Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1976, p. 5

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Commercial Shearing Open House The Acton Free Press Wed July 5 was held last it Hie enlarged production manager William the soles She plant manager Tammy lompanj officials from lit id of ji Ohio friends and of all at Ihi roomy plant lo through it and re frislimmls lis Acton in the fill if llu idililuin doubled tht ip in inkling 1 i fit for pump tin iiimp builds liMlnuhi pumps motors for fi lifts dump p mil mining for in art shipped pi int from the of m diriUor tushni Paul mil supervisor Willi mi I up from Ohio lo phnt nihil in ml ilk mil ml Hon lull rectplionisl Kay Carole In tht plant are shop fore man Bruit Bill is sub issembkr drill press pump Robin lister Shi Utah vain assembler tester His assembler lestir Ash ind Slut IiLLlv provider and shipper Maureen shipping clerk irry 1 drill pnss Mori Barber and drill prtss Irent Hooper i iKe isstmb kr drill ml ishw o Hie ho of directors of the lirji His irks i of from ind Hit hoard from i i died in i bin for tin House Other il quests COLIN ASH watches indicators top right as he tests valves of the ho Thomas Travers with Mrs voting who is of with Mrs who inudenl illv is city edilnr of the Youngs town daily vice president of the Hodgson Mrs Hodgson lawyer Civ Manchester and Mrs is well as Sheldon from Iht New Jerse president of the of other businessmen mended and liiinh with I irgt group Willi In id iffice in linn Shiarmg has 1 1 ihslnil s iks offices in Stiles and main offnts I mil French origin it the origin of ushwa It s the of the French Georgetown Denture Clinic Gtielph Street to OH on No GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Member si ay J KOHARIDT J NOVAK DT LI 1 DIM URL SI L 7912314 Paulo izil South Mel i COMMERCIAL SHEARING managing director Charles III gives a personal tour during Open House to chairman of the board Thorn as Travers and Mrs Travers Mrs Przclomski and Przelomski in charge of company security and family friends of the Cushwas and all of Youngstown Ohio head office In the foreground Alex Gray is assembling a pump TESTING VALVES are Palmer and Shel don Barker SHIPPER is Maureen Gerth SHIPPER S helper Steve packs up CHARLES Cushwa OF shoes for all the family r CONTINUES 2050 OFF MOST SUMMER STOCK WHILE THEY LAST Summer Styles by Naturahzers Clark s and Savage Soft High Quality Leather Regular to HERE IS ANOTHER OF THE MANY VALUES OFFERED DURING OUR JULY BARREL OF BARGAINS Kaufman Rig OOMPHIES INC I lora Barber PUMPS are Irene Hooper and SHOES DOWNTOWN ACTON GARY FOSTER operates drill ASSIST AN to till sails manager is Tammy ROBERT SON is a valve assem bier LUS 2ND HIT SIDNEY Bit Colby and LETS DO IT AGAIN 1 July ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Children under Fro Sat Box Office Opens Sun Thuri Box Office I show Sum Dusk Dew Drop Hamburg or Wiener Bunt Peanut Butter Shasta Soft Drinks Spaghetti 29 FASHION AT ITS BEST FOR THE TOTAL WOMAN KAY COVELL is recep tionist EVERY MONDAY BINGO NOW HELD IN GEORGETOWN ELKS LODGE Georgetown E Bird Doors Open 7PM Bingo Starts Rag Games 3 Specials Jackpot in 58 Noi GUARANTEED for Co ram unit Project Dtil In Small FREE BUS SERVICE From Aeion PRODUCE OF US A CANADA NO GRADE Peaches JULY IS SALAD MONTH VK Granny Smith Apples 39 Fresh 69 Sweel Green Peppers 39 Cucumbers 2s49 Local Grown Cabbage 399 Pears 399 PRODUCE OF USA VALENCIA Oranges SHOP and SAVE at ACTON IGA MAIN ST NORTH ACTON

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