Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1976, p. 1

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No stop for architect DUMPTY sat on the wall had a great fall Recreation took her turn playing the poor victim on the dunking machine at the Summer Playground August Left photo snows Miss Pickering warm and dry looking confident no in confusion The fate of he municipal complex is as con as Monday night Hilton Hills council spill right down the middle and G lo on motion slop iny further tin irthittcl until firm decision is made on Ihe building ountillor Roy Booth consistent of was ibstn tic Kite ft Hit mot ion hour deb another motion losuultlR to build the in the M w is wilhdriwn Kit in puttinc forw tin motion lo slop furllicr work by Hit arthititt it w is up lo on in munuipil iomplt is milim I to lo tutu one will hit the trigger which disengages the chair she is sitting on above cold water Her reign on the chair did not last long however as Miss Pickering plunged into the deep dark tank soon after See playground story and picture on the front page of the second section Mot lhd mini itoflht lb finislm ii I In in- Hyde argued the situation was the same as Ihc library board were in a few years igo when they paid an arch flttl bud did not build the addition He said every mem should volt lo send the bylaw lo the to give hat board opportunity to hear objections and consider Hit town s position hen we can see who is wrong Mike Armstrong said lit imagined Don was an astute in and had read tin about all lie said Ihe del probably slopped work igo Morrow he wis glad Hyde had reminded council of Hit follj of library add ilion said lit care whether stopping of the irth ltd work or it should be stop argued if the dots not rtttivc the by I town has no use fo an irtlultel lit igreed Ihe tost of further work should stojmed now I it not con with this ountillor Pal slid tin should decide in Hit by I iw since Hyde emphasized ht h id no criticism of in Ihe library situation said he hid done an excellent job of the old and ihe new and prices simply Me committee wis directed two and half years ago lo a new mun building He Tell committee hid made i thor sludy including the re novation of the building on Main Street Georgetown tlaimtd it wis only Seventh I sitt north of M iplc was for the iddilion hat opposition rose Iht of tht lo slop work by llvdt forward i motion to send bylaw to Hit Ihc r jctlions Morrow challenged Hyde s right make a motion when opposed to the ion to sending il lo the two weeks ilii irif to procedural bylaw onh someont who ivortd i motion or who wis tan make in opposing on Iht samt nutter Levy batked Morrow lmt Ihc mayor he hud been mosl emphatic in ruhnc him out of order tried to put forward a motion to res the bylaw ago Armstrong said two members who tould make a molion lo rtstmd tht would Miller ind himself suite Ihty both He siid Ihc had passed tountil should not he dtstusstd until isthcrt will actomphshtd don l setm to have tht lo m ike i he said siid lit would makt mot ion lo stud Hit OME1 ind ountillor Dick How ill seconded it Morrow said in his own sur had ovtr i lurts and tl if tountil us ml pay my lo Hit pubht if mist Hit irt p Iht stndmL it Hit ms nobod who tan put ird llittompItUi is Hit fuls iilo so Morrow said Joe Hurst said he fully supported the com hut lit didn t think the tow should tontmut to money until council has made a cut decision 1 not sure in own mind that stndinj it on to the expresses the wishes of his council sud is disillus bet t had the sub jttl would no brought up if mi until is a full till said it is lo it up when knew about it turning il was not on let ill halt rich now ind not send to llu He isa lit indit ihin dlh Hit is only I ilio signed Hit il lo iht 1MB Ik it It would be tvtrv mtmhtr sij in no it tit tomplex bit j to look muni louls if this liks Hit dr mi two irs on One Hui dred a d Yea No an ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST F lit Lassa fever suspect in 11 from Halton Two Georgetown and a total of III from Ballon are survtillincc for deadly s Medical Officer of ilth lr J Chamberlain in interview Ont ptrson who hid been visiting Georgetown has returned lo his home in Atlanta run under survull doctor said A year old womm on i flight from last Thursday is is be from Lass i fever i severe viral mftttion on the flight ire isktd lo report lo their famil dot lors or Officers of Health llirte flights polenti e for list the dottor 1 fever is thought origin in i ind isrtjKirttd to Ik i ist it of Iht 11 report iuisdn iridic il would reojxn soon 11 in rls nil tin list is thought to t mil itletl r itbili Wist Urn sjrt id through hum in lions ktjl tu fat it Iht distast 1 c In i of is encoi llospil to the for stvtral and staff ilienls there hive inline news it livinc I ptoplt ire purlers noted tin Sibils he ft vtr in sort thro it mouth sort s he id ichts ind I ill r thesi stom pains I cop It under survtillmti to t their It injur I the ir icing jitnod seven lo 14 do possible shin tint Hit Hilton Hi ml Mimslrv of lit illh toordmittd efforts to tilth sign of Hit dist m its irh Rash of thefts from cars homes CAUGHT IN FAIRY LAKE Search for lost camper Charles IW ttynford Piatt has rcporled from his al a New II slate park last old man w is son in law it in the of White Mountains milts from the border has been Mr who lives his wife is known is i keen walker mosl of tht fts been to point peopli the pisl M irt no il ill on jiolitt On i on was into house Hie inlnilir rt onttnts of jtwtlltrv tstimittd ii 700 is broken inlo mi hi tmn fort missinj Iht re wiuel w is iken from tit locked it i si mil be hind tht hurt In I minis where Iht owntrhvts On He i mil r id ii micro r idio wtrt from it the rear of ipi mils Tht rtjHirttd llu theft of i from t it Hit St 1 liibilh Or it pork I tht mot lift on short or I id been t on August Id tool box and in extension light wtrt lakcn from t ir on hurthdl ind i apt deck from i jiarkcd ir either on It or while it wis it Freed woman jailed Previously freed on a sus pended Brawn was sentenced Tues day to up to two years In reformatory She was charged with the man slaughter death of her hus band Cons Paul Brown Nov 1974 when they lived on Jeffrey Ave Acton An Ontario Court of Appeal decision set aside the sus pended sentence imposed by Justice Callon last year She pleaded guilty to a reduced charge or man slaughter a tier testimony at the trial suggested she was not conscious of actions Con Drown was with the Acton detachment of the OPp at the time of death Legion band in fair parade The 50lh reunion of members coin tiding with the fall fair will be personified in in Ihc fair parade of the 125mcmbcr Ontario Missed I Pipe and Drum Band This outstanding band is las year Orange Bowl parade at Miami will also be entered in the fair parade this yeir I In idt of holding a reunion 1 has been talked up fir muilhs and now the invitations arc going out plies art coming right in as former wdcumt Hit chance to combine a visiting with old friends mil scant iht fur and fair both boast the saint dites 17 and 19 rrinsporlation will ill afternoon Saturday from the ltgion lo iht fur grounds fur Saturday is a ditict and entertain tnl in Hit I tht 1 family get logelher is slated for iht Sunt Hie I hill from J lo4 m tin Iht in charge of planning Legion rtunion inicl Max Slorty Irwin Allen Md in 1 years later Still no house for farm help ir i ilf ifttr first thii spot if it pictt f r jjcrmil for 1 of proptrlj fir inn lorn tlost r i ivmt Mr MtN s is now the on MtNalr applying for two permits ont Mushroom I irm on for 1 si house mother iv si Ion Hun lit for Hit issist is then When told it would ike more jwssibly louder s the Ioiil I is been expensive for Ihe invested in our firm as lung iswt itlutvt our I gutss lb it of i proud in He iddcd the si would be for between four or sax employees icti on proptrty Pin riu Vtndilli Mr and If ito and it Dm tint r house on lot was not said lit is now or in New trial granted for Manfred Baron Wertman JOS BOSBOOM of 2 Acton demonstrates the electronic organ he is currently designing and constructing in his basement See story on page A new trial has been Minted for Manfred Baron Wert man who were both lenced lasl summer lo 14 years In prison for conspiring murder estranged bus band Isaac The Supreme Courl of court of appeal granted the trial Manfred Baron now and Mrs Wertman were arrested May 1974 the discovery of the remains of Mr Wertman al Ihe Baron farm Just of Ac Ion llu In il lasted days and June Mr prtsided Mr Justices Arthur I loyd and John Arnup heard appeals In April and ruled that Mr Justice Hunts had erred on several points of law and in charging jury before Ihty relircd the vcr did of judgment dtall with the Iwo different Boron to police following his arrest At first cleared Mrs Wert man of later he cited Iter Misdirection which may Ihe with respect to her must in the particular circumstances of mis case have pre judiced Baron since the jury could mil reasonably have her and convicted him of conspiracy Ihe judgmtnl reads Lawyers for Mrs Wertman arc expected to a new application for bail week place Manfred Baron father Baron was charged October counts of murder Shot same farm were his wife Gunlcr Mayer and Mr Mayer son Wayne Baron us a witness his fathers trial Manfred Baron attended school in Acton and wus in business family farm operating heavy equipment became romatically in volved with his dancing teacher Mrs Wertman IS THIS THE TALLEST sunflower in Acton Greg and Shannon Salter of Acton have to climb a ladder to compete with this 10 ft sun flower Their mother grew this year crop from seeds of last year flowers growing as high as ft Ted Tyler angry over 50 per cent increase Hit Acton Hydro Commissions Ttd Tyler is angry post office again ht commission s monthly meeting last Thursday manlier Audrey Urquhart pointed out 0 Ihc group that it is for hydro workers to deliver Iht bills person illy rather lhan mail Ihtm Mr Tyler noted lhal the price of mailing a loiter is going up from cents lo lenccnts first a in making a ptr cent incrtase lloweomc posl office can raise rales 50 ret nt I tan lit demanded

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