THE ENVIRONMENT Goal To minimize the pollution of land air and water and to preserve protect environmentally significant unique features of the region an adequate definition of en vironmenlally sensitive land Some of the issues brought forth in preliminary studies in dicate Lack of a woodlands preservation and control program Need to protect scenic areas Imdequate definition of subject to flooding erosion Need to reduce industml pollut nils charged into Lake Need to improve moms of handling garb disposal Need to determine environment impact ol hydro and highway corridors Lack of adequate zoning control n the gara Escarpment Objectives Identify protect and preserve lands of live environmental balance involving wet lands wildlife habitats areas unique bio logical features areasof oulstindinq scenic beauty strategic and areas of historical and or cultural interest Delineate areas and develop policies conjunction with appropriate Conservation Authorities lor the protection of hazardous lands environments for settlements in rural areas Establish in conjunction with all levels of government and the private sector standards for the maintenance ol water quality in Lake Ontario as well as in the adjoining streams and rivers Develop policies and programs for the pre servation ol the Lake Ontario shoreline as i major regional recreation open space resource Improve storm water run off systems Establish policies and programs for efficient reduction of waste and the pre treatment sewage at source Determine the environmental impict pro posed mult i use utility and corridors Develop programs in concert with conscr vation and provincial for the mentation region recreation opt n jo objectives MINERAL RESOURCES Goal To the if lion sir mineral resources in harmony with en and community object ives Mineral deposits should be viewed as a re source lor future we and therefore need pro tection as well as restriction Halton s mineral reserve position and future role need to be clarified Some claim the ex traction and development of aggregates is environmentally wrong while others feel the present restriction forces longer haulage and higher costs Photo Objectives Preserve the lace ol the Niagara Escarpment from all aggregate extraction and production Regulate the method of mineral extraction to ensure the least environmental ind com munity disruption Develop with local municipalities guidelines that will emphasize the staged rehabilitation and after use potential of pits and quarries Ensure that adjacent land uses are not in conflict with mineral resource production Identify priority areas and a phasing strategy lor mmenl resource extraction AGRICULTURE Goal To preserve the potential food lands and to allow the promotion and of a permanent and ignculture industry The erosion of prime agricultural land is n itional i id international issue A report from the Science Council of Canida last month urged On I mo to take swift action to preserve prime farm Si ice some of the province best farmlands ire in Halton ihis an of lbider ible n Also a firtor ire the rising costs p merit labor and I the prof t ibihty of I inning Further compile King I inner rw ire ipital tixos sue cession duties and gift taxes Another issue quo restriction due to cheaper in ports restricting capacity pro Objectives Designate inn land for permanent use Direct urban and rural developments on I inds suited for agriculture Design an system for lind banking prime agricultural lands Develop strong land division policies to r duct f ind erosion si sprawl Provide in adequate range of regional sup port services and incentives to active firming operations Inrrease tax incentives lor ictivo farming FINANCE Goal To ensure tin maximum level services within the region fin inn il ip Some of the region s municip ivc loo tix base to the needed of hard or tangible services Then is in essence need for i direr distribution I ix benefits derived from increased employment The imb of ind the conflicts between municipal preferences within the region further complicate fin Some is to consider involve a more equitible form of property tix as well as a different tax system for education Others include Creation of an emergency reserve fund for water and sewage Co ordination of local and regional budgeting Cost benefit analysis of development areas Control over budget requests from Boards of Education Police Commission Conservation authorities and Children s Aid Society Elimination of duplication in services and staffing Objectives Broadened tax base for a more equitable distribution of benefits and costs Development of in conjunction with other levels of government a fairer local tax system capable of supporting the regional delivery of services Reduction of local property taxation by care ful management regional expenditures and revenues Co ordinated and carefully phased capital works strategy as an integral component of the regional official plan Regional financial analysis capability to forecast medium term capital needs as well is develop impact assessments Establishment of measures for cost reduction in the use existing facilities plant and equipment is well as reduction dupli and services RECREATION OPEN SPACE Goal To provide variety of recreation open space opportunities for Halton res There is a significant need for an integrated rec reit ion open space system linking the likeshore area the river systems Conservation areas and the Niagara Escarpment as well as a means of identifying further opportunities for recreational areas Other issues a a clearer definition of roles the various government agencies in ha idling recreation open space areas b im proved inter regional and provincial develop merit policies and c better identification of scenic routes and tourist attractions Objectives An integr regional system of ireas and corridors for recreation open space uses Specify priority outdoor recreation areas and ihie necessiry to satisfy regional and inter regional Identity opportunities for a tourist industry Incn public access to for I based recreational activities Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the region the conservation authorities the area municipalities ind senior levels of govern men in the provision recreation facilities and munqement of recreation resources Pre unique historical and yrlop opportunities for cultural enrichment