Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1977, p. 5

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Dave Johnson and the quad squad The Free Press Wednesday Februarys Ham radio gives new life to quadraplegics a v HthcnfhiifPfnhl small room for he radio club fun lacks about Ham radio equipment is giving five at St Josephs Hospital in Guplph a new lease on life It a whole new world it has opened up new horizons for all of us says Dave Johnson of Acton one of the members And it a hobby For a q be a pretty boring affair You can only watch so much tele vision in a day Playing cards chess or checkers re quires the aid of a volunteer to carry out your moves But the quad squad as the at St Joseph s call has found there are ways to ate ham radio equipment without the use of human helpers and the pastime is occupying more and more of their time Thanks to president and volunteer members of the teur Radio Club the quads have been fully trained and government licenced to ate a ham system and worth of new equipment is expected to arrive shortly Only problem is the hams don t have quite enough money to finance the equip ment Today their fund is about short of lis goal and the club has appealed for public donations to help put the fund over the top At present they are using a transceiver and radio sets borrowed from GARC members while waiting for the new equipment to come It a lot of fun says Johnson He wishes he had become interested in ham radio before his accident in the summer of which left him virtually crippled from the neck down It was in July of that Dave some friends and two of his three children went swimming in Fairy Lake three blocks from his Acton home We had been swimming there every day all summer he said But one dive into the water changed Dave life Some how he hit the water at an odd angle and the force ot the impact broke his spine near the top 11 was a real freak accident there were no bruises and 1 strike anything It was just the way I hit the water Paralyzed he sank into the water and would have drowned if his children and friends pulled him out Then followed a lengthy rehabilitation process to ensure he could continue life in as near to normal fashion as possible He spent six weeks in a striker frame at Toronto General Hospital his neck in traction Then followed months at hurst Lodge a rehabilitation centre where his neck and shoulder muscles were strengthened and he was taught how to breathe pro perly In April of 1974 he was transferred to St Joseph continuing care unit in There were only two other quads at St Joseph s when Da arrived there are seven now To date Dave has no hope of recovery and is destined to spend the rest of his life in bed or in a wheelchair We heard the Russians were developing an operation that would fix this kind of thing but we don have any definite word on it yet said Dave Then he grinned maybe they re keeping it to themselves It quite a change for a man who at has had an active and normal life Born and raised In Milton he spent years working at Robertson Manufacturing as a fork lift truck driver Married in 1960 he has three sons and the family has lived years in Acton The ham radio business began about a year ago when Mr a contractor in visited the hospital and was touched by the plight and inactivity of the quad Being president of tht radio club he con his club members they should help he hospital s wheelchair brigade learn about ham radio Several members loaned equipment and volunteered their time to visit the hospital and teach ham systems to the quads One of the instructors is Harold an Air Canada pilot who lives at Biggest thrill for everyone was the day in mid when the Department of Communications presented certificates of qualification to the five course graduates Besides Dave club members using the call letters VE i the SJH is for the hospital name art Meff Del Don and Ktn Sch A HAM RADIO SYSTEM has brought new hope and excitement into the lives of the quad squad a group of five at St Josephs Hospital in Guelph Dave Johnson of Acton formerly of Milton is one of the radio club members who enjoys voice contact with other operators around the country Meff is pictured with the temporary equipment being used until 000 can be raised to buy new radio equipment the club can call its own Meff probably the most active of the quintet as he has limiled use of his right arm and ind proudly shows visitors the temporary equip ment demonstrates how the r speaker can be pushed to Hit on position by operator check It a lot of fun you get lo know some of tht radio eontitts by their voice and we re making a whole pile of new friends he said To dale the club has reached fellow hams in like Toronto Hamilton and Stratford and their furthest away have been in Maryland i new radio transmitter is installed they to reach world with their ridio tan from overseas on scl but we can l them as don have enough I hospital Ins aside Parents helped drivers small room for the radio club and a special desk has been ordered which will allow the operators slide in under desk lop with their wheel chairs It really heart warming he said Through the concern of other any thing can become We owe big debt of lo the Itadu Club members and everyone else who has helped fund for the radio was kitktd off by the ridio with a donation of w rth of equipment lo the fund and ids have been running raffles ind appeals to raist Hit quid squids in volvtmenl with ham r is believed lo tht first of its kind in this club mi nit ire hoping the idt Mil id lo other ml other ipltgits wlitther they in it in This may id icross Hit siys it tin cast loneliness of win to their homes art a continuing SI Joseph s is tin squad has held sever il f over Hit first funds buy Ihemsilvts wheel elnirs w lies dependent ihers w irt iryine tkelnedMirs for llit of their Ins pit il wine out without iv I v for someone pin doors for them Some of the riffle funds ire ilso toward the j system and lo Hit ilj lacks about can be sent diressed lo Ham Radio on I SI Hospital imoiml lid Guelph U Beatrice director FAMOUS FOR QUALITY The Shoe with the Beautiful Fit SEE THE NEW SPRING ARRIVALS 00 FALL AND WINTER STOCK Reductions Continue On All I 19 Mill St SHOES Town offices cramped Continued from page ment should be close to the building and engineering departments to lessen paper work and build team work He suggests an expansion of the administration building and urges a storage area to be set up for clerk engineering and planning department records says there is also a need for a technical staff room He says the public is run ning around in circles trying to get required information on related items from his department and engineering building and zoning depart Buikcrra says there t sufficient office space in his Main Street quarters and cold air is getting in through the window despite the fact masking tape has been used lo keep out drafts Gray says he thinks his staff should be located at the rinks and pools to be close to the people but does see ad vantage to himself a sec and the facility super intendent being in a central municipal building for 1m proved communications with other departments He warned if the staff in creases as the town grows there won be any room at Alcott Arena offices for them unless some those at the rink are moved Gray staled the office space at the rink is restrictive but adequate and washroom fac at the rink and the wards one and two recreation office in Acton are inadequate He added the rink electrical system is taxed lo its capacity The finance department seems to be in the worst shape where there are people working plus two people from the fire depart ment King says his department quarters are not adequate either in terms of actual space or conditions under which employees work He reports his department is breaking two sections of the Industrial Safety Act One section says if there arc more than nine female employees there must be two washrooms and another section states if there are more than female employees there be a room or other space set up which is private and has chairs or cols The finance building doesn have a ladies lounge only one women washroom and has 13 female employees King also says there space for proper storage and there I adequate room for auditors who comes in frequently He reported the building has been cold this winter because the boiler Is not big enough for tht building and needs to be spent to replace it King pointed out five years ago it was recommended boiler be replaced No more electrical machines can be hooked into the building system or it will be overloaded and it will cost to upgrade the The sanitary sewer line leading into the building should be replaced and will tost and the twister last summer caused damage to a roof which needed to be replaced at a cost Of 000 King concluded there are definite advantages to his department joining others in an expanded building To see report Board of Trustee has assured parents they have access to any final report the board makes on the January inci dent in which children were let off a school bus during snowstorm He suggested copies of the report go to other schools in region and to bus drivers is on a five man committee investigating the incident along with a board official Cliff Shaw of Norton Bus Lines Principal Grant and Craig Kerr representing area parents has suggested the formation of a parents committee for the whole north area with represent lives from Aclon Glen Williams etc He said such a committee could act as a clearing house to get criticism on a variety of topics out in the open area parents are also concerned that the bus driver involved in the snow storm incident may have been using obscene language in the presence of children said it questions like that one which should be At least two other school bus drivers who hid to liali roids in the during terrible Jan snowstorm arc thanking their lucky stirs for tht help they received from pirenls Some are suggesting the incident it the if Line Avenue intersection would have been as if parents there had helped bus driver who drives a rouii which heads east from towards the Tern Colin town line children on her bus were able lo gel to llieir homes with the help of ears Some parents took children from their neighborhood as well she said 1 lei parents help me she said 1 don know what I w mid have done without their help Mrs Rock said she also Streets back to normal Streets arc back to normal follow ine one of the worst snowstorms in answered for the benefit of all If it true she doesn I belong in our syslcm it alitor just that reason slid If its nut true then her should be cleared Amonc the passengers on her bus were a sm ill baby and twodofcs She was also able to pick up two lost children who Suspend driver Norton Bus I mis remnns suspended and a Hoard of Iducdtion official is promised to con sider the msl illation of r in 1 buses as resull of i meeting in v living ineview parints rc of the board the Norton mil School rant it Sun Tht meeting w isorgmiiid parents that ehildrtn living on Ihird were let off a bus it inter stetion of 1- iflh I and during snowstorm I- rid J The bus wis to up the I me Iht children some as nine is years f hud l walk at hall a mile to home Some children suffered frosl hilt is rtsult the long in tht bitttr told had mistakenly Itt off mother bus it corner in snow slorm A second school driver told of the help she roteivtd from parent volunteer while stranded at shgrovc for J hours child ren were passtngtrs on that bus Mrs Dave who bundled up in sm mobile suit and fifth I told Sunday meeting she was pared laki her two children through storm but no more Mrs said she I the driver tint she wis to do with others wis her problem CARPET KING flooring 310 AVE MILTON 878 AB Valentine s Day falls on a Monday this WELCOME SERVICE If you are new in town or know someone who is PHONE 8533902 TOWN OF HALTON HILLS RECREATION DEPARTMENT All Persons or Groups Wishing To Rent Gordon Alcott Mem Arena to operate SUMMER HOCKEY SCHOOL andor SUMMER FIGURE SKATING SCHOOL dung the 1977 summer months Apply writing to TOWN of HALTON HILLS RECREATION DEFT 36 MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN 0NT Closing Date for all proposals Feb 25th 12 noon 1977 Good Citizenship deserves a medal Do you know anyone here in Ontario who through selflessness humanity and kindness without expect ing anything in return has made this a better province in which to live Thil s the kind of person for whom the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship was established Recipients are selected by an independent Advisory Council of Ontario citizens whose honorary chairman is the Lieutenant Governor of Province Anyone may nominate a person for the Ontario Medal and nomination forms are available by writing Executive Secretary Advisory Council Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship Queen Park Toronto Ontario A 1A1 Making a nomination is itself an act of for good citizenship All nominations should be received by April 15 1977 ONTARIO MEDAL FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP SUPERMARKET 9 Mill St East Acton 8534650 PRICES FEB WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Grade A Fresh Large Sizes CHICKENS 65 CHICKEN IN A BASKET 69 MINI SIZZLERS ASSORTED FLAVOURS YOGURT SIDE BACONJ139 49 SANDWICH SI READ ROLLS Save ISvcJOc FROZEN DELICIOUS FROZEN J r a I 1 LI Si RED SALMON LETT0CE 39 COOKING ONIONS 59 J 89 CARROTS APPLES MIXED VEGETABLES PEAS 389 EGGS FRESH MILK O I INSTAN COFFEE 59 59 89 PEACHES PEANUT BUTTER PAPER TOWELS

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