Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1975, p. 14

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B2 The Acton Free Press Wed December Big wet welcome for Santa Bouquets of sparkling snow- flakes to the of Saturdays super Santa parade Nothing but was heard through town after the long colorful procession of bands floats and riders had passed by The Ys Men who spearheaded the parade this year encountered cooperation on all sides Despite the rain ice and fog participants and watchers all enjoyed themselves thoroughly It was particularly fitting to have one entry from a church the Churchill Community church which depicted a manger scene Talent imagination ingenuity fun and willingness abounded to make Acton the place to be on Saturday afternoon Second arena for Acton Regional councillor Fat tells us in a Letter to the Editor that a second arena for Acton has indeed been considered He says councillors hope arrange ments can be made with the public school board so the arena could be built eventually on the site for the new high school Students in the M Bennett school and the new senior public school in the former high school building and high school students would all have easy access to this new arena in the day time It would be close by for all the people in the and subdivisions as well It would seem like an ideal proposal The day could come when there is a community centre in the coun tryside too as tne recreation ad visory committee Suggests Rock- wood has a similar hope with Its recreation complex there Recreation has a popular appeal if the money is available Grouch Make it formal Councillor wonders by way of print this week if people would like to read a column which would go into details on councils discussions and decisions He is the only Acton person who sits on both the regional and area councils and he devotes most of his time to his municipal work The Free Press thinks its a splendid idea and we hope to hear from other readers who agree Naturally Mr McKenzie doesnt want to waste his time writing information no one would bother to read But his Letter to the Editor today shows he has knowledge that should indeed be passed on A column would seem the best way to doit We think people are keenly interested in what councils do and would indeed appreciate being given a closer understanding by someone so closely connected with both the regional and local work ings of government We would also hope to have personal comments from coun cillors Hurst and and from the Esquesing councillor from this district George Maltby too on matters of special concern and Julian Reed also send us columns already Another chance Two weeks ago a questionaire about garbage disposal came with The Free Press Now theres another oppor tunitymade easyfor people to express their opinions Frank our Member of Parliament has sent out to his con stituents Reports from Parliament Hill He starts with a letter goes on to review the a inflation program new housing program summarize the first session of the House and list his activities in the constituency He reports on his participation in parliament pointing out he is presently working on negotiations to make Channel 17 continuously available to Halton viewers Another page is devoted to Canada World Youth participants in which Canadians spend four months doing volunteer work in Canada and one of the Third World countries The last page contains the ques with the addresses to mail it to on the back Got some comments about the antimflation program About the way the postal strike was handled About anything else at all Put your complaints or praise on paper Our elected Member of Parliament wants to hear from us personally Love in all sizes prices It takes an effort at this time of jear to make sure doesnt overshadow the happiness of the Christmas season Some people are always com plaining about the excesses of cele bration these days They say we are spending too much eating too much and so on However it seems the reason for spending is the same old basic one finding a way to express love and affection for other people If we have enough money to be able to spend too much we are living m lucky times Many people will take a great pride in home made gifts There never was a time they didnt A perfect example is the gift care fully brought home from school made laboriously and lovingly Some of these gifts are saved for years Crafts knitting sewing those crayoned bookmarks and feltglued decorations are always popular People give gifts of baking and of flowers individual ways of making the same statement of giv ing Each Christmas card brings pleasure homemade or from a bargain box hand delivered or mailed unsealed Here again pen nies bring plenty of pleasure Many parents chose to buy gifts that were needed and save them for Christmastime This way come the skates and skis new clothes and books God gave his Son the Wise Men brought treasured gifts Love comes wrapped in all sizes Giving is what matters Christmas baubles If youre getting yourself all steeled up to quit smoking at New Years you may want to attend one of the smoking withdrawal clinics Christmas Seal contributions finance these clinics and another one is being held Burlington starting Jan See the Coming Events for more details If you hear the sound of carols above the normal evening house hold noises Monday look out the door and listen The band will be carolling throughout the town BENNETT SCHOOL children have decorated a Christmas tree and brought presents from home to give to needy children in the town Grade six students also made a huge papier Santa painted him the appropriate colors and gave him the proper length of hair on his chin Left to right Mat Arthur Pierre Lynn Gordon who were just few of the making students building Santa and school custodian Doug Price who a contributing in the building of Santa Inns Both sit in the front foyer of the school Although Is couple of weeks since Thanksgiving Threat there In bad vibes bouncing off Rood vibes and vice versa Certainly It was an event evening In Canada history first there was the Prime Minister himself Gone were the charismatic grin Ihe flip retort the eloquent Gallic shrug that seems to say Just because you are stupid Full face he appeared almost fat and almost frightened The lean sardonic look was absent He looked like a city boy with the reins his hands of a runaway team hoping desperately that some innocent bystand you and would Jump out and help bring the runaways a halt What he said was OK and the whole country was behind him except for the doctors lawyers engineers accountants construction bosses labor leaders land lords and every worker in the country whose demand for a forty per cent in crease not been settled by a con tract But It was the way he said It that turned me off What should have been a ringing appeal loa nation came out with the blood tingling effect of a symphony played on a kazoo What should have made as gird up our loins and fight on the beaches and In the the beer parlours left me feeling rather flat forlorn and fight less Somehow I could not identify with this rich brilliant man whose early idealism has hardened into the familiar but ugly mold of political expediency Where thought as he solemnly told us that we had a bad case of galloping and must stop being so greedy where have he and his musical chairs cabinet been for the past three or four years in a soundproof shelter Thi3 I said to Bill Smiley only per attention to me this Is not leadership This is panic Instead Of a government that is reody to roll up its sleeves rail the people behind ft and attack the enemy we have a government that is trying to win the war with band aids and cosmetics to cover the wounds Which go right on suppurating beneath Ihem This is the government that gave HP a per cent pay increase to catchup on inflation and now tells lesser mortals they may have ten per cent This is the government that thoroughly and utterly botched the estimates of Can ados oil and gas reserves This Is the government that stood or wringing Its hands and uttering plaintive little mews while those two giants Big Business and Big Labor put John Public through the wringer of a vicious wage and price spiral This Is the government from which its ablest cabinet member resigned recently from the financial portfolio probably casse he doesnt go for that old guff of staying on the bridge of a sinking ship Sugar and Spice by bill Yes this is the which mocked and scorned and thus defeated Robert a while back when In showed enough guts to urge price and wage controls And this is the which without a blush of shame now snatches the biggest plank from that est man platform to cling to in tin stormy seas battering economy 1 to remind you chaps but this is the government to which you and 1 all right then all those other dummies a majority last time around Within hours after his solemn warnings and hints of dire the long suffering public which thought it had seen a glimpse of beneath the pap learned that there were exceptions to rules Mr strong medicine turned out to nothing but milk And watered milk at that Hi linn an inic linn fill in this will In tin firsl tin unit till tin guv lit to gn to hi II it group will miking i fi f is millions i slip on wrist with fuitlu r andrmivi rushing of That s what to big inrlustry mi whin viur into your in mi io hurl Hi just you in truth itj I don know on but I know whether I null our Ih ttrnhh austerity In irful s an lid ins mus fact it id p r inimm OUR READERS WRITE Parade committee sums up On behalf of the Santa Claus Parade Committee and children of Acton whatever their age may be many thanks would like to begin by thanking the judges Helen Jocquo Julian Heed and Tom Hill who accomplished the difficult task of choosing the three best floats Chosen were Spcyside School 1st Churchill Community Church 2nd and the Acton Skating Club 3rd Recognition is to be given the Acton Men the Mencttes for their work in organizing the parade and Santa at the The committee were greatly assisted in the parade by Mrs Dana Coats There is a special appreciation for the Acton Volunteer for their three entries and for the marshalling of the parade The police department are to be commended for their fine service and the Acton Citizens Band could have only enhanced their per Singing in the flam A merry thanks to Santas helpers Hurl Robertson for all his work both on the cutter and in the parade also to Ron Douglas for his Ho Ho Ho a at the Y The Guides and Brownie Leaders and the Hangers showed a great deal of patience in serving hot chocolate to over of the marchers The committee wishes to thank the Acton Free Press for the publicity which we feel created much support To all who participated in the parade and who gave so generously of their time and effort wc applaud you There were also those who contributed financially Our contributions totalled expenditures at the present time are we expect lo have a balance of approximately With this and your continued support we hope to make Christmas 1976 bigger and better Santa Claus Parade Committee Chairman Tom Madnck I Kink i MaeKenn ill Id Hill sliirlnrShop 1IM ml III Royal KM Music Shop iniw in ID IN Village Toddlers iirmr ire Clothing Acton Iharm KM him 1 Motors 111 IN Moll Shop 1 JohnlioinlixK0 rant Motors l0f Total legion nil Mrs rul Shop chocolate Total iJH DONATIONS ACTON SANT PARADE FUND Mens Club 100 Acton Agricultural Society 50 00 Bank of Nova Scotia 20 Christmas bus The Christmas bus running now for the benefit of townspeople So if youre travelling through town take advantage of the businessmen gift and hop aboard And dont forget if re drinking these holiday evenings to call the tai The taxi drivers feel they are in business here too and the bus is taking some of it away from them They work long and unpopular hours New Years Eve for instance and provide very necessary service year round The Free Press Back Issues years ago in UK hnstmiii m a set four and ibirrul an tin only ft mi I Hi r and two young I rs oik Hi m ill after flame modi si Ikiiiii Into snow I in mi from Ac ton and months ago wan Ins win to mi whi Jtuxti r libornlorli annual Minis pui W A nut HI v r in I In MutiUrs die Henry I in in ri id im vwirs mIk Hill Unison Hindi of v Hi his Hi n ii Mission irv the in in of Mrs on u I isl In Ml Hi mull siding A two i vi faithful was Miss 50 years ago Mm III I LI rv si itid inti n iting nidi id Hi J in On in ImIm II nit inn I irjV Ui in il my vinos itln ring Iktrlodj mil history half til I Willi tin fini hi in lion n pi Inn liy Ihi I I Ik org in i of tin Mr Silt i org no I lib i ills nuking fun inrlv i hurt of Mrs iininiiiii in r s of Miss rn Itnmu Iln linn rg Mr ft row ii of the mil In ini mm fair 100 years ago v rn ivmI of fill intro- duo till Ifl- Ihe follow r Hi fran vi rv in one spiel to iruperty or y think the Inn our i il radic dement In probable WOllll find many supp ml Huns mi 1 1 inn tin nine his to of Slot a in ir ugh to iffrgi 1 harks v re recinllv ipli in hi mot Ill of til Sag nay It is Mm Ihis hi for ill i public hi Id Matthews Jul i mm was ipfH 111 1 pi Mr mints for Hither Iv s si proposed It IS been Miniunts lo dose s ii elm prompt eaeh until the 1st of Hpisl dm will close 1 useful ind cheap hristtt suits such is Silver mils loil ts I I oh ind J- inner the si it I I nit in Glass I Sits md ml Mill- mil i r things THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Busincs Editorial Office

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