Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1975, p. 18

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Acton Free Press December 10 1975 Snowmobile regulations gravel on Erin agenda available STRANGE CAROLLERS led the singing at the annual meeting of Halton Federation of Agriculture Thursday night Provided with funny hats by entertainer Iva Davidson they are from left Lome Ella Bob Morry Julian Reed president Harold Regional Chairman Masson and director Henry Stanley At left is the executive for the coming year president Harold first vice- president Bob Merry and second vicepresident Ed JrVrc District Page Township soon to have by law governing operation of snowmobiles Members of council heard a draft of the proposed bylaw drawn up by clerk Elmer Me Klnnon and members of Ihe Roomers snowmobile club their monthly meeting week The by law will be enforced by the or by any organized club being a mem her of Ontario Federation of Clubs It propones thai no motori vehicle be allowed In business section of the lage of Hi Unburst and hat a speed limit of in iniih bo en forced In or any built up area all speed Hills to be approved by the superintendent The hours of operation of vehicles wllhln Hills will be restricted Weekdays may commence operation at but on Sundays they must not Kin in village until noon Curfew hour will be both on weekends and weekdays except foi those vehicles being operated for Ihe purpose of nlcrlng or having the village After considerable debate if was decided that no curfew should tie imposed In rural for not f before or He did however foresee directional change In traffic flow from that originally pro Jetted Initially gravel com hint fell of Its vehicular would travel roads to Highway Now they have reversed their projection Perhaps for Ibis reason they now Hay they would give 17 prime and fac treatment for dust ii long as extraction mien would keep the road in shape an required During meellng final reading of by law saw the of at some responsibility for lain streits as nubile high ways In be vision all culverts and ditches having been com last summer His resignation from the and suburban plan board was Councillor John Held He was Limehouse tuition he had made while a member Council was also approach ed Gary regarding the closing of a section of old road thai runs between the and the I rln to paved road The county had inform Mr Parking lhat this piece of road was owned by the township and thai they had a copy of the survey to the township clerk for his lomddcralloii on Ihe closing or realigning of the road township however was aware that owned his roadway and slated hey bad received no word to his feci When asked if he would muskier buying a part of the load Mr Parkin said I would like road seeing as how my driveway is part of Reeve snlil lids Is different from any i losing we have ever en i mini end Consequently the township will refer In the and commit law Sheets are available Free Press office All the old familiar carols ore on the sheets Including such favor lies as Come All Ye Faith llnrk tho Herald Angels Sing Noel Silent Chains taken from garage Two fool chains were stolen from a low truck at UP station Ihe pant week The heavy chains are valued al If Federation of Agriculture Annual meeting enjoys Stanleys Scotland trip Winter fun for Terra Cotta The annual dinner meeting of Federation of Agriculture opened this year with a prayer by Rev John Griffin thanking God for the fruitful land of and asking for the opportunity to work on It We arc deeply conscious of the awe to me responsibility that comes with our catling Rev Griffin said a time when land Is becoming more scarce and world hunger Is becoming more provelant and alarming The Federation this year has concerned Itself with the loss or prime agricultural land lo hydro development garbage dumps Industrial forks and drive In theatres have presented briefs protesting these to local planning boards council meetings to the provincial government Issues of land use were not raised al the meeting except for a promise by Julian Heed to help keep land in for agriculture Mr Heed used his acting abilities to good advantage throughout the evening by singing along with enter Davidson and leading the Federation in song Regional Chairman Alan brought greetings from and joined in the evenings fun Guest speaker was Henry Stanley Hal tons turul Representative He showed slides and gave commentary on his trip as a to the Junior Farmers who made a trip to Scotland in May Mr Stanley spoke of the Vet club forming A meeting wilt be held in the Agricultural Office lfil Main St Milton on Thursday Dec IB at to organize the Halton Veterinary Science Club This club Is for senior members years old as of January 1976 and not over years as of December 31 Diseases and other health problems associated with livestock will be part of the agenda Field trips wilt be conducted Come to this meeting and bring your Ideas If you know of any of your who would be Interested in Join ing bring them along Winners Frank and Fred Anthony of placed second with their Scott var iety of oats the certified seed class at the Royal Agri cultural Winter Fair The winner In this class was from Australia Frank and Fred grew a large acreage of this new var iety of oats which they sell to Martin Weber of for sale to farmers throughout Ontario for seeding next spring farms In Scotland with yields of grain He showed pictures of the foot wide barns made of thick stone now obsolete and not suitable for modern farming He said the stone fences used to divide the fields cost far mere a yard to rebuild and one farm needed yards fixed per year Fifty per cent of the farms in Scotland arc rcnlcd with Earls of the land used for purposes There is no corn grown but high yield of turnips Pictures were shown or acre sheep farm in the foothills of Scotland with five ewes plus their lambs to each acre A new breed of sheep the was shown Oil lines Oil pipelines are currently being dug through tliral land with IK per yard paid the farmers Mr Stanley showed oil digging rigs In North Scotland used lo drill In the North boa 120 miles from land The rigs are taken into feet of wnler Farmers sell their barley for a ton to distillers Pictures of the Highland Agricultural Show featured Balinafad Princess Anne the honorary president of the Young I of England A ana placed second in the show first time Canadians have competed 1971 Directors Directors for the lion for the coming yoar are Harold Norman lllrd Horace Arnold Fish Tom Foster Murray Harris Claude Inglis Harold Law rence Colin Marshall McClurc Hob Merry Harold red Nurse Lloyd Pickering Jim Held Craig lleid Segsworth Gerhard revlranus anil Joe The executive for is president Harold Middle first vice president Merry and sccund vice president lid Is secretary surer Tom luster A director Harold representative Regional Council and Jot farm safely representative Sundays In tin first two of 1070 arc being served at the Terra Conservation Area for Come Along between 10 it and For a small admission charge everyone can enjoy skating a tractor drawn hay ride either on sleigh or wiigon cross nun I skiing or hiking in what Ik hoped will be a snowy forest The Farmers Almanac has already promised the snow Again mil will be teaching survival In the winter woods for two Sundays and the Bruce Trail Assoela tlon will have groups out on four Sundays to teach skiing unci snowshoclng techniques Films are lobe shown in the pavilllon where the Kcntners of Georgetown have hot drinks and food available Obtains Masters Hills Planner Mario from University obtained Ills Musters an Honors A in Urban Urban and and worked us a part lime and Urban Geo giiipln from York Uni November His tin sis icritnd mi mubiliH in Metro loionlo when mini and giowtholtlK for two development firms before coming own as town planner in lrn the establishment or government lu lu the town Hills plaints are forthcoming from rural residmls In future the situation will he reviewed When passed the by law will also prohibit parking of snnwmobili Irailirs anil used tow them by the of township roads Although Ihe Ontario Muni Board hearings con in lllllshurgh new proposals of lilephom City ana Premier for the operation of the proposed gravel pits In the southeastern of the Township presented In formally to council seemed to mi tin feeling thai the the gravel pits is table As measure goodwill told council liny would allow no crushing of gravel after m They also said they will post a bond of KM Instead of the HXi properties adjoining the pit sllH They also intimated Ihey would pave all township roads over w hie true ks travelled and thereafter would pay a premium of maintenance Shipments from the pits would h limited lo the hours m Telephone City re presented the revised proposals told ell that If granted a license Womens Institute has Christmas meeting By Mm Art Benton Twenty five lodies and number of husbands n joyed hot turkey dinner at tin home of Mr and Mrs Mile- ham on Thursday whin Women Institute held Ihclr Christmas party While the played euchre the ladles hi Id their regular meeting after We wlNh you a Merr and the Collect were used in opening Plans were made for remembering a doen or so sick shut Ins or older folk In Ihe neighborhood with Christmas gifts Members favored an after noon and evening the best time for the District Annual meeting at May IB Boll call My favor lie carol or hrislmas song was answered by 1 members and four visitors Several played handmade Christmas decorations as requested Mrs Hannah reported over MOO realised from the Guides and Brownies with a craft sale and tea planned for the spring God Rest You Merry and the Ode were used in closing Mrs Booth thanked the less and those contributing to a successful meeting Communion services were well at tended last Sunday Mr Ritchie is home after several weeks In lal we are pleased lo hear Mrs Nell Anderson spent n few days In hospital for tests We hope that she also Is soon Mr Harry Brown of Cm tennlnl Manor was in hospital at Mlllon for few days bill we hope he keeps 500 Winners The winners of tin fl club were 183 Shultls iww Oldroyd K Puncheon Hughs and 411 THE GAS SAVER Never inlistic on mi Rabbits Cam port Demos has anything so small offered so much lo and tool SO BAZ MOTORS LTD Past pres I Church repairs WI in news By Mrs Short 1 11 Our sympathy Is extended to the Snow family on the sudden passing of Mr Ed whose death took place week Mr accident on Thursday cutting his forefinger on his right hand requiring treatment at Georgetown Hospital We were sad to hear of Ihe or Mr an Sunday Our sympathy goes to his family and Mrs Molozzi Mrs Borden Thompson Is In Sunny brook Hospital for surgery Sale Saturday Mr and Mrs Dick Hancock had their sale on Saturday A good crowd attended The Womens Institute Christmas meeting was the home of Mrs Frank Smith on Wed afternoon There was a attendance Mrs gave a demonstra tion for a Christmas table decoration Mrs Asocial hour concluded the meeting Second candle The Sunday service was well attended Mr Paul Sch wartz Favoured us with a lovely solo This was the second Tuesday in Advent As the second candle is lit we are reminded of just what Christ mas is all about In our hustle and bustle of preparations we are about to forget this Flowers in the church were in memory Mr Different matters were brought to our attention- next is family Christmas Sunday with luncn after It is also White Gift Contributions will be received us well toward repair or replacement of the church organ The men choir and their wives are the committee for this project Events for after Christmas are being planned to help out this organ fund clause The Community Centre is also in our news A variety concert is to be this Christmas season We under stand some repairs are needed With a lot of use buildings do get in need continual care With our growing population here in we use our church and hall facilities more and more OMB hears drivein plan Residents of and area crowded into Hills council chambers day and Tuesday of this week for an OMB hearing into the theatre proposed by Barry Allen of Mustang theatre chain Chairman for the sessions which went into Wednesday is T Schrlbes represented by solicitor Monty Hyde Hills is represented by solicitor Boy Steele while two area residents have solicitor Dick repre senting them We make it easy at Stores 87751198775119

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