Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1976, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wed Decembers Bell tower is special A report on the repairs required to put our town hall back in shape gives encouragement that the work will be undertaken The sooner the better Its a fine old building and we dont want it to go the way of our post office with its clock tower our appealing old railway station and the old Methodist church building However surely the recom mendation to do away with the bell tower mistaken It is an import ant part of the building and another important part of our history The photograph below taken in 1897 shows the tower higher and more impressive than it is now The bell has been replaced by a siren The bell now stands mounted on the ground outside How about a total reconstruction of the tower as it used to be If the bell tower needs special repair lets give it special repair It IS special TOWN HALL bell tower is pictured in June on the left and as it is today on the right Christmas baubles The band played better than ever at their annual Christ mas concert Sunday The Fine group of 50 musicians delighted the crowd of about 200 the high school gym More bouquets for bandmaster George Elliot People who remember with pleasure the appearances of the George Harvey high school band here will be sorry to learn their bandmaster Art Hilliard died suddenly while conducting the last number in the school Christmas concert last week He had a history of heart trouble but was only 53 The a couple of years at the fair More yearend thanks to Mrs Isobel Watson who was the guest of honor at a tea in the library Mon day afternoon She has a fine long history of service to the library be hind her extending over half a century She was honored as this year s Citizen of the Year too The board room of the library has been renamed the Isabel Wat son room It had to be renamed all right The board no longer meets here but in Georgetown The lib rary was of course built as the towns centennial project in the days of Acton town council and Acton library Board A Toronto subscriber reports re ceiving three consecutive issues of the Free Press all in the same week last week Just in time for Christmas Shes a faithful reader who knows perfectly well that we mail the papers here every Wed afternoon and she doesnt understand why she should get them a week later She regularly implores her mailman to search around the post office for her Free Press KeepitupMin Happy but unhealthy Life was easier and perhaps more fun before we got too smart for our own good No sooner do we break one bad habit than we find the one with which we replaced it is just as bad for us Eating and drinking are the favorite hobbies of most of us but how much simpler it was when we could eat bacon and eggs for breakfast have real cream in the coffee and slather the butter and jam on a piece of fresh white bread without knowing that animal fat is bad for you highcholesterol eggs contribute to hardening of the arteries the coffee is bad for the heart the bread and butter lead to obesity which is hazardous to health So you change coffee to water but unfluondated water is not good for your teeth only somebody else claims that fluoridated water is hazardous to health Cigarette smoking has been proved hazardous to health but those who switched to cigars and pipes found they were as dangerous So some broke the habit entirely and found they were in the obesity danger because they ate Mn more and gamed weight while those who opted for gum chewing found that was bad for the teeth Drinkers who gave up drinking because of the fear of cirrhosis of the liver turned to soft drinks but that got them back into the obesity problem again So they changed to diet pops and found that the cycla- mates in them are hazardous to health No use thinking youll be safe in bed A sleep researcher in Ann Arbor claims that snoring can be fatal So if you go to bed youre apt to snore and that can be hazardous to your health Somebody had a sign on the wall Everything I want to do is either illegal immoral or fattening And wouldnt it be maddening if we licked this obesity bit by a strenuous diet only to find that we developed some disease that made it impossible to eat the delicious fattening foods Wed have been much happier if not healthier if the scientists had left us in our unhealthy state from the Dominion iSt oil mm una- I sun y ad Work IWl EH nnJ interest Christian aim EDITOR OF THE Acton Free Press H P the Methodist church It is printed in blue Moore sent this Christmas card in 1891 in his cerise and gold capacity as leader of the Young Peoples Class of OUR READERS WRITE Parade chairmans thanks At this time I would like to say thank you to all the people who helped make the Acton Santa Claus Parade a success again this year Financially thanks must go to ail those who donated money The Acton Chamber of Commerce The Legion The Legion Ladies Auxiliary The Lions Club The Scout and Guide Mothers and the Men Administratively thanks goes to the rest of the Parade Committee being Paul Chamber of Commerce Terry Bridge Churches Larry Acton Firemen Mark Roe Acton Scout Associa lion Dick Hilton Helton Regional Police George Wallis and Ralph Hall Men Louise Clark Lynne Robertson and Marg Y Mencttes and Dana Coales Thanks also goes to Mrs of the Scout and Guide Mothers for arranging for hot chocolate and cookies at the Scout Hall The Acton Firemen for the Great job they did marshalling the parade The Regional Police who looked after traffic control Dr J Dr and Julian MPP for judginp flnnti and we Tribute to Art HiHard The Of Arthur Milliard Musician and Friend It was with profound shock and deep regret that I learned of the passing of Mr Milliard A musician of international repute he was one of the best organizers and leachen in the music profession He demanded and got from those who played under his baton a calibre of music that won for him world fame He was never harsh in his require ment of the musician but sought In his kindly ways to evoke the best in the player to contribute in the interests of good music ianship His successes were phenomenal Many young people owe their abilities to play to the work of Mr was ortunate to be a member of the Georgetown Citizens Band In 1972 when Mr took the band to the Canadian National Exhibition and won first place in the section in which we competed Objects to teachers role Dear Sir Teach Federation In Civic lections Just prior lo the recent civic elections in Burlington a member representing the Teacher Federations visited my home and presented a written request that as a candidate for the office of school trustee I complete a federation question na ire the answers to which would outline my views and position on various matters I was advised that the completed questionnaire was required within hours and if did not comply my answers would be published Of course 1 did not and they were is important the electors understand my position in this matter At any time I welcome and encourage any questions from or dialogue with individuals or groups of ratepayers and parents If Suga teachers in the system are such individuals or are members of a citizens group such as a ratepayers association then so be It There is no question of teachers rights as citizens for such in volvcment and participation in the Democratic process However It is quite another matter for teachers to act together as a union group to require their em players to provide Information in writing and in such a high handed manner Time deadlines and threats of publication do not go down well with me And I will not submit lo such pressure The teacher federations will respond by saying their action was in the interest of belter communication and raising the level of awareness of the electorate In education matters 1 believe the Ho lion electorate through individual and rate payers group actions Is fully capable of doing that job for themselves This was r and Spice II smiley by There Is no time of the year that pusses more quickly than the few weeks before Christmas One day It only about the first week in November The Christmas gift catalogues are just out and Blng Crosby has barely commenced singing I Dreaming etc and the Santa parade is a few weeks off and the town s Christmas lights have Just gone up so you know that the actual holiday Is weeks if not months In the future Then suddenly you have about six dicey days to go and you haven bought cither tree or turkey let alone gifts and cards and you know you re going to be flying like a bat out of hell to get ready for the annual bacchanalln with which we celebrate the birth of And I guess maybe that part of the fungoing slightly few days each year like a cat on a hot tin roof and spending money like a drunken sailor to coin a few brilliant original similes and metaphors Some people and the rest of us detest them go around smugly In December telling anyone who listen that they have all their gifts bought and wrapped their cards dispatched their plum pudding made and even their rotten tree up and decorated They re like the people in Alden Now Ian poen who set the breakfast table before going to bed make the bed before going down to breakfast have their names and birthdays inscribed on their tomb stones before they die with nothing to add but the date of death Perhaps Ihey are admirable people In a way but I hate them They are so busy getting ready for tomorrow that they haven time to enjoy today Like most slobs I comfort myself by constantly reassuring myself that truly creative people are tardy procrastinating and slovenly that it takes a narrow mind to have a tidy desk that life Is only a pre paration for death which is but neat and that I woulmi want to be like those people for all the oil In Arabia Remember when It used to be all the tea In China It partly true though Every year the Old Battleaxe and I plan to have a gracious We plan it In June and then forget all about It until Dec nth The plan goes something like this The cards will be purchased about September None of this Give me three dozen of those and three of those red cannot forget our two Santas Burl Robert son and Ron Douglas Of course Thanks must go to all who participated in the parade by entering floats and lo Tyler Ridley and Cart ages and L Ford for donating vehicles and drivers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Ail James Rivetl S Thanks to Kay Dills of the Aclon Free Press for the wonderful news coverage His was a wonderful personality which radiated to all that came in contact with him and his passing will be felt very keenly not only by the musical fraternity to which he was so deeply committed but to his numberless friends everywhere To his family our deepest sympathy and kindest regards Yours truly Ed A Pelers demonstrated during the recent election From the foregoing it is obvious that I do not believe in teacher involvement in he election process if such involvement is carried out as a collective action by teacher fediratrons i unions It is potentially very dangerous and the electorate should know why The federations would like lo be partners wilh the elected representatives in managing the educational enterprise Therefore any action which would help to bring this about should be strongly resisted As far as this trustee is concerned the management and control of the education system musl now and forever rest solely in the hands of the people s elected repre sentatives To be otherwise is a frighten ing prospect Trustee Ward Board of Education Cars park illegally Dear Sirs Let us hope the worst of the traffic congestion in town is over so perhaps this letter Is too late coming to your desk According to posted signs the south side of Church and the north side of Bower are No parking zones Why is it then that quite often there are a few cars parked In front of SI Joseph Church and an almost con line of cars parked in front of the post office Many cars office north or south side of the street still are left with the motors running I know in the cold weather It is a great temptation to leave a car running for a short slop but surely Acton has learned a lesson from the tragedy of last winter This is also against the law leaving keys in a car Yours truly Timid Driver I The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Taken from the tune of the Free of Thursday December 1SSS Christmas tree sales are booming at the Mens lot behind the YMCA The number of trees sold ranging in price from to 4 Is approaching the mark Hungarian refugee Chaba Teglas arrived at Acton last Saturday after his flight from riot torn Budapest Mr Teglas an arch itect was met by Mrs Joseph He visited the Jany his cousins for the weekend and will return for Christmas An early Christmas gift to Mrs J J Ste wart washer in merchants vouchers won at last Saturday afternoon Appreciation Day draw The regular 5 award went to Mrs H Mclntyre Thomas Miller 38 of no fixed address was convicted Tuesday of being drunk In a public place and fined flu and coats and sentenced to 10 days in jail In his first crosscountry race Bruce Andrews placed second In a field of IB to win a medal The two mile event was run in Waterdown Acton Brownie Packs held induction vices last Saturday afternoon in the United Church Sunday school The last in the series of euchres at St Joseph Church was held last week Win ners were ladies high Mae Fountain second Mrs Deforest low Mrs Duval Sr men high Mrs A Jocque second Ivan Kilby 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday December 1926 The annual function of the High School teachers students and their friends was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening consisting of a literary and musical pro gram It was one of the most enjoyable and successful in the long list of similar events held by the school At a conference of the Municipal Council the Public School Board and members of the Hydro Commission this week plans were entered into for the installation of a complete electric lighting system through out the High and Public Schools Only the basement and entrance have been lighted until now In most churches Christmas Sunday with appropriate services and messages will be observed next Sunday In the United Church the choir will render a Christmas cantata at the evening service A gathering of musically Inclined citizens was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Reeve Mason for all those inter In forming a glee club and judging from the number present the interest was great The object of the club will be to get all those who are interested in male choir and chorus lo work together and start preparation for some entertainments to be given throughout the winter months the proceeds of the first one to go to the Park Improvement Committee to help carry on the good work they have already started years ago Taken from the Issue of the I- ret Press of Thursday December 1876 A social in aid of the English church Sab bath School will be held on Christmas evening commencing at clock in the hall over Mr Henry Smith furniture store A whip and muffler were feloniously taken from a cutter belonging to Mr McMillan of which was standing in front of one of our stores the other evening The chairman of the streets and public works committee has handed in the lol lowing as his report of the total cost of public works the year just closed hill grading and gravelling 75 Speight s hill ditching etc Main St 9150 four culverts gravelling on Mill and other streets cess pool on Main St sundry repairs to sidewalks GO grading in sundry places 20 crossing at R Fisher sidewalk at McMackin rods 75 377 loads of gravel at 5c per load 85 total A petition was presented to council from the members of Acton Brass Band for a grant of to replace one of the menus The sum was granted Council considered a sketch plan of a stone and brick building for a town hall which was to cost about 1 The matter was laid over for the present A committee will be conferring on the subject of a poor house for ones and about twenty green ones Our tree will be large stately and and will be erected without con fusion or blasphemy at least a week before Christmas Every gift will be chosen wilh care about October wrapped exquisitely and stored In the front hall closet Christmas dinner will be planned care fully so that there will be a minimum of fuss Turkey will be ordered and delivered at precisely the right moment Plum pud- Continued on page THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office In Aclon ttnti par 1 typographical arm- nam rational llbapatdlor In tn of a typographical ting or wrong goodioriarviettmaynalbatokl ml and may Marl mown Copyright 1976

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