Scout and Guide news After a very successful weekend the North Hal ton district winter Scout ended on Sunday after noon Acton was awarded second place A patrol from first Georgetown captured the trophy from Acton with points Acton and a patrol from first Georgetown tied for second with points After spending the night at the Scout hall the Scouts woke up at five Saturday morning After breakfast and loading up the Scouts and three leaders left for Good year Memorial Scout Camp near Orangevillc Race to start The first event was a race in with sleds all necessary gear for the weekend The 14 patrols then Seoul Acton and fifth Georgetown Total Scout attendance was Attending scouts The Scouts from Acton were Jim Saxon Geoff Saxon Jock and Edward Many thanks to Mr for use of his pick up which was invaluable Frank Goulding brought seven Cubs up to the camp on Saturday afternoon These Cubs will be advancing to Scouts in the Pathfinder troop Scout James Saxon successfully completed the last require ment for the Chief Scout award last Tuesday evening He made a report to the Rotary Club of Acton on Acton and his The PEER SEMMA of the first Acton Scouts does his share of dishes at the Winter Camporee in the Goodyear Memorial Scout camp near Orange- ville on the weekend The Scouts of his troop came in second Ph Splash flashes Anne Pickering set up camp After Chief Stout award i- the high ag break the patrol leaders est award in Scouting handed in menus They were then given task of toun ting all the outhouses in camp and coming up with a num The groups then Into the events There was rescue and first aid relay race wood transportation race race mating compass and water boiling The patrols who came from first second third and fifth Georgetown first Acton first Glen Williams and first were also marked on survival on Saturday night fills was followed by a slide show on the 14th world jamboree held last summer in Norwaj Sunday morning the groups participated in a log sawing contest at seven in the muni It has been quite awhile since the last column So lets gel up to date on whats happening at the pool First a thanks to all those swimmers who participated in our aquatic show before Christ mas It was a pleasure to see so interested parents and friends come out to The following swimmers passed Star I award on December 10 ltenata Sharon Campbell Anne Charlebois Sharon Cook Debbie loin Elizabeth Moore Debbie Itupert and Sharon Vos The star exam was a combined effort with swimmers from luelph and participating Three of Acton pool also passed an award recent l Leslie Graham Susan Ancker and Deb Rip- lion earned their Award Merit which is a Life Saving award Congratu lations to all of these swim mers for a fine effort Swimming lessons have started again Enrolment this session is over the mark with swimmers regis in the higher awards I his shows how the swim ming level ability has in creased in Acton in only one Keep up the good work swimmers One program which is a bit Appoint Charlotte Ironside Charlotte Ironside long term member of Georgetown nil Fair Board has been ap pointed to Sheridan College Advisory Committee for the school of design at Iarne Park Her background and ex perience in judging crafts needlework cooking at fall fairs all over Ontario was given as part of the reason for her appointment She has served on the pro vincial board of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies for many years serving as president and for 15 years as secretary She has been a member of Georgetown Fair Board for more than years and has been secretary and treasurer She was the first woman to officially open Georgetown fair she snipped the ribbon Inst year Mrs Ironside a resident of Slderoad has been a member of Georgetown Arts and Craft Society almost since Us Inception and has displayed her crafts at the annual exhibition different this session Keep Fit n at can swim exercise and sauna The more the merrier so if youre not doing anything Wednesday at come on out It seems that the colder weather is bringing more swimmers to pool That seems strange but it could be the warm saunas and the degree F water that is at trading them Whatever the reason swimming is an excellent form of exercise and can become an mexpen outing Next week we will have rules so look for ing The camp was run by the fifth Georgetown Scouts and Rovers The 19 lode Canada Jim will be awarded as soon as approval has been received from his excellency the Governor General Jules Club went off quite well last evening Many thanks to the Scout and Guide Mothers for the delicious refreshments Wednesday was an important evening for eight Heavers Anthony Tod Craig Caden head Matthew Marsh lev Andrew Marsh and Duff into Proud and the Heavers were treated to refreshments afterwards The Acton group committee and Scout and Guide Mothers held a joint meeting last night at the Scout Hall Ihe fruitful by products if will be disclosed in next HETA head defends conference agenda this Anne dent Tea Association shewasdisap mled the Hoard of in wiped out a goodl portion of the planned professional development day agenda for Jinuarv Thursdaj the board p a pom planned reflecting a sihle posture hut I like to think and the board administration tan the agenda and make the she said the The head of blamed outside influences restricting topics at kc Metro Toronto lea annual prod strike for changing the Due to the public school and high school holiday on Friday pool will be open in the afternoon from two to activity tins confer to which will increase the teachers per formancc and effectiveness in the classroom still believe the da was of teacherboard She added the en ire provincial climate in caused the board lecision against the leather- genda Eliminate small classes to save money Trustee cases a program with low enrolment at schools could be doubled up and save equipment in one of the schools and of one teacher Superintendent of Program Board of Education decided Thursday to gate the possibility scrapping some courses with low enrolments to save money Trustee Kdna Robinson noted there were credit John said a courses offered in high would be coming to the board schools last year in which there were less than pupils There are many courses which attract small numbers of students and serve the needs of few pupils she said and noted the hoard 11 have to conduct serious about where we- going in technical Buses cancelled due to icy conditions Miss Robinson suggested all high school credit pro grams should be reviewed with the view to reducing as soon as possihle those with low enrolment She said many of the small classes are in crowded schools and elimination of some of them would leuve classrooms open to help relieve crowding Miss Robinson predicted there would be a substantial saving in supplies and equip ment since many of the low enrolment courses arc technical programs She Treacherous icy rood conditions on Monday forced school buses to be cancelled for the day The three local schools were kept open for in town students Almost per tent of the high school student body get to school by bus according In Ian vice principal He estimated approximately students did not make it from rural areas Of the 122 bus students Bennett school nately 100 missed the day added other classes with few according to one of the students include Greek Latin and Spa The ability of he board to paying for courses which benefit only a few students in these tough lie times suggested in some tanes The balance of child ren she said got rides into town in cars transportation to get to school At least one student was driven in by tar accor ding a secretary The cancellations were the second in less than two weeks On January 14 he buses couldnt make their trips because of a storm which left several inches of snow throughout the area This weekends cold weather and blowing snow terminated Sunday night when temperatures climbed high enough to make it rain havoc on roads The Acton Free Press Wed J Pupils problems spotted early An impressive slide music and talk show was presented Thursday to Board of Education by North educators who have been busy since working on the Early Indcntifi cation Study The groups interim report dealing with how schools can spot early in a childs school career if the pupil will have difficulty was received by the board The report is expected to be completed by this sum with recommendations to come the following creasing number of children especially boys were coming into the school system and ex periencing difficulty learn ing Various types of projects were carried out at different schools in North in- eluding Harrison Joseph Gibbons Stewartlown M Robert Baldwin and Pinc- schools Much of the work Involved testing pupils before they first entered the school sys tem and then after they com plete kindergarten grade one two and three FIRST ACTON SCOUT patrol clowns it up at the beginning of their win ter camporee held in Goodyear Memorial Scout camp near Orangeville on the weekend The Scouts came in second behind a Georgetown patrol Photo by Mark Rowe BLOWINGf MclNWRE 8S3042S Bennett weekly news in health this week grade eight girls are d cussing the effects smoking The class decorated with pnste against smoking Preparations are getting underway for the grade eight trip Its promised to be good one Student council is getting readv for the Valentine dance Decorating will Ik done In eight A This week he grade eights filled out their option sheets for high school Its quite a job figure out what Thej courses are right for you each Some students from grades Tickets ore being sold for a four toeighl arc taking a trip They arc 15c each It to be or for held at the Centre on These are the events for February 19 this week Keep posted for all On Jan the high the happenings at M presentation about their theatre arts class It was really good The presentation was performed show us learning skills and how you progress through the The girls basketball team played Centennial Thursday losing by 14 to 17 Better luck Fndaj is a holiday for public school looking forward to it The school is selling choco late bars to raise money for grade seven and eight rips at the end of the year being sold for school put ii LAKEVIEW CENTRE CARPET AND FLOORING SPECIALISTS We Feature Carpet From Venture Callaway Richmond Ozite We stock SPECIALLY PRICED CARPETS ROLL ENDS and REMNANTS for installation by our STAFF PROFESSIONALS or Do-lt- i you choose 126 Main St N Acton Robert Little school was the least affected by cancel of buses as only ill students rely on that mode of COME TO ERIN OPTICAL EYE DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Most single vision lenses Most bifocal lenses Photo gray lenses Mail plastic lenses Repair service free and Lamb soft contact lenses Optician on duty all day Sat Frl til HAROLD PORTER OPTICIAN Main St Every FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nite INTERNATIONAL CENTRE up to In Cash Prizes Each Night call Mrs Smith 8533687 PICK UP AT 615 PM TORONTO DOMINION BANK ACTON CANADIAN STYLE DONUTSMILTON Specials morse VHB SPEAKERS high 4 speaker eloctroflex audio Sugg retail Model 914 AMFM FM stereo radio with recorder playback mechanism Includes two microphones and blank tapi III 11 speakers 21 high speaker electrollex audio system Sugg retail WW stereo console in pec AM FM multiplex radio 8track tape recorder player Includes microphones and one blank lape RD style color finish 99 MUSICAL BAR MODEL 100 48 mediterranean style stereo bar in Spanish oak finish AMFM FM multipli radio Builtin tape player I FARMER I JACKS OPEN Nightly til 900 Saturday to 6 8782373 NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH NO MONEY DOWN DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO HWY NO JUST NORTH OF