Bahamas Florida are holiday places By Mrs Art Ren ton Wo extend sympathy to the John Gunn family In the passing of his mother at Milton two weeks ago Congratulations to John Brown son of Mr and Mrs Harold and Miss Judy Mr and Mrs Sam and Mr and Mrs Fred Morgan have returned from nearly three weeks in Florida The Church Ashley who were married congregational meeting was Jan at St George held on evening can Church Georgetown last week Mr and Mrs J to stormy weather and and her sister Miss Blanche stalled buses only pupils Bngham of Vancouver greeted teachers it two wicks in the house school one morning last week Churchill Select officers Thursday night Ballinafad The Acton Free Press Wed January 7 Illness death prevail Outdoor rinks Outdoor ice rinks may be Sometimes they st in recent area news Outdoor ice rinks may be too costly to maintain for the length of time they are In use INSTRUCTOR ELEANOR shows student Lillian Cook some pointers in the crochet class at the night school program at the high school on Monday night Cancellation decision Mrs Due to inclement neither all buses were cancelled for day Thert w is i good dince it Churchill Co mm Church morn ing to hear tin Mrs 1 Sermon is Between Our choir anthem Grace Dai id our pastor s son assisted the choir also liking the solo part Ik is member of their home George s church in He plays the violin Mr Mrs John enter lined the for lunch after church Meeting The muling of Community Church w is hi Id on Thursday night Jinuir with Charles Thompson is ilinrmin for the business and the for tin election of full si no of officers is ind pi ins for tin fu lun were formulalid new is Mr Jnck All numbers frit nils to ly school room before Icumt his no intention of mil silt itn Ihdro list tint such fin would hi is of ir It w is etptikd thin inks ficilitu By Mrs R Three girls from Ballinafad have returned from the school trip to Quebec Heather Buchanan Marion Jamicson and Nancy Shortlll had an interesting trip there last week We are sorry to hear Mrs is in critical health now in hospital at Hal ton Manor Ray is in Hospital Hi will be in hospital for some time for tests as his health has been poor this winter No service There was no church sirvice owing to the illness of Rev Stiles Tin leidirs of A had leadership instructions at Milton list week The first club meeting wilt this the subject being A louch of will be two groups The W Indies had a quilting bee in the church basement last week Other local enjoyed helping Miss Snow Is now making her home in George town with her mother Dies abroad are sorry to hear of the sudden death of He and Mrs had been touring Spain and the Canary Islands His death occurred while on the trip Sympathy is extended to his relatives especially to year operation as a guinea pis brothers James Bruce and Facility Superintendent Kenneth and their families pat Sheehan told Hills Mr and Mrs Morlcy Administration Committee he Shortill had a pleasant has asked the engineering weekend north at Burkes department to submit the Falls The trips developing and through the bush trails were maintaining the rinks at the very enjoyable of the winter season The sudden death of Mrs Sheehan said the costs are Vera occurred in high for what is usually no Florida Sunday more than three full weeks of Blake French spent the skating He pointed out other Sometimes they start out wllh rinks and end up with five as people find It a cold thankless Job commented weekend with his grand father Mr D Campb Ailon Ghost of Avro Arrow The of the Arrow in February has been revived for many Halton Hills residents with the announcement of a lay off at Douglas Aircraft in Malton Douglas Aircraft president A an the lay off of first of February In fact approximately workers ibllshmg the rinks accept applications from groups or organizations to maintain and supervise them Committee chairman said he had heard rate payers say the town work five days to make 1000 workers beginning the were given notice Friday lce surface and it last January the day of the days announcement The would cut thi number of employees from its present 1600 to approximately GOO At its peak Douglas Aircraft employed G five 2 is Groundhog Day If the groundhog sees his shadow there arc supposed to be six more weeks of winter if then is no he fig winter is over Mr Mr Norm li id with her pin and Mrs I In would not In discontinuing hi it t ill of roil md siles si tin town would rut hi Hi did Ospringe Were digging ourselves out of snowbanks Doris Tin snowstorm list week slipper roads presented quite i for Shell Oil tanker tint flippeiUeron its side in I hi ditch on high Some moments must have been lift in tin ik must have been wondering if the whole thing would tin lWfi- wit Drought it in from the Mr sermon will know me in whin I In hi right kind of oil in Ins I ipotogv to three il I I km should hive dom ill ml found room for tin dost l lit suits in mid blow up i re routed for awhile until the tow trucks got it on its feet week it the of writing Ind finished digging snowlunks just in time to start all over igim as the snow kept filling with Ihe lemperituri It proved one point however There ire still good tans travelling the roid from is milling mv wayout the one shovelful it i time won could think that white sluff looked so whin the Rev lack out of his car picked up shovel ind before nisi could freeze Rural rep not upset in and personnel committee of Hilton Hills Council recommended Monday night that the town out membership in Association of Rural Munmp iliiics for I97R Membership fee for the vnr would be Do we really need to be long to this isked 1 ivy To my mind there s is importance in to this as then is in paying for pennants for Scot and replied Councillor I Councillor was refer ring to the s decision to recommend purchase of ind crests for the Georgetown minor mosquito club to present lo opponents during i tour of Great Brit tin April said he disagreed completely Path is im in Its place But do we still consider ourselves a rural municipality he Anything they have is going to come through AMO of Municipal of Ontario anyway Levy added Councillor Ill recommended Hi it the town not but looked towards Councillor Rus Miller who represents runl Ward Docs this upset you he asked Miller answered thai Nothing upsets me if were saving money Members Members of Trek have had several calls from prospective members following the news story and pictures of their underwater dive in last weeks Free Press tin in indiwrv il sundown pined it in i dark tinsel and it morning sit it in of tin window in f- lib il failhfulh nw inlni me its ind red leaves or brills his veir it id multiplied to six siving the Hillings so I reasoned ln close wisnt I enough he sides I hid been told it m ike lint tin pupils i illnslntid of sl Im Its is pointed ii iff fill Hi it Itssui RED BRAND BEEF Choice Bonniest Jib Prime Rib Roast Sirloin Tip Roast Shoulder Roast Blade Short Rib Roasts Choice Wing Roast or Steaks Chuck Roast Ground Chuck 11ft Small Link Sausage 951 Sliced Side Bacon FREEZER SPECIAL SI 1 Ground Chuck 10 LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET 77 853 TudorHouse Upholstering With A Difference do f king this They ith ge is jual an an awful lot of pi who had to sit on cushions on the floor for a month whilst await iht return of their furni tun hut the trouble with off that It set It becomes a very diffi cult thing to shake One company that is try inn very hard to his needy image of up is Tudor House They stress the good old Ira ditmnal virtues service quality in Using back it up the lowest prices town unique feature of thi growing Tudor House business is that don at the big city markets solely il of King ind sur rounding districts Our estimators bout milts a day Tudor House president Alan Hiding of them drive as north as The Tudor House are all highly trained in thi field of furmtun and cm an virtually you might hive about your Id or favourite hair The with them over samples that you from In fact your biggest problem with Tudor House estimators hi that you ma have to m for supper while you try to decide which fihnc and slyli you want Onct problem of deci ding is through your form is it to the company s brand new in when shop foreman I Iassa and his staff gives your furniture Us facelift lo ten days later just as the pro mists you have your new look furniture back home And you will in for surprise when you it Shop Foreman Louie Pans the bill what estimator said it would with no President Alan Hiding the company can char prices than most of their competitors because of volume of business that in from huge rural anas they cover Tudor Houses prices in ficl that they are patronized by a major hotel chain ind several pitils The big thing is that we do what wi say well do Mr Hiding If wc say it will take us seven to ten days then it will be seven to ten days If we say it will cost then it will cost Mm Its all part of changing the image and the will be the winner WE SERVE RURAL ONTARIO WITH DISTINCTION Why not let us take special care of your upholstery requirements Watch for our regular advertisements in your local newspapers Custom Reupholstering Your Furniture DID YOU KNOW Your own comfortable furni ture can be recycled to your specifications 2 Your furniture will be re turned looking like new 3 Your work can be completed within 710 days We have a full range of at tractive materials to choose from 5 The cost savings to you will be surprising 6 Our existing customers are delighted with our crafts manship prices and we have so many testimonials to prove it Why Not Give Us A Call Check With We ReUpholster Your Chesterfield and Chairs JUST LIKE NEW Save over the cost of a new suite Open thru Sat 9 am I LET US HELP YOU TIDY UP AFTER THE HOLIDAYS CALL NOW FOR YOUR REUPHOLSTERY NEEDS Hundreds of fabrics to match any decor Complete re building and re padding All work guaranteed Shop in the convenience of your own home days delivery Budget Materials for Recovering Family Room Furniture etc Before you sign any deal check with Tudor House Our prices will make you glad you did FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE CALL 8787655 or 8782020 Toronto Line ubor ntarto Co Custom Upholstery Furniture ReFinishing Schomberg Milton Concord SERVING RURAL ONTARIO