Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1976, p. 19

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Its income tax time The Acton Free Press Wed April Play games and the R CMP will be over for a chat McKeough fields CofC questions Wayne Graham exactly what county folk might call a revenuer But from time to time the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sergeant who heads that force Region detachment is called upon to enforce Canada Income Tax Act Sergeant Graham an easy going fellow with wavy brown hair who sports pin striped suits explained in an interview last week in his Bronte office just how the work in an average income tax cose such as failure to file an income tax return charged In during 1975 persons were charged with that offence Said the sergeant the documentation will be sent to us from the Department of Nitional Revenue We in turn swear to an information or before a justice of the peice or judge A summons is issued by the court and the summons is served by a member of this Plainclothes The tight officers in wear plain clothes drive unmarked cruisers ind are armed with snubnosed calibre Smith and Wesson pistols worn in belt holster One officer for example would serve the summons at the home of a Hilton Hills or Milton resident If the wife answered the door and the husband for whom the summons had been issued was not home the officer would not identify him self and walk aw Home or work Sergeant Graham said however that the search doesn end there and the officer might go to where the husband works We go to where the person tan be found no matter where it is But say the husband comes to the door According to Sgl Graham here how it works Identifies self I II introduce myself 1 11 say my name is Sergeant Graham and I a member of the Royal Canadian Mount Police and I m stationed at Oakville I II then produce im let for him The brown leather wallet contains a sil badge If the husband refuses to accept the badge as suitable identification the of might produce a plash ID card with his photo and physical description on il I Seldom needed Said Sgt Graham Its very seldom that it is sary to produce the card People will generally accept the badge as identification Then I advise him of my reason for being there In this particular case I have summons for him der the Income Tax Act for failure to file a return The officer then explains the contents of the summons says when and where the husband is to appear in court Handed copy He is handed duplicate copy of the summons But what if the husband won accept the summons tells the officer to get lost Sergeant said if he refuses to the sum it is simply placed on the ground or floor or what ever is near him which con stitutes a legal service of summons if the person decides lo play games and doesn show up in court the legal fun really starts Usually i judge will issue a warrant for the arrest a person who fails to ippcar in eourl when he supposed Hut not under the Income Tax Aet Tried in absentia RCMP Sergeant Graham said a judge once he is satis fied that a summons was ser may proceed in Mounties officers show up in plain clothes driving unmarked cars However the in Toronto have the vehicles if they decide to become visible cruisers are flashy like the ones They are a purple blue in color with white front doors On the front doors are the crest a huge buffalo head surrounded by maple leaves and topped off with a crown Sergeant Graham said the in are for enforcing federal statutes hut are aided by in employed by var federal departments Income tax evasion And he said for example a resident charged evading in taxes would be taken care of by in vestigators from he Depart ment of National Revenue and not the The unclothes gentle men from do other work is well if you sneak a color TV watch or camera into Canada without declaring it you better not brag about it to i neighbor who might dislike you for some reason Said Sirgcinl Graham from time to time the receive information on individuals who have re turned from a trip outside the country may abl hive brought foreign otitis with them Then it becomes our res ponsibihty to attempt to est the in Canada In other words were they legally brought into this try in Halton an income return is per lateness Tint by the way adds up more than 18 if you re two fine or jail The police officer explained that the judge will not specify the fine but also the time period within which the fine must be paid The judge also says how long the person may go to jul for if the fine paid in time Sergeant Graham at this point said that a person who fails to file an tax re turn a bank robber And the respect this We must not forget thai there exists clement of dis and compassion show for neighbors For this reason he said the The onus is on him under the to provide documentation and or an other evidence lo establish the si itus of the goods If for some re ison he is unihle to provide that the goods are subject to sei The in Hilton ire so invoked in the pursuit of persons dealing in lirge Quantities of illegal drugs ind m ike irrests under both the federal Control and the rood and Drug Their biggest bust of late six months ago when officers Police personnel raided a North Burlington farmhouse ind iwiy with two shipping erites loaded with marijuana at ONTARIO TREASURER DARCY is presented with a gift by Chamber of Commerce Director Bruce Mclntyre after the Cabinet Minister spoke at the Georgetown Chambers annual dinner insists Rural people benefit most before Region Yes replied the Hon Darcy he would Intro duce regional governments again knowing all he knows was replying to a question from Paul Nielsen of he Acton Chamber of Commerce a guest at the an dinner meeting of Georgetown Chamber Thurs day night He said the aim of the restructured government was to pass more responsibi lity to local government and already Queen Park sees enormous differences in the number of problems they used to encounter with sever scplie tanks and such which really never belonged in Toronlo McKeough admitted in the question period there are areas where he would have liked lo see one tier rather than two tier governments but was one of them lie old bis newspaper afterwards he fell two tier government was best for Halton The Treasurer was choll by Doug over his remarks about on balance or taxes in favor of rural residents noting rural people supply many services for themselves yet have to help pay for urban ibuse of such things as water Councillor Roy Booth noted Mr McKeough had not men tioncd the scramble for high er salaries with the lion of regional government and the Treasurer said that was one facet of regional res he would do over again if no had the op port unity He said the large in creases even lured civil vants to the regions from Queen Park However the worst distor ion of salaries occurred at the lower levels he avowed where responsibilities were onehalf to Iwothirds lower but salines went skyrocket Reed disagrees with McKeough ting He noted one official in Windsor received higher than any deputy minister The target for Ontario new taxation system McKeough told Stephen Saxe was delayed until 1878 be cause or difficulties encoun in reassessment Terrv Baines noting Mr was one of the architects of regional govern wondered whether re gional government in ice was not too remote for people and was he consider ing changes The treasurer noted In stances such as Prince Ed ward County where 000 people were served by 15 road departments county road de partment and the province and suggested one depart ment could do the Job as well or better and avoid ion but also noted there were other areas of the province where this would not apply Changes he thought should now come from within the stem not from Queen Park Mr McKeough was intro duced by incoming president George Gray C candidate in Burlington riding SERGEANT WAYNE GRAHAM directs the Region operations of Canadas national police force The 19year RCMP veteran is a native of Owen Sound Sporting family Die euy in eharfe the Roy Mounted I nine in ilton is nuts nuts lb it is his year old daughter Rhonda who is sueecssful is i competitive synchronised swimmer In faet the whole family is minded l Wayne Graham who in Besides the involvement tin ehildren both he and his wife Doom enjoy ski inj ind swimming Other children include 1 and an eight year old boy nimed Dana in Owen unci has been illy minded In he played for the Owen Sound Indians an Intermediate team- which won the championship hat yeir then 1J6B as a physi instructor the sergeant enached i la team the Mc unties training in Rein Not only w is it the first ever lacrosse but it won the Saskatchewan lunior ehimpionship For reason Sergeant rilam said list week i it if n hangs ti ihe I- ill of in New Westminster British Burlington MPP Julian Reed did not agree with Treasurer Kiough s assessment of re government and rural versus urban taxpayers it Thursday dinner meeting of the Georgetown Chamber of Reed from the opposition benches said Mr McKeough admitted there were lions within regional govern ment Queen s Park would lose face if they changed the system cost and are re il Reed said ifter the mecling ind the question still remains whe trier continue the duphca lion or effect a change Reed did not agree with the treasurer statements on the rural taxpayer getting the best of things before regional government either ile said people who live in rural areas provide Iheir own services ind paid participate in such things as arenas Regional government has to be reviewed and must be looked at in the hardest terms Reed insisted He said areas which are running efficiently should be kept ana changes made where If a service runs more at the municipal level it should be given back lo the municipality Reed said sug nesting there was more evi to support his state ments than Mr would idmit Light up Give other drivers flare warning if your car stalls at night urges the Industrial Accident Prevention Assoc lation Throughout I A A is urging people lo check safety both on and off the job to avoid injury If car troubles forces you to stop at night the I A P A suggests you pull off the road way as far as possible Setup flares to warn approaching traffic The flares should be a minimum of 100 feel behind and 100 feet ahead of your vehicle Use flashers Leave your parking lights on with the four way flashers operating The inside dome light will help too Ontario Treasurer the Hon McKeough defended the stand he took last fall on rural taxation in a speech before the annual dinner meeting of Georgetown Chamber of Commerce at the North Golf and Country Club However refined his remarks because he said not everyone fully understood exactly what I meant as evidenced by letters he received and In the press McKeough was quoted as saying to regional council meeting in last fall that rural taxpayers were perhaps paying too little for services they received prior the formation of lured governments lold members of Chamber and their guests when he spoke of vices he was not referring lo physical services to property such as water sewage disposal and sidewalks because rural residents don I receive such services and there is no reason they should be for them However he said there were two general categories for which rural residents paid little or nothing prior to regional government those which travel to the recipient and those which the recipient travels to usually by driving into lown The Treasurer said the mosl important service was police where prior to regional government part of a town resident taxes went towards operation of a local police force The same lax payer would also be paying provincial income ana sales tax and portions support the operation of the Ontario Provincial Police where was he Its service The answer of course was McKeough said not in town but out in the township where rural taxpayer had no local police force to support only the OPP subsidized by the taxpayer back in town To some extent said the Treasurer urban and rural laxpayers would both benefit from Ihe presence of both police forces but again the rural taxpayer probably came out ahead seems reisonabte to suppose he travelled into town to shop work or enjoy cultural or recreitional attractions far more often than the town resident travelled out into the rural countryside said a similar imbalance existed between town and township in regard to cultural and recreational services where the user goes to the service instead of vice versa Ask anyone responsible for operating town library community centre arena day care centre a and so on and you II find a fair pro portion of users arc rural people from nearby town ships Vet the fees that such people pay as users seldom cover the cost of those vices which are commonly subsidized put of town cot fcrs The speaker said some townships did contribute to such services in neighboring towns but generally speaking it had not been part of the history of rural urban relolionships He also claimed it was possible lo show the very existence of a well run urban community enhances the attractive and hence Ihe value of rural property nearby The commercial and industrial development it attracts also benefit rural neighbors at no expense to themselves The basic aim restruc regional government were enable neighboring urban and rural communities to share both the benefits and the costs of community resources In an equitable he Mated STANDARDS Ontario Hydro cooperates with segments of the industry in developing I performance standards for appliances use the WANT ADS PHONE 8532010 TODAY

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