The Acton Free Press Wed July Editorial Pag Complex its complex People got aroused last week wrote letters and signed petitions against the building of a municipal complex Those who circulated the petitions were particularly pleased at how few refusals they met Their immediate reaction seems to have been against an increase in taxes Tax bills show a hefty increase this year Taxpayers dont ask why they simply object But now in a special interview with the Free Press two of our Acton councillors shed more light on why they voted in favor of the complex Councillors McKenzie and say they feel sure this is the best deal for Acton and the best we will ever get Merchants think ahead They predict as alternative a brand new complex built behind the Georgetown market And that location they point out is actually approaching the border of Peel county Could some of their points of view have been explained at a special meeting to Acton people Well we all know what would have happened The people would have stayed home in droves So the project proceeds from first news accounts to protests and petitions What the outcome will be and what it will mean to Acton are difficult to predict Our councillors at least think there is little chance that regional government will ever be reversed So the big question is does downtown Acton need more parking or nof Certainly there is often room on the main streets and even more often on the side and back streets Certainly many business peoples cars park on valuable street property rather than on nearby town lots Certainly there are lots of vacant spots at the church lots most days Except Sunday But the population continues to grow and it s right for the merchants to want to attract these newcomers to their own downtown area to shop From the sub divisions most people would have to drive to shop although there are a few hardy walkers The other aspect is the possibility of a plaza The concerned merchants want the downtown core to be easily acces attractive and viable before that day comes With more business of course Twin uglies The new cement block building to hold wading pool equipment certainly isnt a thing of beauty in the park It s a smaller version of the grey cement blockhouse in the middle of the park Twin uglies they can spend more money on their buildings and increase their stock For years Acton merchants have been trying not to be discouraged by the numbers of people here who shop out of town without thinking of the livelihood and town contribution of the salespeople here Merchants continue to work for themselves with sales promotions renovations window displays and through the Chamber of Commerce Now some of them have a new goal a large parking lot at Hotchen s bakery Through poor communications the project has seemed to make a poor start There were complaints to council before there was a positive presentation It has been suggested some business people could buy the building and hold it just to prevent it being torn down and replaced by a new one Anyway more power to the progressive business people they are The lovely old bandstand at the park gates repaired and repainted despite the fact it s seldom used makes up for the cement blocks though Bill Smiley Joys and terrors Like most if they arc hones l ist are delighted to see our grand children arrive and overjojed to sec thorn depart off this year summer vacation from our twograndbabiesand heir mum When they my wife and went straight into a rest home for a few days to recuperate It snot tint are bad little boys lis that they are boys with jus appetites for everything from mothers milk to peanut butter sandwiches dipped in fruit yoghurt rides to he car wash to going to the beach to picking strawberries to being told stories to crawling around in he grass being bit ten by ants None of those activities create any real problem but this time the Lord Mis usual mysterious ways decreed thai it should rain hard day and night for the first three of their Well Ihit eliminated the beach crawl in the grass picking strawberries going for picnics in the park all the things that city boys who live in a square box on ninth floor should do when they go to visit their grandparents in a small town there wasn a lot of point ingoing lo the car wash full of joy and terror the supreme mominl of his visits for young Pokey Italsomcant that Instead of riding his brand new tricycle around the yard and up and down Ihc sidewalk under the maples Poke was forced to ride it around in a screaming circle inside the house through Ihc kitchen into the hall into the living room and back to the kitchen snouting a shrill Here I come scattering various a brae and adults and frequently running over one hand or of his baby brother who was creeping about on the floor shrieking with anger when be d get his feel tangled up eouldnl move or yelling for someone pick him up or spewing up his latest inc in real viscous sounds terrible it wasn rnlly II was merely bedlam I every minute of it when they both hiving their nap which almost never happened Pokey and I are still the best of buddies which is great but in be a little trying Its wonderful to feel the trust as the tiny hand clutches yours or you get a big hug kiss for nothing Hut the other side of the com in when he won lit anybody but My put on his socks and shoes or pull up his pants or him second third and fourth help ings when he wanLs more beans We did get away from the women and children for one idyllic hour when it was merely drizzling and drove through the park duwn the main drag ihc dock and there got out and looked at the big boats the little boats and saw a real trim and some real railroad Pretty heady stuff for a little kid Hut three and a half days of solid rain with two lively vociferous kids years and five months is about as restful as try lo relax in a boiler factory I m just getting to know my second ejandson who labors or delights as his mother would say under the name of Da It madeup name nice so his mother says I call him Young Bill In crafty stroke with inheritance in no doubt he was given the second name of William As it turns out and as my daughter t know He named not only for mc but for his great great grandfather William Thorn son on my aide and for his great great LOW ON THE western horizon the setting sun highlights the edges and frayed portions of a massive cloud bank over Fairy Area MP says Republic of China athletes were treated disgracefully it itiiihiuiiiiiL Hilton MI art aware it in 1 then in two l is Hi public luni on thi Islind of in in I I tuple s Hi public of Inn 1 I iihclnnisiolii Mild ol llu 1 hen irt 11 million inn inn 1 would think Prime Ih Dip mi I ill know this which lht d Will tin si dels ill Hit fuss in 1111 irrsmt Mac pi tying its itiuml intbiui sign rt tun truth of tht m is itm muni Inn is real right now Ibis Ins Inn mielniL with I Kill inn il lhi had Imped to lnnnunci it tht pin of the lint llu public of id iLrud in of tht mil would iump li in the id 1 1 il in scow 111 1 The is in mull Minister if llu host fur hi 1st is t the is lire ikihrniLh in intern iff I wis tht start of 1 te of mil irts of lis from I tkinejiul 1 prut 1 si 11 tin It ii s iffiltale I im in Ik must mil the ithltlts from isl lit il illusi iht I idi r 1 sign rt ids iht of hey must not Ik llu ir Hum it if or pi is the lie publico Inn 1 I musl tuftsin exist for lliev an nut him si icctirdinj to the from 1tkmg I null anion it Iht Minister through Sum pari of 1st plot were to refuse I ilhlilis intr visas if would not to si terms fertntcs were to Olympics where the it from hit sijn I w I li it w iltnl mis it null loiiission in in old no tin mid him to tntn 10 ill utile lis HI ithtitts from ill tountrits if fill Hid with Hit UK it ifiinl li host 1st id Ih nuns In llu I ruin Mimslti to lout itiuslrom Itipul In it him 11 h r irt Is 1 lint sort f ih in its in rid is third bin mi I lullililix llu I Mm sin ml Ion llu I est I in jusi don 1 ill ml him lit mdtitlitl Hint lo llu iiilni il dt station 1 Itll 111 1st 11 il ml Iht I iking I hint si in Hit M iskhi is ih it of It in In m 1 I tin Pi It thi it l in of tin in Nitidis limn I hi lis of ill ml limits iht ml tilt hi I is mild mill Ih mi Hit sum I idii i into Iht I mini hi I llu Hi public il bun liuitsi I irlnps lit would more nihil I Mi il the sun referred is 1 hi ri to iht In lii I propositi lis I nidi ink iiuilrits unit Ins lien Si inn course Ironi Ire nt Hut 1 itsliilihi Minister lnil in libit iht mouth Hit llu 1 nit llidu is sirs il hast tin Hit 1 of ststrtl m iusi lit A tnd N I of mi I is lil it km t f Hit order md pi iced l in nit in stun I icm I Iks mi tort fuse tntr Its Irim Iht public id hint 111 Hit Win It il mint Hit smusii Ihi I I it tin I unit bun sun Iu I I could rein id inn in I ir 111 ins shoiil ltd is shitiu it thtu rnmi 1 is iris dip Im le his il Hint tnd tp di 11 III lb is mull ins ibniHs I rim iph nits hul In ifusi sin of I HI is iht dentils from is titlsieen Ihc lUsmp t it llu M it conference Ik Id in the UK Hit N ilinn it ImhIics iffilt r r ostr the I us if 1 I llu Prime suit 111 llu lit list I ominous that iUtitlulh Hit md Hit PI si is pistil Hus III it mid 1 1 interfere lluri iris difference lilt IK ins Hi public hi in inula ifliliiiiilsiithih lot it the hint put tin 1 in I rt pun nuts isiliimosi in idi ins Ihc surrounding Hit construction of the mil deill in iturls In fin of Ihc of the cost tin mil mull I tls mill Hit nuts Ih hi 1st hi is no 111 bet nuns it tin mtghlsis mill tl it ilso Ins no in the luekirooms ilhliles Canada didnt bar Taiwan says Philbrook Hit smsptml on tin t 11 in issut in tilts ijh r MP Ihilhnmk MOM III lltlMIK Thi iliiaitlsMii Ms Hi mad is ir Hit team from in Hit Olympics hint 1 is not irrmc intrs to ml alhlelt proposing locompclt in pic i inns in ilia isopposul Hi ilhliles for their own politic re fulsi pretences and prtltmlinc Ihei are not inula ihcnfore Iht is re of I mis in lhe in and not as rcpnsentiilivtsof I svhich tin I hem sprung nidi not ttls rn 1 in sun 1 si id 10 did i till Iht problem is Hit lor in hi 1 Hit hi stilled itisfi lord 11 111 in 1 nine si pi 101 li tin us trd I tie to tl id mils ih it Ih it irtcitlt til In in siipiiorts ilk Ihc pro pi siluui ill it polities slit lit 1 I in it Hi ison in id lo llu illinium of llu Inltrntlion 111 Hit 11 is isk il llnl I ink lose i7t itst If the problem is hid been doiu prtsinus lo resolve il in that ssould permit the honest at of I alhleles The issue mis ij undiscussed Kill mm in idi in in in insist inn ml ibruirs of inn 1 1 10 id 1 has been to the IOC shoulder its responsibilities in mm fashion iimli his mjeclcd into the of politic discrimm llu in in it l mcsi est the IOC nol In 1 tlni oiernmtnt insisis on its richl lo pit lend tint it is something which is mil to si ic the of a tcltiisiin Us tliitii is lit of all 1 his is mid 1 hopes Hie I si iiitse be heir compete as is their right to do It is the of sshteh is refusi I them permission to do so and for polilu re eon eludes were men and pioneers Wit ham Thomson was at Cilu met Island in the Ollnwa in Itunberlnftdays William Bull was first at Colpoya Bay on the Bruce suln a fine man well educated whowai the Indian Agent in that area So Young Bill it going to be for me Just as hen is Pokey for me Bill in life as a a fat who looked like Winston hurch ill like of In five months he has improved tremendously He has three chins and now has only one extra one He has an en lopsldcd grin huge bright eyes and a delightful chortle I think 11 keep him after all The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Taken from the lhe Press July IS5G A reunion of the immediate family and relative of Mr and Mrs George Gibbons was held in the park Sunday afternoon prior lo their trip England A happy lime was had by the adults and 11 grandchildren s councillors Tuesday night turned duwn i proposition to move the dump out of town in fad right out of lhe county and unanimously agreed lo make new dumping site within the limits near the municipal disposal plant Jack Marshall and Mac Sprowl last weekend attended the astern Ontario Junior irmcr field day held at Ontario School for ihd Deaf at Belleville They also visited ai homes of Miss Kathleen Human executive member of the Junior I near Belleville and Mr and Mrs ivies Bay Leeds County a irip to the 1000 Islands ihey returned home by way of Perth and Port Perry Ten convictions on charges under lhe Highway iffic Act brought fines totalling plus costs hen Tuesday morning assault charge a local in was dropped 50 years ago I akin from he Issue of lhe tret Press Juli 1026 Acton is fortunate in securing a fine new industry Bros monument works lhe side of the building will face Young Si and end where the showrooms will be located will be past Queen and oung An me will run entire length of the building Alterations ire being rmde at the st it ion these days that will make quite a change in the plan of the building In section it is formerly the mens room a new freight office is being erected The bitting room mil now hive one entrance from the west lhe first Communion service of the United church under the pastorate of the Ites I Poole was held Sunday morning of I lhe and O clubs g tthcrtddl tin home of Mr and Mrs A G larndi to honor lhe bride lobc Miss M Numbers of folks especially farmers had serious misgivings on that rainy St Sniihins Day last I lest he old time iymg of repetition of that famous day weather for HJdas would play havoc with ihc and harvest he Hell Telephone office of which Mr is manager was winner of the prize for the best decorated business place 111 the jubilee celebrations here Two ihousand people attended the old lime fiddlers contest in Erin years ago Tiken from he issue of lhe Press iO 1 The church building lately owned by lhe which has been purchased by the Disciples denomination will be formal opened on Sunda next a double white house on John S Bros Bargains Cool Hit dozen glass tumblers half dozen ghss new do file one handsome glass preserve dish one handsome set of china pieces only square 10 hour clock fancy rose wood one day clock worth Soil per SI Ihc promenade under the lusptces of the Social Club lasl I- rid is evening 11 is grand success There were about people present The music as mainly contributed by outside talent A piano and siohn duet John and Charles Hill of Acton was most fulls Miss Hill lhe piano during lhe evening The hern ice cream tables were well pilroniitd Al many of the people joined in a dance for couple of hours About was realized but lhe boys are still short so they propose hiving another entertainment peach festival II is precisely 100 since Canada was asked to become one of the Stales of The members of ongress were so she would join them the of the Articles of is framed for that purpose Well jusl to add to the excitement the kids it grandfather made Ihc trip icrujs country to sec his second great Hi got a royal welcome from I tikis who pointed at mm yelled Dats my gre it grandat gave him an hug ind kiss and from Young Bill who a drooling grin A momentous few days the like of which one In a is enough THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Businessand Editorial Office