Flu vaccine arrives Oct 25 The Acton Free Press Wed October 3 One third or the quota of Bivalent influenza vaccine which combines Swine and Victoria flu vaccine will be delivered to Halton Health Unit beginning the week of October according to Dr Joe Chamberlain Medical Officer of Health A second allocation will arrive the week of November 1 and the balance the week of December The vaccine is mended for those over years of age who have chronic disabling conditions and for those over Anyone with an allergy to egg protein who require immun nation should be given influenza vaccine under close medical attention said he Medical Officer s statement He states that influenza vaccine has rarely if ever been associated with severe adverse reactions or pcrman disability but can be expected to cause redness and tenderness at the injec tion site and sometimes a low grade fever and malaise for one or two days He said influenza vaccine is considered to be very safe and Is quite suitable for wide- scale community use Dr Chamberlain advises physicians wishing to receive the vaccine from the Health Unit to develop a list of vaccines in anticipation of release of vaccine from the Ministry of Health This vaccine will be avail able to practicing physicians for administration to their patients with the following chronic disabling conditions 1 heart disease of any etio logy particularly with mitral stenosis or cardiac failure chronic bronchopulmonary diseases such as asthma chronic bronchitis cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis tuberculosis and soma chronic renal failure diabetes and other chronic metabolic disorders Halton favors guides Interesting facts on townhouse dwellers Region Administration Committee approved new guides to capital budgeting during its meeting Wednesday According a report by Treasurer Harry Henderson the region and the four local municipalities would first determine how much money is available through debentures and other sources and thin allocate funds to certain projects This approach difftrs sil nificanlly from the in that capital expenditures were developed first with the financing considered secondly Mr Henderson said He filed the report on behalf of municipal treasurers in the region cent limit The report recommends not allowing the percentage of debt to equalized assessment to exceed I per cent Of that per cent would be for area projects two per tent for regional projects Preliminary projections for the five year period to 1981 indicate this would limit the in new debt to Self liquidating debt would be limited to or total debi of With those limitations the amount each council could debenture is as follows region Burlington Hills BOO and Milton Mure study The 11 page report on financing is in the hands of local councils 22227 voters in Dangerous tree comes down Tree planting program soon town for There arc voters the new voters Hills compared to previous total of cording to Doug clerk administrator advertisement will in local newspapers on October with a posting of the preliminary list of voters steps to be taken to revise it The final dale for revision Mr said is November The lists will be posted in the Clerk Administrator office a eopy in polling subdivision The usual fall tree planting program will likely begin next week in Hills The young trees will be planted on publie property usually following requests from in The town men will be plant these trees as soon as the nursery says they re ready to be moved About 100 trees will be planted Georgetown but just about in Acton tew requests have been received from here the works depart ment reports Most of them will be planted on town property homes for instance on and Nor man of the works department points out that the developer has a reidy planted new trees in Kinfjiam Hills Bomb scare ltroikville school vv is Tuesday morning lit II a following a twin Ihri Milton detachment of the I sever officers who searched the school and found nothing The ho tin brigade stood b Iht rushed without their its erew i old In the near temprra lures as thi Halton Hills Planning Department discovered some very interesting facts about the people who live In the condominium developments in Kingham Hill Estates In a demographic analysis done in August out of a possible home owners or spouses were polled The majority of the people questioned have lived In the townhouses for one to two years This accounted for out of the Living there two years or more were fam dies Others have been less lhan a year Renters of lownhouses numbered seven wilh the other 90 owning the property The majority of dwellers came from the Tor onto Centred Region From other residences in Acton came 14 with same number coming from other areas in Hills Three families came from other towns or cities Most of the Kingham Hill people rented their last place of residence with 14 owning their previous homes seven moved there from apartments from single dilached six from row homes and three from semi detached None cams from other condom iniums Sixty one people gave ownership as llieir reason from moving from their prev address seven because Iheir house was too smalt six lo live closer to their job and for other reasons Of the interviewed were familiar with Acton before moving here and this part be- eause of the of the house Nine those this area because it wis close to work two the style of the house and for other rcisons unspecified in the report It was f that heads of the olds wi rked out side of with nine in Acton and tl no unemployed Sixteen of the spouses worked outside the town with nine There port had previously staled that bee lust ihere is no one home at other town houses it could be possible lhat most were out working Types of employment Out of the homes visited the majority of household heads were employed as general laborers amounting to a total of 38 Six spouses were classified as general laborers Transport drivers amounted to 14 household heads with seven spouses in the clerical field In Managerial jobs Ihere were 11 heads and in mechanics Four household heads were employed in the engineering field with three unemployed In the teaching department were one head and two spouse spouses with one head in medicine and three spouses Seven household heads are employed in sales with two spouses in the same tion Employed in other jobs specified In the report were eight heads and five spouses Boarder or working child rcn were also included In the report for occupations These people were referred to as others It was discovered PRICES LOWER THAN THE SUPERMARKETS WAREHOUSE FDDDS REGULAR BEEF LIMIT 5LB9 creamy LlMIT2ctH SHORT RIB EFFECTIVE TILL OCT GRADE A LARGE E66S LmU BANANAS LIMIT 5 LBS j Florida WHITE GRAPEFRUITS limit 10 ONE PRICE RANGE BEEF Safe BONELESS STEAK ROAST SIRLOIN TIP ROAST STEAK CUBE STEAK 9 viva HP limit Broils I28F10ZP1ASTIC GRAMA CHICnlNS59 FROZEN EVISCERATED WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES no one promise Lower Prices WAREHOUSE FINDS ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO STOCK ieal four others were general laborers and three in occupations not listed on the report was uncovered that household heads drive their car to work and three do not Ten spouses drive to their place of employment and 15 not The majority of fam dies GO owned one car with owning two Six families owned three and two did have one In the homes surveyed 196 occupants arc male and 193 female The zero to four year olds dominated both sexes with males and females Five to nineyear olds saw males females and there are 23 males 24 males in the ten to 14 year age group In to 13 year olds are male seven female There are 11 males age to and females in the same age bracket Males amount to in Ihe 25 to 29 age group with females there are males female males and 14 make up the year old group with seven male and three female In the to years old age bracket The survey revealed no females between the ages of to 49 and only three males Six males and four females were reported In the 50 to year old age group In the plus age group there were two males and four female Of the total amount of five were as boarders I he above information was all obtained in a door todoor survey in August The survey stated lhat a condominium is the only type of home ownership affordable most first time buyers he report also staled for some the is a permanent home but it is an interim measure or those who hope to own a single detached Danger from trees Six trees dead or dying and a potential hazard were cut down here last week The dec to cut down the trees was made by the Hydro of fice which requested help from llallon Hills workmen It was thought the trees were in such poor condition branches were liable to fall on hydro lines Four of the trees were on John St S The branches are all off and the trunks will be cut down later when hydro men have lime They ore presently Installing new poles on Churchill lid home in the future The report suggested in future condominium develop ments more space be given lo parking as there are 25 parking spots for each unit while the occupants owned an of I vehicles per household AAA Need Appliance Service REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCES SALES AND SERVICE Washers Ranges Ail Conditioners Dishwashers Refrigerators Dryers Guaranteed Satisfaction hr service Phone 8273853 We Sell ISIIOIR E Trui Vlu CARPET CORNER 11MAINST NORTH- ACTON 8533620 Your Headquarters in Hills for CARPETING CUSHION FLOORING DRAPERIES CERAMIC TILES ACTON Ante EXHIBITION and SALE Saturday October 30th 10 AM ST ALBANS PARISH HALL ACTON Sight and Sound VALUES STEREO HEADPHONES Y 1 Fully padded head band 10 ft coiled cord Leftright volume knobs STEREO SYSTEM Q1 9481 Stereo system Stand with casters 34 194 14 95 CONTEMPORARY WHITE STEREO ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE AMFM FM Stereo Receiver track player turntable speakers Headphones 00 DELUXE ACDC CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER 4995 ELECTRONIC AMFM DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO 5995 HALM HILLS and 352 Queen St E Hwy Ne