Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1976, p. 14

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B2 The Acton Free Press Wed June 16 Editorial Page Why not vote on complex Were out here and we might like to have a vote on the new municipal complex Halton Hills council is talking about for the complex near Georgetown which would centralize Halton Hills government in one spot Council last week turned down a suggested plebiscite on the question Acton and district people have done plenty of complaining about regional government and this would be an opportunity for us to put our pencils where are mouths are so to speak Probably the central complex would indeed serve its purpose into cementing Halton Hills into one municipality certainly from the staffs point of view Presently offices are in three separate areas Esquesing Acton and Georgetown It would also make it more difficult to revert back to the old status of two towns and township Perhaps the new complex would be another reason for closing the Acton office our only local contact with the new town Taxpayers are going to feel a large bite in their funds this year mostly due to education and regional levies But increased costs of everything are concerning many people seriously Can councillors give us good rea sons why the complex is needed Then surely a plebiscite would be the best way for them to feel they have our support Change at Acton office Water billing will no longer be done at the Acton town office The region has decided it can be done more efficiently from the George town office The billing took most of the time of the two employees here al though they also looked after other payments and inquiries The region pays over half of the cost of keeping the office open One member of the staff is resigning This leaves veteran town employee Mrs Lorna Clark alone in the office with the work load greatly reduced Its a well known fact that the police are looking for a new location on the main street The fire chief and recreation co ordinator still need local offices Certainly Acton should still have a town office of its own whether the new municipal complex is built or not Actons representatives will be well aware of Actons peoples wants as they consider changes Cemetery plots tended The disappointing attendance at Decoration Day brought a few comments which are worth con sidering Although 200 gathered on the Sunday for the parade and short service the cemetery had been filled with people all week Every day and evening of the week pre ceding the service families were up at pulling weeds trimming bushes planting flowers and putting cut bouquets on plots The town men had the cemetery in top condition and it was a beautiful place Theres no doubt that holding the Decoration Day program reminded many people that the time had come to tend to their property in the cemeteries A cub leader explained she thought not enough notice had been given of the time and date She and the other leader of her group have only lived in Acton a short while the old traditions many take for granted are new to them Students want to work Students are having little luck getting this summer Although plenty of them have signed up with the Community Services Centre there are few employers If you have any small job for students it would be helpful if you would phone the centre at Here are some ideas for these eager young people babysitting lawn cutting gardening pet and plant sitting during holidays house painting Or whatever else you can think of There is no government grant for this kind of work this year and Acton Community Services Centre coordinator Judy has agreed to put employer and student in touch with each other She needs to hear from people Of this and that The newsroom rejoiced at the birth of baby on the roof outside our window But were not rejoicing to see the mother bird sit ting on another gravel and tar nest already Watching those baby birds teetering on the brink of the roof was too hard on everybody mother bird father bird reporters and ad people Our youngsters learned two things from television last winter First hockey is fast exciting and sometimes brutal Second beer is fun Lifted from the St Marys Journal Argus Its been a long time since Acton has seen the organization of a new group Newcomers to town who al ready belonged to chapters of Beta Sigma Phi got together and have created a new chapter here Members combine service and social times and the town will benefit from having them Welcome Festival Country has a new brochure out listing special events m this district and again Acton is pretty conspicuous by its absence The 34page book includes only Acton fall fair m the same listing as has appeared before The Festival Country organizers are willing to include any information they are sent but apparently they dont hear from Acton In fact in the list of Chambers of Commerce Actons isnt even listed Open letter re house An open letter to Mayor Tom Hill and Councillors of the Town of Three limes Mr Archie Brown and my self have appeared before council in an ef fort to rectify problems concerning several building infractions and fire hazards con lalnedlnmyhouBeonFiveSiderond Three times we have been rejected without rea explanations It is my belief that in these particular circumstances fair decision on reports and discussions alone Therefore as a ratepayer I am issuing an open invitation to Mayor Tom Hill and Members of Council to inspect my house any evening or weekend It is convenient to all of them In order not to impose any ex pense on the councillors or Ihe people of Hills transportation will be All I ask Is two or three days notice in order to prepare I trust the gentlemen con cemed will do me the courtesy of a reply Yours truly Mrs Barrack RR 3 Georgetown When the gates away the cars will play Sugar and Spice by bill smiley It seems when one looks around that Great Revolution of Iht 1960s has out as most revolutions do And us usually happens after revolution Iht pendulum is swinging toward ton Savage Sixties featuring a vicious war in Viet Nam student uprisings drift dodgers growth of strident feminism and the blossoming of four letter words in the mas media have simmered down into the Stared Seventies when inflation and unemployment art the bogey men Most obvious of this is tor president in the States rhtrcsnot liberal in sight It like a g ime of musical in which every participant is striving to i little farther to the right linn the fuy who made the last speech I not entirely unhappy about this swing of the pendulum While revolutions ttn produce freedom they also produce ixcesses and that or the Sixties was no exception II produced violence a callousness and vieiousness thai wis prohibly un paralleled in western civilization s history Remember The kids were on drugs The parents were on the booze Cops were called Language that would shock a sailor came out of the mouths of OUR READERS WRITE Volunteers answer call Editor Acton Free Press Willow St N Acton On behalf of Tinker Hell Nursery would you please extend our thank you your staff for the great support they have given us in the past year Without support from communities such as ours we could not accomplish all we do for the handicapped child Your newspaper has given us excellent coverage about our volunteer program and I have received many calls from prospective volunteers because of Ihis coverage Best wishes to you and your staff for the coming year Yours sincerely Edith pre school chairman Not even half a leaf Dear fditor The residents of Corners art not being given even half a leaf in Miss Dorothy new nidge for Town of Hilton Hills of Crewson s Corners lies in the town other in the of Well Thank You Disappointed Improper unfair method I Georgetown Ontario Dear Sirs This letter is to inform the public of the improper and unfair method used by the Committee for the Development of New Municipal Administration Property and Buildings in accepting tenders submitted regarding the addition the Works Garage on the Line Georgetown On May I submitted a tender for the masonry work to be done on the Works Garage Accompanying my tender was a certified cheque in the amount of The instructions to bidders regarding tenders provided that Tender proposals shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond sup plied by a Surety Company approved by the Owner or a certified cheque in the amount of ten percent percent of the tender amount which amount will be forfeited if the party tendering shall Tall lo enter into a contract the Owner The ins true I ions further provided that The successful tenderer will be required to furnish a fifty percent percent Per Bond supplied by a Surely Com approved by the Owner these Bonds lo include corrections after completion At Ihe committee meeting on May 14 the bid of A V Tennant General Con tractors Lid in Ihe amount of was accepted although I had submitted a bid in the amount of Bio The reason given to me for the rejection of my bid was as follows the Committee stated that only those bids accompanied by a fifty percent percent Performance Bond would be considered Quite clearly instructions to bidders provided that a Performance Bond would only be required in the event of a bid being accepted I feel lhat is most unfair and improper for Ihe Committee to change the conditions of bid ding without allowing individuals such as myself an opportunity to submit a bid In accordance the new requirements 1 would like lo point out lhat the tender accepted for the Roofing and Sheet Metal Work was higher lhan a tender sub mitted by another reputable firm whose bid was accompanied by a certified cheque I would further point out thai at least one successful bidder on the Works Garage pro ject was accepted without submitting a Performance Bond I have done a great deal of work for Ihe Town during the past 15 years and feel lhal the quality of my work is beyond reproach I strongly protest the unfair manner In which the tenders were handled As a tax payer I resent the additional expense in as a result of this particular method of accepting tenders In addition I would point out that I have carried on business in the Hills area for Ihe past years To my knowledge Ihe successful bidder for the masonry work is not a local business man Yours very truly Reynolds It is fashionable filthy if you were young Hard rock replaced anything resembling music be listened lo Culls of various degrees of obscenity flourished Muggings multiplied Hijacking hit the headlines It was a nast nervous decade for to grope through and as a basic illy tonscrvalive person Im glad it fading even though it has left fair bit of detritus is it ebbs Not all of it was bad of course Many of old shibollelhs were swept away and replaced by something saner The social political and economic status of women took a giant step forward There wis a new honcst as much of the stuff our parents used to sweep under the carpel wis pulled out looked squarch and found to be mtrely not frightening There was a new and healthy skepticism toward culminating in the not so incredible discovery lhat some were liars some crooks some both Our institutes of higher leirning got a good shake up and traditional swung toward something verging on license In short a lol of the phoniness of our society was exposed for what it was A lot of rocks were turned over and a lot of things crawled out from under them and died in Ihe hard light That all good revolution must crack some eggs lo make an omelet And every revolution inflicts wounds some of them savage Hut society is the sum of indivi duals And just as an individual who has been mugged knifed raped or otherwise abused must retire and tend his wounds so There must be a healing Perhaps the Scared Seventies Is such a time there is a trend Hard rock music hoist on Us own petard is being replaced by country and music Transcendental meditation is replacing acid trip Most people arc fed up with pure pornography has flourished Even thai sacred cow hockey has turned people off including with the min dlcss but contrived violence of Us goon shows Hijackers are harried down Maybe just maybe we re in for a brief Gulden Age in which the arts will flourish ripoffs will become a thing of the past excellence will be restored as an aspiration of Ihe young and children will honor their parents Hut don t hold your Maybe movies will start having a plot again And policemen will be pals pigs And music will be en And vandalism will vanish But don I hold your breath Maybe just maybe town engineers will go around holding hands and singing I think lhal I shall never see A sewer lovely as a tree But don hold your brealh Maybe just maybe politicians will start letting their left hand know what Ihelr right hand Is doing and remove both hands from the pockets of the taxpayer But don t hold your breath I ma realist I don hold my breath But also an optimist So whatever its worth welcome to the new Golden Age 20 years ago Taken from the of the Free Pros of Thursday June 14 1956 A young school pupil found a queer old object the other day and took it lo his teacher to find out what was But Mrs Little didn t know any more about it than the youngster Here what it was a dingy worn octagonal metal coin blank on one side The other side scuffed and bent appears lo read Eden Mills C CONG 1861 Would it be an antique token for a rail way A quaint advertising scheme Acton auditors Tuesday night requested a raise in pay Local growth they wrote council has so increased work in keeping touch of the town financial con duct the present annual isn I enough They asked for an extra The United church Sunday School Staff Ralph on Friday evening last week lo honor Mrs Dick Bean and her son Mr rank Bean who are moving from Acton to Toronto first of July Queen Seoul Wayne Currie recalled experiences of the World Scout Jamboree Niagara Falls last year when he attended the Timberlands contingent reunion in last Saturday Highlight was showing of he official Jamboree film Mr C birth day last week extend best wishes 50 years ago from the Issue of he free Press of Thursday 1926 While delivering goods on Main St on the delivery horse of the Acton Co operative store was bitten on the leg by a dog which caused the animal to take fright and run away In runaway he shafts of the rig were broken and the horse so badly injured it had to be shot A C Patterson of Stratford was in Hoc wood for the weekend in charge of a Brooks steamer car which he is demon to the public Those who have had the privilege of a ride speak well of its dies The Young Women s Auxiliary of Knox church held their meeting he home of Miss Mary Clamdge An address was read Miss Emma Robinson and Miss Marie presented the honorary president Mrs Dr A C Stewart with a life mem certificate Ihe Kingston Standard says Ihe reason the circus passed the city is that the agent found there were already enough clowns going about in pants and glycenned Mr Charles Symon has received a prize in a window dressing contest operated by hardware dealers of Ontario A new passenger parlor bus wilt be put into commission on Ihe line this week is much more commodious than the buses now in operation Webster celebrated his birthday this week He still attends lo his duties 100 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday Junes combination of the several Granges in vicinity comprising those of Balhna fad Stewartlown Hornby Acton Village and Caledon held a grand picnic on Friday last in the extensive grove belonging to Mr Whiteside on Ihe 7th lint was estimated between and BOO people were present The Grange appears lo be in flourishing con council approved the pay mtnt of to name given she being in destitute circumstances A huge black bear was seen on the 2nd lint a short distance below Acton one last week by Messrs Wintow John Gibbons and John Keith They were considerably scared by the unusual sight made rapid strides for a place of safely Notice is hereby given to all interested in Church Hill burying rounds there will be general meeting June 14 for appointing and lo arrange for fencing and en the grounds is predicted the musquitocs will be un usuallj abundant this year On Monday a woman named Mrs Cox mother of three children committed tide it her residence in Ottawa by hanging herself with a shawl from a window S Zimmerman has again gone into Ihe butchering business Meat will be delivered and Saturdays THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Busmessand Editorial Office itMWIWwSi Acton Ontario of Audi I Circulation Iht rain on rtdunl iKnmihiniavtrtct Canada run Canada irrltr vary In Altai cant par null Numbw tiling It lecaptad on In condition nt Mvtrt by Htm with will not M W for out of will paid tor nit in m Vienna wrong goon or Mrvlct M otd II anMtaf Kay DM II Edfkx

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