Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1976, p. 4

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4 The Acton Free Press Wed May 191976 Editorial Bus depot is an asset A good bus service has been a boon to Actomans for many years With no passenger train service buses are even more important now for people who do not wish to drive The prompt frequent trips to Guelph and beyond and to Toronto have been enjoyed and probably taken for granted by many passengers Parcel delivery has been a very useful service too used frequently by the Free Press other industries and individuals Lately our parcels are left at Guelph or Georgetown But now the Grey Coach officials simply can t find an agent in Acton No one is willing to take on the duties of ticket selling They say they have canvassed the business section a couple of times with no luck It has been mentioned that park spaces are lost where a bus stop is situated We firmly believe a bus stop will increase business not lose it despite a couple of parking spots gone There should be a depot downtown too not somewhere at the outskirts Bracebndge for instance has its bus station at a gas station at an extreme edge of the town It is impossible to walk to it with a suit case We want that to happen here Could we bus passengers make a plea here to any merchant con sidenng the request to think it over A downtown bus stop associated with an open store or restaurant is a necessity for our town Take a bird south A government agency has sol ved the problem of an overpopul ation of Canada geese in one area by flying them south by plane Their wings had been clipped and they couldn t make it on their own A smart has applied this solution to Actons problem by suggesting that every single town resident who goes south in the win ter could be responsible to sporting one duck One only that reasonable With the number of neighbours who head off for the sunshine every year now there should be no fur problem of too many birds on the lake in the winter In fact it might end up with the need to ration birds out so some would be left for the people who love to watch them and feed them Decisions to make Use of seat belts and lower speed limits have been followed by a sharp drop in highway fatalities Many people are obliging by buck ling up and many follow the posted speed limits But the laws themselves don t create a better highway situation The people in the cars have to knowingly consent to abide by the laws Buckle up slow downthat s the decision of the driver and the passengers Many choose to exceed the speed limit unless an obliging driver coming the other way or a radio receiver in the car indicate a cruiser nearby of course But figures like those just re leased should make everyone appreciate the fact this new legis lation has been good Of this n that If ever you are lost and want to return to Acton here are the town coordinates degrees 2 minutes west longitude degrees mm north latitude The town s elevation is feet above sea level and the sun time is Greenwich minus five hours 20 minutes and eight seconds Tulip bulbs sold by Legion in the fall for their 50th annivers ary are blooming beautifully in many gardens Some are planted at the Legion too Its a bright re minder of a special occasion Congratulations to the organ trade fair Saturday Its the kind of event that could grow and put Acton on the map The rainy weather has set gard ens and lawns growing Dandelions seem the best crop of all so far Its good news that the Choral could just be going strong again by next fall They have given many hours of pleasure to ves and others at their concerts They sang at many special events Why would children want to rip down a robin nest and smash the eggs We watched it happen behind our plant The nest and eggs were thrown up on the roof Its good news that the Legion is planning a Homecoming Reunion for fall fair weekend The people who had tried to organize an old timers get together this spring with no luck may just be able to tie in with the Legion event The matter will be pursued Got a great idea for a way to ferry people from the Legion hall over to the fairgrounds on fall fair Saturday Let Vic Patrick know Out of some of those crazy suggest ions may come something that could actually work LEGIONS GOLDEN 50th anniversary tulips wave in the breeze under the jet trainer mounted behind the Legion building Many dozens of the special anniversary bulbs were sold last fall and fulfilled their promise brilliantly this month Sugar and Spice by bill Could you write a pungent It Mine essay in The llumm Spirit No Will that my senior students till mi too But I know they an wrong ind I think you art wrong I bit you dandy espeiially it lived lot I my students instructions for on essay most of hem went into Hi of mild shock Tht shouldn have They i re dulling with the hum in spirit own others every minute of young lives However students like most of us prefer things to be spilled out Hut how you spill out tin human spirit You touch it I it smell it tan peer through someone nuvil and shout There it is Your spirit beginnings of thought our it and thinkers have explored tin hum in nature in an effort to pin down this ilusive thing Some philosophers have hid put their finger on the slippery little devil onh to find thai it has squirted away lines are more apt it the soul Psychol ovists pin id and and libido on various aspects of it Writers give examples of il Artists try to dipiet its highest ispirations 1 Ik hum in spirit exists in all of us It with thi reason is what is us above the In el of the beasts PHOTOGRAPH PROBABLY taken by A T Brown about shows the intersection of Willow and Church St centre right looking north The building centre bottom was used by Mr Speight to house coffins The house in the bot right corner was where the John Brown family lived It was later moved to Mill and became the radial station The houses at the corner are still there Centre right is the Disciples Church now the homes of the Nicholi and De Jong families above it the Storey Glove factory The town hall is visible in the centre and Knox church to the left of the picture The white building at the corner of Mill and Willow was Matthews store and hall It was later moved back on the lot and is now Hotchens Bakery Mystery lights puzzle Circles Indicate light spots on slide which are difficult to see after printing An Acton man who ex peeled see examples of forked lightning In some of his lolor slides discovered last lriday four bright spots on one slide which he explain I of Rosemary ltd projected some new slides evening and found everything as except for one slide It shows two bright lights and pair of less bright ones in Ihe sky over Acton I never seen anything like before Mr said The slide part of a series Mr fruiter was shooting lakes in a south west view from his home towards town He was trying to photograph examples of lightning during a alarm which probably look place Thursday April 24 My wis Ihot there was something wrong Willi the processing Mr frullir said Hut after looking at Ihe slide for a few minutes I thought they ho something Mr frullcr dlscounls the ideu thai the lights arc reflect ions the pictures were from Inside the house through a window spots would In he says The four bright white spots appear on slide number nine of roll None of the other ID slides appear lo have suffered from the processing which was done com Mr Fuller said Mr Fuller exposed the Kodaehromc transparency film rated at ASA for approximately ten seconds Halt The slide exposed for seconds shows a long slender lightning bolt whiih touches the earth About Inlf a minute sepantcs Die taking of he I wo slides Mr fruiter used a Canon mm camera He is an Air Canada Ticket agent who occasionally takes photographs Asked if he thought the bright while spots may be Unidentified I lying Objects Mr frullcr bald I don I disbelieve In Mr who works shifts asks anyone who thinks he can explain the lights call Ihe Free Press frour weeks prior lo Mr taking his pictures was a report of five UFO sightings at about Ihe same time In ihe of Erin Its presence is allied to all that is good and great in human kind Loyalty compassion honor courage dignity Us absence represents all that is bad in ihe human race greed cruelty prejudice indifference treachery Given the right fertilizer the human spirit reaches out to other human spirits mankind moves another inch toward Without proper nourishment the human spirit shrivels or warps turns in on itself rots and spreads like a cancer In certain periods the undernourished spirit produces the great psychopaths like AtOli Hun Napoleon Hitler and we are led into darkness Bui after each of these sombre in the resurgent human spirit roars back fanning the embers into a blaze of glory and more man is on the march This is all very inspiring I m sure but it pretty and I prefer the con Let see If wc can find some examples of Ihe human spirit in action When a twoyear old child normally good and obedient sticks out his lip and dally refuses to do something reasonable and defies threats of spankings he is not just being stubborn He is exhibiting to the world his sense of self of independence That is the human spirit When an year old man or woman prefers to pig it alone in poverty or dis eomfort rather than be shuttled off to a cosy senior citizens home hi or she is doing the same When a manor woman has enough guts losay No at a timi when all about are saying Yes thai the human spirit at work But let get down loan example we can all understand When a man gels up after his old lady has knocked him down five times and advances on her arms out and says Darling let me ex plain jusl once more that Is he human spirit at lis best gel his human spirit thing all mixed up with sentimentality he cooing of a baby which might be Just a gas pain the radiant smile of a bride which might be just vanity Orgloating No on a high plain Here are the instructions I gave my students See how they grab you This essay is to be an examination of the human spirit soul self as it acts and reacts under stress in inter play with other human spirits in conflict with The essay should reveal something of what the student has learned this year from exposure he ideas of firstclass writers concerning the human spirit Ideas expressed should not be merely emotional claptrap or foofawraw Nor should they be a mere recording of examples of the human spirit in action taken from Ihe books read They should rather represent Ihe student own human spirit reacting to the stimulus of what has been read and pondered Any reasonable and oven some reasonable approaches to he loplc will be encouraged Students may choose one of the following exhortations from their glorious leader Good Luck or Eat Your Heart Out t you glad you don t lake English from me Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press or May IT Four Acton boys were Involved in a ious accident Saturday night north of Waterdown Three were hurt one of them seriously enough to be taken to hospital in Hamilton Ron Clow 17 Bert Halliday and Alfred Roach 17 were riding in a car driven by Ron Clow when it was In collision with another cor driven by a Waterdown youth Six Acton artists had their canvasses on display at the Five Counties Art Association exhibit in Kitchener high school auditorium on Saturday and Sunday Sending two representative paintings were Mrs Henry Cnpps Mrs Elmer Miss M Bella Alex and George Bowman Although he had considered leaving for a position In the United States BobBrnyshaw has agreed after discussion and planning with the Board to remain as secretary of the M C A for another year With a five per cent coupon John Bauer won of the jackpot at the Appre ciation Day draw last Saturday afternoon the post office corner As usual a good crowd gathered for the draw Mr Bauer also named the Merchant of the week for an extra Next week s total stands at His condition improving steadily little John is still In hospital in Toronto He was struck by a car last week 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the fr ree Press Thursday May 1926 Oi Sunday about the fire alarm sounded and Ihe new motor fire truck had its first run to a fire The fire was burning in the Old Cemetery With a westerly wind it was running toward the residences of Mr J A Mrs J C Nelson and the three apartment tenement on Main St The flames were however promptly subdued The first annual meeting of Acton United Church was held in the Sunday School room Thursday The membership roll now numbers Chicken thieves are still active in the county despite the fact Nelson township council offers a reward of and wcya council a reward of for the arrest of poultry thieves Motorists may now enter Ihe United Stales by automobile for the purposes of touring for days without taking out formal papers There will be no confusion of time Acton this year Standard lime will reign The Limehouse lime works report a rush of business just now Is Ihe all year round Wednesday half holiday really a benefit lo Acton Machine Co is flooded with orders for motor and has hired new mechanics years ago Taken Ihe Issue of Ihe Press or May Messrs C two enterprising young men well known here have secured part of the post office building which they have fitted up for a jewellery and watch making business They have just opened out a very fine display of watches clocks and jewellery have seen plans of a handsome brick building for store and dwelling to be erected by Mr directly opposite the Dominion Hotel It is lo be two storeys besides basement and mansard roof feet We learn hat Mr Campbell has rented the hotel on the corner of Mill and Mam Streets to Mr George Balhnafad who will shortly take ession Last Wednesday evening a team of car nage horses belonging to Allan s livery stable attached to a buggy occupied by two men considerably elevated by liquor came dashing along at a furious rate ran on the sidewalk struck against a sign post spilled the two men and smashed things generally One of the horses was not found till the following day Persons who cannot govern their appetite should not be expected to govern a team of spirited horses Rev Mr Campbell pastor of the Episcopal Church 2nd line will preach his farewell sermon next Sabbath at p Reports from the give evidence of a good deal of fighting going on between he Turks and the insurgents but is is difficult lo get at the ruth THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office M by Bui it MvtrtiumMi tar at Hit In i of a typographical arror aOvirtlilng Mytftl Kay Editor Copyright 1976

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