Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1977, p. 1

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Region confirms Milton site F Halton garbage waste bucket hours or tense discus and debate ended Wednesday with Re gional Council voting 1 10 confirm the selection of Silt is location for i future site for the region Hose to people attended the meeting most of whom ire members or supporter of the Cili lens Group resolutions all carry inicndments and amend minis to the were prepared council ill and corridors irotind it were the scene of activity during misses lunch roups of councillors to plan strategy and stage 11th hour attempts to win support for their plan of action Considering tht wide or motions and the of amendments before him at any given time Re gional Chairman Morrow was successful in preventing the meeting from bowing to ultcr chaos and turmoil The motion confirming the selection of the site was amended to provide only enough land for a nod of six years with provision for annual review of the region landfill needs and a commit to a transfer site and a front end r plant The amended motion reads as follows That the selec Hon of location be con firmed as the site of future landfill for the region and further that the staff be instructed to negotiate the purchase of sufficient site lands to accomodate land ill requirements in the region of not to exceed a per lod of six years and that the region apply for approval to hi Environmental Review Board to use the said lands for period of six years only ind further thai the region reviLw annually the need for continued landfull at site if said site is ap proved the mental Review Board and further lhat the region proceed as quickly as possible in with the province for the installation and opera of a transfer site and front end operations in the tjuecn lizabeth Way and area including in our property agent lo acquire the necessary lands for such facilities The recorded vole saw split on the with ill three Milton representatives voting in opposition to the choice The balance of power fell to the four Hills represents lives who confirm the choice of the site Voting in favor of the site wire the following Mac Anderson Harry Jack Raftis Miller Vern Mike Arm strong Don Carter Tom Sutherland Roy Booth and David Coons Voting in opposition were the following Don Gordon Mary Carl Hen Waller Jim Kerr 1 tunc Jim Watson and Ron Councillor Archie Burlington Coun Pat McLaughlin and Hills Mayor Tom Hill were absent from vote and the meeting In a somewhat extra ordinary move Chairman Morrow passed the gavel and urged council to vole in favor of site jusl prior vote In the last few weeks I have felt Ihe weight on my shoulders I m extremely concerned about those in opposition but I m more con about the needs of 200 people Not one person has laid Continued on page 12 Second Year No 36 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH Twenty Four Pages Fifteen Cents New group seeks role As C of C woos with unity call town merchants some of whom are tied with llie Clumber of rce look rain cheque on i Chamber mvita lion to fuse with it into new structure Hit mvit ition came from lumber secret irj Betty to people during whit wis described is the form meeting of i Downtown Business Inn last night in the fire hall We II wiltonie if you tun to us Mrs 1- istwood with icknowleeigement imber president I mis A HIGH JUMP proved no obstacle to Julie Kurt during Bennett winter cartmai Both town public schools had day long activities New opposition council pay hike The in per toil pay rust for councillors is still not fact It v ill be discussed again at the next Hills council mcelmc The pay hike ran into i Monday when Councillor Mike blasted the mere saymc mayors of the former towns of Georgetown had not made much is the gelling He now are more than idtqii hard to justify firltss in in crease lo He admitted it w is not i great mere but re minded councillors ihty rm fur tin wi should m He hi ily NI Hit public sun w urrj lie w i the vole is hid opposed imnint sit when Hilton Hills is ined I is iknif less is in nor of I vtl for He id living ind justified either only 1 mil moved tin next me cling since In chimed the cost of living el lust id not been included in llu bylaw Hoy epl lined motion w is re illy closure motion lint cut off further dis He the new iimeillors if wanted to lhi should h ivt voted i the million similar motion to up the sal by to KM is so held over it should he In Id up unlil the mayor has i eh met lo on it Mayor lorn Hill is on v meeting and then perhaps a dialogue would start within a strengthened organization under a differ ent structure The Informal gathering chaired by Wood with fell short of Chamber offer or the lime being road Instead Ihe movers for a chose i middle road A four member committee volun leered from the group to pre pare some programs for the John Toronto nonunion bank m Wayne Ruse Arthur Cooper of cooper ind Daws iceountnnls and Aim m in of s Shoes arc on ihe committee They in tend ask retail section in Jake ken lo help them group hopes lo hold public meet ing in the first week of April Opening the meeting Mr Wood staled the proposed new issocntion was not a lo the est organization In no way is it me int to take the place of he imher of he lold the gathering The purpose of ihe new group would be in promoting business md the business Mr Wood said He that the Downtown Business Assocnlion would also support the Hoard of in of the Business Improvement Area I A The main question posed in the meeting by Paul Nielsen and others just wh pro gram new group lo offer The meeting which was to determine if there arc enough interested people to on READY TO GO in the celebrity section of Sunday s Skatathon daughter Kelly The Rotary sponsored event raised money for are Julian Reed Don McDonald Sonny both the club and the participating schools Over 200 skated in Townsley George Hargrave Louis Charlebois Mac Sprowl shifts pledges arent all in yet but its expected about will Gary George Gray and Murray Harrison with be raised Council Senior citizen units agrees More applican ts build here nmht Monday igrccd to for mis for senior citizens housing in all wards Councillor 1 reported on the special meeting in Acton lhat ifternimn Garbage reduction Hilton Hills council will set up committee to trv to find tutting down the amount collected weekly In idilition they will I Minister Kerr to relax the restrictions on burning mil leaves further reduce llie pro suggestion wis n by Ill McKc Court decides in Hydros favor See Page 6- the Dill Housing pmjttls in in Gordon lukors i group of ton rued tint s senior is I inc precede nee ivcr While is lb it housing hid dee Hit new units should filled before Actons in he the wire svmpiihiiic to feelings During the discussion Mini diy ind whit councillor it tailed i numbers llu plied with which too few on hind t iHith Hills units Mr ihe numbers of ipplu mis ise dram Hie illy lieMis he sud his would hive ive Roy Booth pi inner Vend illi Mr Hickory of Housing his successor Hale I id manager of Hi using Duncan the chairman of Hilton Housing Authority ind Dolly Municipal complex in capital budget before tor senl egin enough Ail llicrc w is begin igrecd tint Ihty would isk Hills council to iss liken mil of the I his not disip from the loc II his lain tentatively in eluded in the IJ78 budget cost of Miller lu thought it would be to include in Ihe fore since in lecoinmod is being by llu si iff lb ihere is indefinite build it Ill McKcnzic llu use of the complex should hi eh lo building He said he felt the whole should not be dibiiiturid lriisurer King it is listed tint way until definite mincing would be irrmgcd lie pointed out borne of the money could tome from sale of mil or from lot levies Peter Marks council was only trying to prove debenture ipaciiy to the not build building Mayor Hoy Booth igrced It does not show any intent to spend any money In on it Georgetown a member of the Julian Heed of and Con servalivc Cindidates George Gray of Georgetown Mr Dub y chaired the meet ing decision that Acton woultln start George- tow is complete was based on numbers Mr Hickory explained As soon as we get enough applications for Georgetown well build in Aeton The new high rise in Georgetown with units is due lo begin within a week Certainly we can l here until we fill thai Mr Hickory stated People would complain if we only had units filled when the whole building is subsidized It s only eight miles he said As of 1 the list of people waiting for senior citizen housing showed in Georgetown and in Acton Seventeen of these had been Inter viewed and asked if they would be willing lo go to Continued on Page 3 Expropriation hearing officer crams years of Hydro issues sides in an ex propnation for Ontario Hydros proposed Bradley to power corridor art waiting for one min to up on the issues before they can continue The man hearing officer Donald will reconvene he irlng tomorrow in Actons Legion He adjourned Monday after listening to a five hour deb between lawyers for the provincial utility on one side and lawyers for about 70 opponents of expropriation on Ihe other I need time for reflection on these matters Mr said at the end of the first day s hearing which concentrates on portion of the proposed corridor He officer who is documents relevant to the issues is considering whether lie will listen to evidence concerning illernalc routes to the one proposed by irio Hydro I for opponents landowners want in Iroduce such evidence with mind to questioning Hydros chosen route If Ihe lawyers do so they II move to have the courts judge instead Also on the hearing of fleer s mind is move by opposition have Hydro restate its purpose for this he irmg The move may involve the courts Hearing officer Meyrlck deferred decisions on Ihe opposition lawyers motions he has heard or read enough evidence to help him Mr reminded both sides he is a newcomer to the ye irs of debate on Ihe Irons mission line a mlslnkc impute knowledge of previous meetings me he said The proposed line which would strclch from the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station on Huron to eventually Milton Station was split into three sections for hearings The central section m eludes the townships of East 1 fcnn and Last The top section of the line held hearings last year at Durham Bottom portion The bottom portion of Ihe line including parts of Hills was the subject of recent decision by Ihe divisional court which curbs the some hearing officer Mr from hearing evidence on alternative routes because of special considerations Alternate routes in Ihe strip between Aeton and George town according lo the court were considered years ago by the Commission Hearing officer ought not to go into that question of alternative lines because the commissionhas done that and it would be costly for the hearing officer to do it again according the Bill Mann of Ihe Interested Citizens Group ICG said Monday thai an appeal will be for against divisional court decision The ICG is one of main and long time opponents of Iho Continued on page JULIE SIT shows how much stretch is needed if you are a gymnast See feature on second front

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