Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1975, p. 16

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The Acton Free Wad Construction ceases for Christmas season 1904 combines buffet classical music Sat Construction will bo closing down operations from Dec ID to Jan for Christmas Woodstock hopes to have completed the lopjtnd of town this time They have also Informed he village that when con fllrucllon resumes In now year Karris St will be closed to through traffic for two months on and off They will lane open whenever music and Canadian were com bined for the enjoyment of guests at The Dining House In on Saturday Doc In first or planned supperconcerts at the village diningroom flautist Maggie Anderson and classical guitarist John Becker offered the musical The two young musicians from Intro duced their own solo and duo pieces from the traditional and contemporary repertoire for guitar and flute Bach Chopin VlllaLobos and among others Ma Anderson has at the Loyola School of Music in Now Orleans and Mr Becker has been attending masters classes under virtuoso guitarist Alexandre Trieyoung musicians have been performing together for a year and are both leaching their respective to private students In Buffet Following the hourlong concert the who had come from Itockwood Eden Mills and area and from Toronto were offered a buffet In the Canadian culinary tradition which la the specialty of the The response to this revival of aoupera concerts of yester year was extremely favour able and a second soiree la already being planned for February or March with riddle or blue grass likely candidates on the musical menu Rockwood roundup Christmas program follows WI dinner by Kerry Is something new In lobby of the Office- one Santas helpers has bet up a mailbox Any letters bantu can be posted hero and hope reply to all letters You cant miss It right inside the door and decorated with tin set and holly Postmaster Cox reports that mall service Is hack to normal plus Ibis nasi week has been busy and suggests Out oil of town mall he pouted before Dec 13 In town posted Dee recovery nut to May iher of lliirrls St from her many friends in villano The Horticultural Society will be I ho third Thursday of each month at the I own Hull Anyone wish li any the Murray llnig tit Itoch wood 1200 theft from hotel Womens lute enjoyed a special Christ mas dinner Dec at the home of Mrs A McDuffe Twenty members and one visitor dined together hot casseroles salads relishes rolls dessert plus Christmas cake tea and coffee was the menu Following the dinner Mrs Mitchell president con dueled the business and pro gram of meeting Report of recent club achievement day was given All II members completed the course to receive di ploma and II spoons The club exhibit breads from Germany was ably presented by Phyllis and Susan fash Cheer plans Christmas Cheer plana were made with members suggesting who Is to be remembered January meeting plana were made with Mrs A Mc- Phedran as hostess and pub lic relations as program Next euchre was planned for Jan IS In the No Com Centre with Group as committee Roll call reply An Early Christmas Memory The following program fol lowed Group K Spence conducted a contest 13 items to be named by feeling recog In a bag Mrs Harvey presented Christmas Around the World taking customs from Germany Mrs John Ramsey fallowed with Italy Mrs Dyer Christ mas In France and Mrs G Mitchell Christmas in China Group 2 had a contest of charades mime action of Christmas words snowflake tinsel package silent etc Mrs J gave a reading Christmas on Train Then Mrs Roy sang a number from Holland In both Dutch and English Group 3 Mrs Mrs Shultla and Mrs A McDuffe rendered a humor ous song number in mime ac tion Group Mrs C Nellls conducted a pie contest With accompani ment Mrs sang When Christ was Born Mrs D Cunningham a reading The Old Things are Best by Peter Marshall Courtesy remarks were tendered by convener Mrs Lloyd Dyer The Christmas gift ex change closed the program Meeting closed by Ing the carol Silent Night Christmas mail is increasing here As the volume of mull remaining from Ihe decreased Christmas mall increased here this week Tuesday mail volume was about back to normal for his time of year with the backlog from the strike apparently delivered However Christmas curds arc starling to In in Increasing numbers each day No extra htm been hired though Ontario Provincial IolkiiirthUlllnvisiluntlriKft brink mid at Colonial Holt I on or gained by forcing lie rear door Hie holt I and making off with an i stimuli d in CVCA rejects Campbellville fire hall building given priority rating Rockwood bowling Milton Council will build a sub fire station In tho area before erecting a new station In Milton ell agreed during a Wed night capital budget new Ion Councillor Rick Day noted tho Campbellville fire hall going have to do the Credit Vulley Conferva I Ion Author donated A sum of Is y about a budgeted to cover the toil of Car material lll tiinstrutlcd to i plate one reunify burned Council finds itself In a bind lllWn with a new fire truck Hie Authority expected here In the spring of heard from stuff rebuilding nextjvnr and no place to put had hem approved for only allocated feel the size destroy id by was more pressing than the WO during the years fire The building Is located u 11171 In lV In men Norton Farm ers 51 Optimists Mustangs Kays Feeds 37 Raggedy PanU Pin Pals 30 Men Over John Gor don Don McKersle Ted Glen Gray Sam John Carney Peter Bosch Bill El Hot Women Over Bakker Marg Ruth Kingsbury Den- Bolton 552 Nellie Stokman Ann Parkinson 542 Ivy Ritchie 524 Helen Elliot Four Comers Don 168 Marg McKersle 124 568 SamLaw ler 178 Garry Parker 201 194 1S1 Optimists Ted Jestin 154 Sam 187 tons Gordon Ivy Ritchie 211 188 S24 Carneys John Carney 109 199 Danny Renaud 239 1B3 169 Raggedy Bill Elliot 224 197190611 Helen El Hot 160 178 Eden Mills Guides Brownies Diana Wallace IMEdraMUbGaMes The heme of our November 18 meeting was Nutrition when were Joined the newly formed Guide Company We beard an excellent talk on using the Canada Food Guide given by Mrs Christina Spea- of the University of Hints relay race Ho Mimes and the Health Rule game rounded out the filled with fun and learning and delicious Health Food snacks were enjoyed by all la vested Two Patrol leaden Sylvia and Sarah Hayward of the Scarlet Taaager and Holly patrols were invested this week with their parent and the rest of the company present The Gulden Cap tain Ann and Lieu tenant Remv Heard are de termined to hare an effective patrol system with demo cratic representation thai has always been the backbone the Guiding and Scouting movement and so far these two girls have shown the spirit and willingness to undertake the kind of respon sibility required in a Patrol leader The Gulden also presented the first award for excellence In Guiding both during regu lar meetings and in her daily life to Sarah who loudly applauded by the other Guides Her father Mr Mark Hayward said that be didnt quite recognise the description given of his daughter Brownies A visit to the Police Station That place of awe to every youngster This was our treat on Monday night November 17 Never baa there bees 34 brownies more behaved and quiet I am quite sure We started the tour by being shown their meeting room On the was a list of anted Men and Women This took precedence over everything and we literally had to drag tnero from there Then on to the room where they have their shooting range Questions upon questions and Constable Davis escorting us showed them his own gun During our to the cells below another constable came down with a message that we had belter come out of the area as they were bringing someone In To the brownies dismay they were not Invited to watch f Upstairs again we went then to the courtroom and then into the room where all the recordings are made and messages received Every thing was explained to these brighteyed curious brownies so nicely Thank you Police Chief Mr for having us We asked our brownie to write their own version on the trip and the following two stories are the best efforts from one of our youngest and one of our eldest brownies The Policeman showed us some Jails They only stay in jail one night they dont get any food They showed us the court room by Christina Matthews7 It all started when our Brown Owl Mrs Wallace told the brownies that they were going on a trip to the police station Me and my girl rind walked Into the police station There we saw In one of the rooms some of many criminal pictures In this room also we saw topics of this polka Kays Feeds Kingsbury 196 147 S66 184 1B7 163 534 Countrymen Peter Bosch 196223 Ted Klaver 165 181 497 Jr Farmers 7 Glen Gray Bill At kin son 147 256 175 578 Pin Pals Bolton 184 162 Paul Holman 179 193 173 545 Unpredictable Eugene Ferguson IBS 21S 591 George Smith 590 Mustangs 2 Dave land 182 175 207 Ken Martin 176 182 582 tion We walked down the hall there in front of us we saw a genuine shooting room We also saw a real police gun In this same room were thou sands of bikes that had been lost by children We walked a little further and saw the womens jail room they were small they had a small toilet and a steel bed The next room we went to was the mens There we saw a padded room in which a secret hearing box was found The room next we saw was the garage In this room we saw a police car We saw the radio and the siren We walked up some of many stairs and saw the office We saw some of the filing cabi nets In the same room We met a man and a woman and also we heard some calls over the A system I liked the visit to the police station be cause l we had a nice po liceman escort us around the rooms and 2 it was very In teresting and educational Shelley years We had another very in teresting night on Nov when Mr Ian Wallace brought two films from the Fire Dept to show us The effects of one of these films was proof enough when several faces showed tears after a dog was the sole sur vivor in a family fire It seems however the dog pro duced the tears and not the family when he was shown carrying bis young mistresss burned rag doll which only goes to show that a dog is mans beat friend or lie case may be lo reserve Con in fund The reserve fund was up lo spread the of the new truck and a proposed addition Ihe old fire over three years Williams Legal opinion mailer 1 ridiculed it In open to the Authority lo treat the Car Club as if It were a new one for in the flood plain urban station was still considering the nolo of the snorkel fire truck which is on order and even If council decides tokeep the new truck it could be stored In the town works garage on Rd for a year The priority for is the fire hall the need Isnt as great here urban Milton By doing it this way we can live within our budget Day said Two boyi two roams Clerk Jack sold tentative plans for the Campbellville fire hall called for construction of a two bay station with a room on the side to serve as a training room for volunteers and as a changing room for people using tennis courts Tennis courts are planned to be built on the same piece Ontario Municipal lluinl borings in1ngrivcl of property Movor Anne operations the Erin area are now in their fourth wetk ind Mac Arthur told councillors are expected to last at least seven weeks Many Erin the only thing the town would residents are attending Ihe hearings voicing their lions have to pay for at Ihe station increased traffic the gravel inns will cause The would be the material as hearings are taking place in and will resume in labor and land have been l he new year The addition has since been and use principles applied in shelved Apparently there is such an Insufficient land available to A violation has been Issued build an adequate addition to in the car club noting new larger building Is seven eel Inlaw the regional flood line We vc make it slick commented the chair man the Main St hall Council has considered number of sites for a ne urban fire ha II but lo date decision on a location for new hull has been made gravel hearings Send a cheque to the TB and Respiratory Disease Association spon sors of the annual Christmas Seal campaign And use Christmas Seals on your holiday mail Some Christmas cards are arriving In the mail Students are looking forward to the Christmas holiday break FOR COMFORT AND EFFICIENCY RELY ON WESTWAY FOR NEW GAS OR OIL FURNACES As one of Halton Hills leading special lata In home comfort are heating and air conditioning experts Rely on lor good advice when Ifs tlmt for furnace replacement either gas or oil If youre along with an out dated Inefficient heating unit youre probably watting money on needle fuel costs It may be time to consider a furnace replacement I We are fully equipped end well quell fled to install and service alt types of oil and gas fired furnaces and we are now authorized dealers for Union Gas If you feel your present furnace I In adequate or your fuel bills are steadily rising ask Westway for a tree survey of your heating plant Theres no of una Custom Sheet Metal Design Service Whatever your problem heating cooling ductwork call West Way for assist Were completely equipped to engineer fabricate and Install your sheet me tat requirements tor Industry new homes additions and alterations It you are having your home built we will provide a heating and cooling layout with advice and estimates If required HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 348 Guelph St Georgetown good name YOUR AUTHORIZED UNION GAS DFAlhR Payments can be Included In Your Monthly Union Gas Dill ONTARIOS FIRST Ombudsman presented with a handcarved at meeting December 2 at school Left to right association vicepresident Carolyn Andrews president Bill Johnson who carved it Ombudsman Arthur Moloney and Milton mayor Anne The griffon a mythologicul cross between a lion and an eagle is the adopted symbol of the Ombudsman Eden Mills Seniors meet in board room liyMrs Wright Wcrinetduy the 1 rurally Seniors of Mm met In the hoard room of the hall until lie Senior Citizens room is he Anna Wilson opened with hinging followed by a poem Fail in bid to lift curfew A hid by Georgetown Snow mobile Club to have rural areas of town from the It curfew failed Hills works committer Monday Hugh Campbell George town Snowmobile Club told the committee oh taxpayers we take exception lo town Buying we cant snowmobile on our own property after II He wondered why there are regulation control ling but not lows governing mini bikes Campbell wild the group returns their located for from any homes In the rural area of Hills by 11 ami then some refresh ripartb given was or parly is to Ik with the ladies of Die nullity of A for Happy Nil Year adjourned the ion tables with winning high lone hands Hill wild of readings Hie Georgetown GO bus wont start until Feb new Go bus service to York Union Mills In North Mitro Toronto a I will continue during witJcflayif after Ihe Urn service begins has a delayed again transit revealed the ilort of new now been set hack until mid from January When new bus service last June Co expected it to he operational by November but production problems General Motors where the buses being built forced Go lo delay the tart of service until tile new year The luteal setback Is due lack of seats for new busts The Georgetown Go buses will operate weekdays evenings emphasis on the peak com muter hours FREEZERS 8776242 Why buy Martin buildings Our only business Is building basic packages to choose from We can make them wider or longer to suit your needs We can build them square or round in wood or steel to suit your needs We can supply a turnkey or doityourself package If you wish to build yourself we will not drop a bucket of bolts or a piece of lumber in your yard and leave WE WILL HELP YOU ALONG THE WAY We build more buildings in Ontario than any olher company we know of We give you the buying power of a large company who specializes in buildings whether It is gauge 5000 series painted metal In 12 beautiful colours or ihe bast door track on the market And most of all ell our buildings are engineered and designed tor the area they are erected in we don just talk about ft we back it up with a WRITTEN GUARANTEE If you want a building BUILT TO LAST call your local representative Gary Van 689 7298 collect or fill in the coupon below wall J COMPUTED mater toUartin TO MARTIN STRUCTURES LIMITED PHCNIKfUAZ I

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