karen Collins ladies club champion Mary Irwin C flight champion and champion and ladies best ball June Darby mens best ball John Hoare OUR READERS WRITE Many local exhibitors will be taking port in the lions at the Royal Winter Fair It runs from Nov 14 to Nov days Youth bowling By Dale Just days until Christ Prisons called holiday camps Rock wood Ontario N0B2KO Nov 1975 To the Editor Dear Sir I am one of a number of people who are becoming more and more concerned about the Increasing vandalism hooliganism and violent crime In our society I of the opinion that to combat vandalism and violent crime we have to do two things a Teach order and self discipline In elementary and high schools b Reexamine our prison system In our schools we must Insist on respect for our educators and this must be en forced by principals trustees and the school board as a whole We must have orderly conduct all times on school property It must be instilled in students hat to maintain an orderly society we must have rules and these rules must be adhered to It is great to do your own thing but not at the expense of the rest of society At the other end the ladder we must end laws that are bogging down our Judicial system laws that penalize people for socalled crimes without victims Today there is much talk of the inequities of our penal system certainly many of our jails are overcrowded but In updating our prison system we must not make holiday camps out of our prisons A should be a place where once a person has served his time he never wants to go back again Rehabilitation Is fine but I think we have gone overboard Tax many of whom eat steak as a pay for steaks that are part of the regular are in some penal institutions The taxpayer pays for power mowers etc to trim the lawns around our penal instlt utlons they also pay for swimming pools and exercise equipment In my opinion hand powered mowers would keep the grounds trim conserve gasoline not pollute and keep the inmates In reasonable shape Correctional officers should be carefully hand picked and to maintain a high standard should be ade quately paid Extra remuneration could be provided by cutting out many of the frills Recently I read that a camera lens worth SI was missing from the Correctional Institute I question what a lens was doing in a camera at this institution Most of the taxpayers on the outside who paid for this expensive piece of equipment are using Polaroids or Instama tics William A Johnson BANTAMS Tim look and totals from the Chicks while the hid both games and totals In the shell from the The Mli stole away with both game 5 at totals from the STANDINGS Mice 11 11 Turtles 11 Chicks Bird r Kelly 1975 s IT French St Petersburgs TIDES HOTEL Intuit HI INCLUDES fUlL ROUND IB A FAKE INqUDtS DAYS CAR MILEAGE GUIS ACCOM PAIR FAS SENIORS The Tellers took the first Rome but the Zonlcs back take the lust two games This month bo be selling chocolate for Fund 2nd Shift The Horses galloped and totals away with both Ran from the Don the first game from totals Millstones took the first Missiles took off games and totals The Earthquakes shook all games struck back to take the Snowmen STANDINGS Horses Snakes Dogs 10 Snowmen Cows TOP Stewart Hoy While Teresa Dunn 124 Danny 130 Wade Shcp- Alan 234 Dan Gibson Mark Joel pink 217 Greg White 111 Cot McKtllght Scott lonby207145 Consistent Bowler this week is Bruce Canary bolh games of Winning Coco Tola and Orange this week for the first shift w with and Kevin Galloway Volcanoes STANDINGS Zanies quakes Missiles IS Volte noes Story Tellers Mill Tor TEN Sue Thomson Rob Ed Couture OSS Heather 226 Dave Mills 26 Kathleen Cheync 255 Cory Pickles 205 sry Gary Archibald 204 Deb James 170 Senior Coach Marlon Storey will be missed while she spends about two weeks in the hospital Got Well Soon Winners of the McDonald a Golden Arches coupons arc reminded that the coupon will expire on November Sharon Yes there is an alternative Nov 1975 IDS King St Georgetown To The Editor In answer to your editorial article Nov from the Milton Champion Is There An Alternative yes there is But only If one finds out the real reason for Inflation Thisnnti Inflation program put out by our government clearly shown that the govern ment either does not know the cause of in flat Ion or refuses to acknowledge it Behind great Inflation one always finds the mous printing of new dollars by govern ments When Mr or Mr Poor wants to buy a new T V set and enough money he has three alternatives 1 Not to buy It Buy it on credit a bank If he uses alternative two he pays bltant costs In interest If he cannot pay tion is taken Alternative three of course is unacceptable Mr Purchaser will wind up in jail and no T V to watch If the wants to expend they too have three alternatives CD- Tax more 21 Borrow They can print more dollars The first Is politically The second would increase our possibly ending up In the same position as New York City or having to revert back to alternative one to raise enough money to clear the deficit The third alternative is the most Insidious and the one during times of Inflation when a government wishes to remain in the public favor The government can sit and dream up inflation schemes until hell freezes over but until they stop printing paper money at their present rapid rate and start recirculating existing monies into deficit reducing programs they arc merely hold a respirator over a dying economy article states that Obviously the Prime Minister a message about the lousness of the situation Tor alt of us had still not penetrated I believe Canadians who have had to cope with increasing costs are indeed aware of the seriousness of the situation But if it means that we should accept this urmork able program because cannot find the solution to net us out of the mess our government led us into it is as uncon structivc as asking us to sacrifice on the way to the chopping block Who wants to Why should we Yours very truly Christine Iouth Quiet week OPP report Inners were tin in Milton reports hit w art with l wp was very quiet traffic wise with only two accidents in the area served by the detachment the h Jan Popeil dealt The recent acquisition of the Georgetown native Jan A rugged left winger Jan Popellby the Houston spent three winters with the of the World Hockey Assoc a now defunct Chicago Cougars gives the league before being drafted last champions two family acts summer by the expansion Jan a four year veteran of Denver Spurs Last year he hockey wars in the WHA has scored 18 goals and helped out I joined his brother Paul with on others I JUNIORS 1st Shift Hot Shots took first name last game and totals but the Wild Cats held on to the second game The r Team scooped up all games and totals from the Super Six The blaicd with all Ramos and totals from the Hot Ones Hot Shots One Ball Team 10 12 Hoi Ones Super Six 2nd Shift The Road ran away with all and to tals from the The Streakers kept on with Jumping Jacks The Jaws chased and caught the first and last and totals while the Cnna Champs escaped with Ihe STANDINGS Streakers Jumping Jacks Jans 15 Canadian Champs Hun 12 Underdogs Bob Alinson Shirley 177 Mickey Phillips 4iS Saxon Mark Walker Kevin Ar chibald 4S2 KJm Barber IS am two collided on Highway it the junction of 25 Jonas Mnssev of Acton driving a ford was in collision with a 1969 driven by Burton who lives the ireT of Milton Neither of the men were injured but police itid total images at ATOMS PLAY keen hockey in their Saturday morning action at the community centre Warm Holiday The weekend weather set School children had a records for warmth The day for Day thermometer was up near Tuesday degrees Junior C Hockey Acton Sabres FRIDAY 14th Arena GAME TIME 8 30 ADMISSION Adults Students 1 Children Under 14 Can FBDBhelp you Financial assistance Management counselling Management training Information on government programs for business You are invited to telephone our office Dennis 844911 to arrange a meeting at your place of on Friday 1975 to dnctm your term debt or equity financing requirements Opening new doom to small business For informal on Call 275 or write 3130 D M a Area Canes GEORGETOWN HOLY ROSARY RECTORY Maple Ave Garage TUESDAY 730 pm NEW CLASS MILTON Tuesdays pm Holy Rosary Parish Hall Mertin St Milton NEW CLASS ACTON New Robert Little School library School Lane and Monday 7 The Terra Inn Minx Our fn rut It for 1 call 8261 Cloied Monday Bowling i hi bowler participant If he she wants to and a crest sell IS boxes The support of program will be All funds raised are used only for Is required Birthday Greetings week to Bobby Gibson and Kevin TEL NORTH HALT0N FORDMERCURY Street Georgetown 877 6928 TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS 25BRAND NEW NORTH HA liTOM Ranger tu tone blue and white automatic power steering lots more extras Stock No NORTH F150 STYLESIDE SUPERCAB Ranger Package tone brown and ginger box cover radio wheel covers automatic Stock No NORTH HALTOK WINDOW VAN NORTH STYLESIDE SUPERCAB Ranger Package Automatic power front facing rear seats radio step bumper Stock No USED TRUCK BUY OF THE WEEK PICKUP Bahama blue power steering radio front and rear shocks automatic Special Sale Price