Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1976, p. 18

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The Acton Free Press Wed December North West Oakville National week HALTON REGIONAL COUNCIL held its last new year For them it means either retirement meeting of the year Wednesday Ten members of or a move to the area council level the council will not be returning to council in the NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS FOR AP OF A BY LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE thai the Council of Tho Corporation Town Hilts to apply to Ontario Municipal Board pursuant tho provis Soct on Plann no Act tor approval by taw passed on tho day October 1976 A copy by law is furnished horawlh A note giving on explanation purpose and off act of by law and lands affected thereby is also furnished horcwrth ANY PERSON ntorosiod with fourteen til days oiler the daio of this notice by registered mo I or deliver to Clerk Administrator of Corporation of tho Town of Helton Hills not co of on to said bylaw together with a statement of ho groundsel such objection ANY PERSON wishing to support on for approval of the by law may within fourteen 141 days alter dale of this notice send by stored mail or deliver to tho Clerk of Tho Corporal on of tho Town of Hi Is notice his support to approval the said by law together with a tor notice ol any hearing that may bo hold giving also namo and Jddrrss which such notice should THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL may approve of tho said by taw but boforo doing so it may appoint a t mo and place when any objection rod Notco of any hearing that may bo hold w II bo given only to persons who Mod on or notice support and who loft or delivered Clerk Administrator undersigned address to which notice THE LAST DATE lor filing will bo January 1977 DATED at Town Hills his day of December FRENCH Deputy The Corporation Town of Hills Man Street South Georgetown Ontario 3G4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BY LAW NO A By law to amend By law 1358 of the former Corporation of the Town of Acton WHEREAS Sect on the Planning Ac RSO 1970 349 i restricted area zoning by la WHEREAS Councl for this Corporation deoms it necessary and advisable to amend Restricted Area By Law former Corporation of ho Town Acton to provide for is la ling to development and redevelopment of I 1 By law the former Corporation Town Acton is amended by adding to general provisions section following on For purposes s on a TOWN means Corporal on Town of Hills lb COUNCIL moans the Council of Tho Corporation of Town of H lis Ic OWNER includes any or rson or cofporuiion own ng land in Town a pure of land in Town under a valid agreement ol and salo or the Itgal representative such person firm corporation or d PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS include engineering and plans show ng building and cross sections all industrial commercial and buildings contanmg twenty 251 more dwelling f Id rigs el REDEVELOPMENT means structures from land ant other buildings or structures thereon f SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT moans a plan or sot of plans of land which is to be developed or redeveloped drawn to a table scale and showing thereon following the dmcnsions and acreage land and tho boundary lines oil lots thai comprise iho land certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor n the location sue and design all la buildings and structures wheh mo to remain or to be constructed on the land and all setback measurements re la led thereto Ibl swimming pools playgrounds and other walkways or other means pedestrian access dl off street parking and loading facil ties driveways entrances onus paved areas curbs and circulation patterns and nature of surfacing such works all fences showing construction malarial to bo used If facilities of garbage and waste materials g floodlighting to bo used on land or any or structures in location and description of all hedges trees shrubs and landscaping fry grading or in elevation or contour of the land and tho disposal of storm surface and water from land and from any Idmgs structures thereon location all easements required to be convoyed to tho Town for construction maintenance provemont of any water course ditch or land drama go highways that abut land and any widening tlhereof that may bo required vBI drawing of all buildings and structures which are to remain or to bo constructed on lands showing their a and general design vh such other architectural and data as moy bo required to illustrate tho proposal or demonstrate that the development or redevelopment is In conformity with all Town Id ngand ng by laws 12 As a condition of development or lands or at any place wihn municipality Town may hit or require iho on use of following facilities and manors or I may regulate and use such fac motto lal of highways that abut on land that is be developed or redeveloped bl Subocl to Tho Public on and Highway provemont Act to provide access to and It the number location and of such facilit and direction of traffic ihoroon cl Off vehicular parking and loading and access driveways includ the of such areas and driveways Walkways and all other means of pedestrian access Removal of snow from access ramps di voways park ng areas and walkways II Grad ng or change in or contour of land and disposal of storm surface and waste wator from land and any Idmgs or thereon Ig Conveyance to the Town thout cost of casements required tor construct on mantonanco or ml provoment of any exist or newly required wator ditches II Walls fences troos shrubs or other sum gioundcovur to provide adequate of land or protection to lands I storage tacit for storage of garbage and other waste material Plans show ng tho location oil build nrjs and structures to bo erected on land and tho locaiion the other lac I lies required by this By law Perspective drawings As a condition of development or of lands or buildings Town may require tho owner Hiproof to dealing with and matters Set out in subsoclion provided in accordance the Town at Iho sole nd in defaull of owner Ingai o It of Thu Municipal Act RSO as amended shall apply No permit shall bo issued in respect of any land to which this By law loss unci until the follow ng filed tit Town bl Tho approved by Town provisions By law d by this By law are dovelopmont plan ply to those lands ration of Town of day of October it ly pissed this 4lh RUSSELL MILLER Mayor lAct G D PRITCHARD Clork Administrator BY LAW road a turd tm October RUSSELL MILLER Mayor Acting PRITCHARD Administrator THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS Amendment to by law 7451 by by law 7674 Explanatory Note Council for Corporation of Town of Halton Hi Is deems it advisable to zoning by law former Town of Planning Area tor conditions of or rodevolopmont lands or buildings at any place within Under Section The Act 349 by taws bo passed by Counc Is mun pal tios sot out conditions thai may bo to dovolopmonl lands or buildings Tho amendment by law as sot out in by taw will vo the mun right to manors such of highways off strooi parking wotkwoys removal of snow grading floodlighting londsco ping in connection with ng a of land tor dovolopmonl Tho bylaw 1358 will also give municipality o property owners into dovolopmonl with Town as a lion of dovolopmonl of property industrial commercial or residential purposes Finally by low provides that no building permit will bo issued in of property to which by taw applies until a plan drawings and executed agreements ero with Town and until drawings and development plan approved by the Town FRENCH Deputy Tho Corporation Town Halton Hills Municipal Mam Street South Georgetown Ontario L7G4X1 Site D limited to 100 acres to stop smoking Tremalnc Rd area Results of the drilling at Site Halton agencies ore joining Hon the Registered Nurses to promote a National Association the Board of tion Week on Smoking Education and the to 1977 Lung Association Join the Majority Be a NonSmoker will be the Now the chance for theme for the week Agencies people who want to quit lending support to the smoking says John Ostler program include the Cana President of both the Ontario Cancer Society the Hospital Association and the Any proposed landfill and only the western portion operation at Site D would be of the Bite could be used for me ariuinn site W limited to about acres landfill and protect the Research Lung Association according to a report pre- aquifer in the to council early in the pared by M Dillon Con Shale bedrock while those results suiting Engineers The report Drill rig never formally been dis was released last week Tho No drilling has been done cussed consultant region wants a acre site on that site The only site the Wells has said the drilling for the major regional dump drilling have visited is produced no surprises in Site D Includes about bile at Britannia and other words thedriling off mice acres of land in the southeast Eds of Highway and While the report rules Site lower Base Line In the north out as a major 20year west corner of Oakville landfill operation it could The report claims that still qualify for a smaller site acres of the site are not suit But council hasnt been able for landfilllng because of receptive to the idea of a four the presence of petroleum site operation proposed by Milton Council There has been no discus on the most recent re port The Public Works Com or Council is expected On the positive side the re port Indicates that surface drainage will not create a to consider the report early In major problem The site is the new year however located over a Drilling has been com ground water recharge zone p at Site Britannia NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS FOR AP PROVAL OF A BY LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE The Corporation Town intends to apply to Ontario pal Board pursuant provis of The Planning Act lor approval of by law passed on day of Ociober A copy of by is furnished herewith A note giving on explanation purpose and of tin by law and staling lands is also furnished ANY PERSON interested may will in 141 days after date this notice send by registered mail or del vor to ho Clork Adm initiator Corporation ho Town Hills of objection i approval he said by law with a of iho grounds such objection ANY PERSON wishing to support cat on for approval by la n Corporation Town giving a rumo address which bo given THE ONTARIO Municipal Board may low but baton dorig so it may appoint a any on to by law will bo hearing that hold w I bo given tiled an on or notice support or to Clerk Ad to which notice hearing is lo he so THE LAST for til ng w I DATED Town of Hi Is s FRENCH Deputy Clerk ilion of Town Hills 36MunStnot South Georgetown llano L7G THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BY LAW NO 74 A By law to amend By law 74 of The Cor poration of the Town of Halton Hills WHEREAS Soct on 35 the Planrng Act RSO 1970 349 i plan r liw WHEREAS Council lor this Corporation deems it nccssaiy taw Tho Corporation of tho Town of Halton Hills to provido lor cond Huns mint lo dovelopmont rodovLlopmuni of NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1 By Tho Corporal on the Town of lis hereby amended by adding It provisioi section follow ng Fonlepuipososol this seel al TOWN moms iho Corporation t ton Hills b COUNCIL means Councl of ho on TownofHaltonHills c OWNER any person Inn or corpora tic line in ll Town purchnsor T a valid agreement purchase and so lo or the legal ruprosonnlivo such person firm or Id PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS plans showing building nd cross build ngs containing or dwell lot REDEVELOPMENT means removal dings or land and ho co other build or structures tl SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT moans a plan or s of plans ol land which is to bo developed redeveloped drown to a su labia scale and following Iho dimensions acreage of the land and tho boundary linos of all lots thai land by an Ontario Land Surveyor fill tho locaiion mo and design of all la build ngs and structures which are to remain or bo constructed on land setback measurements related thereto swimming poos playgrounds and other similar rocroat facilities Id walkways or other moans ol pedestrian oft parking and loading facilities Including driveways enhances exits areas curbs and patterns and of tho surfacing of such works nil fences showing tho construction material to boused II tics dispose of other waslo materials lo ho used on the land or Id ngs structures lull location sua and description of all trees shrubs and landscaping the grading or In elevation or contour of land and the disposal of storm surface and wasto water land and from any build In rjj or structures locution all required bo conveyed io the Town lor the construction maintenance or improve ment any water course ditch or land drainage Ivi ihe highway that abut the land and any widening thereof that may be required drawings of all buildings and structures which are LOG HAD CHARMS In ancient Germany the If the weather turned Yule log was known as the stormy the Christbrand was One belief quickly brought back to the has produced nothing to held that if the charred log fire While it burned super deter the region from using was placed a it said the house was Site as a dump would act as a charm to ward safe from lightning Reduce hospital care Treat mentally ill in the community The new mental health pro gram for North will feature new approaches to the treatment of the bo constructed on sue and general design such other arch tetlural and data as may be required to illustrate the proposal or demonstrate thai development or redevelopment is in conformity w th all tows As a condition development or redevelopment of lands or buildings at any place within municpalty Town may prohibit or require the provision maintenance and use of following facilities and matters or any of them and may regulate maintenance and use of such and al Widening of highways that abut on developed or redeveloped b Subject to Public Tronsportatu tacit ties to provK curb driveways tho dl Walkways and all other means of snow from access ran areas and walkways or change in elevation or tho disposal of storm surface a hi Flood ghtmg ir Idmgs groundcovor to provide adequate landscaping of land or protection to ng lands Ij Vaults ceniial storage and collection areas and faclitios and enclosures as may be required lor garbage and other waste material Plans location all buildings and structures bo erected on lands and the location of tho tios required by this fly law II Perspective drawing 4 18 a on development or redevelopment lands or buildings the Town may require the owner g with fac lit 1BI2lof 19 4 Any facility pursuant By standards of Town at the default of lefacilit of Soction 469 of The Municipal Act shall apply IB No t shall be issued in of any matters boon complied with A sue development plan perspective draw ngs and executed agreements as required by this By law lied with ho Town b Tho perspective drawings and dovelopmont plan are approved by tho Town Tho provisions this By law I apply only to those lands which formed pirt tho of tho Town BY LAW road a first and second timo 4th day of October RUSSELL MILLER Mayor I Acting Clerk Administrator BY LAW road a time and finally poised this day of 1976 RUSSELL MILLER Mayor Act G PRITCHARD Administrator THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS Amendment to by law by by law 7673 Explanatory Note Council for Tho Corporation Town of Hills dooms It advisable to amend by law which applies to former Town of Acton Planning Area to for conditions of development or redevelop mont of lands or buildings any ploce within tho Acton Under Section Planning RSO 1970 349 by laws may bo passed by Councils of to set out conditions may bo attached lo dovolopmonl lands or buildings Tha to by law 1358 set out in by law will the municipality the tight to mottsrs such as widen of highways off street parking walkways removal snow grading floodlighting landscaping and matters In connection with the roioning of a parcel of land for amendment to zoning bylaw 1358 will also give tho municipality the roqulra pro party to enter Into development agreements with Town a condition of of property residential purposes Finally by taw 7673 provides that no building permit bo respect of any property which the by law applies until a site development plan drawings and ox ecu led agreement are filed with Town and until the drawings and arte development plan are approved by jhe Town FRENCH Deputy Clerk Tha Corporation the Town of Halton HH Municipal Offices Main Street South Georgetown Ontario L7G4X1 latncally ill Health Minister Frank Miller said last week He said the project will be supported an annual bud get of for the next two years and evaluation of the program will assist future decisions for continued fund Mr Miller announced a grant of for the North project Operated by Halton Re gional Health Unit Milton and Hills Services will be located at 155 King St Milton Serving the Milton and Hills area the project will provide direct and indirect accessible pyschiatnc for in and families In addition to providing counsel ling for patterns and families with emotional problems the project vail assist children with pediatric assessment and follow up where hospital rare New approaches to the treatment of the psvchiatn ill said Mr Miller have resulted in a major in crease the number of former hospital patients being treated the it rather than in lutions In the past 10 years there has been a reduction of over patients in hospital psychiatric beds Recently we have closed two out of 15 provincial psychiatric hos Now supporting through community mental health programs continued Mr Miller the Ministry is reflecting present day thinking Emphasis is now on the therapeutic benefit of main taming people in their own community Hospitalization is recommended only where there is no other appropriate method of treatment Mr Miller announced prov incewide grants totalling for the current fiscal to community based mental health services pro grams throughout the ince Of the programs two are short term studies and a third will receive limited funding next year The remaining programs will be funded for the next two fiscal years at a total annual budget of Review proposals Another community health proposals are being re viewed Approval for some of these programs is expected before the end of this year The Ministry solicited pro posals for community mental health programs from the Canadian Mental Health Association branches across province general pitals community psych latrtc hospitals health units Salvation Army community colleges professional associations All submissions were to the Ministry of Health and to the District Health Councils or other local health planning bodies HOLIDAY For hundreds of Canadians it will not be a merry Christmas For almost as many more will not be a happy New Hundreds of families are plunged into grief by year end holiday traffic dints Don t let It happen to you Never drive when overtired Keep a window open when the automobile is in motion Car heaters keep you warm but they can also make you dangerously drowsy unless counteracted by fresh air Fight festivity fatigue coffee Take frequent coffee breaks on long motor trips Talk wllh others in car If alone turn on the radio Alcohol and gasoline make a lethal mixture

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