Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1976, p. 16

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The Acton Free Press Wed February Christian School Approve addition work starts soon Ospringe District Page Allan Walma recovering Scout Troop investiture Construction of a addition the District Christian School will begin as soon as the weather breaks according to board member Jake Kulken Plans for a asium In the school were proved by members don and supporters of the School Society at Mondays general membership meet ing At the last such meeting in the all the membership proved the addition of two classrooms at a cost of It was decided at Monday meeting to have the gym and classrooms built at the same time Saving the cost of bringing the back for the second fob and to avoid any great infla increase in the price of materials Mr Kuiken said also that a gift of had been given to the Society from a private individual with the money specified for the gym The present school with ven classrooms has dents attending classes there Society president Bill emphasized that children of all denominations go to the school including Baptist Pentecostal and Anglican Mr Kulken said In the Ac ton Christian Reformed Church there are families He said approximately half of this figure belonged to the school society However the Acton furniture store owner said when it comes to fund raising per cent of the 75 families were willing to give some form of donation In Georgetown he said 180 families belong to the church withalsoOOpercent Mr ken said who cooperate when it comes to a special fund raising drive Students will be in the new classrooms when school starts in September Mr Kui ken said At the present time he pointed out grades ven and eights are sharing the same room The new jd dition will alleviate pro Approximately people attended the general mem bership meeting SKETCH OF THE exterior of the proposed new addition of the George town Christian School shows where the existing school is and where the two classrooms and gymnasium wdl be Premier backs McKeough on rural statements Premier Bill Davis says he is in full agreement with statements Ontario McKeough made re rural areas which were published in this news paper last week In letter to William A Johnson president of the Ratepayers Association Premier said that Mr exact words might not have been mine but I can say that I am in full agreement with the points he makes said the fru ride for rural areas is over and must pav for sir wees rendtred Sir Johnson rejected Mr ittitudes in an exchange of Ospringe letters published in this news last week The Premier continues I realize though that this is a which not for any number of reasons is willing adopt This reasoning for instance would not necessarily apply with equal force in areas of tilt Province us it does areas where regional government has been instituted Since my home area is so near your own however 1 tan say with some certainly that North Peel and North art i different sort of place both for tost and for benefit than the more rural areas of Province and that tin inclusion of these areas in their respective regional munieipahlies is justified Regional government has I suppose not been disappointing or disconcert features for us all None it is a good idea now and then to remind ourselves of real problems and needs which i was designed to address and to rccognizi real improvements which it his been able I hope therefore that Mr McKetHijjb Jdier and note will serve re clarify for the consideration of your neighbours and yourself some of he thinking behind our willingness to sponsor these changes Intended for last week by Doris Fines Walma who was in a car accident last week is still in serious condition in hospital At lost report he is holding his own and more hope is expressed for his recovery His many friends hoping for better days ahead Mr and Mrs Tom of Aeton visited las Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gordon Howes The pond in the field hack of Mr and Mrs Wynne house was a happy gathering place fo the Brownies skat party on Saturday Robbie Pankratz brought Ins snowmobile and took the girls for rides over the snowbanks When all had worked up a good appetite the Brownies and their leaders Mrs Mrs rnesl and Mrs Sam Njholt hot dogs and hot chocolate in the start Sluirl colors 1 ivuk proved to be i short school week fin lit children file school buses I run on on of Hit storm and bell ihe then wen six pupils at respittiv school And then was a Development day for hi so pupils ilia thai div loo Curriculum and llthavioiiral District correspondent tells the good news ALTHOUGH NOT THE official plans for the new addition to the Georgetown District Christian school the heavy black line shows the two class rooms and gymnasium Blueprints have not yet been drawn up Ebenezer See slides of trip at joint meeting By Mrs Ron McLean Rev topic was The Way of the Thorn dealing with the life of St Paul He had energy enthus and the determination never to stop in spite of The Bible spell out what Pauls particu Inr kind of weakness was Everyone has times when he says why struggle so hard One is afraid of a thousand things what will happen if So and So gets sick or if I do Paul says good that I would I do not and the evil that I would not that I do When he refers to doubts and fears he is talking about the past before he became a new man in Christ One thorn in the flesh that he had was his very weak eyes There are certain afflictions that will Festival by Doris Inn We always hear so much about ihe wicked things people do I like to turn the tables and tell of the good things There are so many I was shovelling snow again last week when a little truck went by with a snow scraper on the front It stopped and backing up he driver asked if I dlike him to shove that snow out I agreed that would be very nice When 1 thanked him for doing the job be said No problem at all He was a complete stranger tome but said he used to live in and now lives in Hock wood The kindness of people sometimes overwhelms me But dont ask me about the weather my comments might not be so favourable Open house My mother Mrs Thomas Fines is celebrating her birthday on Sat Feb 14 Open house us being held from to and from to m She want any gifts she says she need any thing She has received messages of congratulations from Harry MPP and Prime Minister Pierre and a plaque from William Davis Churchill at Eiora The Grand River area is one of the scenic spots in Ontario and it is almost undisputed that one of most beautiful locations in the watershed is the famous Elora Gorge Adjacent to the Gorge is the quaint village of Elora steeped in the tradition and history of rural Ontario Combine these two features and you arrive at most funfilled day of activity during the whole winter season at the 2nd annual Elora Heritage Festival Again this year the village of Is sponsoring its Heritage Festival on Saturday February The boutiques and mill will be open There will be public skating on the old mill pond There will also be square dancing a parade and numerous other events in the village The rest of the program sponsored by the Grand River Conservation Authority is to take place In the Elora Gorge Conservation Area There will be horsedrawn sleigh rides from the village to the park log sawing contest and a dog sled race Cross country skiing and snowshoe trails are available as are the nature trails winding around the brink of the gome never be taken away from and there is a reason Paul affliction made him also taught him patience God has His own timetable if we wail upon Him things will unfold in their spiritual beauty in His own lime Paul had to pay someone to write his letters for him once he apologized for his own out size printing When Moses wonted to see the land of Canaan God had something far better him to live in glory with Himself Jesus can draw the thorns out He supplies the power lo live radiantly when we turn to Him Jesus turned His thorns into a crown of glory Mrs Lillian Thomas is a patient In Milton hospital The World Day of Prayer is being planned for the evening of March An interesting joint meet was held by when Eleanor and Ian Ferguson showed pictures of their trip in Newfoundland and Labrador Next Sunday a youth vice will beheld with Gordon Truscott conducting No church due to snowfilled roads Mrs I- ml Mai Arthur There was no church al church last Sunday due to the had roads and so many driveways filled with snow We hope have a good number present as it will be communion vice this coming Sunday February The congregation of the community church wisht to express their appreciation the Rev and Mrs A W bury for the years of their service of love and Christian leadership in he community at large by holding a pot Luck dinner after the regular morning service this Sunday All the church frunds are urged attend Sacrament will be held also next Sunday morning Chock Acton ClaisificiJs for good buy I Sell it too 853 Thompson under surgery on Wednesday in Joseph il He is im proving Mrs 1 McDonald has returned last from a very two wtek trip to Hawaii Miss Irene Nvhnll of pnnge he weekend with her friend and school matt Turner Lou Ann Leslie a 3rd student at College Heights in is spending two weeks at Sunny dale School working with the children in conjunction with her school work Lou Annes ambition is to be a nurse Her holidays arc spent working at the Eden Mills Nursing Home and she has enrolled in Red Cross First Aid Course which is now beginning in Puppet Tuesday Feb the grade classes of Erin and Eramosa towns hi pa met at Public school for a puppet presentation given by the Lampoon Puppet Theatre The children and staff were delighted with the fine performance and every one felt that all grades could have gained a great deal had they been given the privilege It was an outstanding per forma nee given by two people and their puppets Sale The Brownies bazaar and rummage sale will be held on Thurs March Anybody wishing to con clean clothes old books or any good used articles tan drop them off at school Thursday evenings aftcr7pm All proceeds goto the Brownies Mrs Maurice Liberty of Scarborough is visiting for a week with her daughter and son in law Mr and Mrs Ernest Wynne and family HALTON and PEEL PORK PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING AND DINNER AT THE Christian Reformed Church Georgetown On Trafalgar Rd from Halton Hills Work Deportment Feb 20th at pm sharp COMPLIMENTARY MEAL FOR THOSE PRESENT HALTON COUNTY CONTACT CASEY BOS- 0839 6237 Township of Erin RENTAL HOUSING IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE IF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST THIS IS OF INTEREST TO Ministry of Housing request of pal council considering the of addl housing to bo rented on a geared to Income bails In the Village of To determine me local need for this lype a ceo m modal Ion Interested senior ell I ens now living In Erin TWp are asked complete an application form and return It to Township of Erin at address indicated below IF YOU ARE AN ERIN TWP RESIDENT AND ARE INTERESTED IN RENTING A SENIOR CITIZEN UNIT IN HILL5BUROH PLEASE COMPLETE AN APPLICATION FORM For senior Interested In en Ontario Housing unit Information and application terms are available Erin Township Office P O Box ment were some of subjects the teachers studying up on that day the ren Campbell Fred fere Brian Mark Jack am Jeff Beck and Chris Howard On January the Members of the Eagle pot pals of Area I held their are Joe Beck Chria Ste at Ospringe School with a good attendance Monday evening Jnn was investiture for the 1st Scout Troop the school auditorium Alec Morrison chairman of welcomed id Introduced Donald Tough district repre Glen Jack son Councillor Blaine Campbell and Councillor Peter Mr Tough showed a film on the life of I ord Baden Powell the founder of world scouting Stouter Jackson then ex plains lie badges the boys would be receiving andtlen drew into the horseshoe Mr Tough invested llsolb and presented them Stout Radge J ck son presented troop Danny Hmdley and Mann When invested the Scouta all made the Scout promise 1 promise to do my best to love and serve God my Queen my Country and my Fellow Man and to live by the Scout Low Blair ited patrols with i ish Ontario Bodge badge flash and patrol 1 was served following tertmonv Mi of the Indian ml are War Moffat fire costs 25000 An investigator from the Ontario Fire Marshal s Office Toronto is continuing investigation into a mslir lous fire that destrojed a Moffat area home Munda evening Kb MillimrirelJipjrmentttas called by a neighbor whin flames were spotted hut fire tighten were unable to the house the lane- way was blocked by snow VU would not likely luie been able to it me fire was well underway when we were tailed- said bin Chief A Owner of the home Matt bias liukluti of Iv It 1 Moffat was away at the time ihe fire thief said there appeared to have some In the home but wis hard In tell the value as the building was gulled Ihe lobs estimated Juecklein home was lotated on the lane of in Lot II A few weeks ago I was reminiscing about Ottawa Valley winters I must have Jinxed something because we re having one right now in southern Ontario Hows the snow up your way Most of the Acton quota is front paddock making riding impossible even for the hard est of our Girls Lynn took Mack big tank mare Nina out in the an last week to break trail for her own lighter legged J rhne times around the lank was puffing She kept bah on the trust and crashing through up to her knees too happy about the whole thing so Lynn put her away and up riding till the spring Try Just what do you do when the snow is too deep for riding and the roads are too icy Well you can put ice shoes on your horse so he can travel on slippery surfaces but you must be very careful on roads The snow banks have narrowed them and cars just don have the control lo cope with a dancing All it takts is one shy from horse he slithers and slides in front of a passing motorist who can stop and However this time of year is an excellent time to re- your horse with stable and ground manners So often wiitn you re anxious to ride you ignore Ihe struggle to get his feet up for cleaning or attribute his restlessness on the to anticipation Now is the time reaffirm his training or retrain him if necessary Your usual riding hour can be spent giving him a leisurely grooming Get to know him again will do a lot to keep his muscles in shape and yours Make a hard pad of twisted hay and vigorously rub and hit the horse all over for a least twenty minutes kind of a Swedish massage Keep everybody fighting fit And cheer up spring will be here soon and you can ride through knee dctp mud Pleas send letters to Jennifer It Acton WATCH FOR OUR ANNUAL PAINT and WALLPAPER SALE BEGINNING FEBRUARY Moss Hardware YOUNGS Steam All SERVICES PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING lor Industrial Residential Commercial In Home Service foi wall to wall LIMITED FOOD BUDGETS SUPER PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 12 13 14 Pantry Shelf Tim Save PORK BEANS 389 BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT ROAST 09 CHUCK STEAKS RIB STEAKS BRAISING RIBS PLATE BRISKER Lilf 16 BOLOGNA DEVON SIDE BACON I SANDWICH SPREAD ROLLS 79 59 35 US No Largo Head LETTUCE No 1 31b Bnj- CARROTS Sizo NAVEL ORANGES Pantry Shelf 19 Tim PINEAPPLE Monarch 7 lb Bat CAKE PASTRY FLOUR 1 lb Pkg SALTED SODA CRACKERS Fleecy 128 Jug 59 Save 3Gc FABRI SOFTENER Tang Save 28c ORANGE CRYSTALS 99 Salnda of 100 PRIOR PARK TEA BAGS Save 18c Everybody 24 Jar RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY JAM 99 or Tmi VEGETABLE OIL lb COTTAGE CHEESE Save 24c

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