Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1975, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wed Novembe W Applicants are needed Halton Hills has- for applicants to fill scats on the library board of ad justment parking authority and recreation advisory committee for Georgetown Acton and recreation advisory committee is also looking for members and since this had been advertised previously it has not been included in the latest ad However there were no applicants and peoplo aro wanted for this board too Its to be hoped Acton and people will apply promptly for line Is Nov Anyone who feels an interest In sitting on those boards should not wait to lie asked coaxed cajoled It wont happen year Acton lost one of its two seats on the library board when the incumbent Acton member did not realize that with Halton Hills had come new ways and the of application hod changed He was rcplnced with a Georgetown applicant The clerks office would give information on the boards duties to anybody who it Clerk administrator Doug Prit- says anyone who wishes to tako part on the Acton and Eh advisory com mittee should apply to him in writing or else contact one of the members Peter and Wood for Acton or Sheldon for There arc tour vacancies Presently George Lee is the only Acton member of the library board Paul Nielsen Is one of three members of the Parking Authority Acton members of the Committee of Adjustment arc Its chairman Jim Lindsay and Vic and members Denny Charles and Wilfred Leslie Any of these would be glad to share tholr knowledge with new applicants With no council and fewer boards strictly related to Acton or alone it is far moie important than over to have local people on these boards which cover all of Hills Not really too worried Plenty of people worry about pollution About smoking Sure they do But not enough to come to the clinic the parish hall last week to find out if they have any lung problems Less than a dozen people turned up to have their lung capa city tested The women in charge explained they set up the clinic specifically as a result of requests from husbands whom they tested during their regular industrial program How can my wife be tested the workmen asked She stays home all day and smokes a lot Here was how But next to nobody came The concern about smoking and pollution must be somewhere else The last passenger train No passenger train stops at Acton or anymore Instead the few local commuters left to travel via train are invited to get on the GO bus and transfer at Georgetown Surely the people of this area shouldnt let another appropriate moment pass without plumping for the GO service to extend all the way from Georgetown to Guelph Admittedly the GO people have no thoughts on this right now of ficials say Maybe they havent but we have Good clean regular through- theday service from Guelph to Toronto seems a fine solution to the horrible problem of traffic con But for a casual trip to Toronto to the Winter Fair say or to a specialist who would before dawn to catch the early morning GO bus and train and arrive home after 6 3ft m Not many The GO officials say there is indeed thought given in the future to more frequent service through out the day but only from George town to Toronto At that changes must be made in tracks first to commodate freights One thing leads to another One of these years passenger trains will surely give a welcome toot and stop here again Blunt facts from Beardmore Consideration should certainly be given to the construction of a plant addition that will at last accommodate the sewage of the towns largest industry Beard more Apparently it is the only in all the county which is denied use of the local sewage treatment plant Other industries accepted include a huge refinery and paper mills In his address to regional council Lome Youngblut of Beard more said bluntly Never has a done so much for a com munis and received so little in return The community has indeed accepted Beardmore without much thought over all its years here and that 111 years Here is exactly what Mr Youngblut said to the councillors In order to acquaint everyone with our problem we will give you an of our company it was formed In and has been located in Acton business consists of taking raw hides and tanning them into leather which is used in the manufacture of shoes bogs garments luggage etc Our product is not only sold in Canada but the United States Europe Asia and Africa In our community it gives employment to approximately 400 people and our payroll for totalled Meet of our employees live in Acton and pay taxes here Our tax bill with the community of Halton Hills amounted to in 1975 and we are the largest taxpayer In the town The purpose of paying taxes is to pay for services rendered by the town such as Roads Parka Water a Garbage Fire Protection Schools Police Sewage PINAL commute train between onto and was a rousing time for pas and crew This picture taken in shows while Brampton Clown Band whoops It up with members of the trains tew rn hi ought for both the and lv mm as lltey urn to do for Hie hand to only ait mi bill with it until ihcendof Report from Queens Park 11 I I eilnlltm lr oil incut hits It Hi plating It pi r cent tiling on Kill hit minis list Inly mid lime will Ik nun fm IS cent Hun lot appeal landlord or minis until 1 which iippitih lo throughout or limit it board Hie pti tent limit will hold subject to npptnl for It up In 1 Subsequently control figure In ml ohlnit in accordance with landlords turn ill costs mid host I partly on figures rtnl officer 1 utility mm Ihioogl r us linking 1 quirt d tM mill 1 hoard twining houses building 1 control will not apply to musts lour or units art nltrt luxury thtin per month mm housing and inltllngs not ocuipittl before January 1st legislation lias also In in introduced requiring land lords to Justify of leasts will providt somt degree of security of tenure for Icnnnls In spile consider Members the Minister of tins refused intervene and some Julian Rood Picket hut Hit tcncliir art calling for sunlit r and more teachers for Immigrant Mil dmth for salnrltH In accordant with recnm inns of Provincial I I Stanley who ringing from Tin to ye Metro Hoard has of r of in urrtnl salaries From lo I appearing is a member Thru Party Select investigating dm proposed per cent In in hulk power has Hydros He main lams Hydros credit rating could suffer if smaller In crease is recommended Ihetommittee The Province has limited Hydros borrow ing for next year to 1 billion million lower rot In tin ait will 1 In libit wiving noll ins In toniiictlon wilh I hi Woik mm s tmipdisalKiii I tit Minister if I iImh 111 noimtid will similar In Advisory on anil rttrntly a Hi Mm with occupation In iltli and fid of injury St rut mix rs will Ik appointed initially mil tin will five from big nit ill business unions mi other Kilt rested groups The will an of form it ion groups prise workers end the i speeul me cling in of lit pro Hum lull lh Ill II vi nuts l mini 11I1 and id is will lis Mist Hun iiillmllKn an I Ixnidi Mum In il I ha III govt I nun ill l Imh I in liming In 1I1 1 mil lion 1 ii Itiglmal Many In 1 10 Kim x ml In pi vim in mil ill hi linn h Hum elupll Mil 1 1n Hid gov 1 in thai I riiiiunt wire pirfiirninl at lev 111 in it lln gionil I inked ill Mi 111 lb House il tin si id il now redistribute It on e the r it In mi biles His follows Mr I em ire In he H ill on ml tht Jn i ind in due to r tni government his imposed per cent limit on to school boards year These payments which will to this voir rt present mil In Kit for whiehwi itlhit This week in off Mr Timbrdl Minister it nation in wis is hi- We located on the southeast side of the town require very little road care The second item water and since we ore larRc users of water we have had to lo cate provide our own water supply due to the town being unable to supply it Thirdly we have fire protection The Acton Fire Brigade is composed of volun teers and of our employees are members of it These employers arc per to answer calls working hours without loss in pay Our Company does not receive any reimbursement for this service We have our own fire truck and brigade to handle fires on our premises and they available to the town ip the case of need once again at no cost to the com munity In case of a very bad fire the facilities of our stand by tower are such that they can be used by the town Fourthly policing We have employed the services of for this purpose who look after our plant on a hour a day program The town police antenna is mounted on our water tower so lhat the police force can have proper radio com muni cations Fifthly parks We have granted the town the use of land owned by us directly north of the arena for recreational pur poses Sixthly garbage Land being used by the corporation for garbage disposal has been leased from us on the basis of per year However since leasing this land to the community we have not been per mitted to use this site to dispone of our garbage but have had to provide our own dnposal site Seventhly schools We are pleased to donate three scholarships a year to the high school Eighthly sewage Now we come to the final service namely sewage and to us it is the most important The community sewage plant is constructed on six acres of land which was donated to the town for this purpose by Trunk sewers pass through our to get to the plant Once again sewage was provided to all Industries and we were excluded In order to improve conditions- our Company installed its own sewage treatment plant Well Council you sec from the above lhat receives little for their a year In taxes II a fact lhat never his a company done so much for a community and received so little in return Once we apparently are to The sewage plant in Acton is to be expanded from lo 1000 and for what for subdividers who do not live in the community and for people who will sleep in the community and work elsewhere We have had to pay for the present plant and are expected to pay for the new one Is it not time for you people tomeasurc up to our duties and start looking after the businesses that are paying the blip At the Regional Works Committee meeting w were informed by the chairman that the additional capacity has been com and maybe provision should be made to expand the plant to 1 GPD is this additional capacity so urgent Because the present plant is handling the load It seems that commit ments have been made for future develop ments we wish to emphasize at this point that if additional capacity is required beyond 1 000 G P that it must be for subdividers We want to be included in the initial expansion otherwise we will be exactly where we are now We are the oldest members of the community we pay the largest tax bill and we try to be good alliens Is it too much to ask that we be given some value in return for our taxes It has been suggested in the Polluted Report that the quality of effluent is not suitable for the Acton treatment plant We consider this lo be rank victimization Not one other industry in Halton Hills is requested to supply or conform to any specifications with regard to the quality of its effluent The community drains the chlorides oils etc from its storm sewers in the new subdivision into our plant water supply Fairy Lake contributing to lower ponded solids Using the per tent basis our averagers for BO which includes one lest of which could be questionable as alt other tests arc below If omit this question lest cur average would be 19 within the accept able levels Our average for suspended solids is but these tests were nude in June and since then we have added a new unit to our treatment plant for the purpose of removing these suspended solids and this condition today will be much belter Members of Council we as Hills oldest and largest taxpayer askthat you will see fit to permit us to be included in the expansion from G to 1 000 G D At this point we request that you consider the services supplied to the community by our Company at no cost to the municipality in order to make it a better place Now we ask you that you give us some value for our taxes namely gallons of the expansion plant the rg Briefly Some newspaper bloopers we stole from Bell Neus To make a delicious rabbit ste use four diced carrots one large onion six medium potatoes and one large hair Miss Divuiy and Fred Browne were maimed at Hoxie Kansas some weeks ago They are both highly respected and we did not suspect it until yesterday Several small brides were re ported washed away and roads flooded Owing to the lack of space and the rush of editing this issue sever births and deaths will be post poned until next week for th of supplies should that become predicting that t happen 197 on in report the demand for nonrenewable energy would rouehlv 10 row forms included coal Or considering that import per cent of our from outride our borders the same lime steps toward have been The eelinc in Minis tn is that concerted Government low ants the con of energy will not the rale of depletion of resources The is obvious That is the thrust must be in this next ten vejrs towards a comprehensive development program in the renewable re source field Some of the technology we have Some still further development The governments total ex in this area this was is in to see the govern ment priorities when one considers million has been committed to the project in the tar sands I would like to go on public saying that unless we make a firm to the development of renew able resources in the province of Ontario and unless we set out with a vision toward the achievement of that within a decade our standard of living will fall to levels we have not known for generations The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago the luiue I Hum At tun In Sunday nigh I lie tur lhiy win Invnlvtd In an III dill hill em etiliiiiHteel ill iiIkmiI hive lln dm lih eli tin fur lln i mini tilth minium iiwmi ami driver Id win llh iiHiirti wen mid Hub mm All nun Inn iltploiiwiH iiwiiidul h Milium mi III In Ielei Iliol ItnnMII Alii Hi liimhul iiihI limy Dm In I la Martin ll mi hihl I hum el liiilnlnu mlt11111 nil I In Imiow dill V my v ii I In 1n ilnyllmi mi I In lake up I il Ins Mi Mm 1 llln III purine lidlier llh A Huh I lln ami Ml lli It in iiujiiiIi wiih In in litem m I rlihy hint wnk Mm i lln imiarlo Ill I Iolli e J in nie alee i liillon Day by of til by I nnim will shenlly liMim III 50 years ago ink Hie iillliel id Iih in Jim In Hi iiiinllinilili Dill Iiallntt Wlnl r I alt In largi i I hi el nt pi I If lc nit Walker ih 11m In in brute el win In 1 1 1 Ive el ninny In It win In who I I in III meeting A Ion High i I lit in y h I i r llie worthy In 1 A iih wan In the Ml i tin re w is siiln by Minn iiln le II ill il by ihe ami Addle I Im irul elliad the unit mi I Itv Mr lit guriiinit tin ufi nlennrry in hint we e e i In I li I or mewl iurt Hit nit rn re In tin nl tolinvt light bill fill he intaifiiri nliotild Hi in nil Mr I Horn y ban out nt el new anil hen Milrlng nhopon Mill hi Ihe minis tuple I by our llttli Itr iinpton Norn Kinney tin nujtt of hospital gill of lour of owe for lie years ago from tin Imiurof he- 12 We d enille a large hll glove y and l I it lory for Winnipeg Muniteibi hid known end ifipretiutcd in pirtsoftht lltnderww o have just and are wllltW splinditi of buffalo robes of the of St Alban s it was elccidcd in desirable property adjoining their owned and rx eupnd Mr John as for the of mion The council met ThurscLiy evening the in the chair The sum ejf wan lobe pi t j the credit chanties to by Ihe reeve A petition of ladies of Acton praying for a sidewalk to the station received and read Tht street and will jit on the Grand Trunk wavs to ascertain wliat can be made for a through premises Acton has more during the past three vears than at time in its history The season closing has of a number of new ilh an outlay of over fruit should not be between meals or when the body is exhausted labour alum and salt in equal titles will cure the severest toothache filled with dry THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Editorial Office

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