Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1976, p. 1

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Hydro wants special status for corridor through town Unless the Ontario cabinet crates an Ontario Municipal Board decision Halton Hills residents will get another chance complain about the Bradley to Georgetown corridor when Ontario Hydro is forced to ask the town for an Esquesmg zoning amendment Last month the OMB approved By Law Ihe Esquesing zoning regulations and despite objections from Ontario dro decided only existing Hydro lions would be designated as proper land Since then Ontario Hydro has petitioned provincial cabinet for special status under the by law which the OMB rejected Hydro wants to be able lo develop what ever it wants in the lown including the power corridor without having to come for a zoning amendment One councillor noted if the cabinet l overrule the then Hydro would have lo apply for a zoning amend and residents would then be to object to the corridor before Ihe Ho noted this tactic might slow down the de of the corridor but it likely prevent its instalalion In Hills i meeting of Hills subsidiary planning board on May 11 it was decided the town will respond to Hydros petition by informing the municlpnhly supports Ihe OMB decision without vatlon Planner Mario Vcnditti noted that If dro gels its exemption under the by law not only could the corridor be built without the municipality and residents having and say but Hydro could even build a nuclear station anywhere in the town and the municipality would have no control over it Councillor George Mallby said that in Ihe cast of Ontario Hydro this was one time he thought the town should definitely slick the letter of Ihe law in respect lo law This is a case of Hydro not being sails fled being treated like everyone else Councillor Dick declared noted this isn the first lime dro has objected lo town exercising its power lo regulate land use and being fore lo come to the town for amendments Wc have support on this and I will be surprised and disappointed if the c ibintt interferes he said Planning Board Instructed the town solicitor to prepare an answer for the cab inet in response lo Hydro s petition saying Hills concurs with the OMB One Hundred and First YearNo ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MAY Twenty Eight Pages Fifteen Cents Iff HAPPINESS IS a reunion with a friend you haven seen in years Gwen principal of North Sunshine School for the Trainable Retarded left had several grand reunions with former fnends Sunday when the staff of the school held an open house to honor her retirement Mrs Eileen Buckner of Wellington a former Acton dent who did much volunteer work in the school s early days got a hug and a kiss when she arrived for the open house GO still looking Four hurt for ticket agency Georgetown and won disappear from road signs Hills council de cided Monday night A sign will be erected it Maple Avenue and the I saying Maple Avenue but Georgetown will be in brackets beside it The sign discussion was kicked off it works commit tec last week b letter from II VandenTop out it is easy for drivers coming up the I go on past High and asked for tfon sign The committee mended i sign Maple but Councillor Hoy Booth disputed this He contended iplc Approve fence Mr and Mrs Michael Hell I JO Mill SI At Ion cant ahead with Iht ftntt between their line and property line Council gave their ipproval is Ion as the fentt is built no lo the Permits did not which town it was Councillor Mike strong works nil in sml hid discussed in iny is open for iny the pie siyi would help till people when to in irrow and Georgetown on ihe sign Dick mgttLtl iw i from tht two urban ire is mil lie- tome Haiti Hills Booth he didn think and I uric illi r 11 irrj v i In most tommon directions ire lurn the golf course So the sign should say Here Ihe golf course I said two represent ilives to Hie he works for had missed Acton and as far is Hit I me He slid dmers should know where Georgetown and Acton is docsn l help them to stt a sign saying Hilton Hills levy said as long as both towns have streets with the same names pulling up signs with the names of streets only could not work out Out half hour man arrested loronto in released from I on five ihj pass wis nil less thin IF in hour when hi w is slopped rtgnnil Ihrce friends hid picked lum up boosted Barn fire GO Transit has not yet found anyone in Ihe down lown core of Acton to become their ticket agency Brian Stewart of GO says he has been lo each merchant twice or more with no avail local businessman had agreed to the job but reversed his decision a few days later The shopping plazas lo the east of town are GO s next hope Mr Stewart said Trade is stimulated in per cent of agencies Mr Stewart says He pointed out lhat people purchasing tickets will buy a chocolate bor or cigarettes while waiting for the bus They oil Increased revenue Profitable The GO spokesman said thai last year Ihe ticket office made S3 in com missions on ticket purchases alone not to mention Ihe in revenue of their slore or business Mr Stewart is confident he will find an before loo long Ik feels His unfortunate that his company is looking for a main street at Ihe sime time as there is ton iroversy about parking on i me street In the meantime parcels delivered by bus are going either the or Georgetown bus depot Fraud A man was arrested in Monday and charged friud and theft under The involved in cheque in crash our people were injured in a Iwocar collision Sunday on 12 at the firsl line Taken lo Georgetown hospital by imbulunce were from one car driver rwin Daniel Ross and Patricia Burrows all of Toronto Ihey arc ill released now A passenger in the second cur Wire of wis also injured Ihe two cars were in collision in at a corner where police reported slop sign missing due lo previous accident Another stop sign was knocked clown in Damage lo the cur was estimated and to car driven by Robert Ware at The cars were lowed away Building permits issued for in April got boos from the addition to the Commercial She inng plant A Green is also adding warehouse space For a building permit v due of boo workshop al Main is well for one Industrial permit There were three permits for residential repairs liter itionsor up lo swimmmc pool lol died SI One it permit totalled one 10 two industrial additions A Green ind Commercial BOO The permits totalled I- were to i sin ill barn fire ibout J in this morning is to Urn on the e if Is 1 i mile south of rhi fire set medio he confined to a pig si il in i ind he was reportedly out lo gel job Tin car is slopped for speeding ihcn other chirks were subsequently hid He w is turned ocr to correctional officers and I iken inio custody He w is charged with possession of drugs and the druerof t irged with possession and on w pisscngcr was also picked up I I hey were speeding on No ij appro Atton when the half hour freedom ended Support request hockey change Music inside Pictures of North Hal ion Music Festival at M school last Wednts day are in the centre of he Ileal section of today s Press inline of the problems Aclon s Junior hockey It Aclon Chamber of Commerce executive Mondiy wrile the Ontario Hotkey Association supporting club request to tlnngc their category from Junior Junior In Junior grouping Ihe leam had drive as far as Bradford and to play league They travelled by renled bus and often didn return home Players are 1G 17 IB of Ihtm students who had to be school the next morning oathts and manager had lo he at work early loo Winte r driving was problem with such long distances Nearer In Junior Ihe would ill be played within radius of 10 or miles from The agreed to write the A with a copy to MVP Julian Reed A decision from Ihe II A is expected early in June Home buyers pay capita levies Prospective homo buyers in Milton could find an amount as high as buried in the cost of homo to cover capital levies imposed by Ihe town and the region Levies in Acton and Georgetown arc considerably lower For single family homes In fee Is for own and for the region The Georgetown portion of Hills charges for single family homes for Ihe lown and fur he region Medium density units in Milton are charged plus the regional levy and that compares lo 500 In Acton plus the regional levy and in Georgetown plus the regional levy of While Georgetown urea has the lowest residential fee for single family dwellings Unas hefty fees of per acre for industrial or residential development Aclon levies no fee for In dustnal or commercial con In he past Milton has not imposed a levy against developers in the In dustrlal commercial sector but council negotiating among other things levy fee of per acre for the Industrial develop ment proposed north or High way Region Is currently considering a staff report that if passed would in crease the regional levy on homes from 600 to in the urban portions of the region and from to 200 in rural developments Local levies for rural homes vary with Milton charging and Hills charting The Mil ton fee of is currently review Some members of Regional feel the region I even be charging any fee for capital levies as long as the region charges back all of the work done to the various local areas where the work Is being done Z BENNETT S triple choir placed second just points behind the win Martin St choir at the North Halton music festival Pictured here are choir participants Mane Arbic Helen Kockx Karen Eliza beth Lynch and Mary Kelkic Just visible in the back row are Karen Mc Hugh and Julia Zions Small park or homes Leishman park again I i long thin strip of land on Mill is up for discussion igain retrt ition John Cooper told the re- ilion advisory committee Wednesday lhal rtsidenls around the property had asked him about lis future He said he had Ihcv sign a petition which Ins been done ask I be retained is pas sue rather than sold lo developer for I its But if this is done the com millet he revenue to In used in thin Members discussed it use be lek of propert tins snipe w is ym rally felt could be used foi bills benches Hie pi ire lor children in illed had is about loo feet long by i block deep ex tending from about Mill lo Acton lllvd The matter hid been re fcrred the planner for a re money Ed Wood made a motion thai if the I ind is not developed as ind sold for the of homes the monev be allo- iled for development of ind recreation in Although members whether should be included fin ill voted in fivor of the motion It s old mime Mr Wood told them I rewous petitions on this same subject were signed residents of Mill whose homes faced the land and then vacant fields be yond Now the petition in eludes ine names of residents of Rosemary Councillor said he understood some of these people issured pro perly would remain parkland when they bought their new homes there Mr said there no of this Mr Iub explained strip of land w is deeded by the developer to the town Us nirrow shape made it useless council of Ihe day felt Therefore hey acquired land to make the irta and usable as building lols consider hid been spent tountil intended lo sell the lots However neighbors pet agunst this ind won Iheircastil i bearing duelo a discrepant in ipplitd lo Mr I iter the subdivsion wcnl in ilontside land Homecoming days planned by Legion Rome Weekend is bunt l ihe legion when ill former ind present members are invited to tilhtr it the new building lime chosen is fill fair weekend September 17 R and Plans are just begin to he but Ihey will coincide the fur I tilers will be sen oul to legion members former legion members and heir widows others will be welcome come too chairmen Storey and Vic art of the torn millet planning Iht reunion wbith is in conjunction of the I lo mirk the I massed pipe band has been hired to join in the fall fur daj parade noon I his band is comprised of from several branches Ihey list New in the Or Howl piradt in I ire playing at many special in the I anniversary I members are also talking entering i float in the pinde lhere will be full pro- grim il legion hill all weekend org are ricking their brains to think of jood lo ferry people from the across the lake directly the fair grounds On 1 famtlv day is being beginning with in outdoor breakfast outdoor it the new I egion is expected to be well used thai weekend lo the municipality they arc derived from and charges the work bock to the same area In other words it would be simpler If the region just levied the area for work done and let area municipality worry about how should be paid for The staff recommendation suggests the region should They argue that the region be tapping developers for eredits capital contributions per acre on Industrial MARGARET AND Marian Alexander enjoyed the Apple Dolls by Rose Grimsby at the Oxfam Trade Fair Saturday at the arena The dolls were very well detailed including earrings on all of them which pleased the two girls

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