Douglas II am lbs on July I Chatham General Hosp tal A brother lor Mr and Mrs Meek and f grind on tor Mr and Mrs W J Corn TELFORD Richard sale val baby boy lbs i on Ju Grace Hosp Toronto II Mar lyn welcome wltr I Guclph Gi Another granddaughter for Harvey and wood Aclon and Edith Coxe lion Great granddaughter for Mrs John rkwood BUTLER John On Wcdnes day July at SI Hosp tal To onto John Butler of 115 John St Georgetown beloved of Mar and dear father Mrs John of Dor Mrs M rchner of B Richard of Brampton Marjory Mrs Brown Georgetown Ger of A John George Kenneth all of Georgetown and the late Donald Bulle Rested at the McCiure Jones Funeral Home Ed th St em mass n PRINGLE Norma At York nch Toronto on Thursday July Norma Campbell w Townsh Dear mother Dona Oliver B Mrs Eve of John of Thunder Bay and the ate Mrs Parsons Funeral ce was held at the Rumley Shoe maker Funeral Home Acton on Saturday July at a m Interment Greenwood Cemetery Owen 5a3 WE WISH lo thank an our their many and tokens sympathy dur one Ccc I Bowman Evelyn and George Bowman iISH to celebration such a happy occasion The memory Elizabeth and Robert Turner dErn l Colli lHMIMil LUXURY 856 Aim 3 ROOM GROUPING bedroom suite pc d living room set also Includes carpet and portabli T V Only or payments bir b 1 qt lb 00 3 to cent oil i iris 11 Ml n 21 Call ONE BLUE ACTON rill i Jef I and Sharon op- WALTON PEEL s I Assoc at on and Dance w II be held Thursday July m at Inn Lake Ik nson J m Lay or any ihe 9mgal2 4776 SADDLERY SADDLES BRIDLES BITS BOOTS BREECHES BLANKETS PAILS SPURS STIRRUPS SKID BOOTS REINS BRUSHES HAY NETS FEED TUBS SUMMER SHEETS SALT BLOCKS LEADS HALTERS LUNGE LINES TRAILER TIES FARNAM LEATHERS RAT CATCHERS SADDLE PADS CROPS GIRTHS TackTogs Georgelown 8771818 THE WOODERY Special In Canadian Pine Come and view our samples or bring your own design and have your piece custom made Open Monday Sunday Located line I below BULK SHAVINGS Co Ltd For sale bulk and bag shavings available Large quantities Call Brampton Super Lawn Sale Saturday July be and Byron 5 Side road 2 miles west of Campbellville ornaments furniture Quebec heater calibre wheels barn beams etc Something lor everyone inly Si li ill He lock I J nd 1190 per ilou nd Rough Cut H Cut He Cut ir hoi I I Western linen j Ccdi Posts Pr on Inqu in SWIMMING POOL I L id pools DIRECTORY OF CLASSIF Anniversaries Ant quet Apartments lor Rent Auction Sain Boats Motor Business Opportunities Camping Equipment Cards of Thanks Cartage Moving Coming Eventi Coming Marriages am industrial and Proper Loll or Strayed Personal Pet Slock Kennels Produce CATIONS Student Employment Swaps volunteers in gowns cons A An Br rty I tip or a nils Ovei gowns all s 160 170 le last NSTANT tor urn ture Estates 1 lull or pirt it or usual TioiU LEADING poo n mullein TOPSOIL I gnu SWIMMING POOL Deluxe Redwood above ground poo 24 1 yr old Repossess by t I colic or even ngs 41635B819 SWIMMING POOL less than 1 year old Sea above ground redwood cost 14 00 Must sell mediately II I SCO Swim 416 days or evenings collect chair single bod wooden no mattress IIS wringer washing no SIS fridge one year old w rollers or best offer M 101 camera lenses all accessories or best ill 853 9204 and birch firewood de livery available Call or Maple Rock Shootlrg Range I Main St of Main St son Ave Art it takes where you Let Deal Jo les left In LN I I Be 60 llrLIS I ti MJUHIIHJHll I a t 1A10 if i I rip to I ill I CONOR IW I 1 KENNELS Rockwot Boarding for dogs and Puppies for sale Boners JllSl I of I 8784 Mil 10 l STATION vAt ON 1971 hounds Dach Germin Pointers Visitors Welcom Concession Eramosi miles north Hwy 24 j AN DOOR I Ide HOY JOB EOR DOOR Only TOM DOOR July ULINGER LTD l I T power id A 1 16 n Ill Beetle Lie SI