Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1977, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan 191977 Its carnival time It s been several years since Acton had a winter carnival The high school organized one a couple of times and it provided a real break in the long hard winter This year Halton Hills recrea tion department is cooperating in producing a winter festival at Kelso for all of Halton We asked the department if they considered a carnival just for Acton They thought like to see how many people from this district participate in the Halton carnival first One problem with that is that even an outdoor carnival is partly a spectator sports People enjoyed watching the torchlight parade to the high school from the warmth of their cars More people want to see snow sculpture than create it The high school gave up their carnival because the burden of work fell on too few The Ys men no longer sponsor snowmobile races Perhaps with assistance from the reaction department and its full time director the idea could be resurrected again What would you do The annual campaign for funds for the Ontario March of Dimes is underway here and all over the province Founded in 1951 to help polio victims and to finance research into a cure for the crippling disease the Ontario March of Dimes has throughout the years met the changing needs of disabled adults whatever the cause of their disability The most recent program in troduced by the Ontario March of Dimes is that of Community Development Workers in a dozen areas across the province are helping disabled adults from dependence to independence to interdependence within their communities the emphasis is on working with them rather than for them The campaign slogan Put Yourself in the Picture and show an empty wheelchair should give pause for reflection to every ablebodied man woman and child in the province What would you do if your world suddenly collapsed into total dependence on others Donations may be made at the banks Coffee once banned According to legend coffee was discovered in Africa by an Arab shepherd around the year A when he first chewed the coffee berry The effect was a great feel of exhilaration which he rushed off to proclaim to the world Coffee had in its early years as rugged a road to travel as alcohol had during the temperance move ment and Prohibition When intro duced into Europe in the 17th cent ury it was considered by some Mohammedan priests as an intox icating beverage and therefore banned by the Koran Severe penal ties were threatened upon those addicted to its use In spite of thiSj the use of coffee spread With the opening of the London coffeehouses in the century coffee proved that was here to stay The steaming cup per formed the same function at these establishments as a pint or two of beer loosening tongues and enlivening conversation Coffee was brought to America in 1607 by Captain John Smith cording to tradition It was not until that the first licence to sell coffee was issued in the future United States It wasnt until nearly 1800 that coffee was first grown on this side of the Atlantic but its production soon became centered here with Brazil accounting for most of this Coffee has since become an accepted drink and cries of intox icating beverage are few Canad ians enjoy waking up to a quick cup or two in the morning one cup during a coffee break perhaps a coffee at lunch another during the afternoon and another at dinner The Mohammedan priests of the 17th century would probably have condemned the whole nation as profligate but they are not around anymore in body or spirit to blunt our pleasure In spite of the apparently large amount of coffee we drink we account for only per cent of the world supply Of this and that The years Ago column is being replaced by Ten Years Ago as an experiment It was suggested that many of the newer people in town would find it more interesting We would appreciate comments on the change Third class mail wishing us Merry Christmas was still arriving at the Free Press January 14 Issues of weekly newspapers published before Christmas are still arriving How about this Actonians for Action Committee People who drive between Acton and Georgetown thought snow plowing and clearing work were proceeding faster in Georgetown last week Its a regular winter complaint Can anybody prove if LAKE WATER AND SNOW JOINED TO create this delightful winter scene near the Mill Street dam the weekend ducks and swans are wintering the open above the mi People aie ad vised to stay clear of the open a ihci because the thin ice Sugar and Spice by bill smiley 1 w is to hear his of news conference Dial Irimi rudtau id no or kei pine cjut within the Dominion of should urn of thai province approved by its people in a referendum I sure many mother old it of vintage who is still on the serve list Hsu lire sigh of relief One if tin m things we old vets don need is civil tine v ir in one lifetime is enough for Most of us would hive trouble pitting the deshabille of a in show let iloni stripping i m gun And I think we might ive a little trouble completing route inarch from iv Kingston to HI to pell an inv slnkefroriil Belli Province Person illy I puffing like a grunpus iftcr striping bit lee off ra windshield I to In down tor five minutes ifler nut the garbage Can any of you guys of vuit imagine being sent out on a night jutrol probably on skis to tnki a few prisoners What we probably hive to do is dump tin skis hail a cab head for a il across the border and bring of girls Might be fun at it In ii- IM Will ins i lii or two of old ii Mi W I In d lm bur 1 Is full I I si 1 1 Hie would SI 1 III lime down mud toes IJH Hum rid Ik id isl Sink hi hi ill 1 ills if lln wind up im III infill b l i iv lu II Imi lo dk 1 ik Hill l l down i hi 1 II 1 It dpi if Ml 111 111 indi ml 1 1 ro stmts mi s of bl of Hull us Mo if tin wouldn to hi if Hun rh lb ton Id hi 1 IS fun Mill iow bite md mil IS till Ml l ill lust urn is Ills Hit w mm his lor Hi 111 It SI i itn pus be of mm llui 111 hue so lit lint tin 1 plum net like brie s sell mis ii Hint e The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue Press Thursday January A goal set in by Hydro chairman EG Tyler was reached last week when Acton Hydm Commission held Its inaugural meeting In ihe recently completed hydro building on Alice Street Micro Plastics Workers members of the United Rubber Workers of America at a meeting Sunday voted overwhelmingly in favor of strike action if a conciliation board report is not favorable On Sunday at ihe Legion Hall 10 Micro workers were present Out of this number 109 were union card holders and eligible to vote The strike action was unanimous in the event a proposed Iwoyear contract did not meet with their approval according to local president Paddy Dick Union mem bers are also requesting higher wages and increased benefits Glenlea Smoke Shop closes Saturday and a milk store will be established in that loca Acton Firefighters answered their first call in Friday afternoon when they raced to a car fire on Cobblchill Road When they arrived at the scene the fire had been extinguished It is believed the car was driven by Ralph Matthews and hud backfired causing a fire under Ihe hood Consideration of establishing a day nursery in Acton continued this week at a further meeting of the executive of the Community Welfare Services committee It is hoped to have the nurstry operating 50 years ago Taken from the Issue the Thursday January 1327 Poll tax was collected from Kelly in error as he was not yet years of age The clerk was ordered by council lo make a refund J McPhcrson was appointed assessor and tax collector Mrs Orwell Johnston who was so critically ill last week is now making pro gress slowly Miss Minnie Z Bennett principal of the public school is ill with the grippe Last year was Acton centennial year of its by the Adams family and he event was fittingly celebrated Some people hid doubts as to Acton being founded prior to which celebrates its centennial ycir in July next Actons natal year is however 1B2G without doubt as authentic data proves The Free Press has just received from Mrs Cook Minnie Adams of Grand Rapids Mich a copy of the genealogical history of Robert Adams and his This record says Rev Ezra Adams and his wife who had lived in Cambridge Mass and lundys Lane Canada settled in Acton town ship in 1826 In July 1926 Jane Maria In May 1828 Eliza Roxana was born She married Rev Matthew who was minister of the church in ergus Acton and Georgetown George Washington Adams was bom Acton July He resided in Grand Rapids 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of the tree Press Thursday January IN 1H7J Skating is the popular amusement this winter The new two cent Canada postcards for use in the United Kingdom are now out The renowned Scottish singers Miss It J Hardy are an to give one of their inimitable entertainments in Mathews Hall Hot then Bakery next Tuesday evening The spoke of the large number of tramps that have infested the village lately staling that the money that had been placed in his hand for the purpose of giving them temporary relief had been exhausted Smallpox is extremely prevalent at when hit tht ground would destrov element of surprise flunking it over we must conclude lhat war in Canada using nothing but reservists would certainly be comical but not too Most of the casualties would be in the Legion halls each night fighting was over speaking of the Legion halls a civil would add a little spice the rather drear dialogue that is the norm Instead of monotonous about tin last bingo game or the next shuffle tourmment you d hear stuff like this J hear whit said on the tonight She said thefrogscaptureda whole the Canadian Army today and there a in it below rank of sergeant live 150 mijors so on Right And io per cent of the officers was French Cinadian It figures But a good look in broad right If it does come lo civil war you can inelude mc out And that goes for all my old friends including a few Germans who fought on the other side in WW I and are now happy Canadians Hut that I mean we I make our our sacrifices if needs must M contribution would be to overall strategy which has always been been my strong point You should sec mc plotting to gel someone else to mow my lawn put on several cases having proved fatal Mammoth sleighing parties are all the rage these winter evenings They inevitably rcsull in frost biles of the heart bad colds and engagements to Morning papers outside of Toronto seem to have a hard struggle for existence There is only one left outside Torunto in all Ontario Traffic is greatly delayed on all lines the snow storm on Friday and Saturday Ninety men will be thrown out of work by the fire at the Vale Manufacturing Company Works The loss Is estimated at storm windows shovel walk Hereby some suggestions hirst if the feds want short swift viitorv Muster every aircraft in the country load them with scrap of paper in Ottawa man them with civil under the com mandof Otto Lang and bomb Not the separatists but the entire province of Quebec would be obliterated for gentr lo this would be lo build a fente right around the province con strucled of all the red in Ottawa It would take the 10 years to cut Iheir w out they have forgotten referendums and such If these methods of an solution art not dramitic enough for here s fiml offer Muster ill the politic ins lawyers and Women I in the rest of Canada them to a remote section of Newfound land Muster all the politicnns lawyers and in Quebec My them to the simi place No conventional weapons for cither side Ihen let them beat each other to death with unveiled innuendoes deliberate mis information absolute ambiguities legil torts trial balloons and shrill cries of trench male chauvinist pigs and ludites Anglais abortionistes It would be lovely and peaceful in Ihe rest of the And the bleeding bat winners could have Newfy where the locals would hunt them down for sport as they did the Indians Analyzing the election Ric Morrow could chart a new course for Halton Hob Kuril In terms of the unexpected Morrow election as regional chairman is nothing less than sensational Morrow was given two chances to win in his bid for the brass ring slim and none But the decision to elect a chairman was much more than a popularity contest That decision by council could be one of the most important decisions in Ihe development of regional government in In council took on new powers that the old county system never had In the three years since then council has assumed more power and taken responsibility for more of the functions involved in municipal government Sets new lone Until Morrow jumped into the race there was never any doubt lhat the future would see even more power shifted to the regional level of government But if Morrow follows- through on the tone Wednesday the whole field of region and area council relationships could change Morrow says he wants the region to work as an equal with the four area municipal dies not as a senior level of government He says he wants to return those functions to the area levels that can best be handled lhat level By converting the job of regional chair man to a pari time position Morrow has successfully reduced the status and lige that goes with the office He won be big daddy In politics As far as he is concerned the mayors arc and should be the high profile politi municipal politics and a regional chairman has no business usurping a mayor Man with a mission In speeches with the council and in dis with the media Morrow has ap peared as a man with a mission His mis involves reducing duplication If that means reducing the role and the Influence of the region Morrow claims that what has lo be done If it was just a matter of just one council lor speaking and voicing an opinion Morrow words wouldn carry any more weight than if they were uttered in a streel corner conversation But he was elected by his colleagues on regional council and apparently carries endorsement of the majority of the regional councillors For a public body to publicly say we think some of our jobs can be better done at another level Is an oddity in itself Closer rapport The idea of a strong central government has never had much appeal in north where people still relate to local councils and in a system where the local councillor still has the closest rapport with the citizens he or she represents The direction In which Mr Morrow seems to be prepared to take Halton will not meet with a lot of favor with provincial cians and bureaucrats who In drafting Bill 151 designed a system with a strong central regional government and four subser vient lower tier governments llu old region council bilked at some of the bill for example equalized water rites lint it was just a matter of time In fori the opposition to those matters worn down and the new way of doing things is Morrow says it is time to start reflecting the vuws of llu people Representing a North Morrow will be mure aware lh in somi of his southern leuguis kind of unrest that exists I In re seems to be an incmsing push from grass roots for decentralization and restructuring of regional government Morrow s predecessor Allan saw his mission largely as fulfilling the terms and requirements of Hill Til He was Pointed In the province and banded a bill drafted by the Dial set bun on a collision course with so mi who are annoyed it having to through Ihe region for so ninny the things they require Unlike Morrow w elected by his peers and sees as his mission serving wishes of the people not the wishes of the province I- or those who would dearly love return to some version of the old system of government perhaps the universe is un folding as it should We see Of this and that Actons new telephone book is out again our numbers are included with the regional munici pality of WaterlooGuelph Al though the Halton and Peel region books advertises Halton Hilts on its cover this only means George town Rather phoney THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office

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