Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1976, p. 14

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B2 The Acton Press Wed August IB 1976 Page Talk shop in Halifax Newspaper people got together in Halifax last week and had a fine time In most cases weekly news paper printers and writers don t have anybody else in town to talk shop with and the conventions are mostly all non stop shop talk for a couple of days The location was the Hotel Nova Scotian and special events included an exciting sail on the Bluenose and a lobster feed right in the middle of a new shopping mall in the Historical Properties redevelopment Moment of pride for of our papers was the announcement of the Best All Round award in its category to The Georgetown Independent This three year old paper has been masterminded by an old master in the business Hartley Coles who left the editor seat Acton to see to the birth of the new baby in Georgetown It has won awards before but the top award in the national competition can t help but make us beam a little Acton friends are extending their con to Hartley and his hard working spirited staff which includes former Actontan Denis Gibbons In their comments the judges wrote By any standards The Georgetown Independent is a standout Acton which won two first place awards in the Ontario contest placed fifth out of this time against some of the same competi tion Milton Canadian Champion placed sixth out of entries in its circulation class Skills are teachable One of the newspaper convention speakers was Howie Meeker and he lambasted everybody for the current belief you can only think sitting down He wants people in sports to be able to think and to do that they have to have their crafts taught to them properly first he says We give up on a kid who s behind says handsome Howie In fact all skills are teachable He says during his travels he doesn t see ten kids a year who have a good idea of basic techniques but that these things can be properly taught Once learned the skill leaves the player able to enjoy the sport all the more and to have his mind free for thinking The people who need hockey are girls and boys between the ages of and he says Girls are second class citizens and there no excuse for it He thinks school should place far more importance on intra mural sports It a disgrace so many school gyms are closed evenings and all during the summer He abused principals who think they only get credit for producing scholars and politicians who only care about sports at banquet and picture taking time and busses which hustle the children home too early Your children are getting short changed he exclaimed Canada must build people in sports from the bottom up to provide a wide base he drummed at the people And even though he forgot himself in his enthusiasm and called everybody fellas it was a fine and impressive speech Joe and Maureen Another speaker was Joe Clark leader of the opposition who received a special kind of welcome since his father was a past president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association years ago He spoke forcefully posed for pictures with award winners and signed autographs His wife Maureen MacTeer also made a good impression at an unexpected press conference Of course she was asked about keeping her own name she explained she used the double name for a while and got into so much difficulty she reverted to her own name again Their baby will probably have the surname Clark and yes she going back to law school in September Congratulations to the play ground organizers and leaders for another fine summer program for so many young people The program has been excellent the past couple of years Including playgrounds at Ballinafad Lime house and Speyside has proven to be a good idea The parade last Wednesday was a good one with the usual lively support of the band The closing program was a happy gathering in the arena There were always fun pictures and good news for the paper at the playground Thanks again see you next year Of this and that Our favourite lakeside bird watcher was surprised on Tuesday of last week by a sudden silence his part of town He realized that the purple martens were gone headed south two days earlier than last year If we go by the signs this could mean an even worse winter than last He is another one who thinks our wildfowl on the lake should be fed regularly by the town conserva authority or whatever He thinks some of the birds have grown too big to be able to fly south after several years wintering on the pond or in captivity There are two Letters to the Editor this week in the same print ing but unsigned One is about the planned beer tent at the fair and the other about garbage on the streets Letters to the Editor cannot be published unless they are signed by the writer He or she may use a pen name if desired liowever If the writer would come in and identify the Letters they could be published First aid training proved tive when a young woman and a policeman were both able to apply mouth to mouth resuscitation to an accident victim last week The young woman had learned the technique as a playground leader While some thought the boy had been fatally hurt both these people showed courage and initiative in applying mouth to mouth resusci tation It is credited with saving his life If you re a smoker you are a member of a minority group that is steadily becoming smaller cording to Health and Welfare Canadas latest report on the smoking habits of Canadians The report released by Health and Welfare Minister Marc points out that the per centage of Canadians who smoke has decreased steadily over the past years Summer playground success Workers are having a swinging time at the new high school j- Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Most of this liimn in Urn mid i s ripn in f iltitudt tow tin il in In Hid sun inns 1 mi that in is riLhi inlliir i pill Mil IS SXll Mill lliv midline trim ton Dili Dm 1 llu limits Hi mi so pit If Mil iu rt id ItfiM duriiif Hi Olympics v is in ill Hit inns of spirts writers id 11 hut in i Li imi I niiltidh tins is known for its him lis nidi s this turn mi is ml hi ltd is Ihi mcl 1 intd whin Hit its writers whole in ins inn 1 1 in III r irt pill imil us Ik ir iluirid whuwK inpirts si Hum in nut is or linn fourth 1 ilmosl ibli aboul up whin if In ml if ft off bar in in in Inn si intl id thin in in Hi urn in tin r rp mi Hi ii i I tin In dm tin imdi Mi is mi lit HIM will If r 1 1 list mil Willi I In Winn in up inn Ml it It r his dune In fun ik in dm iik I i llu jinks sublk suj4i si it sill I i d in in Cuius madian or did Hit In si lit tiiuld it thai nimiitni tint s wh its ill saviie ill 1 tin IK did i job if mi rt than hum in Mould mil tin funs on Hit ithklts it should lit Hi strmci n Mh was while lippid hit Hit win mil irulmi win mil up to i promist What i jtrk DM will m is pirlv wink il 1 llu Hirers musl pud If iri driving ilonj Ihi SI I it Hu is i rusl brown rnlher Hun non dint think it is mini tin hum in uteri mint from It is I ul i hi infusion of tin blood of i t Jut bit ixpijtrs lluiijtr I pi Hill Iik tin i fr in i f ilil nimbi I in j irs Mm f Hit in Hi r M lr in itn s if up i I ii si t Mill lim it tht list Hi riniit of llu Id w is istn dtbl His id 1 mil up pvtn limit rcjwitus sugLtstinf him i iuh on ill hi hid id the vision It n ml I Ins tin lb it win ill i in il I dun Hi il Hi n hit Irmti dry physit tin urn ill is if r ill ml hid Hi it ml it lit I ill mi in lost million mm in ntn il in Mi stow that bis imdtrst mil him Hid Hi it Ins ittnlj w is Nuts Ml did it fur I so did m difknntt is Ih it In f itt only Iht I the Hit Ioks Itusslans lr f tlu Iratk unions formula bit Will lo In aims IhtmselvLS I turn putt is what I do limi I think hmi ilhklis wink r iw flows out if into St All hail to Iht muy hi Krtwly whin tomts lo as Hie s jerk with visions of bin in its puny huid Hut whin il tonus mtduls the least nations in Hit world arc so about ktimt Irics grab medals that it is almost And the way it should be Important thing about tnlirnalional games ih or should be doing your absolute Smiley column wins award Mi i sihool itlnr whosi until luiiin ions Hums on in i irs in tins ninn Ih in 1 hi 1 1 mniunilv ilionS iturd i fir lust column in m is first of ird wis it tin s in II is In id i Hit pari of Mi hiLti Ik m is tht Hill of tin I ti tthuit in fit lit sptnistvtril irs in a in imp during World tt Hill his column whin lie mis in I dilors of wttkk papers l in to reprint it mil in distribution v is liktn our I oronto is now Hi of lnronto OUR READERS WRITE Acton humane or inhumane Out J7C Ih Sirs I with Mrs of and r opinion it llu dinks on I in hungry why has tod inn In Hit turn of of mistr ibk hum hi who obviously I irk of hum still ducks ind Mill tonlintii to do so no mitttr how sins up is lovii a In it is by Apologies to Nielsens dinks It will In i sin or worse still ilurts when five tints of our taxes would liktly feed Iht in winter plus tin of people who find Hie ducks ithtr is a pie I m sun tht people of Acton have thi years and thin is still of room on 1 on risidinLs of it our town on Hit mip tor humimtj not in hum note A to Editor in Inc Press Inadlmcd Customer ids Insulted did not loNielsin Clolhmg writer named store sin was refirring to lint this was by its a downtown boutique to avoid issmint Unfortunately letter ilso referred to underway at the store and tins with renovation signs in Paul Nielsens store Ik is planning changes while Mill St is bung rc- The rte regrets any in convenience caused lo Mr Nielsen and his helpful staff Another reunion planned The C A men and women who trained during the last war at No Service Plying Training School in Dunnville will be gathering for the successive year the weekend of September The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago If thiy take top phce in competition at Hie National this year lornc Scots Band will hove the heavy inch wide trophy to keep They have won the wood and silver award in 195 and liK5 A win this in will mean Ihe permanent properly of Ihi band a joint mtcting of Council and Hit I Commission Tuesday prior to sspeti il session on the waterworks report it is volid lo for an assistant lo the S sioniry in was minister it Acton I last Sunday Prink Hi in is bun organist Ihe two iuu has oats taller than In is Ik mi isund by one ilk to discover grim him inch high I riquenl rains this siason contributed the outstanding crop Ityder returned this week from Camp C irnarvon Mr and Mrs Br and family if Kingston art this Mr and Mrs s 50 years ago On lb of Mr Brown Ih grindson of s r Mini only daughter of Mr and Mrs Willi for man united the bonds I ist wick lhc ihur hen n tin steps of the More lovt 1- ittorj when sht bun working on Mom i nf Mrs Sar Hurst had the to slip and in sust lined imful spr of Miss I ltneirold diughltrof Mrs 1 I lor Stint Strut liter I to Toronto list week is iw irdtd third the cheque for Si Ml llu lttttr i is i well written and most origin composition and dots sou credit Mr and Mrs spendmi a few this week with friends in 100 years ago I iki from of Hit I of in Tin schools resume ilions on Wednesday If th ms births five in win lor this for the first six months indinj The hay crop in this is to i tot il f Mr Mitlhews lit dins not to tin pounds from his whole Mr John Speight to parties riquirmg his services as in his his and hi is to supply on is li the most modern ntarbeinta through leaving a of w iter uncovered rctcntlv occurred the residence of Mr rhos I he nit id lifted Hit off the stove and neglected to it fivt ir old child fell nkw into the w Poultices of mil id wen ipphid Iht doctor for In iiiursi of few hours it is no serious injury was mud should hi i lo to careful ibout not k hot iter in the wiv of i In litre n result of for public sihool It ithirs for Wtlhnlon lount shows igrt itsliuglitcrofinnotints Out of it for class ttrtific He none for sttond iliss Box 1BT7 Municipal Building Dunnville Ontario if not now on their mailing list THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Bus mess and Editorial Of lice Four n nodi Oil r Copyright ig76

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