Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1976, p. 16

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The Free Press Wed July Guetph police investigate One man was Injured in a the amount of 1 1000 after It two car collision in Highway came into collision a car on July Guelph Ontario driven by Robert Smith of Provincial Police report It Grand Valley The Water Gibson 47 R 3 Smith vehicle sustained was injured and his in damages according pot Volkswagen was damaged to ice UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTION Issued of the Supreme Court of Ontario to me directed against the lands and tenements of Raymond Law Masonry Construction Limited Raymond Law and Mildred Joy Law Defendants at the suit of Bank of Montreal Plaintiff I takcnlnexecution all right title Interest redemption of Raymond Law Inandto ALL AND SINGULAR hat certain parcel or of land and premises situate lying and being In the Township of Eramosa In the County of Wellington and Province of Ontario being composed of part of west half of Lot number five in first concession In said Township con an area Two and seven hundred and sixty three one thousandths 2 acres more or less and which said parcel or Iract of land and premises may be more larly described as follows COMMENCING at an Iron bar planted at the Intersection of the northwesterly limit of the Provincial Highway from to Rock wood with southwesterly limit of said lot as the same Is shown on Highway Land Plan registered In the Registry Office for the South and Centre Ridings of the said County as Deposit No being distant Three Hundred and Seventy six and three tenlhs feet measured southeasterly along the southwesterly limit of said Lot from line of fence marking southeasterly limit of way lands of the Canadian National Railway Company THENCE northeasterly along the said northwesterly limit of said Highway on a curve the left the radius of which is eleven hundred and three and one hundredlhs feet a distance of three hundred and nine and fifty four one hundredths feet to an iron bar planted In the line of a post and wire fence and at the southerly angle of lands convoyed to ROBERT by Instrument No M THENCE conlinulng northeasterly along the said north westerly limit of said highway on the said curve to the left or radius one thousand one hundred and three and twenty eight one hundredths feet 1 one hundred leriand forty five one hundredths 1 10 feet arc measurement to an Iron bar planted The long chord Joining ends of course having a bearing of north degrees one minute 15 seconds east and a distance of one hundred ten and forty one one hundredths feet said Iron bar planted being at the easterly angle of land conveyed ROBERT BORGHESE by instrument number M said angle being Ihe point commence of the lands to be described hereby THENCE north degrees minutes west along the north easterly limit of said lands conveyed to ROBERT by Instrument number three hundred and fifteen and nine one hundredths feet to an Iron bar planted In southeasterly limit of Canadian National Railway lands as marked by the general line of the existing THENCE northeasterly along the said mentioned limit seven hundred and ninety tour and seventy nine one feet an Iron bar planted at Its Inter section with said llmllof said highway THENCE south seventeen degrees minutes west along the said limit of said highway as shown on their land plans registered In said Registry Office as deposits numbers 132 and a distance of hundred and forty three and five 843 feet to an iron bar planted at the commencement of a five degree eleven minutes forty two seconds curve THENCE southwesterly along the said curve to the right radius of which is one thousand one hundred and three and twenty eight one hundredths 1 and to which the Immediately preceding course Is tangent at Ihe point of commencement of said curve a distance of sixty seven and fifty five one hundredths 67 feet to the point of commencement ON the premises is said to be erected a concrete block com building known municipally as R Ontario ALL of which said right title Interest and equity of redemption said Raymond Law the Defendanl In the said lands and tenements I shall offer for sale by public auction at my office In the Court House Woolwich Street Guelph Ontario on the 17th day of August 1976 at hour of two clock In the afternoon DAT ED at Guelph this l7thday of June GORDON A GOLDRICH Sheriff County of Wellington Halton Cable may have Pay TV by First run movies live ballet and heavy weight boxing matches could a If be enjoyed by North cable cus in their homes by as early as Arthur president and general manager Halton Cable Systems predicted in a recent interview that Pay TV might be operational In a year and a half He explained the format for pay TV will be a little than most originally expected When the idea of pay TV was first hatched several years back it was thought customers would pay for each program with credit cards through a box on top of the television set The concept today is people will subscribe to pay TV the same as they sub scribe to cable television Those who want pay TV can pick it up for a monthly rate subscribe it will be blocked out explained While the future is still fuzzy Jamieson said he ex peels pay TV will take the form of several different filling up some of the blank channels on home con There is a possibility there ill be more than just one pay TV channel Likely there will be a channel for movies mother for sports one for children programming and another for the arts he said He said he would tike to sec all the channels available lo a customer for one monthly rate noted the figure of a month is being tossed around these days but hi believes this cost is based on Ihe price TV customers pay so it could be mure or less in once thing is worked out Jimieson said he v like to eight first run movies iffercd each month two a week they would be shown at various times throughout week so everyone would have a chance see them He thinks the first run movies which will be the same is the ones showing at any time in theatres will be a big bit especnlly in North llallon where there aren I movies without a long drive He added the lo which a must spend for a night at a movie these days will make the same thing offered at home for less money look very attractive financially slid thai even though the Canadian Radio Television Commission high Canadian on pay TV for first few years they will have to accept foreign films es peclally those made in the United States the venture is to be financially successful He explained the movie making industry in Canada today t developed enough produce all the movies pay TV will need so the CRTC will have to allow imports from the United States for a while and then gradually increase the amount of Canadian con tent Cable Systems pro gram and marketing manager John Ollivier noted many films are now being shot in Canada with Canadian actors playing the bit porta but with Americans playing the star roles He thinks many of Ihese movies will constitute enough Canadian content to satisfy the CRTC during the early years of pay TV It is believed pay TV will provide a big boost for the in font Canadian film industry since it wilt provide both a market for the films and some of the Cable Television industries revenue from pay TV will be plowed back into Canadian movie production Instead of the Sutherlands and Shntners going south they might find It just as lucrative to stay in Canada to make movies Canada has the seasons to make various types of movies and is certainly here to have a vital Canadian movie industry declared He says Pay TV could even reduce once it gets off the ground Pay TV could relieve some of the tax burden by ending tax support for the ballet and opera The oris are always running at a deficit despite playing to packed houses If the cable industry aired opera and ballet many more people would get a to sec the arts and some of our revenue would go back into the arts he ex plained The shape of things to with respect to pay TV will unfold this fall when the accepts briefs from Canadian Cable Television Association which will seek permission to start a pay TV network across Canada called PTV Vie arc very interested in and will be involved one way or another Jamieson promised He said Cable Systems will definitely offer programs to its tomers it is operational and also end up being involved in the program pro duction end of the business too Jamieson says he can sec no way the CRTC can kill since it has support not only from the cable industry but also the public A lot of interest has been shown by the public People have been asking us for some time now for a movie channel and I think the movies will be a big success Movie firms like Odeon and Famous Players won be hurt any more than the ones in the United Stales have been Pay TV movies arc big down there and what the dis lose in the theatres they make up for with revenue from cable tele vision noled Pointing to the tremendous popularity these days of classic films made in the 1930s IDs and early vier suggested old movies might also be shown on the movies channel ilong with Ihe first run features two or three per cent of all pr sports ends up on television so it is within the realm of probability that more sports like heavy weight boxing matches will up on Jamieson said He added continuous coverage of Olympic events in the future was possible as well as taking university and college courses while watch Another feature of PTV will be no commercials a relief to many viewers Jamieson said he believes satellites micro wave and transmission will be used to broadcast PTV programs across the nation and added Cable would produce a PTV guide for customers on a regular basis If something were to happen and pay TV doesn t get off the ground in Canada it will mean a great loss and I don I mean just to cable tele vision but also Canadian movie and television pro duction industry and also viewing public Jamieson concluded New mosquito controls not proven effective ONTARIO PROVINCIAL SECRETARY for Resources Development Donald Irvine made a helicopter tour of the mile Niagara Escarp ment today from Niagara Falls to Tobermory with officials of the Niagara Escarpment Commission The tour was part of an information briefing for the Minister A recent amendment to the Niagara Escarp ment Planning and Development Act hasplaced the Commission under the Resources Development secretariat The Commission is responsible for developing a master plan for the 2000 square mile escarpment plan ning area Shown left to right are Commission Director G R A Cof fin the Hon Donald Irvine and Commission Chairman Ivor The Commissions headquarters are in Georgetown NEC assists local planners with statistics other data In llmrv Denim repellents art the w iys dealing with summer biting I lilt tin miltcc recenth of iriiu new me tns of Hi it ire becoming ir Dial miliar of the in nit deuces one and lit i no her it i mils waves keep it hay ire worth I living One tint the sound f lint insiits may he jnusit i luyir but there much id Mir nil sitisf will hi from Ihise traps whti outdoors git and sludy enndueted lasl June in The killed two to five mosquitoes per minute in a one hour test e oul it minutes sunst tht time HI mosquitoes per minuli win ill liking investigator 1 in itler whit he wis from ihe trip Hist irehers admit that will Irjps lights electrocute of moths midges mosquitoes night flunk The Niagara Escarpment Commission has offered assist local municipal plan supplying statistics and background data on a variety of subjects essential to town and township planning Ivor Chairman of the says information covering mineral resources forest vegetation and pro ductivity soils hydrology historic sites are only i few of many subject the Commission has compiled information an in its prepir the Out squire mile Planning Area The draft plan is expected to be ready in 1977 and public participation will be sought in reviewing its content prior to implementation The chairman and senior planners recently met with planners representing regional municipalities county planning boards and local municipalities to dis cuss the data on which the master plan will be based This information can be used now by local in pre paring municipal plans In some case- the informa has been provided through operative research with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment Municipal planners have been critical in past of lack of information from the Escarpment Commission Now em one of the Commission ob jectives is to support palilies within the Niagara Escarpment Planning Area in their exercise conferred upon by the Planning IK nidi Ihei Ihese dev miking unfounded of mos Ihe ikitroculum Notice of Application By The Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills To Dispense With A Vote of the Electors TAKE NOTICE 1 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills Intends to apply The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of foliowino work a The construction of an extension to the present existing Municipal Administration Building located on Regional Road No 3 dormer Township of Municipal Offices for Municipal purposes to ac commodate ail Departments into one Central Mun Complex at an estimated cost of b The sum of MOO to be raised by the sale of de payable out of general rale over a period hot exceeding years c Balance of to be financed by sale of Municipal owned properties and levies Application will be made to Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with Ihe assent of Ihe electors to Ihe undertaking the said works Any rate payer may within twenty one days after the first publication this notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk Administrator of the Town of Hills at the address given below notice In writing stating his to such approval and the grounds of such ection 3 The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that assent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said works but bo fore doing soil may appoint a lime and place for a pub lie hearing whan any will be considered Church PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Andre A D UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Beaton A Or George Elliott MA PhD Director Music Fourteen summer sessions of combined worship services In Trinity United Church Acton Sunday July 18 1976 Rev Walter Fosbury Preaching a m Public Worship Nursery for babies and toddlers Everyone Welcome MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Ave Georgetown A si Church Sunday July 18 1976 Sunday School for all ages 11 a Morning Worship Evening Fellow ship Thought Peace rules the day when Christ rules the DATED at the July of Halton Hills this 2nd day of D Prltchard Clerk Administrator Main Street South Hills Georgetown On L7G ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH It Street East Founded 1841 Pastor Rev Das Sydney B Sc Pastor Phone 8J3 Sunday July a m Morning worship at Churchill Community Church Meet at Baptist Church not later IS for transportation or call for pick up Dally Vacation Bible School July 1 to 6 to All children welcome crafts games songs and lots of fun THE CHURCH OF ST ALBANTHE MARTYR 1974 Willow St Alban Rev Lee Sunday July 18 10 a Choral Eucharist 00a m Nursery BETH EL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday July IB 1976 Sunday Worship Services at 10 a and Pre school Sunday School during Ihe morning service Sunday School during the afternoon vice welcome Church of the Back to God Hour heard over these sta Hamilton CKOC am dial 1150 St Catharines a dial 1130 Toronto CHIN BOO am dial H Toronto H 11 dial 1430 EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday July a m Sunday School for ell ages a m Morning Worship pn Rev and Mrs Clayton Guest Ministers Tuesday July Rev and Mrs Moll will minister ALL ARE WELCOME free Bus Service or children and to and Sunday School on All Red Bus Also Rural pick up For In phone or 1435 given CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill N Minister The Rev J L A B and Mrs Eleanor Sunday July IB Ihcy mils rtduee the mosquito in the or farm the re say Similar results lesls with another type of provided ir results did not reduct mosquito annoyance lo th investigitnr One study in hull in showed the trap luclit only five lo ten per tent is nuns mosquitoes as invesligilor for the repeller Cos to studies out the lorontn md Simon University in British Jiiinbn devices have been subjected to seienlifie linn is no evidence in the littriture that fern lie mosquitoes respond to echo li cation sounds Long route Jul issue of the Col lmewood nterprise Bulletin gave excerpts from the Guide of mad telling how get from Toronto to that nor Iherly own in To follow route had to keep a sharp eye on the speedometer as well is the and nearby landmarks 1 Toronto mile the moronsls would drive If miles to Acton turn right at hotel left at lcfiat49 right left it at windnignndoverrailway at turn right at left at lop of hill At mile is turn left follow telegraph poles railway to right pass church it l down straight hilt at follow poles jog to right it 3 Station then turn sharp to 1 northeast to to72 on run two miles east on to 79 Brisbane turn northwest here to on to 88 Reading then northeast lo The route continued on through many small until eventually reaching totalling 140 miles When the guide was pub lished in 1912 the automobile was an up and coming mode of today lake advantage of the super highways and fast cars to get to their a tion In 1912 a gravel road was welcomed by motorists as a break from the poorer quality paths Johnson would revive GUARD Dismayed by the bickering and in decision over a new dump site for candidate Bill Johnson announced this week he is going ahead wilh plans to revive GUARD Group United Kuril which has organized opposition to dump sites in North in the past We stop this nonsense of liking bo ill years for landfill sites in he declared make plans for reclamation recycling plants lo dispose of garbage Johnson said his revived group will likely m ike an issue landfill sites in tht coming regional and provincial elections He intends lo reorganize with some of the old executive which spearheaded the igainsi dumps He hopes interest and ratepayer groups opposing long term garbage dumps in the region derate fighter for recycling and reel inntion sites instead of landfill sites Johnson says he is also sick of writing briefs on individual site He feels ratepayers and environmentalists banded together have much more effective voice in changing outworn attitudes towards disposing of garbage in region Johnson has long advocated recycling and reclamation plants which would use the energy in garbage to generate power He his also pointed out the long term of landfill sites He refuses to call lhm sanitary because of water table pollution and generation of methane gas a deadly poison which drove people from houses in Kitchener recently when it from an old dump A resident of the rural area of Milton and employed in George town is an engineer at Johnson feels opposition to dumps which crop up every lime ratepayers find one is for their area should be dited into one group which can influence decisions made in any part of the region He points out that when residents of were satisfied they were not to get the dump they sat back and watched as others were informed it could into their area Ratepayers In the Rattlesnake Point area were nol upset when was slated for a site but have been perturbed and vocal since they found their section of the region could have the honor of being selected as a site for Dillons garbage GUARD could eliminate the battles and fight a war on all fronts he feels Johnson said he is happy to hear regional chairman of public works Jack as saying it may be neces sary lo hive small garbage dumps in North as a temporary measure feeling this might create more action by region in coming up with a permanent solution which includes reclamation and recycling Tender over 500000 police communication The new communications system for Regional Police Force will cost over 500 regardless of which lender is accepted Police Commission revealed Thursday Only Iwo of eight firms in vited to bid for the Job decided to submit tenders and came in at well over 500000 Canadian General Electric said it could do the job for 33 while Canadian Motorola bid Both firms agreed to and General Electric has posted a tender deposit and Motorola a tender deposit Chairman Glenn said the Ontario Police Com mission communication system consul Ian Is are now looking at the specifications for the job submitted by the two firms and will report back lo Ihe commission later Mayor Harry noted Solicitor General John Mac Beth recently stated his pay per cent of the cost of communications systems for larger police forces He suggested this be brought to the of Treasurer McKcough has told that Queen Park won I help pay for the police depart ment new communications since the province share has already been paid lo the region in its start up grants Bolh the region and com mission don consider the start up grant funds were earmarked for the com munlcations system Magnuson said lender deposits can be kept until September while Ihe com mission waits for the tech nical report from the consult ants recommending which bid should be accepted He added both firms are aware of this fact and are not con aboul it Grave truck A Hills woman rowly escaped injury Friday afternoon when her car was hit by a gravel truck as she tried to make a turn off Five Sidcroad just wesl of High way Milton OPP said Mary of Lot Cone was travelling westbound in a 1972 Mercury when she tried to urn left onto Iho First Line lilt at Intersection A gravel truck which was overtaking her tried lo pass is she made her turn and struck the left front end of the car police said Damage to the car and the 1969 truck totalled Police Identified the truck as 60yearold John Molnar of Toronto

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