Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1975, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Tuon JO See you next week next year A clean slate maybe There was a trip to Nassau promotion in town las Christmas but Chamber of Commotio members felt iliappilv too busy to undertake it this The Free Press made a Imio boo in reporting it been two since was a promotion And last week paper repotted banks would be open to ill p m Christmas Eve Alas tlte dosed up at leaving some peering pitifully in tin outfit the locked doors And Dill is the of the Bank of Montreal or ritis was the bank whose window was during snow plowing opetatmns are always us but we hope three little token loriiittons today might give us a ilean slate for the New Year The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago pirns id note that tin IIhI of Ontario new whs Charles if II is mm from to rt his hi nor rillens lire if I only with Mr rhind but the brings In the town Mr mil Mrs Mutt who hive been for two wtiks with families ritKriuil Pin nix this by Mrs rylirsmnlhcr Mrs also re I with r vimtmg her pir Mr Mrs Olson illul this week lrk Win for he irrttionof i staff risjiicii and iltcnlions the Hilton moral instruction of staff II 50 years ago An ecumenical note The Christmas season had a happy ecumenical note when the Rev A of Knox church took part the annual Christmas eve carol and candle light service at the United church lhe church is awaiting the art of new minister This service has been held for vears now and the collection goes toward the needs of the choir Snow falls metrically now Not one inch of snow will ever fall again on Acton says the government That t mean we won get our annual share of the fluffy white stuff this winter What it does mean is now the accumulation forecasts and reports will be officially given in centimetres Measurement of precipitation snow centimetres rain in metres began in Canada September 1 Its yet another step on the countrys march to metric conversion To explain 1 cm is approxi the width of a person little finger nail Five centimetres is up to a person s ankles fifty would be up to the knees One hundred centi metres or one metre would be about waist level and an awful lot of snow To look at it another way the Metric Commission suggests that a snowfall of three centimetres can be swept off the driveway with a broom With thirty centimetres a shovel is needed traffic is snarled up and the highway plows are called out to clear thoroughfares Except for the Pacific Coast snowfall in Canada is lightest in the Arctic Its heaviest averaging about too cm annually in New foundland central New Brunswick and Parts of Labrador Quebec and Ontario Highest average snowfall in Canada is cm at Knob Lake Quebec followed by average falls of cm at Ontario and Quebec City Victoria has the lowest average snowfall with Montreal s average is 256 cm well ahead of Toronto cm Greatest recorded snowfall was at Kemano C a hydro power station site miles northwest of Vancouver which had a fall of 1 centimetres the winter of 57 The 1974 edition of the Gutness Book of World Records lists the greatest snowfall in a 24 hour period as 113 cm which fell on Silver Lake Colorado in April Other records cited by Guiness are for the grealest twelve month accumulation 2 cm at Tide Lake Steward C between May 1971 and May and the greatest single snowstorm which dropped 445 cm on Thompson Pass Alaska December 31 And snow on Of this and that At a recent meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau the president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business remarked that Canada s small business community would gladly trade the whole Department of Industry Trade and Commerce together with its palatially housed army of bureaucrats for some sensible changes in the Unemployment Insurance Act Will it be Happy 1984 We are only eight years away from that fateful year depicted by the English novelist George Orwell who saw the forces of tech exerting full control and authority over our minds Indeed some people would say that 1984 is upon us and that the funda mental processes of our society have broken down That may be We have not achieved a very good record in dealing with human goals and most people in the industrial west feel threatened and powerless in the face of major computer networks genetic engineering and nuclear age technology Underdeveloped nations are almost equally hope less in their attempts to catch up to the industrial west But without for a moment diminishing the extent of the tech flood it may well be that we use this new science to hide our inability to understand the essential human dimension of societys needs It is just possible that the application of the best we have in technology could help us solve over population inadequate food supplies and energy resource depletion Technology could probablv deal with these if we had the will to look at the new concepts Conservation rather than con sumption demands that need not be always fulfilled ethics about supply and pricing are human deci that can make technology work for us But it means we must recognize that chaos faces us if we are unwilling to accept social re now Technology can either dominate or serve society Naturally most of us would choose service but then we must be pre pared to change to plan and above all to place technology at the service of humanity To hide from or try to destroy technology is pure ignorance of the human problem and will un doubtedly push our society closer to than any computer program yet devised Contributed THE CHILLING WINDS carved their own patterns amid the roadside banks of snow that add to the seasonal I beauty Eddying and swirling they gouge and ripple touching first with a roughness then with feather ouch to draw patterns in the symmetry hard to copy Sugar and Spice by bill smiley nil II world liu i lust brought im to r IS I wi w m sh in ol Or si io llus Is Hun to lit il inh nit i lhe world lust must tin in intcri tun I to In limn in nilin Hum i tin luii lire id nut i sm liil it tin lull limited ivirv I liursd I tin thine flu iti ni di lodn m ordir hi rit mi Ins is lust lit hue kit 1 Ik is 1i st im on 1h sidi lint s Hid Mill I pnfir In ihmkli with unit in i il linked I in thinking with tin mil of is tin I nil m print iss Shi is gum lit lhe gods llii lit prnplmv with tin proviso gods hid it it h in it it would In Ik into hi I ibnut tin Mir- if mil il on I I sp Hid it loud mil tit riLbt in span win filing to isvpln on of iii ins Tint iiilstintlmt Hi it linn in tin hit iiidiil iijKMil of is lout mil tumid i billion not milln Million I dnlhrs to in in in si If is proph in it tin ill to wind up hist t of isst Inn our I hi inuddli Ihi in if ill I don t think to II ton 1 Am in I m iniinid i or in iTixin rtsliMiri in I kniniin or i ir is hit I bin lnfui libinl ml jurtiud in mil of on W titer I ip in IhsI in fnne wis in Dm fntonte tudmls is in 1 mnn hint mi ton Well id il with lots turn other iximples of our in up world rert1hinjis or upside doT mi this She is who quit to pan joh wis interested is her ire past of in i Her potential employer told her We ire told ire an excellent But then is one serious of jou Thet ire or la principal in in it lo ij mil iplm in w mild lint hi from tht rooftops I mi iioddisup In in in I Ins is low print lis would tin io nil iitilu idjust I or its Shi job w rid is it mud ihhi r Still on dm list il In hi tiling took for of two rnsjins If ton wc ri nth went to mm If jou were poor nl to ho it vim would Not so iv I itirer son in I Jit irs of du ilion is st fit III i if mil In iduates loser it s iry first linn mhirhf mv wiff Ins weight problem She gaming irustetd of losing tin shi his it lontt slumbt ptssmn for tonkin rndlnt In r links ixrist aside ind picks up one of her four new took hooks Stic gets ill ixtrtisi irnund hi strut timet ling thing that would turn on into OUR READERS WRITE Anybody from Victoria a r I through Idlers column of make an appeal all students and staff of Victoria School in In Victorn High School the oldest high school of lhe mil celebrate virirv of ils establishment A his been formed to plan anil are now attempting Incite ill who attended V either as a student or a member of the staff events are planned for the Homecoming Weekend May and J Anyone eligible to register should write to P Box 137G Victoria for further information Thank you for your assistance truly I J fit I Chairman Victoria High School Celebrations e Rockwood is looking up Hi ir Sir This unit I am impelled to write about two sounds in Instead of grumbling I am smiling Tht first noise on Mam St is so loud and grinding you cannot hear yourself speak Powerful i chines are digging trenches for water and sewers At long our rnmosn Council and village Trustees have to befriend us in our hour of need ind in certainly would ntver guess whit other sound is It is in silent art sound in basement of he house where long ago the H Pearen family dwelt There you can see the potters I revolving as he woman artist shapes handmade Needless to say I am proud of both operations in made by men wilh big machines and he with s wheel is looking up and forward Make world a better place It 1 I imehnuse time to I feel inclined to bring to it least a portion of humanity my views and comment on he latest news we heir on the life of an honorable gentleman whom we would look up to as a humble and courageous leader who was assassinated short time after lie was laid to rest his sights were dedicated his name to pat him a memorable I If was of all this why should his life become scandalous issue sm in the form i t him Mr inriMrs lb mas SI prior to their night I entering St Michaels hospii il is i nurse riming The mem In rs of St Jos to which Miss ind rirtur Heavy Ik lo show thnr ippr for her Ipin he hoir A silvi r nurse as by Miss md if his Christmas iff rdt d pie so is country routs excellent roads for motoring The cutters with thnr jingling to have prefer Thin wen Acton itimtt off Tin v were icdve inii rous gf rims hi irled sought oil ill the pi ires where help would be rous iskcls food inii is good things were distributed r Ii turns f snueMni town ships W icclimibon lit put v nevi leclimitinn council fowdv I Bird liw son lime mil iter Hi eve T roller itchm Donald r Mi Dredge rin He will deptilt reiv lames Win mil lames Tree Jrimosi icch W II Alton Jos 100 years ago Wi it is pretty krown voting in the genenl diction donebv ballot We fanct billot will be found work ihlt ind will a viluablc means of securing i of men in our town ind township I old many in littor his vole for in inferior man than offense lo friend or lor but with billot he in vote for whom hi sets fil viry defective slate of the roids this think is of tors to see they are stnttd who will endeavor lohivt the til rimedied is nothing so to of community as bad roads to on That the old settled lountv of Hilton is so fir in this m liter h is no re isonahli use It is ills lompmv of folks gave J con ten of music in Matthews Hall On New Day a grind anil lit rarv tntirtainmtnt will given by Illusion Sons of Temperance Our village barber levanted last Monday mi rmng leiv ing an unreceipted rent hill lo trouble his conscience few trusting mourn flight There is a shop to rent is tret will be prepared at Mithodisl church at I o clock tomorrow on 12 years in his grave we approach this festival of birth of Christ we have in hones to God and our fellow man in our life on earth Deeds of wicked men and women will come to naught in the end like the war Nam So what do wt learn from these allegations We can at help make this fair land better place to live and an example for rest of the world to follow DRINK DMT ii THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Editorial Office potior M ypogrpf trret of uid unnnng id EHitminntiPMiiiMtO dvwtlinflnw Copyngbi

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