Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1976, p. 3

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Sign petition oppose complex lo people stop of IMM Hills nmriKipiil building I In thin have signet petitions opposing thi I Or flout llnlilmnll si tin 1 i iirfi livui lluspil it In iv at tin I mil it lot tin Hi In ihirL will 1 sign it urn i this hi I nuns on liintlilioinnjusloiK di Ik mud out thi sling Iim in ill lour if Hilton Hills Sum ill tin still Ins ii in dmliis postid thi it tin turndown tin Julj H will rim mi it tin mniiL so drop sijnii Wink in mam in hi from Ion tax pijirs who in Hilton Hills himlils on rurul thtn inn minis on from sum not iltrk prolislinf of Line htiildinc Major lorn Hill siid this Hill who has tin lie louliln hi about tin thi town on being suit tin ill offni bun irdid Oil Id lOUIlLll on petitions Hill hi Hunks slum will iffulivi in dli siting if olhir risidi i id tin is still just i I III petition it tin iiiiikrsiini 11111 Hilt in it mines is running ilr sin ihi roup Hit hjs been il ihoppid down who would justhivin I scinil ill I In sud signing pitilions in ipntid thin inn i- this unit tin building is qui slum is Hill mm f it lupi tin si who 111 Hum llursi will ihuif minds tin two Will Hotchens closes Continued from page into sluing She then wrapped tied and tug gid eight they stopped for lea and breakfast In less three and half hours he finished all the for the weekend Mrs and llircns arrivid about this to finish silling up store tint Mart serving the morning first customers As arrived they win if they had tin news ire not re opining Hi Ann l one said Oh ah no I don hi inn bit riuil is response llotihens lami lo Ailon from King ino to opin their shop in Ind delivery into Hit distrnl and wagon in town In ill Hit Mr tin biker night ix or ihout i half doin Ik is wilh Si irj it for four Inn In ill In baker for not two is in lo Ins ilso a ikir in I Mr diusion In tin towns only also m irks in lo tin line of m llnr if ihi s in in Hit mil Mr older bra thir turn ago lornnto Mr snd hi hid id rints about day Hi his lots Ik will ill in up Hit Sill Mini of tin m nhinm The Acton Free Press Wed July 1976 3 Young boy electrocuted A fiveyear old It It l day hi touched on elect Orton boy Bradley William ma OPP was elcctrouiled Sun arc Investigating SWAMPY AREA off Elizabeth Dr is being cleaned up by town workmen End results better appearance and easier grass cutting folks mil till tin whtli Mrs Origin destination traffic study on Ml tins wnk will just south wist of loiidintint Itoidsidi Highway and al siv in plains on the in tins township liiuirs ski origin and deslma lion ir trip tin I Hit tup tin Insi of md how fniUinll tin iii is AnswLnng tin qui slums ikes a lust simpliiif is im Ii lor sludj wlinb Mill hi in Hit pi lining tiling ill MEN S WEAR IID SUMMER SALE HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR TERRIFIC VALUES SALE PRICED to SHOP EARL FOR BEST SELECTION With savings of 20 50 i nil id ii tin it Io I will i Mr Hi till who hi would oni nudum m do biking Hun or limisilf signs lot ilmns for No high i Mills Mr shop to inn I lb rdn s HOMES GUARANTEED nisi tin ii i up ill GARDNAIl HOLDS ALOFT the largest fish he has caught a six pound inch large mouth bass of R made the catch from the little bridge on the east side of Lake Monday afternoon He used a lure said it took minutes from the time the bass took the hook to land him Block Parents forms are due 1 in ill Hit forms lo In br in Hums bun mum mil in unlit miitmt lo I ml nun Iuim Inn sunt hi sud imiiiss sd I ins sticky wicket id in tin Hills intsinVinhihiklito tarpot on fire NOTICE Richard Telford DC CHIROPRACTOR is pleased to announce moving from Mill Si to 65 Mill St Acton EFFECTIVE JULY For Appointment Pit Pho 8532483 HOMES Display Court spi silu Ihi 1 hit im it win I hi I supp II sipntiins on tin is tin I- ml ill tin ro fmt job on In ion tluu tin iUiston lit Ins n itxilf up piopl win flmim pi m Iiui up hi linn l i iroiihh tin I OUR SUMMER CONTINUES OFF On all Summer Dresses Pants Baby Wear Shirts Etc Don I be disappointed BUY NOW and SAVE this Sale won last much longer DOWNTOWN ACTON I BUDGET BALANCING FOOD BUYS PRICES EFFECTIVEJULY 22 23 sail Jug LIQUID BLEACH Tins GRAPE DRINK Save 14c MEAT SPECIALS IDEAL FOR BARBECUE A RIB STEAKS MEADOW GOLD ICE CREAM Scaliest qt Bag or Jug FRESH DAILY 2 MILK Pantry Shelf 19 Tin PINEAPPLE 15c c 279 Lynn 10 Tins CUT WAX BEANS BRAISING RIBS i FRY SAUSAGE BOLOGNA WIENERS CORNED BEEF POUCHES Bicki 32 Jar BABY DILL PICKLES Wo reserve the right to limit quantitiei Maxwell House 10 Jar INSTANT COFFEE LIMIT TO A CUSTOMER 79c PRODUCE ARRIVES DAILY AT THE 299 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES SELF CLEAN RANGE 589 FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR HALM HILLS Cm Dopln haul door MILL ST E ACTON Queen St I Hwy No Acton

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