Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1976, p. 15

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Real Estate The Acton Free Press Wed July MARKETPLACE FOBERT 8782365 FOBERT H FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD Ontario St S Milton Acioss from FOBERT Your future depends on the move The right move is to FOBERT REALTY for all of your real estate needs tod if MILTON Plush as a palace gracious foyer with open stairway Formal living and dining room with beautiful drapes bedrooms ind den large cedar area family room with fireplace garage gas barbecue plus Ideal per mortgage has long term Call today for a persona lour Well Well what have we here A very nice brick backsplll large per cent mortgage pived dr fenced yard extra bath rec room only old surely one of the great bargains of our time Ml Only one thing wrong with this house It yours yet But look over th it I mailer be fixed up fast Fullof flawless Including 3good bedrooms brick In aluminum almost new sliding glass doors from kitchen lent 10 per cent mortgage Don seeing this one iqr SI III Don dream any longer II custom built horn I sundecks lit IroihCL suikenllvnj private yoi e0 10 acres ust listed Locilcd outs Ml ton Just what the doctor peace fresh ir isl 1 qij Ihge fil it See our new homes in Hillsburgh from To dels this weekend call Ken Newell At a It not getting older II getting betlcr remarkably maintained Why be cooped up Who can have plenty of breathing space Irv In this lovely r of town ipiite ir v rancher of pond rrimpbellv fin iVt in rut 1 Gary Thomas Audrey Newell Betty Ingle 1733 Ken Newell 5339 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OPEN III WE HAVE MANY OTHERS FOR MORI DETAILS LAI L 8782365 Toi Line 826 10JO Joan Johnston Muriel 1914 6201 OPEN HOUSE Saturday to Monday 2 Luxurious A bed brick bungalow with extras Located acres In area of fate homes In Milton on the corner of and 1st Line 500 bush and a spacious home including appliances atcd on Line south of Slderoad In Milton NASSAGAWEYA OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2 Eden Mills Build raised brick bun with fireplaces washrooms and oversized Located pail ball lust before c Signs posted on duly BUILDING LOTS AVAILABLE for acres for acres or acres icr Information avail able through IRENE PRIES Res 821 3600 Royal Trust STALL BARN AND TACK ROOM For you horse lovers south of Steele Ave plus a bedroom home main floor family room sunken living room with fireplace games room with fireplace large kitchen separate dining room sauna and must to si CENTURY Five bedroom home sur rounded by mature trees or acre lot right In town Entertain your friends with noon lea on these spa clous lawns or relax on the covered verandas distance to high school and GO Train NOTHING TO DO BUT MOVE IN This bedroom three yea old side split will appeal to the discerning buyer From the expensive broad loom to decor do your self a favor make this a must on your list LONG TERM 1ST MORTGAGE Makes this an affordable i bedroom home For more details of financ please call FOR DETAILS CALL CLARKE or MUST SELL Taking possession of new home this week and must sell our 3 year old bull 3 Full with cushion floor In bathroom and eat In kitchen dining room finished family room sharp laundry room large Sacrificed at 853 1944 OPEN HOUSE Wcekdiys p m Saturdays and Sundays toB 30 Estates Fergus 0NLY5 DOWN Featuring attached garage lots 150 hardwood floors double stainless steel sink heat colored balhroom fixtures eat In kitchen and dining room all bedroom For further details call 519 824 28Q0 Or 416 9454 REALTY SERVICES LIMITED REALTOR If youre satisfied with our service Tell others not tell us E DRIVE II bedroom side split features a shaped living room and dining eat In kitchen cozy family room with 2 and double car garage Asking CAMPBELLVILLE acres and a quality built brick elevated ranch bungalow with over It of living and two attached This home has features galore such as a sunken living room with a fireplace main floor family room fireplace finished rec room with a 15 fireplace bathrooms cedar closet plus 4 large bedrooms Listed at HOBBY FARM Is the asking price of three bed room bungalow with a lull basement closed In breczeway games room and attached garage Located on acres and offering Immediate acres the original old stone home has Men added which gives you bedrooms bathrooms fireplaces and a Tudor style family room with a walkout The large bank barn is as good as the day It was built plus the bonus of an old English stone barn Seeing Is believing DORSET PARK first time offered Three bedroom brick and alum hack spill with an attached garage and a finished room beautifully landscaped CAMPBELLVILLE 100 acres half workable other half mixed bush wllh several good Four bedroom Hi storey frame and stone home with large shaped birn presently set up for beef ACRES With an old frame house and a bink barn that is gradually disappearing This is a good farm with gently rolling land some bush and two ponds Located miles from CampbclLvllte Interchange Asking 00 an per cent 1st and per cent 2nd mortgage NORTH OF CAMPBELLVILLE acres of beautiful countryside per cent workable The balance is mixed bush in old log house plus barn Asking per acre BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LTD REALTOR rfifDa 107 Martin Street Milton 9991

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