Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1976, p. 11

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The Acton Free Press Wed May IN THE MATTER of an application by Ontario Hydro fur to expropriate land in the Township of Inn in the maty of Wellington and in the Townships of and Trafalgar now the Town of Milton and in the Town ships of and Trafalgar now in the Town of llnlton Hills all in the Regional Municipality of Halton for the pur pose of a eight of way for an electrical transmission line extend log from Bradley Junction to Milton Transformer Station NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application his been made for approval to expropriate the land described in the schedules hereto attached as Schedules A and it A definition of the estate right or interest therein which Ontario Hydro desires to expropriate in the land described in Schedule is hereto attached as Schedule Any owner of lands in respect which notice is given who desires on inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of oh jectivcs of the expropriating authority shall so notify the op proving authority in writing a in the case of a registered owner sened pcsonally or by registered mail within thirty alter he is served with the notice or when he is served by publication within thirty days after the first publication of the b THE APPROVING AUTHORITY lb Minister of Energy Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario MA Refer to Application OH 57 NOTES The Expropriations Act pi M Director of V Toronto M5C 1X6 is requested II shall be conducted an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General the inquiry officer shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity and cross examine witnesses cither personal or by his counsel or and may recommend to the approving authority thai a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the innuirv not to exceed and the approving may in us discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith owner and registered owner arc defimd in the Act aj follows owner includes a mortgagee tenant execution creditor a person entitled to a limned estate or interest in land a committee of the of a mentally person or of a person incapable of managing his and a guardian executor administrator or trustee in whom land registered owner means an owner of whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry land tulcs or sheriff s office and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on oil Hydro I Divis townufMlIt The expropriating authority each owner who notifies approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect the lands intended to be expropriated and any own added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to SCHEDULE A Subject to qualification all right title and interest in the lowing lands a now in he of Half Hills in the Regional Municipality of Malum 1 That portion of Lot Concession 5 in the of now in he Town of Hills the Regional Municipality of Hilton and incc of Ontario having an area of acre more less and designated as Pan I on Ontario 1 1 dro Il TD210H5Z attached loan instrument deposit in the Land Regislry Office for the Registry of Halton as Deposit Number That portion of Lot Id onccssiiii in he of Esquesing now in the I own of Hills cgional if Ontario less and designated as Part 709 1 1 attached to an in the Land Registry Office for of as Deposit Number b In int in the Regional Municipality of That portion of Lot I I In the Tow ship of Trafalgar now in the Town of Milton in the Hi Municipality of and the of Ontario having an area of 9 I acre more or less and designated as Part 5 on Ontario Plan TD236H17 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number SCHITJULI 11 A limited estate right or interest in the following lands a In the Township of Inn in the ounty of Wellington Thai portion of Lot in the lownship of Erin in the County of and the Province Ontario having an area of 1 1 5 acres more or less and designated is Part 1 on Ontario Hydro Il in TD21712 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wellington South as Deposit Number That portion of Lot 1 Concession in the of Erin in the County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario having an area of 1 1 5 acres more or less and designated as Pari on Ontario Hydro Plan 719 TD21712Z attached to an instrument in he Land Regislry Office fur Registry Division of Wellington as Deposit Number lnthcTownshipoftsqucsing now in ihe Town of I Hills in the Regional Municipal of 3 That portion of Lot Concession 5 the 1 ow nship of now in the lown of llalion Hills the Regional Municipality of and the nee of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated at Part I on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 TD21713 attached to an instrument in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Hilton as Deposit Number That portion of Lot 5 in he of now in the Town of in the Regional Municipality of and the Prov incc of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached o an instrument in the I and Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton as Deposit Number That portion of Lot Concession in the Township of Esquesing now in Town of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the ince having an area of 5 acres more or less and as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number 4HHU9 That portion of Lot Concession in the lownship of rsuesing now in the of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the incc of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part 1 on Ontario Hydro Plan 709TD21713 attached to an instrumenl deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton Deposit Number That portion of Lot Concession in the Township of now in the of Hills in the Regional Municipality or and the Prov ince having an area of 0 acres more or less and designated as Part 5 on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number That portion of Lot Concession in the Township of now in the Town of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the hiving an area of 0 acres more or and designated as Part on Ontario I lydro Plan TD2 171 i attached to an insirumcnt deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number Thai portion of Lot in the Township of now in the Town of Hills in The Lxpropriations Act NOTICE Or APPLICATION FOR APPKOVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND les ollydr TD21713Z attached to an instrument in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Divisior of as Deposit Number hose portions of Lois Concession 5 the Township of lsqucsing now in the Town o Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the Province of Ontario having a lotal area acres more or less and being riRSTLY That portion of the said Lot liavinj or area of 1 acres more or less and designated a- Pan 1 on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 it tached to an instrument deposited in the 1 and keg Office for the Registry Division of llalion as Deposit Number That ponionofihe said Lot having of 11 as Part on the pi aforesaid 11 That portion of Lot Concession of now in the Town of I the Regional Municipality of of Ontario having an area of less and designated as Part on 709 TD2397H attached to an num in the Land Office for the Hi of as Deposit Nurnhtr 12 Thai portion of Lot Conccsi of now in ihe lown Regional Municipality of and 11 acres i less and designated as Part on Ontario T atlached an instrument in the Land Registry Office for the of as Deposit Number That portion ofLot Concession in the lo of now n the Town of llalion I the Regional Municipality of and tin Deposit 11 the Town oHyd 1 an chid an instrument deposited in he Laud for the of as t Number HOI I I hat portion Lor 2 I unit 5 in the lown of Hill in Regional Mum of llalion and the 1rov Hydro PI in 709 ait to an instrument deposited for the Registry Division of llalion as Number so I 1 15 I hose portions of L ship n in the Regional owin ihT lwnuf Hilton Mills icipalily iml the of Ontario a total of 5 acres more or less and as Paris 1 and on Ontario Hydro Ill 1 to in land Ollice for the Registry of as Deposit Number hat portion of lot Sin tin of now the lown of Hills in Regional Municipality of and Pros of Ontario re of 5 re or less and designated 709 ill to msirumeiit deposited Office foritu lUcisin Division of as t Number 1 1 rhat portion of Lot 22oneessiol5inthe of I now the of Hills in the Regional Mum of an 1 the Pros ince of Ontario Of an are of 10 ens more or 709 ait died to an insir in Office for the Division of as Number sill 18 I hat portion of lot he lown of Hills in the Muni of Hilton an 1 the Prn nice of Ontario ha less and designate is Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 TDZ ait in in mi del in the Land Registry Office for the Registry of as Number mil 11 l of the of Hills in ihe Regional Mum ipilny of and the Pros of Ontario his inc an of acre more or less and designate as Pan Hon Out Hydro Plan I attached an instrument dun sued Ollice for hi Registry Division of as I mill 1 That portion lowi Hills in the Regional Muni of Hilton ml Pros inecof Ontario less 709TD2IOH5 an in the Land for the Reentry Division of is Number 21 That portion nil in 19oucession lownship of 1 squcsing now the lown of Halle n Hills in the Regional Mum of Pros inecof Ontario US an area of 11 S aires more or as Part on Ont trio Hydro PI 709 an died to an deposited in I and Registry Office for the Registry Division of as t portion oft of lsqucsing now the lossn of Hills the Region Muni ipahty of in the Ontario ha less and designate as Part 1 on Ornann Hydro Phi 7O91D2 alt died to an instrument in thi Land Office for the of a I Number Ihatpnrnoiioflot 17 inlhc now the lown of Hilton Hills in the Regional Muni f ind Pros nee of Ontario hi ng a res more or less and designate is Part Hydro Plan 719 chid to an instrument in the Land for Division of as Depos t Number HOI 1 portion of lot oncession in he rmusbii of lsqucsing now n the lown of Hills in Regional Mum of an I 1rov nice of Ontario ha less and designate as Pin on Ontario Hydro PI in attached loan instrument y Office for the Divisioi of llalion as 25 lhatportionofLot ironeession5iuihe lownshi n he lown of Hills the Regional Mum of Hilton and the Prov of Ontario ha 5 acres more or less and as Part 1 on irio Hydro Plan 709 D2 I I 7 attached an instrim em deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number 2C I hat portion of Lot oncession 5 in tin of lsqucsing now in the lown of Hills in he Regional Municipality of llalion Prov inn of Ontario having an am of 5 seres more or 709 to in instrument deposited in the Land Registry for the vision of as Deposit Number 27 That portion of Lot 5 in the ofIsuesing now in the I own of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the incc of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated is Pin on Ontario Hydro Plan TI2 attached an instrument in I and Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number I 1 2H That portion of Lot now in the I own of Hills in the Regional Municipality of jnd the Prov of si signaled is Pin on Ontario I 1 to an iiistrumint in Land Registry Offne for ihi Division of as Deposit Number I hat portion of lot I I in lownship of now in the lown of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the Pros incc having an area of I 5 acres more or less designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 1121717 instrument deposited in the and Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number 1301 1 hat portion of Lot l I Concession in the Township of now Town of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the nice having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 1121717 attached loan instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number Those portions of 1 os and Concession in the lownship of Isquisme now in the Town of Hilton Hills in the Regional Municipality of HUSH I hi ion of the said Lot 13 having an lore or less and designated as Hydro Plan 709 TD21717 at tint in the Land y Office for the Registry Division of as it SI I I hose portions of he said Lot on the plan attached Of I SOL he lie Kill 1301 of lb Hon of lot liUmcessioniinlhclownahip sing now in lown of Hills in Municipality of and the designalilasPut 1 in Ontario Hydro Plan an instrument deposited ml Rigislry Offici for the Registry Division Number hat of I ot 1 3 onicssion in the 1 now in own of in the llccjonal Municipality of and the inecof Ontario having in area of acres more or less designated as Part 2 on Ontario Hydro Plan I IM attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for he Registry Division of as Diposit Number 15 Hut portion of I ol 5 in he lownship of now n ihe own of Hills in hi Hi i of of 0 on Ontario Hydro Plan I D2 17 IH attached loan instrument deposited in the I and Registry Office for Division is Deposit Number 130115 Ihu portion of lot I oncession in the township of now in the lown of Hills in the Regional of and the Prov of ft 0 des 12 I attached to instrumenl deposited in the I and icistry Office for the Registry Division of s Diposit Hi I 11 portion of lot 1 oncession in of now n lown of Hills in the IUkioiuI of and the Prov of 0 less odd on Oman Hydro Plan IN deposited ffi for Reg try Division of lldlm nuflt of Isquisl lown of Ha j Miinieipiti y of a the Prov of less Hydro Plan ID 71H deposited Keyistry for the Rcc try Dmsion of Hilton s Diposit 1 OH m in th of Ha onYhll the id the less Id Hydro Plan 1121 deposiicd in Ian or Reg of 19 1 hit porn ic loswiship lown of Ha the j Municipal of a id the 1D2I7IH I 10 an instrument in the 1 for the Registry Divis of as Deposit Number Hilt 15 lb t portion of lot i the Iticjonal in lownship ot Hills in f and the Prov Ml he I tecjstr llalion as oHyd Office for Registry Number I 5 in the tin lown of Hills of and the Pr is Pa 1 ached of f Ontario lepoj I and Office for ihe Registry Division portion of I ol in he now in the lown of Dills in 10m Municipality of and the Prov an area of acres more or designed as Part 3 oil Ontario Hydro Plan 1121719 lit died loan instrument deposited I istry Office for the Registry Division lion is Deposit Number HOI I 1 oil Ides sla 1 Ontario Hydro dcp Dm 11211 in the I ind Office for the Rcc of as Deposit Number HO I II I Ihu portion of omission in the lownship now in be lown of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and III having an of 1 more or liss and is Part 5 on Ontario Hydro Plan 70 to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit HOI I I portion of lot 7 in the lownship of squesing now in the lown of Hills in the Municipality of and the Prov having an irea of icrcs more or lens and designated as rt on Ontario Hydro Plan 1121719 to an instrument deposited he I and Registry for the Registry Division as Deposit Number HOI 11 I hat portion of I the lownship of now 1 mill I own of llalion Hills the Regional Municipality of and till Prov inn of Ontario having in in 1 of 1 acres more or less and designated is in 7 on Ontario Hydro Plan lo in instrument deposited ill the and Registry Offiie for the Registry Division of dton as De osil Number 1 101 1 Iji prlion of Lot 7 omission in the 1 of I of Hal Hills of the the Regional Intuit arc 01 o aeie- less designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 112 1719 an instrument deposiicd in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of lion as Depot Number 1 1 I OH I 11 portion of 1 ot in he 1 ow nshp of 1 now in the lown of Hills in Regional dumeipality of Hilton and the Prov les and design ttdaUan 9 on Onnrio Hydro Plan attached to an insirumcnt deposited in the land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number HOI I I hat portion of 5 111 he I of now in the Town of Hill in the Regional Municipality of and the Prov of Ontario h ivtng an area of acres more or less design us Part 1 on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 1720 attached ft an instrument deposited the Land Regislry Offiie for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number 1 portion of Lot Concession J in the Township of now in the Town of Halton H1II1 in the Regional Municipality of Halton and the Prov ince of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated Port on Ontario Hydro 709 TD21720Z attached to an instrumnet deposited in Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number i 30 1 1 That portion of Lot 3 Concession in the Township of now in the Town of Halton Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the ince of Ontario having in area of J acres more or less and designated is Part on Ontario Hydro Plan TD21720Z attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit 1301 IB c I in That portion of Lot Concession 5 in the Township of lsqucsing now in the Town of Milton in he Regional Municipality of and the Province of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part cm Ontario Hydro Plan attached an instrument in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number 16 53 That portion of Lot Concession in the Township of now in the lown of Milton in he Regional Municipality of the Province ofOntario hiving an area of acres more or less designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 1121720 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton as Deposit Number 1G I That portion Lots 2 and 3 Concession in the Township of now in Town of Milton in Regional Municipilny of and the Prov ince of Ontario hiving an area of 7 more or less and designated as Part on Onlano Hydro Plan 1 attached to an instrument deposited in Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of us Deposit Number 19 d In the Township of now in the Town of Hills in the- Regional Municipality of Thai portion of Lol 2 Concession 5 in the Township of lsqucsing now in the Town of Hills in he Municipality of and the ineeofOruno having an area of 3 acres more or less and designated as Part 1 on Ontario Hydro Plan 7oyTD2 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Regislry Division of as Deposit Number 56 portion of tot 2 Concession in the Township of now in the Town of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the ofOntario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part 2 on Hydro Plan 3fHI attache 1 to in instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of llalion as Deposit Number 57 Thai portion of ots 1 and Concession in the Township of I squesing now in the Town of Hills the Regional Municipality of and the Province of Ontario having an area of A 72 acres more or less and designated as Pin on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 TD23GBI to an ment the Land Registry Office for the Division of as Deposit Number 5H those portions of I I Concession in the Town ship of I stiucsing now in the Town of Hills in he Regional Municipality of and the Prov incc of Omano having a total area of square feel more or less and designated as Parts 2C and Plan TD23CH attached to nsltumcni deposited the land Registry Office Registry Disision of as Deposit Num portions of Lot 1 oncession in the Town in the Town of Hills of and the Prov tarn having on area of2 If acres more or lesignatcd as Parts It 1013 It on Ontario Hydro Plan 70 Those pomoi the Mil ID- idled of the and Registry Office for the Registry Di 1 ilion as Deposit Number 17 CO portions of I 1 5 in he Town ship of now the Town of Hills in Regional Municipality of and the Prov nice of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Parts 2D ID CD IOD 121 1 ID IfiD and on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 I D236H to an instrument posited in ihe Land Registry Office for Registry Division of is Deposit Number fil Thai portion of Lot I in the of lsqucsing now in the of in the Regional Municipality of and the Ontario having an area of 12 acres more or less and designated as Pari on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to instrument pouted in the I and Registry Office for the Registry Division of us Deposit Number 17 e In the Tow nship of now in the Town of Hills in the Regional Municipality of 62 Tint portion of Lot 15 in the Township of now 111 the lown of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the having an area of 79 acres more or less and designated Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of a Deposit Number 17 DEFINITION Or ESTATE RIGHT OR REQUIRED A limned right or is required in the land herein culled he strip as set forth in he description here unto attached as Schedule and made part hereof namely the right privilege and casement in perpetuity 1 To repair rebuild replace maintain and op in electrical transmission line herein called the line including towers and all necessary or convenient guys anchors wires cross arms apparatus accessories and appurtenances belonging thereto in over along appurtenance hi interfere with the safe op the keep it and shrubs on the strip rubs and brush which may of all si all wher Not withstanding the fort discretion ofOntario Hydro the safe operation mam of the hue is not endangered or interfered wilh the landowner from time time or the person or persons therein may with prior written approval of Ontario Hydro at his or their own expense construct and maintain lanes walks drains sewers water pipes oil and gas pipelines and fences on or under strip or any por lion thereof provided that prior commencing any such installation the landowner shall give Ontario Hydro days nonce in writing so as enable Ontario Hydro to have a representative inspect the site and he present during the performance of the work and that the landowner earn plies with any instructions that may be given by any such representative order that such work may he earned out in such a manner as not to endanger damage or interfere with the line To erect maintain and use bridges and such gates in ill fences which are now or may be on the strip as Ontario Hydro may from time to time consider necessary To install at a minimum depth of inches below the face of the land and maintain and use an underground conductor of conductors for grounding purposes when and where required within the strip d repass at any and all times In strip for the servants agents 1 1 contractors of Ontario Hydro with at without vehicles supplies machinery and equipment for all purposes necessary or convenient to the exercise and enjoyment of the righi privilege and casement hereby expropriated subject to payment by Ontario Hydro of compensation for any crop or oiher damage to the person entitled thereto caused by the exercise of this right of entry and passageway This Notice first published the day of May

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