Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1976, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wed May Editorial Port Rough bite That potential hike in the average tax bill looks a little rough The tax hike of about that will be going to the services provided by the municipality of Hills is awfully slim when you stack it up against the for education and about 27 for regional costs We can remember when the old county rate was a drop in the municipal tax bucket and when school boards came tap in hand to the local municipals for a meagre hand out to keep the heat on the classrooms That s all changed now body sets their own rate and the only time it gets added up is when the bill is delivered to the taxpayei We don argue that this is all wrong Sometimes we know school boards were made to grovel in their attempts to get the kind of doll it required to upgrade stand ards We don t remember the ever having to do that but there were always some out spoken at council from the local municipal See the police Next week is police week The Halton Regional Police are planning some opportunities you to become more familial with their work and outlined elsewhere in this issue are sche duled for Acton on and Tuesday If miss those Wednesday and Georgetown and then and Saturday in Milton The OPP are also holding open house at their offices with an op portunity to see something of their work from the inside All of us know the police on tin other end of the parking ticket ities who had a strong hand in what was or was not being spent before the i ate was set It is important though under our system to remember that although the tax bill comes from the local council there are a other fairly big pockets to fill the bite that is put on the individual And too many get very uptight perhaps we should consider the value obtained for the tax lar winch is sometimes forgotten amidst the grumbling Those ser vices like fire and police lion the maintenance of the sewer and flows the cleaning plowing and maintenance of the sheets the collection and a host of other often forgotten ser vices that part of our day to day life are p for by tax dollars I axes ait inevitable but they in also an annual source of we should thmk i little positively about them annual pill be so hud to illow tin i bust but this is a eh see that the work they do on of the community in ifegu it is handled by real people with a important job to do not make it a point to drop in lot lit events planned this week participation could provide a assurance to the police lint ire behind them in the vci important work And in hit visit vu will all learn a little more of some of the difficulties fate in being right beyond the a doubt s all observe police week A new season The Acton Rams the town 1 entry in the Junior a Division are looking good in then two pre schedule games and wt wish them well as they open their season tonight in against a new league team the Bengals It was in 1971 they last earned the championship in the league and with a win and a tie in games this tar we can hope will be able to move smoothly the schedule The le im provides a focus for eommunitv dm ing the summer months when tht hockey season f Kit into and with new mil a little paint in i colors it arena and a Mi t it looks like some good All iht best Hams in your sea FIRE COMPLETELY destroyed the Kennedy Block and threatened the entire business section of Acton on a bitter cold night in February Firemen fought the stubborn for six hours while water sprayed from their hoses formed a sheet of ice on including them selves The next morning there was a foot of ice on Main St 1 he building was serving as a barber shop and plumbing shop with apartments above when the fire broke out It had previously been Kenney Bros shoe store as well as a hardware store and a to store The section above the store had housed the Masonic Hall Walkers Lodge until about years before the fire when it was converted to living quarters At the time of the fire the building was owned by I W Kenntdy of Georgetown The Superintendent of the Public Utilities Commission informed the com mission gallons of water had been pumped for the Kennedy fire That equals one and a half times the quantity in the overhead tank The pump at the spring was started at lam to keep a supply of water on hand in case any other fire broke out These pictures of the fire aftermath were loaned by the Fh by Blooms blossoms and rivulets speak of Spring Sugar and Spice by bill in id i to water van in i him drink can tnih an 1l tricks in I make i silk In id iris lie mother lost l 1 iti v in l in i fluuil Illinium cosmopoht in out of i dull middle middle mil I m id i ihil si mi I Ins the sunlit sur lln In it in il It ill in I Simu politicians mil 1 ik Ik ir In Hi Hi in most of ihiir Anglophone peers opponents Hut when Anglo wc look upon him in hough it win isijiihiI nuns Hint i il is I Mill i time lohn ikir hi fondly is Spin Hit grind pool ill of Hit I rudi in ivcrnmuil towel one of its f liihiis Ins re llul in ivcragi 12 ye old could irnvid lutlioiil strain in minutis Ik di d id to ml mil Hi it tin civirnment progr in ihsm in tin civil w is mils Sunn unkind people might say Hi it Oil stiv mts ays spoken i double tongue ivin whin they hid tint I why havi iking ilk in two Insti id muring millions into inn rliiiL mts into suns if run li I ife and culture Mr Spin r money should hi spent in tin sihonls aching to ihildrin il thinking Keith Anyone wilh my knowledge of linrmng siinnil 1 havi told you thai wo d ly sense mil ixpi shows us how this is I in ivir ijii of immigrants to in id i Italian whatever yon like parents hivi real difficulty in I find a strong mint ill hvis ii though tin ir only luiguigi is nnlivL out whin Inn and though it is spoken at honn arc com at i in I nglish within a year or two In and away in he idiom you d know hat they in speaking in id i I- or in learning a new lunguagi is horribly hard work And for a bureau or must Ih doubly dlffiiiilt their minds an unable to admit anything new who want to get win ri in t anada wliethir it in bus intss or politics kirn I nglish liny to Wlutcvci pundits say this is primarily an I country ih As win gut hi rid I have strung debugs iIhiiiI Unlike i erc it min in ins I im ill for it governments ippnuch to Ih it blessed si has bun it lust it worst i of Ihi iiiursi beginnings must I lit ihildrin in surface study of rinih in our govirnminl In fact the moneys for a approach to learning I rinili been held from the schools mured into thai pit I- has been abolished is i pririijuisiti or univirit iusc learning it some nil iffort students from it and look for bird ihssis in our shrunk This despite f iti Hi it is hung aught better and ma more lively interesting and realistic than ever before I studied French for five in high school three in uni and in proposition a girl let order a meal in French OK I s start all over again with our bilingual program and forget that painful in Ottawa Slirl luuhinLjl to kids intrude I Kcip Hup ike it prerequisite or university OUR READERS WRITE More views on barbarism l ask you a question Have you ever had valid and detailed description of what takes place at those quite safe procedures done by medical experts in clean surroundings repeat it most icrtainly is barbaric Murder has a way of being barbaric no matter who does It how young the victim is or how clean the surroundings are Yours truly Mrs Catherine Views on on the page on April 19761 will answer the question with which you ended the This is barbaric Murdering helpless human being white he is in his mother womb most certainly is even when is done in clean surroundings Mo Canadian cabinet Of this and that The month of May is Mental Retardation Month and readers may notice the symbol local advertisers messages encour aging you to support the Flowers of Hope campaign It is certainly a worthy project and support in the past has provided some welcome opportunities for those who could benefit from compassion and understanding Nearly names are used to describe ground beef Is it any wonder the shopper is sometimes confused The Federal govern ment plans to allow only three designations based on the percentage of fat in ground beef They are Regular if it contains 30 per cent fat or less Medium if it contains 23 per cent or less and Lean if it contains per cent or less Look for the new regulation by July It is encouraging to see that six Christian denominations have found it possible to cooperate in production of common materials for use in a mission study called Canadian Concerns Christian Response The congregations are Anglican Disciples of Christ Lutheran Presbyterian Roman Catholic and United Churches The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Taken from he Issue of the Free Press May Roddy 16yearold son of Mr and Mrs Ray McDougall of Wood bridge and grandson of Mr and Mrs William Cooper Main St Acton won the gold medal for trumpet solo in the 19 and under class at the Peel County Music Festival at Brampton Gracie Fields charmed an audience of in Milton arena Tuesday night with songs and jokes that have made her a world famous comedienne Many from Acton and district heard the year old English en terminer who has been performing for years The appearance was sponsored by the Rotary club of Milton Tomorrow evening at a special ceremony in Niagara Falls Wayne Currie of the first Acton Scout Troop will receive from Lieutenant Governor his Queens Scout badge Scouts from the entire district attend this impressive Queen Scout recognition ceremony each year The Bell Telephone Company has published a list of communities where dial systems will be installed date is set at December 1956 Brampton at April 1957 as December 1956 Acton is missing Over clubs are expected at the North district at Acton park on the June9 There will be two packs from Acton a total of about boys two packs from Milton one from one from and three from Georgetown 50 years ago Taken the issue of the of Thursday 1BG The greatest in the history of Great Britain commenced on May The loyalty of the citizens of Acton and vicinity to Acton Citizens Bond is always demonstrated when the band puts on any event but the crowd that packed the town hall on Wednesday evening for their benefit concert and old time fiddlers contest broke all records In fact it was considered the biggest crowd thai ever assembled in the a concert Charles Wilson also gave black face recitations Miss Jessie Galbraith gave several numbers and Misses Lottie and Hazel Mason gave a piano duet that called for a vociferous en core and this request was supplied with a number the Misses Mason and Messrs Itay and Rudolph SpieUogel The other local artist was Master John McGcachie and his numbers wen one of the delights of the evening Mr Short was awarded the first prize cup for fiddlers Mr Mason the second prize cup and Mr i box of The service at United church morning was so well attended chairs had to be brought from houses Mr George w ill commence delivery of coal oil from a motorized truck next week He is a man ing of patronage The Chamber of Commerce held j length discussion on the a rest room and public for Acton President James Smon kept the members attention stirred up with i of sub jects WO years ago Taken from the Issue of thi I At a meeting Base Bailers last Wednesday evening the is organized and the following officers elected Lozier President Jos P Allan Vice President Thos Kennedy Captain Fred Storey Secretary D Treasurer Directors James J Mian Isaac Francis T Kmned A It was resolved that the club should be named Poslime Club us lormerh A resolution was passed strictly forbidding thepraclice of swearing and the use of profane or immoral language on the practice ground Elizabeth the wife of Christopher Swackhammer departed this life on bib bath the April at the of 17 years and eight months leaving a husband and nine children to mourn her loss She lived for the good of her household sacrificing herself for their comfort and well being Messrs C and two inter prising young men have secured part of the post office building which Ihev have had fitted up for a jewellr and witchrmking business Mr Campbell has rented the stone hotel at the corner of Mill and Main Sts to Mr GeorgeGlbbsofBallinafadwhowillshorth take possession The hotel his recently been painted and papered throughout and the stabling his been almost rebuilt and enlarged THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office

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