CLASSIFIED RATES CALL BIRTHS DEATHS MARRIAGES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES ENGAGEMENTS No Charge DEADLINE TUESDAY FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC minimum charge lot words per word Subsequent no copy changes charge far 12 words word thereafter discount a Rawed or cash payment verse or plus DEADLINE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NOON TUESDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO DOES IT DIRECTORY DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION FRIDAY 3 8 The Acton Free Press Wednesday 1977 ilHULliiUHi A SINCERE thanks to friends are pleased to an and for visits the arr M lowers cards phone calls 9 IBs on Febr other Its and treats during uary Proud grand my stay Guelph General parents are Mr and Mrs and s nee com home These II and Mr and Mrs Stanley HOLMES Ruddy and Maureen nee Downey are eased to Ann bo John II am Jr in ai we on grander Id for The sorrow day would ana Mrs George Downey Mac Dona a Ac en We d a not say our last farewell Or even say goodbye For you were gone before we MOCMR A Mar e ana Lei Anne are pleased to Lov remembered and of Actor ana Mrs and Karen Mary e THOMPSON in lov ng memory of Thomp son who passed away Feb ruary As me unfolds another year keep you ever near lent thoughts of to the engagement of r eldest daughter Jan Mr e son of Mr and Mrs Donald llr Dr Creek age to take place in lov memory October the Wash Temp March Church of Jesus st of Just as you were you will Day Treasured our memory 3087J daughter Lynda Lou to 1 am James son of Mr and Mrs John Glen changes many things no of Rock wood age w take ace April at Forever In our thoughts the John fern Evangel Pent costal Taher memory of our dear son and March 6 1776 MRS DWjgald Kennedy Peart wishes to thank her friends tor the congratu and good w on the occasion her 90th rthney They were very much pass m by predated No tier lean sorrow dim 1 WOULD like to thank relatives friends and while 1 was Guelph General That weighs men souls the Hospital and since com ng and nurses lor the care and Fred Clow Youth II be his through all Sadly m ssed and ever In our thoughts hearts and prayers thanks to all neighbors and Mom Dad Andrea friends for all their kindness and flowers cards and donations also the nurses of General Hospital and the IN MEMORY Six gooc doctors of Glenlea Clin and still loved Ihe Shoemaker Funeral thought ol by a family Home Edna Price 30B94 MEMORY John Scott Lynn who died him March 6 This world Is not conclusion A sequel stands beyond Invisible as music But positive as sound Fondly remembered by John who died March 6 Fondly remembered and sadly missed by Lanio ant Les Pearl and Ed Frank and Habakkukl IB Tony and Mary McEACHERNln loving memory of Norman who passed away March MARSHALL Lynnln loving memory of Lynn who passed away so suddenly March 6 Nan Grandmother Forever In our thoughts ondly remembered Aunt Always n our Aunt and Uncle Joe MARSHALL Lynn in and sister Lynn who lelt us suddenly I her fr ends March A year ago you passed away But Memor as we journey on A le from a loved one gone Ever remembered by his grandmother Ann Talbot COUTURE In lov ng memory of a dear brother Er c who passed away suddenly March We llltle thought Lov remembered by brother Garry sister n low Jack and family In loving memory of a dear husband and father George who passed away February May we oiler a thought for everyone s tomorrow Passing can be a tragedy That fills you grief Or t can be a memory With a message thai brief Cherish the ones you Wllh every passing day For you know not how suddenly The Lord will take them away Loved and remembered always by wife Melissa daughter Georglna and son In law Don DIRECTORY OF CLASSIFICATIONS Adopl on An mall Boarded Cards of Cartage Moving Coming Events Coming Marriages In am Commorc al Proper Lost or Strayed Personal Pet Stock Kennels Produce Real Estate on vehicles Roams Board Ave loble Rooms BoardWanted Equipment Student Employment for Sale or Rent on Resorts SOUP end Sandwich lunch at March SI for Senior citizens and children DANCE Saturday March 1am Doors open a Holy Rosary Hall Martin St Milton Music by Jack Reeves and the Reeves Boys Everyone come per couple Spon sored by the I O ACTON Mens Dance Sat March 9pm lam Acton Music Centre Music by Libra SB a couple For tickets call GEORGETOWN Agricultural Soclely Is holding a euchre at Hall March p m Admission SI THETA PHI will be selling daf thru Georgetown Co Ordlnatlng Council for the Ontario Cancer We will be canvassing the businesses In Acton during month March and Ihe money received will be turned to Acton Cancer THERE will be a general meet ng of A M at Arc Industries Hornby on Monday March A I Im of Interest to the general publ will be shown Everyone welcome PLOWMEN Euchre at Community Cenlre Wednesday March 30 lunch pro FASHION MUSICAL by Marilyn Mage Boutique and Acton Toddlers to Teens THE Mull pie s Soclely res a volunteer work as pat service rep lor H lis expenses Nursing T or background required For further informal on Phone TV TOWERS 10 tower overall height ng ill channel head lower over hall he ght n chiding all channel head installed F Installed Automatic rotor COLOR COMBINATION 40 tower overall height on color head VHF and UHF automatic rotor Installed RICHARDSONS RADIOS TV 465 Main Stieat East el typos Phone USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES FDR SALE Used 4 piece sofa sot Spin washer 0Q range 30 gasiango 812600 color portable- TV Used black and to floor models all good on torn HILLS FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Queen Si East PER CENT solid T V brand new and guaranteed MEN s wool 3 piece suits Regular now Nellsens Clothing downtown Acton CAPTAIN BAR fools four only solid maple ISO each FREE CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM your home before May and your Elect A Filter Fee Pi ices as low as 129900 For a ton unit installed HORNET ENGINEERING YOUR HEAT PUMP DEALER 1 B55I50D or 1906 B E Sound Main St E SWIMMING POOL Wo si I fl pools loll I THEY HAVE TO GO as low as 00 PARKINSONS SAW MILL LTD R Guelph WANTED TO BUY soli FOR SALE 2 tf furniture from Importers Warehouse Open Clausen Ltd Hflhway Duncaster SWIMMING Pools 1977 models sightly scratched in Irans porl full warranty complete walk around and sun deck Suggested retail S3 available at pre season spec al 3BS call now lor early Installation Coil anytime collect 3081 SWIMMING pools to rent Will lease and nsiall for home owners Family slio num pool wllh patio choice styles mcel ng all fencing three year rental basis with Try buy Call called 9506 ANTIQUE Furniture and pllances For further In formation SWIMMING pool sacrifice Leading Canadian and distributor has aluminum pools over season price Guaranteed Installation and terms Call Collect days or evenings WEDDING GOWhS dtslgncrs samples direct from annual fashion show Values to All reduced to S70 This Is an excellent selection In all sizes Shaw Fashions Shoppers world Highway 10 and Brampton 31311 A color TV used and guaranteed One only or small payments ok 3373 LEADING swimming pool wholesaler must dispose of 1974 all aluminum pools In stock sacrifice desperately needed factory space Brand now swimming pool Include filler walk around deck fence and warranty sue Call Pare collect days or evenings BOYS youths and men jeans wlndbreakcrs overalls Old prices still In feet Clothing down town Acton FIVE PC new 10014 EXCAVATING top SO ByronG Trail 2 NOB 3K0 Phone ce 877 9501 ITCHENMAID Dishwasher model convert GARAGE SALE Acton sat Mar also d S el St 90 smoke del r Sale Call 3330 price GIRL pec after white bedroom suite Best offer ilSTORIC ACTON Is reflected pages of the Free Press Centennial Edition Cop the I still able at 50c Press Add for postage If order by mall A real edit on More than early Acton photos birch Call CONTEMPORARY 3 room group A piece bedroom set piece dincllc set 7 p living room sol carpet and new Panasonic black and wh TV Only S3 Call 13 payments of S30 no Interest and a ant color TV Is yours One Call Howard UCKYS Septic Pumping owned by Robert Noble Ltd industrial waste pumping septic tank pumping Three trucks to serve you patched Call or 1713 THIS week special Truckload of salvage carpet lust or rived good as new Only S3 yard at Criterion Carpets Street next Beckers George town 21044 S leisure suits Regular IH0 now S75O0 others lrcmS18 95 Clothing TWO 39 Inch bed springs and two good ones two poster footboards could be used as headboards for the lot phone GOOD hay 75c per bale delivered extra Oiprlnge Coll 4417 3083B BALES with some hoy mixed per bale Coll HAY for sale Call 17 GOOD quality baled hoy lust norm Acton 30865 BALES of good oat straw for sale I mile from Mohawk Raceway Can deliver 87B 4079 101BS STEAM JENNY modal 750 Only SIM Call STUD service Triple A Registered Arabian Sire In both Canada and USA Bay H Travis Hall Arabians Call 519 856- 4293 HORSES Ontario please conlacl 729 even LEOPARD Stud Service years Excellent American and breeding Call PET STOCK KENNELS KENNELS Boarding R 2 ACTON ONT REE two adorable pupple hall Siberian Husky week old very well mothered FREE to good home part German Well trained with deposit on Call alter RECREATION VEHICLES MOTORCYCLE Honda Excellent condition Best offer 3415 POLARIS good I miles RENT A luxury Motorhomc available for March break Spring and summer book 10301 AVE SAVE lfsAMCs75th ANNIVERSARY Can Used As Down Payment on 1977 Hornet Stat on Wagon Now Only Jo down payment mil APRIL quel tod AMC Protocton Jack Wilton Jeep 53D Elizabeth Street Tel 824798Q The flayer ECONOMY CARS JUST S3 ijeoiteiown British Cars DUSTER slant six aulo Lie Georgetown Chrysler 71 MUSTANG Fallback California yellow good on gas V automatic pi AM radio miles Si or best offer Sharon days even imjJIMIJimIH I USED TRUCKS FORD FIDO Light eon a wo- FORD FIDO Rod tree D30293 F10GCV5O4OO F10BRU712B1 FORD FIDO Blue oca USED CARS FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON GRAN TORINO 2 hardtop I green match automate powc ado now Lie GRAND MARQUIS Ivor or nyl oof lull AM powo a clean one lowmlcogo Soouslo no CAR and TRUCK RENTALS LEASING MAIN ST ACTON TEL or BRAMPTON PARK TOYOTA CAR OF THE WEEK OLDS The comos a mo whan you th nk I and so does my f am ly That the t mo lor one of fully used cars L Olds Cutlass S a m Olds h a pt tag to match The tasteful surround ngs w th on AM rad tor easy n and out comfort there ore vol seats tod vinyl Then s the easy d features I ko powor power disc brakes and automat Thorp all this luxury Don t you deserve Largest selection of quality used cars in Hills Toyoia Corolla sedan Toyota Toyota Co Toyota Co wagon Toyota 1600 bus HON302 Toyota Co di rod 73 Toyoto ST ted Corolla auto Cotolta coupo 73 Toyota auto blue Toyota Crown T Toyota Co wagon auto 71 Toyota Sprnter 1200 Toyota Spinier Nova Grand Olds Cutlass SS HTNB01 LTD a r Blscayno dr Olds Delta Impala PARK TOYOTA HWY WEST GEORGETOWN ALL TOYOTAS ABE CREATED EQUAL PARK TOYOTA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE 29a mg9 Sedan new tires new exhaust system now shocks power steering power brakes radio cert fled Call 1973 GRAN Torino lour door sedan Body in excellent con V engine power brakes power steering air conditioning radio Call E CHEv NOVA door sedan i cylinder automatic radio snows trailer block no rust Highway driven Low mileage Fully Will certify 1974 MONTE Carlo hard top Loaded Including air conditioning or best offer Phono Paul at or 1 after pm