Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1976, p. 4

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Decoration Day tradition Decoration Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday in June Usually the weather is per feet and friends gather at Fair view cemetery for a short service which recalls all those family members and neighbours who have died The Legion and some organiza tions then send representatives wandering throughout the ceme tery grounds searching out grave stones of former associates Here scarlet geraniums are planted as the band plays The idea originated when mem of the Legion and I 0 decided Remembrance Day was too damp and bonechilling a day to adequately honor the town dead in the cemeteries Decoration Day evolved and the ministerial association and band have been annual supporters Local groups make donations to cover the costs Groups will be up at the cemetery all this week tending to the graves of those who were close to their hearts But not all of these people will be back Sunday for the service Everything is organized again this year and the only vital aspect of the day that hasn t been pin pointed is the participation of local families To ensure the continuing success of this nondenominational service the people of Acton and district must make a point of attending It a community event that is very worthy of deliberate support What will complex cost us The proposed municipal complex for Halton Hills may just have taxpayers wondering what that means to them When it comes to taxes we all want to practice restraint Halton Hills taxes are due to jump about 10 in Esquesing and Acton Another is added on by Board of Education increases this year Then the region adds its 20 increase and we taxpayers already have an added burden of about We haven t learned yet how much of the cost of the complex will be covered by grants and such Councillors are almost all in favor of the complex so they must be aware of the upcoming costs alright Certainly they know many people are seriously concerned about increased costs and taxes BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT The Free Press news staff is happy and relieved to announce the final arrival of four fledgling born Thursday afternoon May 27 m their tiny nest on the gravel and tar roof outside the newsroom window Mother birds nerve wracking afternoon included overseeing three staggering adventurous wee ones warning them away from the edges of the roof and then hustling back to settle down on the one remaining egg When photo Eric Elstone climbed out the window for pix babies hustled into the nest and lay still and mother flapped her wing in a simulated injury to draw his attention away Sugar and Spice smiley Snmi women s hearts art won perfume mink coals I minified to steer of this type Ml it takes ike wife happy is i new nut hint of poverty during which everything we was second hand filling or I occasion ill ink lo her lust for something that hums purrs growls or None of those verbs to Hit woman ml trying to please buying Mouses tint In the earrings she he found in Of this and that It doesn I m titer whit it is milium from kitthtneidgt to i pi in it pit ists htr pink for while It s a good time to think about water safety and theres a poster contest going on at the pool There s information in the Splash Flashes column The prize is worth working for a free pass to the pool for the whole summer Spring cleaning time co modes with the library offer of Amnesty Week That means no fines no frowns no complaints the library staff just want all their books back They spend a lot of time keeping track of overdue and lost books fur her tht big bouquet on Mother s I the on her iy voluptuous dressing gown for Christ is Slit inls no part i f such frivolities lust jin her something its or churns r or polishes ind she in I know this when I thought she w i Pi first knowledge her true cravings itcn posses nine after we d rud ir was i student term tot w is month In veil it r re it was i month ill IIS took pari me One d 1 tame home w is stunned r sin d hi Rhine r Shi In so signed p for i Willi l had bought m it for 1 have virbic I tit 1 is trifle Shi h d it on the ns I In lias rea Shi quit the sewmt ifter i few lessons fin illy threw tin suit m Hen about Hi irs 1 iter it she trade d in it maching on i ilhei for the Id out Si lur si wuif is tost her about 20 year history for Cancer Society branch resume of the work of the Branch of the Cinadian Cancer wis prepared by Mrs Velma West ind copies given out lo over 100 attending Ihe annual pot dinner in Knox Thursday Guest speaker Don also referred to the branch history in his entertaining id dress Here is what Mrs West wrote Acton Branch ConcerSociety years ago when Mrs Kaye Thompson a part time for County Health Unit was asked by the to help make some dressings in the Health Unit building in evenings for needy patients She recruited some Milton ladies began making the dressings after It soon became apparent that Acton Georgetown ind surrounding areas also had patients needing such sings room was secured free in Milton Town Hall and volunteers from Acton Nassagaweya Milton Georgetown and gathered there to make dressings Soon so many dressings were needed that a room in the Acton Fret Press building was granted us free and here Mrs Kay recruited Acton and area ladies to make dressings It might be said here that over the years the Acton free Press has always been most kind and helpful in reporting and idvertising for our Branch Transportation Meanwhile summer days having caused a cage of Health Nurses caused the of Nursing of the Health Unit to ask Mrs Velma West an on the Unit staff visit patients in Acton and area who needed dressings and transportation to treatment centre in Toronto She found Acton first transportation committee already in action Mr Ted Tyler Sr of Tyler Transport had been some needy patients to Toronto for treatment leaving them for Wc Mr perm Toronto to idi in in fot I tip thus i interested but in form ithered at the while Mr Mil irl ine in strutted us in does and don ilitil fir inch is born Mini different ictivitics were irried out We did not president but we tn hive i I m in who was trained projectionist Mr volunteer as our I due ition in Ik West ore ii Mr Denny the then current inter Sotitlv films and ilmi work of the Sot Dressings West Services Inirmin due to h inc to up the room it I- ret Press and the upstairs of est home At Velnn rubers five ORIGINAL MEMBERS of Acton branch of the Cancer Society were hon ored at the pot luck dinner Thursday and guest speaker Don sec from right looked over the account of the group s history with them Left to right are Harold Denny Audrey Denny Velma West Mr Insley and Ray Arbic block of all the supplying patients within a her home It wonderful lo na volunteers who dm performed other hut memory and Hunt will not permit volunteered to be our Medic now Acton Group ire were fortunate in hiving the of bank man mil stiff well is business men such is Mr Tom Shu Ills is Cam paign iirm in limi progressed m were replaced In 1 Mrs Iteiu wliofortinyt i wonderful job is impugn four Mrs Usher repl iced imd two yuirs Mr Arlie White has spending his retirement in doing most successful Campaign Chair man work What and Asto Presidents wean not sure we hid one It Is believed Hay Arbic was our first President followed by Hoy Kirkness and then a few of vacant chair On his retirement as President of Tanning Com piny we persuaded Mr Lesley lo become our and he proved to a most helpful addition He his just recently retired as i President passing his dutits on to the ipable hands of our former Campaign Mrs Rem About ten yeirs due out of town loo much i West recruited Mrs Glori toils a local nurse to be iirm in a busy person was Volunteer drivers were not plentiful but Beard more Tannery promised us help when needed us well as many other kind drivers Cancer dressings were placed under Ihe able supervision of Mrs May and are now stored her home and Coats home Gratefully admit calls for dressings are not very numerous which speaks well of the progress in cancer treatment control After several years of nth ful service as Services Chair man Mrs Coats has become involved in District work and Ins persuaded Mrs Cilhy McGilhvray be our present Services Chairman so vices ire still being carried on When Mr Denny resigned Mrs Sue Sale ably carried on expanded this field and his now progressed District I ducation work and Mrs Patterson is now our busy I in is well as Thro Ihe ye Miss Imu I aida is done very task in taking cart of our 1 funds Activity ihe latest venture of our Branch is the introduction of in Activity Group who knit sew I ike and whatever You I believe their In Their products sold at Aclon Fall in a Cancer Education decorated booth Goodies and handwork are also sent to Princess Mar garet Hospital the lodge for needy patients This group lias a monthly meeting under leidership of Miss Miry latest wus parage sale which was i whopping sue cess During the yi some of highlights of iclivitits two fashion shows visits by the Into Mr Miunee Grimes who alw iys cheered motivited ind encouraged is well is kept us well in formed Several education held were surprising well itlended Walkilhons by High School studcnls proved successful is well is proving our young people were dedicated and helpful citizens Now word ibout Acton Branch cannot to name them alt or idcquultly express our gratitude for their help How tvtr tath Spring pot luck supper is held and we try lo ly a friendly Thank Vou Acton is a town were action on behalf of Ihe Canadian Cuncer Society cannot be equalled With sincere respect and dedication this resume is presented three dollirs a year over the years skinflint quarrel with that Migawd I thought Hate to do it but 1 m going lo have lo have her committed gotta educate the kids pay the mortgage She ruin us Another day I came home and steam started coming out of my navel when she coolly informed me she d bought a grand piano for about also on the instal ment pi in Our income by this lime was just about a yeir Unco iLam her extravagance turned out lo be shrewd dealing She gave piano lessons the kids were educated the morl gigc is paid And the other day an expert told her the grand piano as it standi is worth 1 compare these gambits with my own investments in which i couple of thousand dollars worth of slocks inevitably wind up is iO shares of moose p isturc and I can anything but humble Ibis his jnt on through the yeirs I never ceased to lie woman s thine about a new There only one flaw in her ition Gel her pnno ind you never get a meal She too busy the thine Get her a record player ind everybody who comes in must be interviewed reidmg book or relaxing Bight now it the new mathint It s beauty according to a the Cadillac of sewing machines will do In a ish your gar ment will have seven new holes or i monogram stitched onto pocket in purple We re probably the only people in town in read in bed without liking a book just turn down sheets and spell out what she his stitched ill over them Things like told feet mike cool bed fellows ind Some is my machine and How now brown cow It s i lot of fun but it hard to get to sleep with ill hat Braille stitchmt out messages on anatomy I tht new machine will do everything but button up jour fly But it s playing with our domestic life She can drag herself aw from it The Old is up at five clock in the morning sewing She sneaks down after news it 11 to whip off few I to get most the meals She has tune to iron only one shirt and wash one pairof socks which rather keeps me on edge sartomllv I am with tot illy incomprehensible terms such as lucks darts pleats basting gathering I know it will end once she is on fimiliar terms with her new toy Hut until then it is rither like living with a child who has discovered what fun it is lo pound on i drum M I should have got her one of those garden tractors with a idler and cultivator At least she d be gelling some fresh and d be getting some peas OUR READERS WRITE r Good response to article Aclon free Press Willow St N Aclon Ontario To the I- ditor On behalf of the Regional Police I would like lo thank you for the writeup in the rec Press regarding bicycle licences wtrc on sile at our office on May had a very good response with ninety six licences being sold Constable Alex Ptarceond Mr Pop Main were In the office helping the sale of these licences Yours truly The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the I- ree Press May A serious fire was averted Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Main St South when flames caught between the oil stovepipe elbow and chimney of the small frame house Fire men answered the call and destroyed the fire Wall paint was blistered near the stove Captain Fisher of the Salvation Army reports that returns from current Red Shield appeal continue to come in steadily The respoasc from all sections of the com has so far been splendid he said Town Planner Deacon told members of the Planning Board at a meeting Monday night that it was likely the firs draft of Actons town plan would be ready by late June was suggested a joint meeting w ith council be arranged for June to study colored plan which would show zones denote land uses Six Wolf Cubs brought honors to Aclon last Saturday when they lied for fifth place in ihe District Culiarec held in Port Colborne The boys competed against other Cub Packs tot illmg members from Port Colborne I- alls St Catharines trie and other Niagara centres Cubs who from Acton were James Ironside Ironside M isalts foyers and Wayne 50 years ago from tin issue tin I rn I of Ihursdav June I marked interest in the annals of local historv several weeks the executives if the per property of Purview Place the home of the Sidney Smith family for three generations have informed the public that I ires ind of the household would be offered for luelion Note this is tht stone school on the It I iltlc propertv Crowds isseml I i wide area including a number smnal dealers in antiques from lor ntt sale of house is is no bid reached the reserve bid of Hit posal of household w is nl successful None of the contents re served with the of furniture silverware si itucs jewel ler which id been ithc 1 il to the surviving sons their innlies I he r ire mahogirr walnuts wis did not the professional The baseball sc ison opened ith ime ignnst Aclon hi i up had some old timers ind some new inters Neil Gibbons and Bill were pilchrs and I- rink Gibbons did receiving White is it first I it second Huffman shortstop and I Masilts it third bast The outfield wis covered by John S md Drone defe The ilwavs of j good 100 years ago iki from of I Pre ss IH Stitutc Labor is this reheof by icesw is lo ike its placewi the past The of road iking rtpairmt st labor is not only one of the most ridiculous pieces of pettv of modem but is oui of the grt humbugs Ho 1 m iking requires skilled I hi who is for so m usually sends his worst hinds and his poorest The d iys ire upon most of the men is Revolting Wife Murder I- irmer Beats Out His hull account The for the new Methodist church is making progress In common with all towns in Ont inn the businessmen ol resolved that on ind ifter this date will lake only at the following rites half dime putts for dime pieces for cents quarters foriOccnts doll for BO cents British will be taken it the sime as heretofore sterling shilling Mc and shillings I cents The has lone h id the of one of the most lov in the province and there will he one if trie best demonstrations ever here on iv 1th prints ever offered to the anndiin public cents just to hind Henderson ind THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Copyright

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