Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1977, p. 5

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Survey reveals facts on paper readership Business biography The Acton Free Press Wednesday March 30 Kinals keeping pace with Actons growth A recent Free Press ran survey revealed that the front page and the classified pages are the most widely read by both men and women The survey was conducted by high school teacher Boris first semester marketing students who went door lodoor to ap proximately homes All subdivisions and the older pan or town were visited The survey included such lions as daily newspapers and magazines read and asked for a break down of individual reading habits of various pages and features the paper whether regularly occasionally or never read At the 500 homes visited some people said the Free Press is received regularly in their home Another persons said it was not The balance of ques ires had to be disqualified during the tabulation by a Free Press reporter as pertinent in formation was not given or filled out incorrectly Then it ell Of the 199 men interviewed did not receive the paper The study showed that 132 men read the front page regularly with men reading it first The sports pages Has the favorite among the men with 106 reading it regularly Thirty six men turn to this section first with men reading it second The next most popular among the men was the classified pages with regular male readers Three men turn to this part of of the paper first The coming events was next in line with regular readers Four men read this section second and 13 read it third The survey was broken up into five age groups 4019 and 60 and There were men in in the youngest age group with who receive the paper The study showed that the front page and the sports section were lied for regular readers with each In the further break down men read the front first and IB read the sports first In each case one person never read either page The next favorite was the classified pages with regular readers One man said he turned to this section first and 12 said they read it third The coming events were the next favorite with 17 regular readers 18 readers Advertising and births deaths and marriages tied for the next pot with 13 regular readers In the age group were interviewed with who didn I read the paper The front page had regular readers with 30 men reading it first The classified ads were next in line with regular readers and two men turned to it first Sports pages see regular readers each week with nine men turning lo it first Council news was next with regular readers Twtnly nine men read the front page regularly in the 49 age bracket with men reading ll first Sports pages trailed a close second with regular readers and seven persons reading it first The family page was the next favorite in this age group with regular readers The classified pages and council news were tied in the next spot with regular readers each Thirty five men were interviewed in his category with two who I receive the paper The front page was once the forerunner in the group with ten regular readers Seventeen men were interviewed with four who do not read the paper Eight people read this page first The family page and class ficd section tied for second place with eight regular readers each followed a three way tie between the coming events advertising and birth marriages and deaths with 7 regular readers Editorials had six regular readers and the ports was tied with council news with five regular readers each In Ihi 60 and over age group men were inter viewed with two who did not receive the paper Fourteen men read front page regularly with eight reading it first Thirteen men read the sports pages editorials and coming event regularly Seven per cent raise for staff followed by the family page with 12 regular readers Of the men Interviewed have lived in Acton less than one year have lived here one to three years and have lived here more than three years Of the homes interviewed readers have home delivery papers are store bought and seven received in the mail Women The page was most popular among the women interviewed with 188 regular readers Of this figure 109 read it first Classified section was the next most popular part of paper among the women with 138 regular readers Eleven women said they turned here first 19 read it second and 22 read it third The family page has 134 regular readers each week followed by the coming events and the advertising with 124 and 122 regular readers respectively There were women in the age group interviewed wilh who did not receive the paper The front page had regular readers with women saying they read it first The births marriages and death followed with 41 regular readers The family page was the third most popular with 40 regular readers with the classified section having regular Teaders Eighty five women were interviewed in the 3039 age group with seven who never read ihe paper Of this number read the front page regularly and 44 reading it first The family page followed in populwnly with regular readers Classified ads had regular readers and the births marriages and deaths with There were 48 women inter viewed in the age group with ten who do not receive the paper Once again the front page led in regular readers with Twenty three read it first The advertising was In second place with regular readers followed by regulars in the births mar rlages and deaths The editorials have faithful readers The front and family pages were the forerunners in the 5059 age group There were women interviewed with four who did not read the paper The front had 27 regular readers with the family page having Bir ths marriages and deaths had regular readers closely fallowed by the editorials with 19 Coming events had 18 Thirteen women in terviewed were over years of age and only one of this age group did not receive the paper Eleven women are regular readers of the front page but only four read it first The family page was the next most popular page with nine regular readers followed by the births marriages and deaths and the coming events with eight regular readers each Editorials and ad vcrlisemenls placed third with seven regular readers each Of the women inter viewed have lived in town more than three years with 75 of Ihem living hero one to three years Forty five of the women have been here less than one year Home delivery is the most popular with 139 Papers bought in stores totalled and five people receive the paper in the mall Papers magazines The Toronto Star teemed like popular daily paper read by local residents with Globe and Mail and Sun behind by a wide margin National Geo graphic Readers Digest Chatelaine and Playboy were the mosl popular magazines One of the main reasons the people who do not take paper gave was they work out of town and are not in in Acton Other reasons were no time and can I afford it Fifth of a series Mike Kinal is to borrow the familiar phrase a sign of the limes He himself has not only grown with the town but his store has also Owner of Acton Home Hardware Mr Kmal was not new lo the retail business when he settled in Acton five years ago with his wife and two children Charlie and Susan 12 For 14 years he worked for SS KresgeCo in stores all over Canada From Ihere he went to K Mart in Brampton where he was manager After commuting for a few years Brampton from each day Mr Kmal heard Mac Symon had his small hardware business up Tor sale in Acton Both the Kinals love small lowns and decided buy the business In five years the family has lived here all four mem bers have become very involved in Acton and its organizations It was Mr and Mrs Kinal who originated the Santa Claus paradea few years ago something which has been going strong ever since Both Mr and Mrs have been on the Acton Skating Club Mike once being children have taken lessons Mr Kinal was also a man ager of an all star juvenile hockey team and on the past executive of the Wellington Waterloo Hockey Assoc lalion Son Charlie plays hockey himself In addition to all this Mr Kinal has also been a mem of lhe Acton Seoul group committee He is currently a member of Acton Men and the L L IMMKIK Food and Hilton HOURS Thuri 10a m 8pm Sol am Sunday 12 Noon 8pm Tel 8532060 Seven per pay in creases were approved for 172 office clerical and technical employees by the Region Administration Committee Wednesday The adjustment Is com parable to that settlement awarded lo the members ol IBEW Outside workers at the region are represented by that union In a report to the com mitleo Personnel Director Dennis Camm said the region was restrained in it could offer by the Ann Guidelines but he felt the rales being paid were com liaises of six and seven per were also awarded to people in management and supervisory positions Ceilings of si 600 were put on increases for positions During lhe same meeting the committee approved a suggestion by Mr Camm that would provide for the presentation of a reproduction of the coat of arms as well as a gin worth about upon retirement The gift could be in mer or cash Raise for chairman Brian Fletcher Hal Ion Land Division Committee new chairman will receive a stipend per year That represents an in crease of over ihej paid Preston who served as that com mi I lee s first chairman He held the post for three years Mr Preston was appointed by council to chair the committee for the first term but Mr Fletcher was elected chairman at a recent com meeting Swing along Swings and play equipment have gone up in the park A sign of spring HOLY WEEK SERVICE Tuesday April 5th held at EVANGEL TABERNACLE 33 CHURCHILL ROAD NORTH 745 Singalong Closed MP Frank riding office will be closed Easier weekend until April 800 pm The Service SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE TRINITY UNITED CHURCH CHOIR Guest Speaker Rev W P Lewis from Spring Garden Church Toronto REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED FOLLOWING THE SERVICE Sponsored by the Members of the Acton Ministerial Association FREE BUS SERVICE Leaving Knox Presbyterian and Trinity United Church 7 30 A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Chamber of Commerce He is And to prove he practices also on the board of manage- whal he preaches Mr of the Business has opened a new store ad Improvement area planning joining the hardware bus for the new facelifting of mess He has gone to every Acton main street effort to make sure the store complements Mill St bolh in side and out Jewellery cards and gifts can be found in the new portion opened just two weeks ago Mr Kinal is very selective about the kind of people he has working in his store He likes train students and keep ihem on for several years rather than have a steady flow of newcomers who have to be taught thing about the store is belter for the customer and for he student tight now there are five students on part lime who arc Charlie and Susan Kinal Judy Pink and Pally Gordon The full time consists of assistant manager Wnlly Tony Van Heel and who works in lhe new section Mrs Kinal does all lhe office work from in voicis to payroll stiff has grown from Mr and Mrs and Mac Symon in just live years With itiL entire family working in the store Mr says it is hard to get on a vacation He pointed he has nol had a holiday in several years but shrugfecd shoulders and idm Hid Thai whit hap pens when you ore in business lor Severance granted A severance was granted by Iht Regional Land Committee to Robert for land on High wjy the fourth Line severance granted irch is for residential land A 1 levy is lo be paid 1 I it is about square CLEAROUT Lines of is MENS SHOES NOT ALL SIZES MIKE KINAL owner of Acton Home Hardware has made sure his store has grown with the town Just recently he expanded his store and brought in jewellery cards and gifts Childrens White Sheet JUST ARRIVED in time LARGE SELECTION OF SPRING and SUMMER FOOTWEAR FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Elissa Shoes 31 MILL ST E ACTON EARTH BORN SHAMPOO 25 More Special ML ADORN FIRM FREE HAIR SPRAY 225 ML GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE CREAM 7 ounce 79 for SPRING and EASTER JCLAIROL SASSY PROTEINENRICHED C0ND 300 ML EARTH BORN CREME RINSE 79 Special ML 59 LIQUID Antacid Nonconstipating 1 12 oz PIUS See our excellent selection of Candies for taster and faster Cards MANY MANY MOM SPRING and VALUtS

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