Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1976, p. 22

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The Acton Free Press Wed November In Eramosa MerriMunchers have final meeting Trustees acclaimed councillors contested There will be no race in Eden Mills for trustees for that police village All three candidates have been ac claimed to office lion of the village community centre under the auspices of an I grant and is an active member of the com unity club and also on the building committee Harold declares that it has been his pleasure to serve the village and that he will do his utmost in the upcoming term Marshall Betty Marshall has served one term as village trustee Her home country is England and she has lived in Eden Mills for years during lime she raised a family of three sons and a daughter Betty is Activity Director at Eden Mills Home realizing thai some growth is necessary for community development she feels that controls are in order to maintain the lifestyle of the village Also that the next two years will see improvement to village roads long overdue repairs made to the bridges and hopefully a solution to the definite need for a bus service for the residents She hopes that experience gained throughout the term in office will provide a greater insight to problems which may arise in the future wood Snow Snow decided four years ago when they moved to Fdcn Mills Village that he wanted to be a part of the community The best way to do so was to become involved in ily affairs Having served two years on the board of trustees he would like to re main for another term and endeavour to work for the interests of the ullage dents Harold Tomlinson has been a resident of Eden Mills for years He is very concerned about the growth and plan for the village of Eden Mills There are several items re maining on this years agenda and he would like to follow them through to completion in the new term He helped with the Ilarotd Township council However it is a different story at township council Contesting Bill Adselt seat for is Joseph Oakes of 1 The present Reeve Mr is campaigning to keep his seat He is just fin up his first year as reeve and had been a town ship councillor for six years prior to that past two years Mr also sat on Wellington County council Both arc also up against Arthur Harris for the top spot on council A on Mr Harris appeared in last week Free Press The battle for Deputy is between the bant Betty Clark and incumbent councillor John Hewitt Mrs Clark served on ell as councillor for two years before being elected deputy recto in the last election She is on Wellington County Coun She has also been very active on several committees and boards in the several Running against Mrs Clark is John Hewilt Mr is at present a councillor start ing his political career after moving to the area from don She has served as inspector in on the Fergus hospital board planning board and the Mill Committee Seeking reelection as councillors are Alan Burnett and Dave Masson Both were undecided if they would run or not when the Free Press published indepth stories of the present council on Octo ber However they each thought over the decision and tossed their hats in the ring Mr Burnett was new to the council chambers when elected in Inthepasttwo years he sat on the medical centre committee roads committee and recreation committee and wis part of the team with Mr Hewitt which looked into the Rock wood septic systems pro blems He viewed his first term as a learning period which he has enjoyed He feels he has learned invalu able information as and is looking forward to another term as a knowledgeable public Dave Masson another Incumbent councillor began his political career six years ago as a trustee with Eden Mills Two years ago he de cided to go a step farther and seek election as a councillor which he did In his first term Mr Masson sat on the finance and personnel com mittee and the recreation committee He was also on the committee for the Sports Com pi ex John McLeod is standing for election to the Township Council He has lived in Rockwood for over three years is married and has five children John is a professional engineer who operates his own company employing people m He is a member and chairman of planning board Hi therefore realizes that the township area must involve thought and planning for future progress and ex pan which is inevitable He would attempt to pro vide an atmosphere of cordial communication between the by Phyllis clubs and we presented each On Friday Nov 19 the of the leaders with gifts of Rock a long Merri Munchers appreciation before lunch entertained the Institute ladies and mothers at Mrs at eight There were present Each member had to organize a game and make one of the recipes we had learned The Institute presented Phyllis with a gift in recognition of achieving IB and almond cakes for dessert Green tea was also served Everyone agreed it was a most enjoyable party Cranberry punch was served betore the guests had On Saturday morning we sampled any of the other for our final meeting to dishes Sausage and tomato make definite plans for our bake a casserole finnan eWilbit on Achievement Day with egg sauce Irish The roll call was A soda bread ana red cabbage Country I would like to visit salad with a tray of assorted and why cheeses were served with Evelyn Eason is the blueberry buckle coffee cake commentator for the exhibit Eden Mills Meeting 90th birthday visits in area news By Wright The Friendly Seniors of Eden Mills met for their meeting meeting John Mel tod township council and other governing groups and even more important with the people living in the township The remaining people seek ing reelection were inter viewed in last week paper These were Arthur Harris running for reeve Henry Hoi man Jr Steven Gary Ritchie and Don all running for stats on council All three trustees were also as were the Mills group They were also interviewed in last week paper and are Betty Fast wood Billon and Ion- Held Mrs Gladys Marshall was community Hall S SmTw f Sn President Mrs Ruth Mllson Beatitudes and gave a reading on the work of the Bible Society Mrs Mabel Jack mother and sister Mrs Wilma and Shirley Minutes and treasurer reports of last meeting were given by Mrs Joan Old business antenna for the T will be erected next week Birthday greetings were sung for some members After the holidays the women will get down to a quilt Two readings followed one by Mary entitled That Thing Called Middle Age and the other by Jean Rinehart community bazaar Christmas dinner will be held Refreshments and a social in Dec in the hall half hour followed served by adjourned to the the hostess and Betty Mar card tables followed by shall refreshments Mrs Shaw of Toronto was a visitor of Mr and Mrs Wllk Wilson The township On Sunday Nov a a was held at Commu the home of Mr and Mrs Eden Mills Saturday John Turner for Mr Turner K Community did who was years old He ladies catering is a resident in Oakville ex Lire where Open and Mrs Gilbert wa held on Friday Ont are visiting for a few days with GET ME OUT of this pen says this wistful lamb even though he won ribbons as part of the Champion Pen of Three Lambs at the Royal Winter Fair The lambs are owned by Strathearn Farms Earl and Irwin Jackson of 1 Rock wood Reelect Betty Lou CLARK DEPUTY REEVE W Hi to represent taxpayers of it- 7- f Eramosa Township BlNGO AT THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE AIRPORT RD MONDAY NOV 29th 715 PM FREE ADMISSION FREEDQUBLECARDTO PLAY REGULAR GAMES FOR BUS INFORMATION CALL FOR ACTON OR MILTON Sponsored by Circle Lodge B B Rlth Proceeds go towards educational religious cultural and other charitable purposes RCOECU THIS AD A T FRONT DOOR WORTH OF COUPOK GOOD FOR PURCHASE OF ANY CARDS ON MONDAY NOV 0N COUPON VAUD The Corporation of the Town of Milton APPOINTMENT OF VOTING PROXY Any person whose name is entered on the polling list for a polling subdivision in municipality and who is a A person other thin one who is in a hospital or other institution where a polling place has been provided on such premises for the purpose of polling or where provision has been made to attend upon such persons for the purpose of receiving their ballot and A person who is certified by a legally qualified medical by certificate filed with the Clerk to be physically in capable of attending a polling place A person absent from his regular residence by reason of attending an educational institution and expects by reason of such absence from the municipality to be unable to vote at the advance poll or on polling day or A person who expects to be absent from his Polling subdivision during the election period including the advance poll and polling day by reason of his being engaged for hire or reward in the busi ness of transportation by railway air water or motor vehicle may on forms obtainable at the Office of the Returning Officer Mam Street East Milton appoint any person to vote in his stead who is entitled to vote in the same municipality Such persons must be appointed and certified by the Clerk of the Municipality during the two week period following nomination day Period from November 16th to November 30th inclu but not later than 5 00 p Tuesday November 30th 1976 J Returning Officer Town of Milton STATION 341 Queen St Acton 8532114 8531592 Now Sells NONLEADED GAS Parker read the munutes of lost meeting and treasurer report by Mrs Jean James Mrs Lorna reported sending flowers to Mrs Edith Jennings also Mr and Mrs Wilson Arrangements were made for the bake table crafts and white elephant tables at the ACC CARPET CLEANING LOOSE RUGS WALL TO WALL UPHOLSTERY up to 12 15 Cleaned in Home up Runners 7 8533930 STEAM CLEANING METHOD THE TOWN OF MILTON 1976 MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS POLLING NOTICE The Regular Polling Day for Municipal and School Board Election shall be M0NDAYDECEMBER 6th Between the Hours of 1 1 am and 8pm A notice has been mailed to each Dwelling Unit in the Municipality advising the location of the Polling Place and the Advance Polling Place for the electors in the respective Dwelling Units ADVANCE POLL For the purpose of receiving Votes of Electors who expect to be unable to vote on December 6th 1976 THERE WILL BE TWO ADVANCE POLLS SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20th SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27th 1976 between the hours of 11am and At each of the following locations for Electors of the respective Wards WARD I TRAFALGAR WARD 2 MILTON WARD 3 Percy Public School Britannia Road Eait Milton Ontario Town of Milton Municipal Off Main Street Eait Milton Ontario Campbaltvilla Hall Campbellvillo Ontario NAMES NOT ON POLLING LIST Any person who was qualified to have his name entered on the pol ling list during the period of enumeration September 7th to October 12th and finds that his name is not entered thereon or who has not filed the necessary forms to have his name entered during the period for corrections to such list ending November 5th 1976 can attend at my office to secure a certificate which will allow his name to be entered at the polling station In addition to this qualified electors may be entitled to have their name added to the list at the polling station on polling day Qualified Elector means a person who during the period of Septem ber7th 1976 to October 12th was a Canadian citizen or other British subject a resident of Milton or a non resident owner or ten ant or a spouse thereof and has attained the age of eighteen years by December 6th 1976 PROXY VOTING Form are available at my office for the appointment of a voting proxy A certificate to vote by proxy must be certified by THE CLERK This can only be done between November 16th 1976and500pm Tues day November 30th 1976 J McGeachie Clerk Returning Officer Town of Milton

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