4 The Acton Wed July 1976 Editorial Pag Write if you object Now is the time to write to coun cil if you object to the expenditure of and the building of a municipal complex for Halton Hills at the former municipal offices An advertisement in last weeks paper outlined the project and the intention of dispensing with a vote of the electors However there will be a public hearing when any objections will be considered Letters of objection should be written to the clerk administrator of Halton Hills G D at 36 Main St S in Georgetown Any ratepayers may give notice of objection within 21 days of July 2 Anybody who wants to see all the town offices centralized in the large new building doesnt need to write Thats the easy way But objectors must get out the paper and pen and write If there are many objections it is possible that councillors would change their minds about holding a vote Council approved the project with a narrow to 5 margin and two councillors absent Council would raise of the by the sale of deben tures payable out of the general rate probably for 20 years The balance of is to be financed by the sale of municipal properties and lot levies Councillors who oppose the new building think the cost high Councillors who favor it say there is an urgent need for centrahza tion For Actomans there is another parochial consideration A large Hills complex would make hope of recovering Ac ton as a town of its own even more remote Some people here continue to dislike regional government and still wonder if the decision to in elude Acton Georgetown and Es in one town cannot be some day reversed Anyway this is another chance for ratepayers to make their feel known It is the people who ob ject who must be heard from Once the complex is built it is too late to complain Enthusiasm to come Those participating in the Olympics and attending the events will probably have glowing reports of excitement color drama and new friendships The buildings will likely be considered superb The problems that have been re ported by the press with such glee possibly wont even be realized by many of the people from other countries who are participating The Olympics will likely be a terrific event for Canada The best impressions remain the goofs and snags and charges mostly for gotten The Queen will surely be greet jubilant crowds the harrowing tales of possible terror ism which the media have given us She was welcomed to the Stales with huge enthusiasm That hap pen here too Of this and that An travelling through southern Ontario this summer laughed at a sign he saw on No 6 highway saying Clean dry storage available This sign just happened to be posted right be side a cemetery He also tells of encountering a hefty young man staying at the same motel who complained bitter ly about the rainy day He t be able to hitchhike back to St Thomas to get his welfare cheque If you drink do take a taxi home Statistics show that drunk drivers were involved per cent of fatal automobile crashes in Can which kill about 3 people and cause about 360 million dam age annually People are drinking more and more and deaths from cirrhosis of the liver are increased drastically Controversy rages in Guelph about the council decision to remove the big crown from the city s main square It was due to have a repair job when a majority of councillors voted to take it down and leave it down It seemed a symbol of the city and surely old t be abandoned when they need a little repair The many people of this area who support Oxfam fund raising projects here are sorry to learn of controversy within the organization concerning how much money actually goes to aid for others One of them says only 30 cents of each dollar goes to overseas relief Obviously we all thought the figure would be higher than that The remainder is for educational projects and One of the members of the local Oxfam group says he s going to find out the truth of the matter so perhaps he II let us donors know what going on Ombudsman Arthur has been criticized by some in the government for presenting the plight of expropriated landowners at Pickering Obviously Mr Mai has no intention of being just a figurehead One critic says Mr Maloney case was not well pre pared Hard to believe of a lawyer with Mr s reputation And so our neighbor Mr Maloney continues to make headlines A TRIO OF WATER waifs drift apart on Fairy Lake The three girls were in close formation cooling them selves from last Thursday afternoons heat when a slight breeze scattered their tiny flotilla on the north side of the lake smiley On recent evening I watched Iwo eld gentlemen hung inUrvlcwedon in casts the result was in excilknt In spirit in both cases the old timers echoed something I believed for years that Can id is the country in the world in which to live hirst of l hi indomitable widely known for years in this as irascible out spoken in in in of the Toronto iplc when hockey tcim nisi by word in in is til and hi t lost much of tough blunt that made him res petted many some trust revered olhirs Ik delists ind bouts as most of us do but hi mind s lying so in public Hi doisti lot of things an going on in this mil no bonis ibout it Hut whin tie is whither hi lhouLhH inidi is such would hi lughtd mil siid in that if it would was too it country indwi id too m iny ilthouiu then ire lot of skunks I for it to or Wh refreshing from the pur of woe who fill so m iny columns of niws papers and and so much Him snivelling itxul identity i for it or attempt to ret mi it or something These in snivellers who w us th it the tug to the south is taking us over I hi we II wind up as bin public or of thi Ihc wouldn know identity if it sne iked up and bit on They d think it was in yellow jicktl or it i I A plot One of the must persistent in manners ind mores is yours truly but I sure dun go iruunti worrying ibout or losing skip over the identity Nor dots inyone who really knows this or who Ins fought in one of the two big wars The identity is just is real pre- pritkly is thorns on a rose I of a punch any but if suggested I was a Yank or a I or in I would in timed him a the nose And I think most feel thai way their iekfround is Anglo or or or whatever PHOTOGRAPH OF tanyard gang taken about Included are John Gibson second from right shows Sam who died recently at who had 25 children Severlno fourth in the centre row first on the left This group from the right and John next left beside moved from Huntsville to Acton about that time Mr Can someone identify the others We re not less boisterous Americans or less or less able Itiluns or less phlegmatic mans We re warts and all There nothing 1 d rather be and there no country which I d rather live And if that sounds chauvinism so be it We our faults anil we bicker like hell among ourselves ind we may a mongrel raci but ask per cent of us if like to be else and live somewhere else and you get a rtsounding old I J icknbbil Johnson So named because it nearly lot years old he was still cross country skiing living alone proud and dependent Mesa Norwegian who this country is i youth and loves it deeply to the i He was what wen important things in lift At too you inn too ninth worried about what people will think of your opinions His inswer was mori or less clean ilr clean water nature tiling by keeping fit try in the world That our young people on thi don know it lhal big titles Montreal Toronto Vineouvcr were Canada I I with him more Our arc carbon of other big cities or of each other Don expect to find the inadian identity in Don t huddle in a lughnse fight fenii yourself in with television and eon and to the feel of his country If do aside from the language you might is well be hung in Tokyo or Frankfurt or out that tint water Breathe in not plcise while you ire undtr iter kids could hardly wail t gel away from the town and off to Now the phone onlv onu before it is sn itched up as they hope for in invil to come up north from the city Why not be like my wife ind mc Stop relying on the life hack to nature OUR READERS WRITE Time to cool it MP The issue of in air travel his recently flared up dramatically on the a result I as the Member of I for hive been asked many times where I stand both by people involved directly m the air travel industry ind by members of the general public Of course I stand for sifety tint as I believe almost all people do especially in the critical aspect of air safety Further I believe lhal I have amply demonstrated in other thai 1 place a very high priority on life All other subjects including bilingual ism no matter how important and no matter how much I support them must take second place I have consistently laken that position during the last year is I hove been directly involved in Ihls issue with airline personnel the government During that time the suhjeel was not in the headlines but many of us were working is will as possible be hind Ihi scenes to resolve the difficulty II has not been easy We have had a of Minister in the Transport Port folio Many other important ind urgent transport issues have occupied the Govern mcnl s attention in that time A great deal of conflicting evidence has been heard from Ihc various parties to the dispute and my views on the side of air safety have also been made known lo both ihe previous and minister I have been supported in my efforts by many of my colleagues including those in adjacent ridings I have exchanged information and views on the subject on a continuing basis with many local air travel personnel including the President of the Canadian Air Line Pilots Association Ken Ma ley and including a one and onehalf hour meeting with nine local pilots In my Con Office on Saturday AM June In addition t attended the Air Safely Con In Ottawa early this year Again my position Is that I support safety first and everything else must satis fy that priority Having said lhat I like Parliament and most Canadians also support Canada Official Languages Act and generally he program as both a mental basis for the existence of this country and a great opportunity for our ions to enrich Iheir lives We already have bilingual air traffic control at five small regional airports in Quebec limited only lo Visual Flight Rules That Is a matter of agreement by all parlies Involved and not a matter of dls pule The Government has pledged that no further bllingunllsm will be Introduced until It can be proven safe without a shadow of a doubt and that any Illegal and un attempts to use trench in air control will be punished Slill we hive disputes that other facts such is the use of other lung internationally the incidents causes of near accidents in the air ind the position of other foreign airlines on sub ject These disputes h recently become more emotional hive shed moreheil thin light ind have threatened bring this to point of confrontation could obscure issues That is why the Government has appointed in independent commission for purpose of resolving tin issue in a rational and objective manner satisfactory lo all parties in the dispute Ml last week end they worked hard to make the plan acceptable to the side all this weekend for the spcikmg side Whatever has happened in the however the subject might have been handled most point now is for everyone to cool it and to work together with an open mind A fictual investigation will resolve the technical ispetts of the problem and mutual will Ihe ever present political aspects which will keep great exciting young nation united and peaceful I believe can be done and inada will be all he better for achieving this and all other such exercises I as your federal MP for Intend to remain right in the forefront of this challenge on your behalf Yours sincerely rank A Plnlbrook Memberof Parliament Were you a CWAC World War Two veterans anniversary reunion to IU76 We still haven located all our C A C friends of those great service days of World Way II The news media have helped a great deal in years so once again call Canadian Women Army Corps Veterans to annual reunion through the medium of this release This event Is sponsored by the Canadian Corps Association CWAC Unit No the Fast weekend In September in Tor onto Canada This Is the Anniversary for our Canadian Women Army 19411976 For complete reunion brochure write to CWAC Veterans Reunion Chairman Mrs Shirley Wood Niagara Street Toronto Ontario Canada M5V The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Thursday July 12 1956 Clearly Ihe Robin Hood of the archers Bill easily took first place in the competitions there this week He took top points tn three sections shooting on the target distance and time In the third category he was able to let fly three arrows In 15 seconds Jim lough and Bill Henry tied for second Mr and Mrs Ron Hunter received the congratulations of relatives at a family gathering Friday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ken Hunter Georgetown The newly weds left Ontario this week for the west John for the past three years a popular figure in North as the Health Unit senior sanitary inspector leaves August 1 for Peterborough where he has been named chief sanitary inspector for the The farm home of Mr and Mrs Davidson Acton was opened to relatives for the SmlthBell family reunion Groups from Cimpbellvdle Toronto fat Guelph and Acton brought picnic lunches 50 years ago Tiken from the issue of the I- Press Thursday July I 1926 Tht investigations into the Custom regularities proved loo much for the King government Premier King resigned with dram suddenness Tht proposal to instill public lavatories in the town hall was reported on to council Mr wis given permission to install a second pump The Chamber of Commerce is dis the securing of a wider radius on telephone exchange The super intendent of this area will be pressed for action Miss will be much missed at the school by tht little folk A few of her friends gathered and Miss Hurst read in address fourteen year old boy was given four strokes of the strap ordered judge in loronto for smoking cigarettes now has gasoline filling tanks lhat should be enoiiLh to supply he needs of Two cents for letter postage today and until further notice I- mbowerid in vines and shrubs outside and beautiful with festoons of flowers and pretty wtddmg bills within the home of Inspector and Mrs in Milton was scene of a and happy The pair were Mr Roy I Brown of the University of Toronto of and Jean of the inching staff of the Toronto City schools daughter of Mr and Mrs Stewart for years esteemed residents of Acton Miss Elsie Stewart was Mr Ernest Brown 100 years ago from the issue of Ihe tree lhursdi The new Methodist church in Acton was opined ind dedicated on Satur dav commencing it 10 am by Itev NY Al the close of Ins sermon the praised the people of ind the trustees and ill concerned on so fine a building for so little An early ipjRil was then for subscriptions to wipe off the entire balance of the debt S3 was required His appeal was not in vain and before he sat down 4 wis subscribed Ten persons gave seven each eleven each A hearse costing about SI has been built for Mr John and is expected to be here in few days On Ihe of the number of men assembled to work on the property of Mr J imes Gibbons on the 2nd concession undtr the name desigmted in the locality as bee freely indulged liquors when a com bat hand to fist took pi ice both before and supper We kirn the combatants will not seek redress such being only a matter of form among the Celts William Gibbons was bully injured Timothy measuring five feel seven inches mav be seen at Andrew Iang s phct Corners Thats good for ill THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE and Editorial Office