Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1976, p. 15

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THESE SIX lovely young girls performed a musical skit during a takeoff of a popular NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS FOR AP OF A BY LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE thai Council of The Corporation of Town Hi Is inlands to apply iho Ontario Mun Board pursuant iho provisions of Socnon of Tho Act for approval of law passod on day 1976 A copy of by law is furnished A nolo giving an explanation purpose and oiled by law and stating lands is also furnished ANY PERSON interested may with n fourteen 141 days dalo of this notice send by ma I or deliver to Clerk of Cnrporat on of Town of lis noiico his objection to approval of said by law together with a statement of tho grounds on ANY PERSON wishing to support the on for approval of the by law may with fourteen days aftor the date of this notice send by mail or del to Clerk of The Corporal on of the Town of Hills noiico of his support to approval of the said by law together a request for notice any hi aung that may bo held giving also the name and to such notice should THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve the said by law but before doing so may nt a time and p when any objection red any hearing that may bo or notico of and who have left th or delivered to Clerk Administrator undersigned tho address to wh of hearings to bo sent THE LAST DATE for objections will bo January day Doc DATED at Town of Halt FRENCH DoputyClerk Corpornt on of Town Hills Ma Street South Ontario L7G THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BY LAW NO A By law to amend By law 1358 of the former Corporation of the Town of Acton WHEREAS Sect on the ng Act 1970 C provides that site plan control may bo included in a restricted area law and WHEREAS for this Corpo at on deems necessary and advisable to Area Zoning By Law of the former Corporation the Town Aclon to provide for conditions ng to development and develop mom of Bylaw of former Corporal on of tho Town of Acton hereby amended by adding to the general provisions Iho following section 5 Fortho purposes this section at TOWN moans tho Corporation Town of Halton Hills COUNCIL means tho Council Tho Corporation Town of Hilts OWNER includes any person or corporation owning land in Town a purchaser of land valid agreement purchase and logjl roProsontot of such person frm corporation or purchaser id PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS include engineering and chitoctural plans showing build ng and cross sections all industrial commercial and res build ngs containing twenty live 1251 or more dwell ng ol REDEVELOPMENT moans tho removal of bu or structures land and construction or erection of build ngs or structures fl SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT means a plan or sot of of land is 1o be or redeveloped drawn to suitable and show ng hereon the dimensions and acreage of land and the boundary linos of alt lots that comprise the land by an Ontario Land Surveyor i location and design all fa buildings and ilback moosuromonis and similar related thereto bl ng pools playgrounds recreational focil ims walkways or other moans of Id oft parking and loading facilities including driveways entrances amis paved areas curbs and circulation patterns and tho nature of surfacing of such works lei all fences showing construction material lo be used to depose of garbage and other waste matetials floodlighting to bo used on land or any buildings or ml tha location sua and description ol all trees shrubs and landscaping liv grading or change in or contour of the land and disposal ol storm surface and waste water from land and from any buildings or structures thereon v location of all required to bo conveyed tha Town for construction maintenance Im of any course ditch or land drainage highways that abut land and any widen in thai may be required vB drawings of all buildings and structures which are to remain or to bo constructed on lands showing sua and general television game show The performance was part of the Acton High School Christmas concert vim such other architectural and neonng data is may be requ rod to il proposal or demonstrate that the development or redevelopment is in conformity with a Town and ion by laws As a on of development or redevelopment of lands or buildings at any place within he the Town may prohib or require provision ma nlonanco and of the follow facilities and matters or any of lctn and may regulate the ma and use of such fac lilies matters la Widonings of that abut on land that s ho no or rodovolopod lb Subioct to The Pubic Transportation and Im Act facilities to provide access to and land such as access ramps and curbing including number location and sue of such facilities and the direction traffic thoroon idmg cl Oil street veh cular park d ivoways surfacing of driveways Walkwoysand all other Conveyance of I lor any exist ng or newly rod courses land dramagu and h of the or of any Id ngs or structures I Walls hedges tuts shrubs or other suiubl to landscaping of the land or protection to ig lands Vaults central storage and collection and of and other waslt matLiidl k Plans showing the location of ngsJiid in bo on the lands local on of the other lac 1 required by It By law Perspective drawings 13 As a condition ol development or redevelopment fecitil r tie of of The pal Act 1970 i- amended apply 18 No build perm I shall bo issued in respect my land to this By law applies unless and I the follow minors have been complied with A silo development plan perspective drawing executed ij required by this By low ire the Town Tho perspective drawings site development approved by Town Tho provisions of this By shall apply only those I which formed part of former Corporation of Town BY LAW read a first and second time th 4th day of RUSSELL MILLER Mayor PRlTCHARD Clerk Administrator BY LAW rood a Kurd mo and finally passed 1976 RUSSELL MILLER Mayor Acting G Clark Administrator THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS Amendment to by law by by law 7674 Explanatory Note Council for Carporat an of the Town of H lis dooms it advisable to zoning by I which to former Town of Acton Plann Area prov do for cond of or redevelopment lands or buildups at any place within Acton area Section of Planning Act RSO 1970 by laws may bo passed by Councils of municipalities to sot out conditions that may bo attached to tho of lands buildings amendment to by law 1358 sot out In by law 73 II g polity the right to rogulato such as widen ngs of highways off pork ng walkways removal of snow grad ng floodlighting landscaping and matters In connect on with tho rojoning of a parcel of land for amendment to bylaw also Ihe municipality right to property owners to dovolopmont with Town as a condition of dovolopmont of property whether for industrial commercial or residential purposes Finally by law provides that no build permit will bo issued in respect of to which by law applies until a silo development plan draw ngs and agreements filed with Town and until drawings and sua dovolopmont plan approved by I ho Town DELMAR FRENCH Deputy Clark Tho Corporation Town Hollon H lis Municipal Off icos Main Stioot South Goorgotown On to no Blasts off earl Lauries back in business Laurie Man null was known as an outspoken person and somewhat of a rabblerousing character when he served as a member of Council prior to regional government The new council t even been sworn In yet but it is obvious that Mannell has earned and deserves that reputation and it is also ob vious that he hasn t mel lowed Members of the now regional council for gathered together at an in formal session for the first time last week Chairman Allan Masson Chief trativc Officer Ernie and Clerk Garfield Brown welcomed the new crew and explained a bit about the region and some of the rules of the game With the formality out of the way Chairman asked if there v ere any lions new members wanted to ask Here ego Yea does this thing always work this way Mannell blurted as he con lo speak of the sound system in a derogatory manner Mr explained that the sound system had been introduced as a temporary answer to the problem of a chamber with poor acoustics Sometimes it hums and blares but by and large It works well Councillor Mannell seemed satisfied Or at least he seemed satisfied on that count anyway But then the councillor was on his feet again This time he appeared angry and spoke with the fury and wrath regional councillors have come to reserve for such things as debating equalized assessment or the locating of a landfill site Doesnt like It made it clear that he didnt like the idea of fers drawing up seating plans meeting schedules or the makeup of committees He claimed that none of that should be done without a democratic vote of the Clerk Garfield Brown attempted to explain that the seating plan the committee NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS FOR OF A BY LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE Tho Corporal on of Town of Ms intends apply Ontario Board pursuant to prov of on ng Act for approval of by law 7G 74 on day of October A copy tho by law is furnished horowith A note giving an on tho purpose and tho by law and staling the lands affected thereby is also furnished ANY PERSON may within fourteen days this notice by registered mail to Iho Clerk Administrator of Tho Corporation of Town His notice of his objection to approval tho said bylaw statement of grounds of such ANY PERSON wrshmg support Iho application for the by law may within fourteen 1 days after the dale of Ihs nol send by mail or deliver to Ctork Admnistritor The Corporal on of Ihe Town Halton Hills nonce support to oval the by law togothor Ihit may bo hold ng I THE Municipal Bond may approve of said by law but doing so il may appoint a I mo and place whon any objection tho by law will bo considered of any hearing may be held will be only to persons who have filed an objection or notico support who have loll with or I VLnd to iho Administrator to not of blaring is to bo THE LAST DATE for mg object will January Ihra day of December Town ol Hill 197G Tht of the Town lis Street South Ontario THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BY LAW NO A By law to amend By law of The Cor of the Town of Halton Hills WHEREAS Sect on the Planning Act 349 provides that silo plan control may bo included in a WHEREAS Council lor this Corporation dooms it necessary and advisable amend Aroo ngl By law St Tho Corporation of Town of Halton Hills to prov do for conditions relating lo development and redevelopment of NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1 By law 74 Tho Corporation of iho Town of Halton Hi hereby amended by odd general provisions section following section II For tho purposes of this socnon TOWN means Corporation Town Hills COUNCIL moons the Council Corporation of ho Townol cl OWNER includes poison f rm or corporation own ng lar din tho Town a purchaser In tho Town under a igroomonl purchase or legal such poison firm corporation or purchaser Id PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS include engineering and plans show ng building elevations and cross sections of all industrial and residential build in us containing twenty or dwelling fo REDEVELOPMENT means removal of buildings or structures from land and tho construction or erection of Idings or structures thereon f 1 SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT moons a plan or sol plans of land which a to bo or drawn a suitable scale end showing thoroon following data Is Iho d of land and boundary lines all lots that comprise land certified by on Ontario Land Survoyor lii tha location sue and design all constructed on land measurements related lb swimming pools playgrounds other m facilities walkways or other moans of pedestrian access Id oil sttooi and load ng facilities including driveways entrances paved areas curbs and circulation patterns and noturo surfacing of such works oil tho showing construction material used If facilities to of garbage and wasto gl floodlighting to bo on land or any buildings or makeup and the committee meeting schedule could be changed at council wish He suggested the seating plan was arranged by leaving returning councillors in their old seats and assigning the new ones to the seats of members they replaced The members around been respected by every table generally conceded that staff hadnt overstepped its jurisdiction Councillor Hie Morrow sug gested nothing was being forced on anybody and that it was Mr Man nell who was out order Mr is the father of retiring councillor Terry Mannell Rip It up Councillor Pal suggested Mannell wouldnt get far at the region by coming in and ripping things up Councillor Jim Watson commended staff for provid the background inform required for the meeting rounding out a vole of confidence in the staff The release to the press of the names of doctors fisted as billing for more than in a single year is a blatant breach of which should have i i the location olio and all hedges trees shrubs and landscaping iv iho grading or change In or of the land and disposal of storm surface and wasto watot from tho land and Irom any buildings or structures location of all nosomania required lo bo convoyed to Town lor construction maintenance or mom of any course ditch or land drainage tho highways that abut tho land and widening thereof that may bo required drawings of all buildings and structures which ate to dovolopmont or redevelop Is in all Town building and ton ng by laws As a lion of or lands or at any place within r Town may prohibit or require tho provision of following facilities manors or of them and moy mantenanco such facilities and la dan ngs of highways that abut on the lar developed or rcdevelopod lb Subject to Tho Pubic Transportation and Act facilities to provide land such as access ramps and curl direct on of troffic c street vehicular park and load art tho ng of Id Walkways all m lot Removal of snow from areas f Grading or change in on iho of storm surface and w land and from buildings or Conveyance the Town without c ir of a wildings or Floodl ghting of ll Walls hedges shrubs or suitable to provide adequate landscaping of the land or protection to adjoining lands Vaults control storage and collection areas and storage ol garbago other waste material k Plans showing location of all Idings and structures to bo on lands and location other facilities required by this By law Perspective drawings 18 13As condition of or redevelopment of lands or buildings Town m3y require tho owner thereof to enter into one or moro agreements satisfactory to Town doalng with facilities and manors set out subsection of By law 4 Any facility or matter a required to be provided By law shall bo providod in with tho standards of Town at solo risk and of owner and in do flu It of the owner so providing and maintaining fac lily at matter provisions of of Mun pal Act RSO 1970 as amended shall apply 4 16 No building permit shall bo issued in respect any land to which this By law applies unless and until the following manors boon complied with a A sito plan perspective draw ngs and agreements as required by By law lb Tha perspective drawings and site development plan approved by Town 2 The provisions of this By taw shall apply only to those lands wh formed port tho former Corporation Town of BY LAW road a first and second time this day October 1976 RUSSELL MILLER Mayor Acting PRlTCHARD Clerk Administrator LAW road a third and finally Ihb day of October RUSSELL MILLER Mayor Actmgl Clerk Administrator THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Amendment to by law 1358 by by law 7673 Explanatory Note Council for Tho Corporation of Town Hilton Hills dooms It advisable to amend zoning by law 1358 which applies to former Town Acton Planning Area to provide for of dovolopmont or redevelopment of land or buildings at any place within tho Aclon area Undor Section 3Sa of Tho Planning Act 349 by laws may bo passed by Council of municipalities sot out conditions that may bo attached to development lands or buildings The amendment to by law as let out In by law will give municipality right to rogulato manors such as Widening of highways oft street parking walkways torn oval of snow grading floodlighting landscaping and other matters In connection with re zoning a parcel of land for development Tho to zoning by law will give municipality right to require property owners to enter into dovolopmont with Town as a condition of of property commercial or residential purposes Finally by law provides that no building permit bo issued In respect of any property to which by law applies until a she development plan drawings and executed agreements are tiled the Town sod until drawings and development plan approved by Town FRENCH Deputy Clark Tho Corporation of of Hills Municipal Offices Main Straw South Goorgotown The Acton Free Press Wed Dec 291976 MPPs call on Davis to exonerate doctors acted in this irresponsible and unethical way Because of this utter dls regard for the confidentiality afforded those reputable doctors who billed OHIP for services performed and the damage caused to their reputations thereby we call upon Premier William Davis to utilize the mass media at the expense of the govern of Ontario to exonerate those doctors whose integrity and honesty have been smeared by the irresponsible action of the Member of High Park Swansea the state ment concluded Eramosa library- notes New arrivals at the community library are Adult fiction Crowned Heads by Thomas Tryon The Company by John Ehrlich man Morrow s Ants by Edward The Pontius Pilate Papers by Worren Kiefcr The Lost Canadian by William Heine Juvenile Fiction has Wilfreds Forty Winks by Peggy Blakelcy What Do Vou Say Dear by Joselyn Sesyle The Sword in the Tree by Clyde Bulla The Little Big Horn by Bill Peel the Witch Hat by Irwin Dermer And under fiction Old Patchwork Quilts by Ruth Whose Afraid of Canadian Culture by S Crean Great Upsets of Stanley Cup Hockey by John Devaney The Complete Book of Photography by Jerry Walt Disney Characters Needlepoint Book by Lizbath Peronne Refuse for fuel at Woodstock member elected Ontario legislature said Julian Reed MPP for Burlington and Alt Strong for YorkCentre in a Joint statement issued Friday This incident cast a shadow over the Integrity of members of the legislature and may well prove to inhibit the efforts of those who seek information In order to adequately monitor government spending Members may in future find it more difficult to obtain information of a confidential nature It is our belief that elected people have a responsibility to conduct themselves in an honorable manner and we deeply regret that a member of the legislature should have constructed and noenng data Urate tho proposal or demons r land ile from I hereon plant In less than a year Metropolitan Toronto gar bage will provide a fuel for cement production in a demonstration un dertaken by the Ontario Mm is try of the Environment and Canada Cement La large Limited at the company Woodstock plant Environment Minister George Kerr announcing the agreement with the company called the experiment a key part of Ontario resource re covery progrom We expect to prove the worth of refusederived fuel as a valuable energy resource available from municipal garbage An established and proven fuel market coupled with the known metals market will put resource re covery on a sound financial basis and lead to rapio development of waste reclamation plants in com across Ontario Fall start The project is scheduled lo start in the Fall of 1977 when refuse derived fuel will be available in quantity from the Ministry experimental plant for resource recovery at Downsview and the company to the use of coal for winter operation On the amount provided for the experiment by the Min istry is earmarked for the purchase and installs tion of equipment for the handling shredding matlc conveying and burning of refuse derived fuel and 40000 for extensive study of any changes in air emissions as a result of Ihe fuel change A study prepared by Kllborn Fngin Limited indicated that cement kilns such as those operated by Canada Cement Limited offer a good possibility for the use of large quantities of refusederived fuel The material could re place up to per cent of the coal used in the process ing as much as GO tons or refusederived fuel a year Acid stolen Four pound containers of muriatic acid were reported stolen from Acton high school The containers are labelled Dangerous very caustic

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