Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1975, p. 8

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Acton Free Press Wed November 19 Active helpful year for Cancer Society here Annual reports ef year were and the eit Ihc Acton inch of I Socle Nov it home At In White rcpoitcel i sue tessful Ihc hard tan and volunteers total Ml is received in all Service to Patients rrnoit by Kiithv fit Id some interesting stilts lies I ho number of iHenls transported during tin was and there were round trips made our to to Hamilton and toToiontn making a total of miles In drivers I here were volunteer oilier volunteer is ton tact Mrs There wis keeping sen Mrs suggested Rift cup board for keep a Anyone who like to contribute a small Rift notopaper set nled so talcum eoloRiii liistnd of hiked goods may dion these in the Limn at Acton Home I minings and they will be include in the gift cupboard included with the annual parcel to Princess Hospital usual jams cookies and other items re in pail are gratefully is well The date this lie packed Is Dec I tut at ion report by Marion told of the success in schools of the chancier Celly and he posters produced Mrs Black class last Some of the posters will shown at campaign time Six films have also been shown it other places Me mbtrs have followed up the of the Industrial nurse who time to local in and left literature and supplied literature inm and posters schools and doctors offices The storefront display with Smoking im was well re eeiverl 1 Itrraliirr I distributed 1 pieces of literature in 1975 I he number of referrals following showing of films at industries Ontario was encouraging Hid giving the message diagnosis Is he key to this dread disease A total of in ram meliorative funds was received until September by Braidn This goes directly into research A vote thanks was given to her Activity Group treasurer Irene Terry reported these volunteer knitters have made lovely items for patients and held a successful bake sale hit was almost sold out before even opening This group is looking into equipp ing some part of the new addition to the Princess Margaret hospital Items Mary activity group chairman reports Ihe croup made items slippers comfort cushions six ditty trigs contents pairs socks baby outfits 10 children s sweaters 15 loque and mitt sols pairs children s mitts stuffed toys six children dresses and cotton scarves Publicity convener Sue Sale showed new literature and pamphlets and listed new films and speakers avail tile Georgetown unit is having a dinner Nov at the George town golf club and tickets arc available from any members McEachern Murray marry in September An Internntinntl wedding took place in Knox terian church September when Jean tnel Wilfred Mel wcie married The bride is tin daughter of Mr and Mrs John Mm raj Kilbarchen Scotland and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Wilfred 14 St Acton and is self employed Hie Rev A officiated the ceremony with Ttel Hansen playing the org marriage by a GARY and Jean Murray were married in Knox Presbyterian church on September brides sister and mother came over fiom Scotland for the occasion Wm Stuckey Photo friend Sy the bride wore an empire style gown of white sole with lace bodice and sleeves and lace trim on the flowing train A sequm and pearl trimmed lace cap held her full silk luslon veil She carried a circular bouquet of yellow sweetheart roses and white attendants Mrs the sister was matron of wearing a rust polka dot polyester gown Brides maids Mrs Enid Dunn a friend and J an ice and Debbie Thornhill nieces of the groom wore similar gowns of green polka dot material They carried bouquets of and rust mums Best man for the occasion was a Bryan Dunn with brother in law of the groom Glenn Holmes and a friend Wayne as ushers A dinner and dance followed at the Acton Curling Club The mother of the bride wore a dark green dress and corsage The mother of the groom wore a blue dress and also had a yellow corsage Guests from a distance were the bride mother and sister from Scotland Prior to her marriage the was guest honor at four showers Mrs Enid Dunn held a miscellaneous shower as did Marion Guild A third shower was held by Barbara Dance Thornhill Barbara Holmes and Ha 11a da held a shower for relatives a honeymoon In Niagara Falls the bride and groom made their home at St Apt 111 Member was friend of Montgomery Miss Isabel this meeting of Knot reciting hum me men the poem I tin tin Onward and a i moment sllei of given their live of freedom The am I win Int is provided In Mrs Near Mis A poem written former member I was read Mis told ihe if the life of the Montgomery Miss Anderson added an postscript to this saving that whose name in life is Mrs Mac Hon been good friend of hers during the time that she and her husband were living in he manse at Another timely number on the program was the of the poem In Flanders fields John This was given by Mrs Near and was followed by the singing of Canada Mem ben answered the roll call each one reading part of the psalm Indian land topic is suppoitm el forts Ihe Hem I Indians and Metis to achieve new of settlement spikes man He lie just ret cut returned front the North westTcrntonts tinning lo town to speak on the Pent rid i Nov Hi is expected to speik at the high school during Ihe and at open meeting the the Dene want to retim ami control our square miles of 4al laud in the West Territories has given Indian a grant or over the next two to finance economic and community programs con the land ATTENTION All of ACTON HIGH SCHOOL Day DECEMBER 17th from to pm alt graduates are invited back to talk to students to pass on information on College University and the Work World If interested call the school and leave name with Mrs Pendleton in the Consulting Office 8532420 Ladies Auxiliary has 30th anniversary party Appioxim iltk women tended the Kith he I IjkIk held I mini- in ligion Mall rved I In r cooked mid id the mule membeis till ill presidents Mi Honk Burn and Mis Mrs of till i tele then In Mrs presented past I lsn were president Hub Angel with a twoiillitrs in eligible Lift of tuition for his Mrs Mil Mrs mir the Ji 1st six I mi Mason wife of Ihe In id ehef Doug maele I of hi imi ike forthc head in Mrs He lull Call for fasters by Daphne King SEVEN WOMEN RECEIVED year pins at the Legion Ladies Auxiliary anniversary dinner Friday evening at the Legion Hall Left to right front row Mrs Chisnolm ana Mrs Elsie Lazenby Back row Molly Joan MeKmght and Elsie Halladay Absent were Mrs Alice Coles and Mrs Ruth In Mis Mr Lakeside meeting llLhliflit of tin meeting of tin I ike side Hit I I I w is lie ii e se of gifts imi I foi Ihe ii In hi in I v of toll spoke to the me ruin rs on tin new Mull i St rue i to he istnhlishiehnlbi and eotcd liundiirsi it mteliriLs in lobe held one in lati one in irlv Jlmis m im Itutiemhr inie li 1 1 rail irr me tits for he IS eh is e in whn Mill be Ihe ill Ii me In 1 1 hi In mi i limit mi Ilinc to Mis pe tut if til tin II toe eil slit sod Kill I rued lie she has to the sltitli intei sled tin fur llii hours or how can Inst up limit is hi It emit Id 1 and the ir stomachs and will I wei Mis it it is limn iiiftirnmtion for stt pi rsons Money i used inn In live to her in I eilbt r slit or another will tike the ho Mrs Kiiih has s pledfie on nil limn she does I mil hopes it ibis I iti dad in hours silluu in idi mil mil e rvniL i tit tl hundreds fur nit of hi Hi hours til pre ir lilt Lakeside ODE bazaar Sat It II hat Hill Middle ton jewellery Mrs in Ifilcsns brooch I mist loth tups Irene Wilson Inn Jennifer pillow Jem set Mrs I Vineler tup mil siucir McCarthy ill i towels Mrs John Wood seiip Aglt Sinclair I tumblers eggs Spit socks ind tie Winters Avon Freda I tun isstrnle I ily dish Silly Smith Marlene iron Pudge lord in oven mitts iry Mann can die Jennifer ea tow els limit table cloth is Thorn is tissue doll Mice tiles I Susan hint tow Is I Stipe tf John sud jltKlnirs point w is well iken mil mifhl t subject for studs tin it HELEN STRENKOWSKI left found the white elephant table at the annual Lakeside Chapter of the I O D E bazaar very enjoyable Kim worked on the table during the afternoon PG Notice of Meeting HoIon East Progressive Conservative Association The annual meeting and meeting to elect delegates will be held on THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27 AT BOO PM AT PERCY MERRY SCHOOL BRITANNIA ROAD EAST MILTON The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers for the coming year to ratify proposed changes to the Constitution as a result of Provincial redistribution reconstitute the Association as the Progressive Conservative Association for the Federal rtding of Halton to elect delegates for the February Federal leadership convention In Ottawa and to transact the regular business required for such meeting Salifications to vote A Association membership which may be purchased in advance or at the door prior to the meeting finishing your own home 24780 THE WHITEHALL FT INCLUDES SHELL ERECTION ON YOUR FOUNDATION HALIIDAY HOME COTTAGE COURT 551 Ave Burlington PH 5261 HOMES VALUE SERVICE SINCE Poller for a different lit pot no planter Itkp to show Try Our prices are 311STEELESAVE MILTON From

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