Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1977, p. 1

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Education taxes up here by 22 The average Acton ratepayer will fork over 22 more in education taxes than last year following Board of Educations ratification Thursday of an 81 million budget Average assessment in Acton is estimated at 170 Ratepayers in Esquesing will pay an average more this year the education system era assessment in Ward 2 of Hills is The mill rate will go up about mills this year for on eight per cent increase in taxes Once again Halton taxpayers must pick up a bigger chunk of the cost of education Last year local ratepayers forked over million but this year will pay million The municipal will account for per of the board revenues to last year and just per cent in 1975 Grants from Queen Park will be up million this year but the province share of the budget burden is down to per cent of total costs compared 1055 last year and in During the past three weeks board was able to shave 450 from the original budget of Ml 968 final budget of is up over last year The budget Is up per cent while enrolment is expected todropby394pupits this year Cost of educating each elementary pupil has gone up to a total of a year while the cost per pupil at high schools is up for a total of Finance committee chairman Noel Cooper noted nobody enjoys seeing taxes go up and it would be nice to keep the lid on but that is impossible when costs are going up and the board is committed to providing quality education He said the budget dldn frills Cooper said the committee was disappointed with the almost complete lack of public and trustee input during the past three weeks when the committee was entertaining changes in the budget He noted the committee received presentations from one trustee BUI and two mem of the public Cooper wondered if the lack of public input once again was attributable to apathy or was a vote of confidence for the job the board is doing He said he preferred to think it was the latter A number of trustees protested plans to take 1 million In expected revenue from the sale of surplus buildings and school sites and spend it on the purchase of more school sites They claimed the new sites could easily end up being sold in another five years Trustee Bert Hinton was the only board member to vote against ratification of the budget One Hundred and Second YearNo ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 23 1977 v Eight Pages Fifteen Cents Council to probe drainage woes Hills work- com and engineer Austin will probe drainage problems phoning 13 town house units in Hills which ihe over 100 ratepayers is being caused construction of semi del ithtd homes in Ihret Solicitor lion rtpn residents of t orponlinn number 4 in iny whom ID lend told illon Hills eouneil In problems have materialized over the mm months Mr limn said rent forts lie residents to get the devekptr of the semi del iched homes to torretl ihe drain is flooding lc use bast have ignored rod drain Six ivi bit built the Ik i rid ihcir inn lown controls if the developer doesni remedy the situ himself Hills can ind fix things up mil then bill the developer Mr Henry said everyone is looking for liaison ihe lorporalion lown and developer III for the town to m ike the developer live up letter spirit of the Hill hi had subject with who w is disappointed the people went to council Ihev should to works committee mil saved themselves one trip lo the municipal buildings he said He added in Mr Austins opinion the problem is a civil liter Hoy Booth asked if Mr Henry was suggesting ihe town was liable for any dam and the residents solicitor said no don I ihink here is any Inbilily on the part of the hut do think the town in control the developer ouncillor Peter Marks he like Councillors ind Pat has the problem and be lieves the lown has a res pen in the matter He said Continued on Page Two A LITTLE BIT OF apprehension clouds the face of Andy Scott as he prepares to embark on an unaccustomed day off from school at the arena Special public skating hours were scheduled during the winter break from school Board OKs school name mi lb school 111 SHERRY McNABB employee of the Bank of Montreal left and Leonore Stewart of the Canadian Heart Foundation surround a happy Vic Bnstow on Monday in the bank Mr had just presented Mrs Stewart with a cheque for money raised in a door todoor cam paign last month Mrs Stewart in the meantime presented Mr with a plaque recognizing his hard work Mr Hem it hint C of C wants Halton Hills industry advisory committee Georgetown Chamber of Commerce of ficials are going to put heads together and come up with a group of members to sit on Industrial Advisory Com miltee for Hills George own Chamber of Commerce president George Gray told Hills council Monday night that chambers of commerce in both and Georgetown ire in terested in seeing an mdus Irtol advisory committee set up quickly He noled the region is proceeding to advertise for someone lo head up the new Development Depart and the second day the End sessions in camera The closed door session for half an hour before Hilton Hills planning Board meeting should be abolished according Councillor Pete The half hour in session was only started i month ago II creates an aura of my for no reason said Pomeroy as he gave notice he would bring it up it the next council meeting He said it was also a waste of time since the items are discussed fully again when Ihe meeting formally is in session If everybody did their homework there no reason to keep people waiting some limes until m Chairman said it was an attempt to give buck ground information to plan board but said he won if the merits of the information overcame ihe inconvenience lo the public person isonlhi job we w ml lo be lo go down llicre and tell him about north wlnl we hive to offer said there ire i lot of people re id volunteer for this commillec which would include eh imber members councillors othtr members of ihe public Ik is i lol of industrnl development Hills md suggested there is i it need for local action out of billion provincial budget only million lo Hit Ministry Industry ind Tourism snd in induslrj i Continued on pate three Pay hike i one vole margin lit rust for the mijor ind eouneil stue iked ugh iy night when I iv is given Ihree re idincs The m ivors salary retro active I l to a ytar councillors pay will e i from lo ltegional councillors and Hie receive in iddi a year I hire is no discussion when the bylaw up Monday night On a recorded vote on both ruses opposed lo the ruse Ieler Morris it Mike Armstrong Waller Councillors voting for the raise were Itoy Booth Iteiss Miller Peter Marks Pile I Pal McKenzie George It by and Mayor Hill Mr Austin v is com In said the manner solve ihe problem tint lib Iht runoffs severe dimic to the lownhuuscs ml action Ik ihe want from the lown and sue cMid tin muuiupalitv can txercist control over the eloper sub division iriemint Mr llenrj ills public services el of the igrtimuil Hi the without hi Hoard last much discuss I I lhursdiv he m w is m ide llcrl seconded I Ik tend it fore ihe director of 1 ivtnder si it his In en in nunc schools ifter ilion in the who dire is f idutiilliin outstanding mil served for miny years and retired it sime time ha vine been principals with the public school board hi Board of timer Smith and Garnet spent a lolal of in the cause of ilion in Acton the motion slated Mr Lavender said the recommendation is in iiic with board policy week a delegation before the Board presenting a petition request me the school be named Smith About sign ilures had been received Trustee Bert said the new high school should be called and District High School Regionalism has Acton to lose enough identity He added that the new principal has already In vested in a crest for his icket which reads and District High School Hinton cut rejected bid by cton lrustec Bert lop nearly million from I his J million Hoard of ilion budget failed Thursday moved an to the motion lo Ihe budget calling for a per cent reduction lo see million chopped from the portion ihe elementary school budget with teachers wages ind chopped from high school lea wages explained he wasn calling for i leather p iy cut but thought the board had mi the amount of money needed this ye lop teachers He wanled quo cut from the reserves for working funds for and ccondirv schools He thought 7H0 could be sliced from and second iry school capital funds said these monies could be recouped by the board through supple ment iry and interests funds which included in the revenue portion of Ihis budget hoard member Don Long supported ihe cost cutting move noting llu board just keeps coming up wilh new programs and adding the cost of them on to the previous year budget He said board should lake s previous comments sitting down and selling reihslic priorities lo heart I s it seems each year the budget just automatically goes up at least per tent He slated is time the trustees decided what the system can do without He if board can I cut the budget from last year total it should at hold the line WE FALL DOWN go boom say Andy and Tammy Scott 5 and 7 The two were taking part in the recreation department s public skating during the break from school 18 estate homes for Sixth Line Two days before St Pal rick Day an IB estate home plan with the Irish name of Vale of Tralce was pre lo Hills ning Board last Tuesday night The proposal is on the Sixth Line south of Highway 7 The sentiment was right for Ihe occasion and the board decided lo circulate the to all deparlments for a report from Ihe phnntr John M Consult the project develop ihe loo acre site iots hick several years He in I no policy had been on estate homes now he understood there Ik he needed motion from planning board to tin Niagara Seniors apply Town office staff report people picking up application forms for senior citizens housing almost every day One noon hour eight forms were liken away they said An appeal for applications was made Need musl be proved before construction can in Aclon Ontario Hydro trips on land diy committee Dream vacation BILL STUCKEY tried his hand at the helm of the sailing ship Polynesian one balmy day during his winter holiday Passengers were expected to lend a hand in manning the ship Besides his time at the wheel Bill helped to rig and set the sails It takes to men to raise one of the ships 16 sails StoryandmorepicturesPageBB Ontario Hydros bid for a severance for Us proposed Bradley to Georgetown Irons mission corridor ran another snag from Ihe Land Division Com last night is asking Hills council clarify lis request for assurances on Ihe use of acres in Lots 1 and on Concession The land is in Ihi name of Frank until wants lo be sure the be used as it is for and said so in a motion passed Monday met in former Township Building Council to know from Hydro through land division committee if could confirm that the proposed use will be in con with existing requirements of the cable Restricted Area Zoning by law of Ihe town tan say that can confirm what council asks said committee member Morrow We should also ask for council comments and also reason why council has asked the question After the motion lo defer the application was passed another member Bill Coals suggested to Ontario Hydro spokesman Jim that the pro vincial utility seek strong indications from council that Is willing to the land Hydro wants the land for tower sites for Ihe contro versial power line Hydro representative Mr Malheson encouraged the committee decide last on the application for Ihe so vera nee Last night decision by committee turn the ques tfon back to council delays again the provincial utility s efforts to assemble lands for the corridor In the com mitlee last meeting Ihe question was deferred until the committee got a report from ihe planning depart menl The meeting was in The planning department confirmed ihat Hydro would have apply the municipality in order to gain permission to come through Hills

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