Primary Task Force killed by board to save money The Acton Free Press Wed February A 7 Hal Ion Board of Education took the first step Thursday towards cutting costs by can celling the work of the Primary Task IB mon before it was due to be fin The Primary Task force was have run five years but to save money the board decided lo terminate its work the end of August and a half years it started Killing the Primary Task forte will the board this year and again next The task force had been expected to spend million over its five year life span The Pritmry Task force was charged with the job of developing an entirely new core curriculum for he early school years of Hal ton pupils and was then was supposed to be implemented by in vice training of elementary school teachers In a report the board this week the task forte development and writing of core com plcted in the fall and im pkmentation is now under way and will continue for several Trustee Don Venus said it was regrettable to see the program turned off before Its work is completed and urged board administration to try to carry on with some of the work Including evaluation of the implementation job Superintendent of program John said evaluation of the task force work slated to be done it the end of the five year program would be lost but promised the boird will continue to receive reports in the years ahead concerning results of what wrk Ins been done Obituaries Stan Leitch dies abroad POSING AT halftime for a team photo mem bers of the Acton Ladies allstar basketball squad did not rest on their lead They more than doubled the score on the Georgetown team at M Bennett to win 38 16 This is the second year in a row that Acton has taken the honors in the one game contest SOME PEOPLE twist street names around some people twist street signs Fortunately the highway signs survived and travellers can at least recognize the number if they miss the name Board has The Hilton Hoard of got some good Im news for a change Thursday when Trustee Bill revelled the board has nearl 000 left over Rate jumps Regional will receive an in the for use of person owned irs on rtgioml business The new ritis being rttom mended the rtgion s ml mimstrition pro vide for mileage rUes of in cents for the first s00 miles i month and 17 for each mile there ifter the regional rite was i slrnghl tents milt hut w is cents per mile The most recent id justment tomes is i result of grievances filed groups of Some employes once flit ritenf per month plus so much per month on top of lhit in its coffers from last year Renewing the 1975 il I noted while the board went over its budget for of both schools last ir revenues were higher thin expected The board spent over their budget but e rt and got more in expected in urowncnl and other unexpected reven reported the howl has from list it should tome in tnndv since the bo ird with costs increasing mil Queen prints Despite the the bowl went over its budget its is soil pro per pupil last ve irof SI it Ihc merit level SI fi08 it second irv Hilton is he lowest of com in per pupil inirv Ishnds The funeral was it Hums Irtsbvtcri in church 1 i in hollow inj entomb itoningsb mortu irv interment will be in The trip id is won In Mr in recent Ferguson intuitive im is sh in ins business issotiitc lliLinu their wives iccom them former Mrs nee a na live of Sound distrtitt whom Ik id three brother Ken of llrisln ilm lirollitr l7l Hi vi is pre ised first wife whom who of died m ii Ins Hill of Miss Laura Scott km iiinpmei dt i far lit in North rink lied his length Hi w is pluming to retire He w is on the famiK firm line iv in The leitchcs were Illinois His wa il of till resident of igo Miss I aura Scott ditd it Hilltop Nursing Home ill on J inuary lumril wis me IikU I mil J tin I inl It funtril home iter loo followed by intern ml situ Mrs RJ Murdock Sll isk for i Union on Nov In fururil w is held in itrmis Nov I off Kilting Nov 0 1 it il in ion liurch I she mill on 1 thru brothers two sistirs she two sons Don of one ihughtir Mrs I I Smith Lr indelnldn two Church trt it PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON A Mr A Hinstn B A O Sunday Feb 1976 11 Ma Church School for Beginners Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 1100 am Divine Worship Sermon Theme True and False Opilmlsm 12 Congregational Luncheon 12 IS Annual Congrega Meeting In A Stewart Hall Everyone Most Welcome CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Rd N Minister The Rev J McFaddcn B A and Mrs Eleanor Sunday Feb 81976 am Worship and Church School The Church on the Hill is an gallon ministering to the needs of community All Welcome BAHAI FAITH You arc warmly Invited to attend a fireside discussion Friday evenings at m Phono Man Is In reality a spir Itual being and only when he lives In the spirit Is he truly happy Homes for senior half way homes for and released prison mjtcrnity homes rehabilitation homes for young men are among the outreach projects of The United Church of Canad i EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE N Sunday Feb 8 1976 am Sunday School a m Morning Worship Evening Evange llstlc Service Tuesday Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday p A Evange ALLARE Excellent tree town Bus Service tor children and ad to and from Sunday School on the All Red Bus Also Rural pick up For Inlor phone or MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Georgetown Ftllowshp st Church Sunday Feb 1976 Sunday School for UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Chas Beaton B A George Elliott WA PhD Director of Music Sunday Feb 1976 10 am Worship Service I Sunday Church School and Nursery Everyone mosl welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH II Street East Founded IB42 Pastor Rev Das Sydney B M Dlv Pastor s Phone 1635 Thursday Ladies coffee hour hour at Mrs Parsons home Friday Choir Practice followed by Deacons mooting at p Sunday Feb am Sunday School 15 a Morning Worship Gospel Road sound film as sung by Johnny Cash Filmed In Israel- Refreshments Youth bowling BETH EL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Feb 1976 Sunday Worship Services at a and pm Pre school Sunday School during the morning service Sunday School during afternoon service You J Church the Back to God Hour heard over these lions Hamilton C K O C am dial St Catharines CHSC am dial Toronto CHIN a dial M H Z Toronto H dial First Shift The swooped down on both games and lolalj leaving the The Owl Hole names and from oft the Iron sticky tint game but hi Turl lis shelled the tail anil Standing Owls Mice Turtles roKs Chicks Second Shift Octopus both Karnes and totals from On while the Snowmen mil led away with both and totals from Horses The Cows on the last game the tint and lolali Standing Horses It Snowmen Joel Stephen Janet Mc raw By If Karnes and tola irupled for the I first name Volcanoes Storey Tellers Millstones TopTcn Brian Sue Thomson 225 Debbie Gary Rous I eld 557 Cordon Pale Anderson 230 Todd Comber 183 and girls that wilt c Mills Dan Winning Crush for Greg While pirn over age and Monica Mussel with pins over Trace real competition THECHURCHOF ST MARTYR 1872 Anglican Corner JillowSt St Or Rev Leonard Ewmg Rector Director Music Mrs Frank Oakcs Sunday Feb 8 a m Holy Eucharlsl 10 a m Maltlns 30 a m Church School and Nursery Installation of Church Officers Wednesday Feb am Holy Eucharist Everyone Is welcome d pini JUNIORS The blazed away with all games arid totals caving Ihc One Hall Team In he cold The Super Six were souped up for game but Hoi shot down for lust two games and totals The Wild Cats growled for the second gome but the Hot boiled for the tint and third Karnes and totals standings One Bail Hot Ones Wildcats Super Six Second Shift The Underdogs chalked up all gamei and totals from the Jumping Jacks The Canadian Champs look the last Kami losing the first two and totals to the Road The Jaws chewed up Ihe first game but Streakers streaked away last two game and Standings Streakers Road Runners 40 Jaws Jumping Jacks 3B Canadian Champs 34 Underdoes Top Ten Mickey 1hlllipi Peter 247 John Adams 501 Kevin Archibald 201 Dob 522 238 Phillips Call 208 Shelly 175 Gary MandarinomilOO Allen La Sandce SENIORS The Earthquakes shook down and Sylvli Representing Acton In the Tour Slepi to Stardom one on Feb and will be for the Han l lam Division Single Hoys Hoy Single Girl Teresa Dunn nanism Hoys Team Joel link Greg While I iter Mills Graham While and Dan Gibson j Girls Team Plane Colleen and tor the Juniors Single Boy Kevin Archibald Single Girl Michelle Phillips Junior Hoys Bob Peter Turk ary Mar Alllnson and Mark Walker Girls Team Mardelk 1hllllps Gall Lynn Phillips Kim and Shelley the Seniors Single Hoy llrlan Larsm Slngli Girl Thomson Senior hoys Team Miiln Gary P Gary I Team Ion tin David Ichl Id Senior G Gordon P and bowlers for best of In and ns to all th ualifylng and our next step Die the first game but the Missiles shot off wllh Ihe last two games The Storey Tellers Few complain Ml I rink Phil brook I know if md risitinli have lost interest or if they recuvnl clarification since the Minister the tuition last month lit t many complaints Ik so id he thought clarify his remarks bul noted is left with some about the future economic pa Hi Board tells Royal Commission pupils in front of TV too much I mtrit school spend loo much UK vision for rt i ill ird of 1 din officii will Ml I on in Hit nil wilt In indil iifti li id prist nt i posit md tin hi hill ho ird this wttk in million his spin tit 1 wo months pnn iririL brief Hit hoi of Hit si to tilt fritrids mon fimilv i mil in tiling i fru ml hips with I things to do with spare IriislLt thoulil if more homtwurk is pupils wouldn is much in fmnl of Hit Miss wurntd ilioul low levtl of their thildrtn s noted m pirtnts jn surpristd to kirn rt surprised to discover how inch violence there is in irtoons she slated Miss- liirtheiiner noted children can remember on television in if exposea violence tnough Ihty become to violence tint whit is tlif si don ihuil lit ifftttsof on iru schools and pircnts must work together to fears children develop think Itlevision real life In her report the board on findings she concluded is a rchtinnship bet television violence ami found in may Hilton pupils WHEN IS YOUR NO SECRET AT ALL When Over People Read It in We cant keep a secret when we get classified information its spread all over town Rely on us to carry your buying or selling message to many likely prospects in the area for the best and fastest results So whether youre looking to sell a house buy a boat run a garage sale whatever It pays to do it our way PHONE 8532010